/// <summary> /// Sends the specified <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsQuery"/> to the specified /// end point and return the <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsReply"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The query to send.</param> /// <param name="endpoint">The transport end point.</param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsReply"/> to the <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsQuery"/>. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown when <paramref name="endpoint"/> is <see langword="null"/>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsTransportException"> /// Thrown when a transport error occurs. /// </exception> public override DnsReply Send(DnsQuery query, IPEndPoint endpoint) { Guard.NotNull(endpoint, "endpoint"); DnsReply reply = null; IDnsTransport transport = SelectTransport(query); try { reply = transport.Send(query, endpoint); } catch (DnsTransportException exc) { // If the selected transport was TCP, we cannot fail over. // NOTE this comparison is not thread safe, but at worst it would mean // the query being sent again. if (transport == this.TcpTransport) { throw; } this.Log.Warn("UDP transport failure, failing over to TCP:", exc); } if (reply != null) { if (!reply.Header.IsTruncated) { return(reply); } this.Log.InfoFormat("message truncated, failing over to TCP, question={0}", query.Question); } return(this.TcpTransport.Send(query, endpoint)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DnsQuery.RegisterImplementation(new PlatformIndependentDnsClient()); var assembly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName); string loadingModule = null; if (!"bruce".Equals(assembly, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { loadingModule = assembly; } var argvIndex = Environment.CommandLine.IndexOf(' '); string argv = null; if (argvIndex >= 0) { argv = Environment.CommandLine.Substring(argvIndex + 1); } var shell = new BruceConsoleShell() { CommandLine = argv, LoadingModule = loadingModule, Verbose = args.Any(a => string.Equals("--verbose", a, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)), Silent = args.Any(a => string.Equals("--silent", a, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) }; shell.Start().Wait(); }
internal ARecord GetARecord(string domainName) { try { DnsQuery _dnsQuery = new DnsQuery(_dnsServers, domainName); if (Object.Equals(null, _dnsQuery)) { ExceptionExtensions.LogError(new ArgumentNullException("dnsQuery is NULL"), "Dig.GetARecord", "dns servers count: " + _dnsServers.Count); return(null); } DnsAnswer answer = _dnsQuery.QueryServers(RecordType.A); if (!Object.Equals(answer, null) && answer.Answers.Count > 0) { foreach (Answer item in answer.Answers) { if (!Object.Equals(null, item) && item.RecType == RecordType.A && !Object.Equals(null, item.Data)) { return(item.Data as ARecord); } } return(null); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionExtensions.LogError(e, "Dig.GetARecord", "Domain: " + domainName); } return(null); }
internal string ResolveEndpointToIpAddress(bool flushCache) { DnsResult dnsResult = null; DnsQuery query = new DnsQuery(DnsRecordType.A, this.endpointHostName); if (flushCache || LocatorServiceClientAdapter.lastCacheUpdate + 300000 < Environment.TickCount) { LocatorServiceClientAdapter.dnsCache.FlushCache(); LocatorServiceClientAdapter.lastCacheUpdate = Environment.TickCount; } dnsResult = LocatorServiceClientAdapter.dnsCache.Find(query); if (dnsResult == null) { try { IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(this.endpointHostName); IPAddress[] addressList = hostEntry.AddressList; if (addressList.Length > 0) { dnsResult = new DnsResult(DnsStatus.Success, addressList[0], TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0)); LocatorServiceClientAdapter.dnsCache.Add(query, dnsResult); } } catch (SocketException) { } } if (dnsResult != null) { return(dnsResult.Server.ToString()); } return(string.Empty); }
public static DnsResponse From(byte[] buffer, int length) { if (buffer == null || length <= 0) { return null; } DnsQuery query = new DnsQuery(string.Empty, Types.A); query.data = buffer; query.length = length; query.ReadResponse(); return new DnsResponse { AdditionalRecords = query.Response.AdditionalRecords, Answers = query.Response.Answers, AuthorativeAnswer = query.Response.AuthorativeAnswer, Authorities = query.Response.Authorities, IsTruncated = query.Response.IsTruncated, QueryID = query.Response.QueryID, ResponseCode = query.Response.ResponseCode, RecursionRequested = query.Response.RecursionRequested, RecursionAvailable = query.Response.RecursionAvailable, Questions = query.Response.Questions }; }
