public IList<Patient> RetrievePatients(Doctor doctor) { IList<Patient> patients = new List<Patient>(); int i = _cart.Count; if (doctor.Name == "NO") { Patient patient = new Patient(); patient.Name = "James Bond"; patient.Address = "Jamaica"; patients.Add(patient); patient = new Patient(); patient.Name = "Felix Leiter"; patient.Address = "New York"; patients.Add(patient); patient = new Patient(); patient.Name = "Miss Moneypenny"; patient.Address = "London"; patients.Add(patient); } return patients; }
public bool AddDoctor(Doctor instance) { dataBase.Doctor.InsertOnSubmit(instance); dataBase.Doctor.Context.SubmitChanges(); return true; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox2.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox3.Text)) { DataClasses1DataContext doctorContext= new DataClasses1DataContext(); Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.doctorName = textBox1.Text; doctor.doctorID = textBox2.Text; doctor.gloveSize = Decimal.Parse(textBox3.Text); doctorContext.Doctors.InsertOnSubmit(doctor); doctorContext.SubmitChanges(); textBox1.Text = ""; textBox2.Text = ""; textBox3.Text = ""; Form1.GetDoctors(); loadDoctors(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Cannot be empty...", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong, does the doctor already exist? Please try again...", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void AddDoctor(Doctor doctor) { using (var conn = CreateConnection()) { try { var cmd = new SqlCommand("appSchema.usp_adddoctor", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Fnamn", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = doctor.FirstName; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Enamn", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = doctor.LastName; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Läkartyp", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = int.Parse(doctor.DoctorTypes); cmd.Parameters.Add("@LäkareID", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); doctor.DoctorID = (int)cmd.Parameters["@LäkareID"].Value; } catch { throw new ApplicationException("Ett fell uppstod"); } } }
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PutDoctor(int id, Doctor doctor) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } if (id != doctor.ID) { return BadRequest(); } db.Entry(doctor).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!DoctorExists(id)) { return NotFound(); } else { throw; } } return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: Doctor::Doctor(const Doctor& oldDoctor) // Purpose: Implementation of Doctor::Doctor() // Parameters: // - oldDoctor // Return: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Doctor(Doctor oldDoctor) { name =; professionalism = oldDoctor.professionalism; isBusy = oldDoctor.isBusy; Console.Write("Copying constructor for Doctor has been launched."); Console.Write("\n"); }
public bool DoctorWouldExceedMaxConsecutiveShifts(Slot slot, Doctor doctor) { if (MaxConsecutiveShifts == 0) return false; var list = GetSlotsByDoctorAndRotation(doctor, slot).ToList(); list.Add(slot); return CalcMaxConsecutiveShifts(list.OrderBy(x => x.week)) > MaxConsecutiveShifts; }
/// <summary> /// Registers a user. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="login">The login.</param> /// <param name="passwd">The passwd.</param> public void Register(string name, string login, string passwd) { Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Name = name.ToUpper(); doctor.Login = login.ToLower(); doctor.Password = passwd; doctors.Add(doctor.Login, doctor); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: Hospital::Hospital() // Purpose: Implementation of Hospital::Hospital() // Return: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Hospital() { Console.Write("Default constructor for Hospital has been launched."); Console.Write("\n"); Patient patient = new Patient(); Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); Diag_center diag_center = new Diag_center(); Clock clock = new Clock(); }
public frmTurno() { InitializeComponent(); this.calendar1.TimeUnitsOffset = -16; Doctor objDoctor = new Doctor(); ArrayList colDoctor = new ArrayList(); colDoctor = objDoctor.coleccion(); if (Usuario.getFlag()) { // EL USUARIO ES SECRETARIA for (int i = 0; i < colDoctor.Count; i++) { objDoctor = (Doctor)colDoctor[i]; vOutlookItem tab = new vOutlookItem(); tab.Text = objDoctor.getMatricula(); tab.HeaderText = objDoctor.getApellido(); tab.Click += new EventHandler(this.tab_Click); this.vOutlookNavPane1.Items.Add(tab); } } else if (Usuario.getAdmin()) { // EL USUARIO ES ADMINISTRADOR for (int i = 0; i < colDoctor.Count; i++) { objDoctor = (Doctor)colDoctor[i]; vOutlookItem tab = new vOutlookItem(); tab.Text = objDoctor.getMatricula(); tab.HeaderText = objDoctor.getApellido(); tab.Click += new EventHandler(this.tab_Click); this.vOutlookNavPane1.Items.Add(tab); } } else { // EL USUARIO ES DOCTOR for (int i = 0; i < colDoctor.Count; i++) { objDoctor = (Doctor)colDoctor[i]; if (objDoctor.getMatricula() == Usuario.getMatricula()) { vOutlookItem tab = new vOutlookItem(); tab.Text = objDoctor.getMatricula(); tab.HeaderText = objDoctor.getApellido(); tab.Click += new EventHandler(this.tab_Click); this.vOutlookNavPane1.Items.Add(tab); break; } } } }
public void FalseWhenDoctorDoesnotExceedMaxShiftsForDoctor() { var doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Name = "House"; doctor.MaxShifts = 5; doctor.TotalShiftCount = 2; var scheduler = new Scheduler(); Assert.IsFalse(scheduler.DoctorHasExceededHisPersonalMaxShifts(new Slot(new DateTime(2011, 9, 3), "CT", 2, true, 1, true, 1), doctor)); }
public bool DoctorHasExceededMaxDaysThisRotation(Slot slot, Doctor doctor) { if (MaxShiftsPerRotation == 0) return false; var list = GetSlotsByDoctorAndRotation(doctor, slot).ToList(); list.Add(slot); return CountShifts(list) > MaxShiftsPerRotation; }
