// Retrieves data to be displayed in the selector
        protected override IEnumerable <HtmlOptionItem> GetHtmlOptions()
            // Perform data retrieval operations here
            // The following example retrieves all pages of the 'DancingGoatMvc.Article' page type
            // located under the 'Articles' section of the Dancing Goat sample website
            DocumentQuery query = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments("DancingGoatMvc.Article")
                                  .Path("/Articles/", PathTypeEnum.Children)
                                  .Columns("DocumentName", "DocumentGUID")

            var sampleData = query.ToList().Select(x => new { Name = x.DocumentName,
                                                              Guid = x.DocumentGUID.ToString() });

            // Iterates over retrieved data and transforms it into SelectListItems
            foreach (var item in sampleData)
                var listItem = new HtmlOptionItem()
                    Value = item.Guid,
                    Text  = item.Name

                yield return(listItem);