Пример #1
        public async Task FullLogging()
            string documentName = "projects/my-project/databases/(default)/documents/games/xyz";
            var    data         = new DocumentEventData
                OldValue = new Document
                    Name   = documentName,
                    Fields =
                        { "highScore", new Value {
                              IntegerValue = 10
                          } },
                        { "name",      new Value {
                              StringValue = "Function Tester"
                          } }
                Value = new Document
                    Name   = documentName,
                    Fields =
                        { "highScore", new Value {
                              IntegerValue = 20
                          } },
                        { "name",      new Value {
                              StringValue = "Function Tester"
                          } }

            await ExecuteCloudEventRequestAsync(
                new Uri("//firestore.googleapis.com/projects/my-project"),

            var logEntries = GetFunctionLogEntries();

            var expectedMessages = new[]
                "Function triggered by event on documents/games/xyz",
                "Event type: google.cloud.firestore.document.v1.updated",
                "Old value: highScore: 10, name: Function Tester",
                "New value: highScore: 20, name: Function Tester"
            var actualMessages = GetFunctionLogEntries().Select(entry => entry.Message).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(expectedMessages, actualMessages);
Пример #2
        public async Task MissingFieldsIgnored()
            // There really would normally be Value or OldValue, but it's simpler to test
            // a completely empty payload.
            var data = new DocumentEventData();

            await ExecuteCloudEventRequestAsync(
                new Uri("//firestore.googleapis.com/projects/my-project"),

            // We still have the trigger and type log entries, but not the values.
            Assert.Equal(2, GetFunctionLogEntries().Count);