public TestDoctor(Doctor r) { doctor = r; if (doctor.ContactDtos != null) foreach (ContactDto i in doctor.ContactDtos) cnts.Add(new TestContact(i)); lpu = new TestCoding(doctor.Lpu); person = new TestPerson(doctor.Person); position = new TestCoding(doctor.Position); role = new TestCoding(doctor.Role); speciality = new TestCoding(doctor.Speciality); }
public void ThisDoctorWasChosen(Doctor chosenDoctor, bool is24) { var doctor = doctors.Where(x => x.Name == chosenDoctor.Name).First(); if (is24) { doctor.DoubleShiftsWorked++; doctor.TotalShiftCount = doctor.TotalShiftCount + 2; } else { doctor.TotalShiftCount++; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var doctor = new Doctor(); int id = 0; int.TryParse(txtID.Text,out id); doctor.ID = id; doctor.Name = txtName.Text; doctor.Description = txtDescription.Text; _doctorAccessor.InsertOrUpdate(doctor); ClearControls(); RefreshGridView(); }
public void FalseWhenMaxShiftsPerRotationIsZero() { var doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Name = "House"; var scheduler = new Scheduler(); scheduler.Schedule = new List<Slot>(); scheduler.Schedule.Add(new Slot(new DateTime(2011, 9, 3), "CT", 2, true, 1, true, 1)); scheduler.Schedule.Add(new Slot(new DateTime(2011, 9, 10), "CT", 2, true, 2, true, 1)); scheduler.Schedule.Add(new Slot(new DateTime(2011, 9, 17), "CT", 2, true, 3, true, 1)); scheduler.Schedule[0].doctor = doctor; scheduler.MaxShiftsPerRotation = 0; Assert.IsFalse(scheduler.DoctorHasExceededMaxDaysThisRotation(scheduler.Schedule[1], doctor)); }
public ServiceAuthentification() { Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Name = "NO"; doctor.Login = doctor.Name.ToLower(); doctor.Password = "******"; doctors.Add(doctor.Login, doctor); doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Name = "JECKIL"; doctor.Login = doctor.Name.ToLower(); doctor.Password = "******"; doctors.Add(doctor.Login, doctor); }
private void GetWorklist() { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("connString"); DataSet wrkListNotAttended = new DataSet(); DataSet wrkListAttended =new DataSet(); Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Username = Session["UserName"].ToString(); ; BusinessLayer businessLayerObj = new BusinessLayer(); wrkListNotAttended = businessLayerObj.getWorkList(false,doctor, connectionString); wrkListAttended = businessLayerObj.getWorkList(true, doctor,connectionString); GridView1.DataSource = wrkListNotAttended; GridView2.DataSource = wrkListAttended; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView2.DataBind(); }
private int DoctorFaker() { var doctor = new Doctor() { Name = Faker.NameFaker.FirstName(), Surname = Faker.NameFaker.LastName(), OfficeNumber = Faker.NumberFaker.Number(1,30), WorkHourId = 1, ContactData = Faker.StringFaker.Numeric(9) }; doctor.UserName = doctor.Name[0] + doctor.Surname; context.Doctors.AddOrUpdate(doctor); context.SaveChanges(); return doctor.Id; }
public object Doctors(int count = 1, int sleepMs=0, int minPatientCount=0, int maxPatientCount=10) { // WorkContext.Response.Buffered = false; var result = new List<Doctor>(); for(var i=0; i<count; i++) { var doctor = new Doctor { ID = i, Certified = i%2==0, Name = "Doctor # "+i, //NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(15), Patients = new List<Patient>() }; var pcount = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(minPatientCount, maxPatientCount); for (var j=0; j<pcount; j++) { var patient = new Patient { ID = i*1000+j, AdmissionDate = DateTime.Now, Balance = j*123.11m, DischargeDate = i%3==0?(DateTime?)null:DateTime.Now, Name = "Patient # "+j, Status = i%7==0?PatientStatus.Admitted:PatientStatus.Discharged, }; patient.BinData = new byte[ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(0,7)]; for(var k=0; k<patient.BinData.Length; k++) patient.BinData[k] = (byte)ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(0, 255); doctor.Patients.Add(patient); } if (sleepMs>0)//Simulate some kind of DB access System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(0, sleepMs)); result.Add(doctor); } return result; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Patient patient = new Patient("Tim","12-08-2015","20-08-2015","Cook","Physician","Fortis"); Console.WriteLine(patient.ToString()); //Now, we can add insurance by aggregation patient.Insurance = new LifeInsurance { CompanyName = "HDFC", PolicyName = "LIFE-AXA" }; Console.WriteLine(patient.ToString()); //Doctor is having DoctorInfo and inheriting ToString() method Doctor doctor = new Doctor("Peter", "Orthopaedics","Apollo"); Console.WriteLine(doctor); Console.WriteLine(doctor.Information("Some")); //Now Call Information Method from different Instances DoctorInfo doctorInfo = new DoctorInfo("John","Surgeon","Goverment"); //Another scenario //IS A relationship comes into picture. DoctorInfo doctorInfo2 = new Doctor("Michael", "Cardiologists","Private"); Console.WriteLine(doctorInfo2.Information("New Information Type added")); Console.WriteLine("Printing Collection!"); List<DoctorInfo>doctorInfos=new List<DoctorInfo>(); //Adding in collection doctorInfos.Add(doctorInfo); doctorInfos.Add(doctor); doctorInfos.Add(doctorInfo2); //Printing the collection foreach (var infos in doctorInfos) { Console.WriteLine(infos.Information()); } // Console.WriteLine(doctorInfo.Information()); // Console.WriteLine(doctor.Information()); Console.ReadLine(); }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PersistDoctorRequest dRequest = new PersistDoctorRequest(); Doctor doc = new Doctor(); dRequest.SecurityToken = "ABC123"; dRequest.PersistAction = PersistType.Insert; proxy = new WebRef.Service(); proxy.Url = new Uri(proxy.Url).AbsoluteUri; // Package customer data in customer transfer object DoctorTransferObject doctorTransfer = new