public void CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndFormsTest()
            // Configure the envelope information
            DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeInformation envelopeInfo = new DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeInformation();
            envelopeInfo.AccountId = _accountId;
            envelopeInfo.EmailBlurb = "testing docusign creation services";
            envelopeInfo.Subject = "create envelope from templates and forms test";

            DocuSignWeb.CompositeTemplate template = new DocuSignWeb.CompositeTemplate();

            DocuSignWeb.Recipient recipient1 = new DocuSignWeb.Recipient();
            recipient1.UserName = "******";
            // TODO: replace the email string with an actual email
            recipient1.Email = "test email one";
            recipient1.Type = DocuSignWeb.RecipientTypeCode.Signer;
            recipient1.RequireIDLookup = false;
            recipient1.RequireIDLookupSpecified = true;
            recipient1.RoutingOrder = 1;
            recipient1.RoutingOrderSpecified = true;
            recipient1.RoleName = "One";
            recipient1.ID = "1";

            DocuSignWeb.Recipient recipient2 = new DocuSignWeb.Recipient();
            recipient2.UserName = "******";
            // TODO: replace the email string with an actual email
            recipient2.Email = "test email two";
            recipient2.Type = DocuSignWeb.RecipientTypeCode.Signer;
            recipient2.RequireIDLookup = false;
            recipient2.RequireIDLookupSpecified = true;
            recipient2.RoutingOrder = 2;
            recipient2.RoutingOrderSpecified = true;
            recipient2.RoleName = "Two";
            recipient2.ID = "2";

            DocuSignWeb.Recipient[] signers = { recipient1, recipient2 };

            // Configure the inline templates
            DocuSignWeb.InlineTemplate inlineTemplate = new DocuSignWeb.InlineTemplate();
            inlineTemplate.Sequence = "1";
            inlineTemplate.Envelope = new DocuSignWeb.Envelope();
            inlineTemplate.Envelope.Recipients = signers;
            inlineTemplate.Envelope.AccountId = _accountId;

            // This tab matches the DateSigned tab assigned to recipient one
            DocuSignWeb.Tab tab1 = new DocuSignWeb.Tab();
            tab1.RecipientID = "1";
            tab1.TabLabel = "DocuSignDateSignedOne";
            tab1.Type = DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.DateSigned;

            // This tab matches the SignHere tabs assigned to recipient two
            DocuSignWeb.Tab tab2 = new DocuSignWeb.Tab();
            tab2.RecipientID = "2";
            tab2.TabLabel = "SignTwo\\*";
            tab2.Type = DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.SignHere;

            // This tab matches the SignHere tabs assigned to recipient one
            DocuSignWeb.Tab tab3 = new DocuSignWeb.Tab();
            tab3.RecipientID = "1";
            tab3.TabLabel = "SignOne\\*";
            tab3.Type = DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.SignHere;

            // This tab matches the DateSigned tab assigned to recipient two
            DocuSignWeb.Tab tab4 = new DocuSignWeb.Tab();
            tab4.RecipientID = "2";
            tab4.TabLabel = "DocuSignDateSignedTwo";
            tab4.Type = DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.DateSigned;

            // This tab matches nothing -- but that's okay!
            // It will just get discarded
            DocuSignWeb.Tab tab5 = new DocuSignWeb.Tab();
            tab5.RecipientID = "1";
            tab5.TabLabel = "asdf";
            tab5.Type = DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.FullName;

            inlineTemplate.Envelope.Tabs = new DocuSignWeb.Tab[] { tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5 };

            template.InlineTemplates = new DocuSignWeb.InlineTemplate[] { inlineTemplate };

            // Configure the document
            template.Document = new DocuSignWeb.Document();
            template.Document.ID = "1";
            template.Document.Name = "Form Document";
            template.Document.PDFBytes = Resource.LoremIpsum;
            template.Document.TransformPdfFields = true;
            template.Document.FileExtension = "pdf";

            // Create draft with all the composite template information
            DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeStatus status = _apiClient.CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndForms(envelopeInfo, new DocuSignWeb.CompositeTemplate[] { template/*, template2*/ }, false);

            // Confirm that the envelope has been assigned an ID

            // Confirm that we have the correct number of tabs for each recipient
            Assert.AreEqual(3, status.RecipientStatuses[0].TabStatuses.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, status.RecipientStatuses[1].TabStatuses.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Envelope Id is {0}", status.EnvelopeID);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a basic envelope with documents and tabs in preparation for sending
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="envelope">already created envelope</param>
 /// <returns>updated envelope</returns>
 internal static DocuSignWeb.Envelope CreateEnvelopeWithDocumentAndTabs(DocuSignWeb.Envelope envelope)
     envelope.Documents = new DocuSignWeb.Document[1];
     DocuSignWeb.Document doc = new DocuSignWeb.Document();
     doc.ID = "1";
     doc.Name = "Picture PDF";
     doc.PDFBytes = Resource.picturePdf;
     envelope.Documents[0] = doc;
     DocuSignWeb.Tab tab = new DocuSignWeb.Tab();
     tab.DocumentID = "1";
     tab.RecipientID = "1";
     tab.Type = DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.SignHere;
     tab.PageNumber = "1";
     tab.XPosition = "100";
     tab.YPosition = "100";
     envelope.Tabs = new DocuSignWeb.Tab[1];
     envelope.Tabs[0] = tab;
     return envelope;