DoctorTransferObject(); doctorTransfer.fName = this.txtFName.Text; doctorTransfer.LName = this.txtLName.Text; = this.txtPhone.Text + "@" + ddlProvider.SelectedValue.ToString(); = this.Email.Text; doctorTransfer.user = this.UserName.Text; doctorTransfer.pass = Session["Pass"].ToString(); doctorTransfer.secQu = this.Question.Text; doctorTransfer.answer = this.Answer.Text; = this.txtCity.Text; doctorTransfer.dOBirth = this.txtDoB.Text; doctorTransfer.gender = rdGender.Text; doctorTransfer.LicType = ddlLic.Text; doctorTransfer.NatProvID = txtProvID.Text; doctorTransfer.officeAdr = this.txtAddr.Text; doctorTransfer.PrmSpl = this.ddlPrmSpl.Text; doctorTransfer.state = this.txtState.Text; doctorTransfer.title = "Mr."; = this.txtZip.Text; dRequest.Doctor = doctorTransfer; // Issue customer list request to web service PersistDoctorResponse dResponse = proxy.PersistDoctor(dRequest); if (dResponse.Acknowledge == AcknowledgeType.Success) { Session["DocID"] = dResponse.Doctor.docID.ToString(); } else Literal2.Text = "Failure to add the user"; Server.Transfer("~/General/Login.aspx"); }
/// <summary> /// GET api/doctor/5?includeChildren=true /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Doctor ID</param> /// <param name="children"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Doctor Get(int id, string children = "") { string[] childrenArray = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(children)) { childrenArray = children.Split(','); } var doctor = Doctor.Find(i => i.Id == id, includes: childrenArray); if (doctor == null || doctor.Id == 0) { doctor = new Doctor(); var person = Person.Find(i => i.Id == id); doctor.Person = person; } return doctor; }
public TestDoctor(Doctor r) { doctor = r; if ((doctor.ContactDtos != null) && (doctor.ContactDtos.Length != 0)) { cnts = new List<TestContact>(); foreach (ContactDto i in doctor.ContactDtos) cnts.Add(new TestContact(i)); } if (doctor.Lpu != null) lpu = new TestCoding(doctor.Lpu); if (doctor.Person != null) person = new TestPerson(doctor.Person); if (doctor.Position != null) position = new TestCoding(doctor.Position); if (doctor.Role != null) role = new TestCoding(doctor.Role); if (doctor.Speciality != null) speciality = new TestCoding(doctor.Speciality); }
public ActionResult Post(Doctor doctor) { if (doctor != null) { Run("DoctorController.Post(id)", () => { Doctor.AddOrUpdate(i => i.Id, doctor); NotificationViewModel.AddToCookie("Processo finalizado com sucesso!", "Sucesso!", 10000, NotificationIconType.Success); }, doctor.Id); return RedirectToRoute("Person", new { id = doctor.Id }); } else { NotificationViewModel.AddToCookie("Ocorreu um problema ao salvar o registro!", iconType: NotificationIconType.Error); } return RedirectToRoute("Error", new { RedirectUrl = string.Format("~/cadastro/pessoa") }); }
public static void GetDoctors() { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); string queryString = "SELECT * FROM Doctors"; using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection)) { using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.doctorID = (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("doctorID"))) ? reader.GetString(0) : "null"; doctor.doctorName = (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("doctorName"))) ? reader.GetString(1) : "null"; doctor.gloveSize = (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("gloveSize"))) ? reader.GetDecimal(2) : 0; DoctorsList.Add(doctor); } } } } }
public IActionResult CreateDoctor(Doctor doctor) { _docrepo.CreateDoctor(doctor); return(RedirectToAction("ListDoctors")); }
public IActionResult Update(Doctor doctor) { var result = _docrepo.UpdateDoctor(doctor, doctor.Id); return(RedirectToAction("ListDoctors")); }
private bool IsEqualDoctorPersistanceAndDoctorEntity(DoctorPersistence doctorPersistence, Doctor doctor) { if (doctorPersistence.Id != doctor.Id) { return(false); } if (!doctorPersistence.Jmbg.Equals(doctor.Jmbg)) { return(false); } if (!doctorPersistence.Username.Equals(doctor.Username)) { return(false); } if (!doctorPersistence.Password.Equals(doctor.Password)) { return(false); } if (!doctorPersistence.Name.Equals(doctor.Name)) { return(false); } if (!doctorPersistence.Surname.Equals(doctor.Surname)) { return(false); } if (doctorPersistence.SpecializationId != doctor.SpecializationId) { return(false); } return(true); }
public int SaveDoctor(Doctor doctor) { this._doctorRepository.Add(doctor); return(this._doctorRepository.SaveChanges()); }
public bool VerificateOldPassword(Doctor doctor, string password) { return(_authRepository.VerificateOldPassword(doctor, password)); }
public dynamic UserCheck(User u) { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection.ConnStr())) { // TO CHECK IF IM SUPER USER AND REGISTER NEW DOCTORS SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); string EncryptPassword = Encrypt(u.Password); string Q = "Use Hospitology;" + "DECLARE @x int " + "SET @x=(SELECT dbo.[User].isDoctor FROM dbo.[User] WHERE (dbo.[User].username=@userName) AND( dbo.[User].[password]=@pass)) " + "IF(@x)=1 " + "BEGIN " + "SELECT * FROM dbo.Doctors WHERE dbo.Doctors.username=@userName " + "END " + "ELSE IF(@x)=0 " + " BEGIN " + "SELECT P.*,D.* FROM Patients as P INNER JOIN Doctors as D ON p.doctor_id=D.id_doctor WHERE p.username=@userName " + "END " + "ELSE IF(@x)=2 " + "BEGIN " + "SELECT * FROM dbo.[Administrator] WHERE dbo.[Administrator].username=@userName END; "; adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(Q, conn); adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userName", u.Username); adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pass", EncryptPassword); DataTable tb = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(tb); PatientAndDoctor patient = new PatientAndDoctor(); Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); Addministrator admin = new Addministrator(); foreach (DataRow user in tb.Rows) { if (tb.Columns.Contains("EGN")) { //Patient Data //EGN is the new username patient.Username = user["username"].ToString(); patient.EGN = user["EGN"].ToString(); patient.Password = Decrypt(user["password"].ToString()); patient.Firstname = user["first_name"].ToString(); patient.Middlename = user["middle_name"].ToString(); patient.Lastname = user["last_name"].ToString(); patient.MobilePhone = user["mobile_phone_number"].ToString(); patient.Phone = user["phone_number"].ToString(); patient.City = user["city"].ToString(); patient.Address = user["address"].ToString(); //doctor_id not username_doctor patient.DoctorID = user["id_doctor"].ToString(); patient.Email = user["email"].ToString(); //Doctor info patient.docLastname = user["last_name"].ToString(); //Start get the date string and convert it to differrent format DateTime s = Convert.ToDateTime(user["start_time"]); patient.StartTime = s.ToString("HH:mm"); DateTime e = Convert.ToDateTime(user["end_time"]); patient.EndTime = e.ToString("HH:mm"); //END get the date string and convert it to differrent format patient.docMobilePhone = user["mobile_phone_number"].ToString(); patient.docPhone = user["phone_number"].ToString(); patient.docCity = user["city"].ToString(); patient.docAddress = user["address"].ToString(); } else if (tb.Columns.Contains("id_doctor")) { //if its Doctor i should add query to add all the date for his current day Apppointments //Doctor Data doctor.IDDoctor = user["id_doctor"].ToString(); doctor.Username = user["username"].ToString(); doctor.Password = Decrypt(user["password"].ToString()); doctor.Specialization = user["specialization"].ToString(); doctor.Firstname = user["first_name"].ToString(); doctor.Middlename = user["middle_name"].ToString(); doctor.Lastname = user["last_name"].ToString(); doctor.StartTime = user["start_time"].ToString(); doctor.EndTime = user["end_time"].ToString(); doctor.MobilePhone = user["mobile_phone_number"].ToString(); doctor.Phone = user["phone_number"].ToString(); doctor.City = user["city"].ToString(); doctor.Address = user["address"].ToString(); doctor.Email = user["email"].ToString(); doctor.Picture = user["picture"].ToString(); } else if (tb.Columns.Contains("Name")) { //AZ SUM ADMIN admin.AdminName = user["adminstrator_username"].ToString(); admin.Password = Decrypt(user["Password"].ToString()); } } //I Don't want to return List<User> but for now i want to grind code //LATER TODO---->>>> CHECK BETTER WAY ! For no such user dynamic result = new List <User>(); if (doctor.Firstname != null) { result = doctor; } else if (patient.Username != null) { result = patient; } else if (admin.AdminName != null) { result = admin; } return(result); } }
public Doctor GetById(int?id) { Doctor doctor = db.Doctors.Find(id); return(doctor); }
public static DoctorDto MapToDto(Doctor doctor) { return(MapToDtoExpr2().Compile()(doctor)); }
public int GetBusinessHours(Doctor doctor, DateTime date) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public IActionResult AddDoctor(Doctor doctor) { return(Ok(_context.AddDoctor(doctor))); }
public IActionResult ModifyDoctor(Doctor doc) { return(Ok(_context.ModifyDoctor(doc))); }
private IEnumerable <Client> CreateListOfClientsWithPatients(Doctor drSmith, Doctor drWho, Doctor drMcDreamy) { var clientGraphs = new List <Client>(); var clientSmith = (CreateClientWithPatient("Steve Smith", "Steve", "Mr.", drSmith.Id, MALE_SEX, "Darwin", "Dog", "Poodle")); clientSmith.Patients.Add(new Patient(1, "Rumor", FEMALE_SEX, new AnimalType("Cat", "Alley"), drWho.Id)); clientGraphs.Add(clientSmith); clientGraphs.Add(CreateClientWithPatient("Julia Lerman", "Julie", "Mrs.", drMcDreamy.Id, MALE_SEX, "Sampson", "Dog", "Newfoundland")); return(clientGraphs); }
public double GetAverageGrade(Doctor doctor) { return(_doctorGradeService.GetAverageGrade(doctor)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var context = new Pharm4MeContext(); var context2 = new ApplicationDbContext(); int userpin =; if (model.RoleName == "Patient") { Patient check1 = context.Patients.Find(userpin); var check2 = context2.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.PatientId ==; if (check1 != null && check2 == null) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email, RoleName = model.RoleName, PatientId = }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { result = UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Patient"); await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); Patient patient = db.Patients.Find(userpin); patient.Email = model.Email; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } AddErrors(result); return(View(model)); } } else if (model.RoleName == "Clinician") { Doctor check1 = context.Doctors.Find(userpin); var check2 = context2.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.DoctorId ==; if (check1 != null && check2 == null) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email, RoleName = model.RoleName, DoctorId = }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { result = UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Doctor"); await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } AddErrors(result); return(View(model)); } } else if (model.RoleName == "Admin") { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email, RoleName = model.RoleName }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { result = UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Admin"); await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } AddErrors(result); return(View(model)); } else { Pharmacist check1 = context.Pharmacists.Find(userpin); var check2 = context2.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.PharmacistId ==; if (check1 != null && check2 == null) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email, RoleName = model.RoleName, PharmacistId = }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { result = UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Manager"); await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } AddErrors(result); return(View(model)); } } AddCustomizeError("Invalid Pin Code"); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public Doctor Create(Doctor doctor) { coronaVirusDbContext.Doctors.Add(doctor); return(doctor); }
public DateTime GetBuisinessDate(Doctor doctor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public Doctor Update(Doctor doctor) { coronaVirusDbContext.Entry(doctor).State = EntityState.Modified; return(doctor); }
public IActionResult CreateDoctor(Doctor doctor) { _service.CreateDoctor(doctor); return(Ok()); }
public List <ValidationOfMedicament> GetMedicamentsOnValidationForDoctor(Doctor doctor) { return(validationOfMedicamentRepository.GetMedicamentsOnValidationForDoctor(doctor)); }
public DoctorInfoWindow(Doctor doctor) : this() { DataContext = doctor; }
public int UpdateDoctor(Doctor doctor) { this._doctorRepository.Update(doctor); return(this._doctorRepository.SaveChanges()); }
public static List<TestDoctor> BuildDoctorFromDataBaseData(string idReferral) { List<TestDoctor> docs = new List<TestDoctor>(); using (NpgsqlConnection c = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { string findDoctorsIds = "SELECT * FROM public.referral_doctor WHERE id_referral = '" + idReferral + "'"; NpgsqlCommand fd = new NpgsqlCommand(findDoctorsIds, c); using (NpgsqlDataReader idr = fd.ExecuteReader()) { if (idr["id_doctor"] != DBNull.Value) { string idDoctor = idr["id_doctor"].ToString(); using (NpgsqlConnection connection = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { string findDoctor = "SELECT * FROM WHERE id_doctor = '" + idDoctor + "' ORDER BY id_doctor DESC LIMIT 1"; NpgsqlCommand doc = new NpgsqlCommand(findDoctor, connection); using (NpgsqlDataReader doctorFromDataBase = doc.ExecuteReader()) { Doctor p = new Doctor(); while (doctorFromDataBase.Read()) { TestDoctor doctor = new TestDoctor(p); if (doctorFromDataBase["id_doctor_role"] != DBNull.Value) doctor.role = TestCoding.BuildCodingFromDataBaseData(Convert.ToString(doctorFromDataBase["id_doctor_role"])); if (doctorFromDataBase["id_doctor_speciality"] != DBNull.Value) doctor.speciality = TestCoding.BuildCodingFromDataBaseData(Convert.ToString(doctorFromDataBase["id_doctor_speciality"])); if (doctorFromDataBase["id_lpu"] != DBNull.Value) doctor.lpu = TestCoding.BuildCodingFromDataBaseData(Convert.ToString(doctorFromDataBase["id_lpu"])); if (doctorFromDataBase["id_position"] != DBNull.Value) doctor.position = TestCoding.BuildCodingFromDataBaseData(Convert.ToString(doctorFromDataBase["id_position"])); if (doctorFromDataBase["id_person"] != DBNull.Value) doctor.person = TestPerson.BuildPersonFromDataBaseData(Convert.ToString(doctorFromDataBase["id_person"]), Convert.ToString(doctorFromDataBase["id_doctor_mis"])); if (doctorFromDataBase["id_person"] != DBNull.Value) doctor.cnts = TestContact.BuildContactsFromDataBaseData(Convert.ToString(doctorFromDataBase["id_person"])); docs.Add(doctor); } } } } } } return (docs.Count != 0) ? docs : null; }
public void Run() { Random random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks & 0x0000FFFF); DateTime doctorTime1 = DateTime.Now; DateTime doctorTime2 = DateTime.Now; DateTime consultantTime1 = DateTime.Now; DateTime consultantTime2 = DateTime.Now; String str; TimerCallback callback = new TimerCallback(SetInfected); System.Threading.Timer timer = new System.Threading.Timer(callback, this, _form._infectionTime * 1000, Timeout.Infinite); Thread.Sleep(1000); // Ждем перевода в очередь смотровой комнаты _restart.WaitOne(); timer.Dispose(); // Получаем время приема пациента врачом и признак необходимости консультации int receiptTime = random.Next(1, _form._maxReceiptTime); bool isConsultation = (receiptTime % 3 == 0) ? true : false; // Пациент направляется к врачу _form._doctorsAvailable.WaitOne(); lock (_form._freeDoctors) { _doctor = _form._freeDoctors.Dequeue(); _doctor.Patient = this; } doctorTime1 = DateTime.Now; str = "---> Врач " + _doctor.Number.ToString() + " начал прием пациента " + _number.ToString() + " в " + doctorTime1.ToString() + "\n"; _form.Invoke(_form.ToProtocolDelegate, new Object[] { str }); // При необходимости консультации if (isConsultation) { str = "---> Врачу " + _doctor.Number.ToString() + " при приеме пациента " + _number.ToString() + " потребовалась консультация в " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n"; _form.Invoke(_form.ToProtocolDelegate, new Object[] { str }); // Выбираем консультанта, ждем некоторое время if (_form._doctorsAvailable.WaitOne(_form._maxReceiptTime * 1000)) { // Есть доступный консультант lock (_form._freeDoctors) { _consultant = _form._freeDoctors.Dequeue(); _consultant.Patient = this; } consultantTime1 = DateTime.Now; str = "<--> Консультант " + _consultant.Number.ToString() + " присоединился к врачу " + _doctor.Number.ToString() + " при приеме пациента " + _number.ToString() + " в " + consultantTime1.ToString() + "\n"; _form.Invoke(_form.ToProtocolDelegate, new Object[] { str }); } else { // Врач сам разобрался с диагнозом str = "---> Врач " + _doctor.Number.ToString() + " сам определился с диагнозом пациента " + _number.ToString() + " в " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n"; _form.Invoke(_form.ToProtocolDelegate, new Object[] { str }); } } // Прием у врача Thread.Sleep(receiptTime * 1000); // Если был приглашен консультант, то он завершил прием пациента if (isConsultation && _consultant != null) { consultantTime2 = DateTime.Now; _consultant.Working(consultantTime2 - consultantTime1); str = "<--> Консультант " + _consultant.Number.ToString() + " завершил прием пациента " + _number.ToString() + " в " + consultantTime2.ToString() + "\n"; _form.Invoke(_form.ToProtocolDelegate, new Object[] { str }); lock (_form._freeDoctors) { _consultant.Patient = null; _form._freeDoctors.Enqueue(_consultant); _consultant = null; } _form._doctorsAvailable.Release(); } // Врач завершил прием пациента doctorTime2 = DateTime.Now; _doctor.Working(doctorTime2 - doctorTime1); str = "---> Врач " + _doctor.Number.ToString() + " завершил прием пациента " + _number.ToString() + " в " + doctorTime2.ToString() + "\n"; _form.Invoke(_form.ToProtocolDelegate, new Object[] { str }); lock (_form._freeDoctors) { _doctor.Patient = null; _form._freeDoctors.Enqueue(_doctor); _doctor = null; } _form._doctorsAvailable.Release(); // Пациент покидает смотровую комнату str = "---- Пациент " + _number.ToString() + " покинул смотровую комнату в " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n"; _form.Invoke(_form.ToProtocolDelegate, new Object[] { str }); // Удаляем пациента из списка находящихся в смотровой комнате lock (_form._observationRoomQueue) { _form._observationRoomQueue.Remove(this); } // timer.Dispose(); // Сигнализация о завершении потока объекта пациента _form.Invoke(_form.RemoveCompletedThread, new Object[] { _thread }); }
private void SetPatientInformation(MWPAT patient, Doctor doc, string filePath) { Dictionary<string, string> allInformation = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (patient != null) { allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.CHART_ID, patient.ChartNumber); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.FIRST_NAME, patient.FirstName); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.MIDDLE_INITIAL, "" + patient.MiddleInitial); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.LAST_NAME, patient.LastName); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.CITY, patient.City); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.STATE, patient.State); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.STREET_1, patient.Street1); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.STREET_2, patient.Street2); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.ZIP_CODE, patient.ZipCode); if(patient.DateOfBirth != null){ allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DATE_OF_BIRTH, ((DateTime)patient.DateOfBirth).ToShortDateString()); } } if(doc != null){ allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_FIRST_NAME, doc.FirstName); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_LAST_NAME, doc.LastName); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_MIDDLE_INITIAL, doc.MiddleName); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_PHONE_1, doc.Tel1); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_STREET_1, doc.Address1); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_STREET_2, doc.Address2); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_STREET_3, doc.Address3); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_FAX, doc.Fax); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_CITY, doc.City); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_STATE, doc.State); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_ZIP_CODE, doc.Zipcode); allInformation.Add(IndividualRFileInfo.DOCTOR_IND, "" + doc.Ind); } Dictionary<string, string> metaInfo = this.getFileMetaData(filePath); if(metaInfo == null){ metaInfo = allInformation; }else { foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in allInformation ){ if(metaInfo.ContainsKey(kv.Key)){ metaInfo.Remove(kv.Key); } metaInfo.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value); } } this.setMetaData(filePath, metaInfo); }
public async Task <Doctor> RegisterAsync(Doctor doctor, string password) { return(await _authRepository.RegisterRepositoryAsync(doctor, password)); }
public IActionResult Get(string TypeName) { Doctor doctor = _doctorRepository.Get(TypeName); return(Ok(doctor)); }
private void Button_Click_5(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string s = dataExam.SelectedDate.ToString(); string[] lines = s.Split(' '); string datum = lines[0]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(datum)) { MessageBox.Show("Morate izabrati datum za koji želite zakazati prelged.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); dataExam.Focus(); return; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxDoctorExam.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Morate izabrati doktora kod kog želite zakazati pregled.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); textBoxDoctorExam.Focus(); return; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSmjena.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Morate izabrati smjenu u kojoj zelite zakazati pregled.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); txtSmjena.Focus(); return; } TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(FIRST_SHIFT_TIME, 0, 0); DateTime dt = (DateTime)dataExam.SelectedDate; if (first.IsSelected) { ts = new TimeSpan(FIRST_SHIFT_TIME, 0, 0); dt = dt + ts; } else if (second.IsSelected) { ts = new TimeSpan(SECOND_SHIFT_TIME, 0, 0); dt = dt + ts; } else if (third.IsSelected) { ts = new TimeSpan(THIRD_SHIFT_TIME, 0, 0); dt = dt + ts; dt = dt.AddDays(-1); } List <Examination> allAppointments; Doctor selectedDoctor = (Doctor)textBoxDoctorExam.SelectedItem; List <String> typesExam = new List <string>(); if (selectedDoctor.Type == TypeOfDoctor.drOpstePrakse) { typesExam.Add(TypeOfExamination.Opsti.ToString()); } else { typesExam.Add(TypeOfExamination.Operacija.ToString()); typesExam.Add(TypeOfExamination.Specijalisticki.ToString()); } txtVrsta.DataContext = typesExam; allAppointments = ec.getAllAppointments(selectedDoctor, dt); List <ExaminationDTO> examDTO = new List <ExaminationDTO>(); foreach (Examination exm in allAppointments) { string room = ""; string type = ""; if ( != 0) { room =; } if (room.Equals("")) { type = ""; } else { type = exm.Type.ToString(); } ExaminationDTO e1 = new ExaminationDTO(); e1.IdExamination = exm.IdExamination; = + " " +; e1.patientCard = exm.patientCard.patient.Name + " " + exm.patientCard.patient.Surname + " " + exm.patientCard.patient.Jmbg; e1.DateAndTime = exm.DateAndTime.ToString(); = room; e1.Type = type; examDTO.Add(e1); } if (examDTO.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Nema slobodnih pregelda za odabrani datum.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } DataGrid4.ItemsSource = examDTO; }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(string id) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { string cid = User.Identity.GetUserId(); UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(appDb)); var roles = userManager.GetRoles(cid); if (roles[0] == "Doctor") { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Doctor doctor = db.Doctors.Find(id); db.Doctors.Remove(doctor); db.SaveChanges(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = userManager.FindById(id); if (user == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } // Log user off if current user is being deleted if (cid == id) { HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.SignOut(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie); } var logins = user.Logins; var rolesForUser = userManager.GetRoles(id); using (var transaction = appDb.Database.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (var login in logins.ToList()) { userManager.RemoveLogin(login.UserId, new UserLoginInfo(login.LoginProvider, login.ProviderKey)); } if (rolesForUser.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in rolesForUser.ToList()) { var result = userManager.RemoveFromRole(user.Id, item); } } userManager.Delete(user); transaction.Commit(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(View()); } } else { return(View("AccessDenied")); } } else { return(View("NotLoggedIn")); } }
private void Button_Click_6(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (appointment < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Morate selektovati red u tabeli da bi zakazali pregled.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtVrsta.Text)) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Morate izabrati vrstu pregleda.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); txtVrsta.Focus(); return; } Examination exam = new Examination(); exam.IdExamination = id; exam.DateAndTime = dt; = (Doctor)textBoxDoctorExam.SelectedItem; exam.Type = TypeOfExamination.Opsti; if (txtVrsta.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Operacija")) { exam.Type = TypeOfExamination.Operacija; } else if (txtVrsta.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Specijalisticki")) { exam.Type = TypeOfExamination.Specijalisticki; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSoba.Text)) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Morate izabrati sobu u kojoj zelite zakazati pregled.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); txtSoba.Focus(); return; } string roomStr = txtSoba.SelectedValue.ToString(); int roomId = Int32.Parse(roomStr); = rc.ViewRoomByNumber(roomId); string[] ss = showName.Text.Split(' '); exam.patientCard = ap.ViewPatientCard(ss[ss.Length - 1]); ec.ScheduleExamination(exam); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0); if (second.IsSelected) { ts = new TimeSpan(16, 0, 0); } else if (third.IsSelected) { ts = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0); } List <Examination> allAppointments; Doctor selectedDoctor = (Doctor)textBoxDoctorExam.SelectedItem; allAppointments = ec.getAllAppointments(selectedDoctor, (DateTime)dataExam.SelectedDate + ts); List <ExaminationDTO> examDTO = new List <ExaminationDTO>(); foreach (Examination exm in allAppointments) { string room = ""; string type = ""; if ( != 0) { room =; } if (room.Equals("")) { type = ""; } else { type = exm.Type.ToString(); } ExaminationDTO e1 = new ExaminationDTO(); e1.IdExamination = exm.IdExamination; = + " " +; e1.patientCard = exm.patientCard.patient.Name + " " + exm.patientCard.patient.Surname + " " + exm.patientCard.patient.Jmbg; e1.DateAndTime = exm.DateAndTime.ToString(); = room; e1.Type = type; examDTO.Add(e1); } if (examDTO.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Nema slobodnih pregelda za odabrani datum.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } DataGrid4.ItemsSource = examDTO; Notification n = new Notification(); int idNotification = nc.getLastId(); n.Id = ++idNotification; n.Type = TypeOfNotification.Pregled; n.Message = "Novi termin zakazan " + dt.ToString() + " dr. " + selectedDoctor.Name + " " + selectedDoctor.Surname; n.JmbgOfReceiver = patientCard.patient.Jmbg; nc.SendNotification(n); appointment = -1; }
private void Button_Click_10(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (appointment < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Morate selektovati red u tabeli da bi otkazali pregled.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } ec.DeleteScheduledExamination(id); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0); if (second.IsSelected) { ts = new TimeSpan(16, 0, 0); } else if (third.IsSelected) { ts = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0); } List <Examination> allAppointments; Doctor selectedDoctor = (Doctor)textBoxDoctorExam.SelectedItem; allAppointments = ec.getAllAppointments(selectedDoctor, (DateTime)dataExam.SelectedDate + ts); List <ExaminationDTO> examDTO = new List <ExaminationDTO>(); foreach (Examination exm in allAppointments) { string room = ""; string type = ""; if ( != 0) { room =; } if (room.Equals("")) { type = ""; } else { type = exm.Type.ToString(); } ExaminationDTO e1 = new ExaminationDTO(); e1.IdExamination = exm.IdExamination; = + " " +; e1.patientCard = exm.patientCard.patient.Name + " " + exm.patientCard.patient.Surname + " " + exm.patientCard.patient.Jmbg; e1.DateAndTime = exm.DateAndTime.ToString(); = room; e1.Type = type; examDTO.Add(e1); appointment = -1; } if (examDTO.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Nema slobodnih pregelda za odabrani datum.", "Upozorenje!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } DataGrid4.ItemsSource = examDTO; }
public string MoveFile(string path, string file, string targetFile, string chartId, MWPAT patient, Doctor doctor) { file = file.Replace("\\\\" + System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() + "\\" +["DRR_DRIVE"] + "$",["DRR_DRIVE"] + ":"); //this is not good for deploying to another machine moving project to another machine string toReturn = file; bool isPatient = false; bool isIncoming = false; if (this.isPatientFolder(path)) { if (chartId == null) { Dictionary<string, string> d = getFileMetaData(file); if (d!= null && d.ContainsKey(IndividualRFileInfo.CHART_ID) ) { chartId = d[IndividualRFileInfo.CHART_ID]; } else { return "File has no chart Id"; } } path = data["ROUTING_BASE"] + chartId + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + path; DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); dInfo.Create(); isPatient = true; } if (this.isIncomingFolder(path)) { isIncoming = true; } if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path) && System.IO.File.Exists(file) && !IsFileLocked(new IndividualRFileInfo(file))) { System.IO.FileInfo destinationFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile); toReturn = targetFile; FileInfo sourceFile = new FileInfo(file); FileInfo targetPath = new FileInfo(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile); if (targetPath.FullName != sourceFile.FullName && !System.IO.File.Exists(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile)) { System.IO.File.Copy(file, path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile, true); System.IO.File.Copy(file, data["DRR_BACKUP_FOLDER"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile, true); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile)) { System.IO.File.Delete(file); file = file.Replace(".pdf", ".png"); destinationFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(destinationFile.Directory.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile.Replace(".pdf", ".png")); if (destinationFile.Exists) { if (isPatient) { System.IO.File.Delete(file); } else if (isIncoming && System.IO.Directory.Exists(file)) { System.IO.File.Move(file, path + destinationFile.Name); } } chartId = this.getValue(this.GetFileChartInformation(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile), IndividualRFileInfo.CHART_ID); toReturn = "Moved " + toReturn + " (" + chartId + ") \nto " + path + " Successfully"; this.setMetaData(destinationFile.Directory.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile, IndividualRFileInfo.CURRENT_DIRECTORY, destinationFile.Directory.Name); this.SetPatientInformation(patient, doctor, destinationFile.Directory.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile); } } else if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile)) { toReturn = "A file with the same name exists in the target folder. Please use a different name."; } else if (targetPath.FullName != sourceFile.FullName) { chartId = this.getValue(this.GetFileChartInformation(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + targetFile), IndividualRFileInfo.CHART_ID); toReturn = "Moved " + toReturn + " (" + chartId + ") \nto " + path + " Successfully"; } else { toReturn += " can't be moved"; } } else if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { toReturn += "Directory doesn't exist"; } else if (!System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { toReturn += " doesn't exist"; } else if (IsFileLocked(new IndividualRFileInfo(file))) { toReturn += " is in use"; } return toReturn; }
public BoundaryTest() { _medicineServices = new MedicineServices(medicineservice.Object); _adminMServices = new AdminMedicineServices(adminservice.Object); _user = new ApplicationUser() { UserId = "5f8054f4914569df2b9e7d8e", Name = "Uma Kumar", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", MobileNumber = 9865253568, PinCode = 820003, HouseNo_Building_Name = "9/11", Road_area = "Road_area", City = "Gaya", State = "Bihar" }; _category = new Category() { Id = "5f0ff60a7b7be11c4c3c19e1", CatId = 1, Url = "~/Home", OpenInNewWindow = false }; _medicine = new Medicine() { MedicineId = "5f802874c043a417142b7cc1", Name = "Medicine-1", Brand = "Brand-One", Price = 123, Stock = 10, Discount = 10, Details = "Medicine Details", Size = "100Mg", Features = "Medicine Feature for Medicine-1", CatId = 1 }; _appointment = new Appointment() { AppointmentId = "5f805687914569df2b9e7d90", PatientName = "Uma", DoctorName = "R Kumar", Takendate = DateTime.Now, Symtoms = "Fever", PatientAge = 30, Remark = "Patient Remark" }; _doctor = new Doctor() { DoctorId = "5f802b2ec043a417142b7cc3", Name = "R.R", Specialization = "MBBS - ENT", Qualification = "MBBS", PracticingFrom = DateTime.Now }; _medicineOrder = new MedicineOrder() { OrderId = "5f805550914569df2b9e7d8f", MedicineId = "", UserId = "" }; }
/// <summary> /// Попытка зарегистрировать пользователя-врача /// </summary> /// <param name="login">Логин</param> /// <param name="password">Пароль</param> /// <param name="doctor">Данные врача</param> /// <returns>Результат регистрации</returns> public static RegistrationResult RegisterDoctor(string login, string password, Doctor doctor) { return UserDao.RegisterDoctor(login, password, doctor); }
private ISpecification <Appointment> GetSpecificationByDoctor(Doctor doctor) { return(new ExpressionSpecification <Appointment>(o => o.DoctorInAppointment == null ? false : o.DoctorInAppointment.Equals(doctor))); }