private static IPAddress GetAnswer() { try { var dnsClient = new DnsQuery { Servers = new ArrayList { new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(@""), 53) }, Domain = @"www.google.com", }; if (dnsClient.Send()) { if (dnsClient.Response.Answers[0] is Address ip) { return(ip.IP); } } return(null); } catch { return(null); } }
private async Task QueryDns(string domain, string servicePrefix, List <DnsRecord> records) { var lookup = Invariant($"{servicePrefix}.{domain}"); bool skipLookup = false; if (DomainServiceNegativeCache.TryGetValue(lookup, out DateTimeOffset expires)) { if (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow > expires) { DomainServiceNegativeCache.TryRemove(lookup, out _); } else { skipLookup = true; } } if (!skipLookup) { this.logger.LogDebug("Querying DNS {Lookup}", lookup); var dnsResults = await DnsQuery.QuerySrv(lookup); if (!dnsResults.Any()) { DomainServiceNegativeCache[lookup] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5); this.logger.LogDebug("DNS failed {Lookup} so negative caching", lookup); } records.AddRange(dnsResults); } }
/// <summary> /// Queries asn.cymru.com for a TXT record /// {Reverse-IPaddress}.origin.asn.cymru.com /// </summary> /// <param name="ipAddress"></param> /// <returns></returns> //internal string GetASN(string ipAddress) //{ // string asnResult = string.Empty; // try // { // Response resp = _resolver.Query(string.Join(".", ipAddress.Split('.').Reverse()) + ".origin.asn.cymru.com", QType.TXT, QClass.IN); // if (resp.Answers.Count > 0) // { // RecordTXT txtRecord = resp.Answers[0].RECORD as RecordTXT; // if (!Object.Equals(txtRecord, null)) // asnResult = txtRecord.ASN; // } // } // catch (Exception e) // { // ExceptionExtensions.LogError(e, "Dig.GetASN", "IPAddress: " + ipAddress); // } // return asnResult; //} internal string GetASN(string ipAddress) { string asnResult = string.Empty; try { DnsQuery _dnsQuery = new DnsQuery(_dnsServers, string.Join(".", ipAddress.Split('.').Reverse()) + ".origin.asn.cymru.com"); if (Object.Equals(null, _dnsQuery)) { ExceptionExtensions.LogError(new ArgumentNullException("dnsQuery is NULL"), "Dig.GetASN", "dns servers count: " + _dnsServers.Count); return(null); } DnsAnswer resp = _dnsQuery.QueryServers(RecordType.TXT); if (!Object.Equals(null, resp) && resp.Answers.Count > 0) { TxtRecord txtRecord = resp.Answers[0].Data as TxtRecord; if (!Object.Equals(txtRecord, null)) { asnResult = txtRecord.ASN; } } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionExtensions.LogError(e, "Dig.GetASN", "IPAddress: " + ipAddress); } return(asnResult); }
/// <summary> /// Get an empty error response with the given status code /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="statusCode"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static DnsResponse GetErrorResponse(DnsQuery query, DnsQueryStatusCode statusCode) { var response = new DnsResponse(query, null); response.StatusCode = statusCode; return(response); }
public void GoodDomainTest() { var names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("microsoft.com"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("live.com"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("live.com.au"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("hotmail.com"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("gmail.com"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("yahoo.com"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("bigpond.com.au"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("bigpond.com"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("student.monash.edu"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, names.Count); }
public SrvLookup(ServiceDnsName name, ServiceFactory <TService> factory) { Name = name; Factory = factory; SrvQuery = new DnsQuery(name.DnsName, DnsRecordType.SRV); Completion = new TaskCompletionSource <Func <TService> >(this); }
public void TestFailedLookup() { DnsQuery.Debug = true; var records = DnsQuery.QuerySrv(UnknownSrvRecord); Assert.AreEqual(0, records.Count()); }
public async Task FailedLookup() { DnsQuery.Debug = true; var records = await DnsQuery.QuerySrv(UnknownSrvRecord); Assert.AreEqual(0, records.Count()); }
//[ExpectedException(typeof(Win32Exception), ExpectedMessage="DNS name does not exist")] public void TestQueryInvalidDomain() { Assert.Throws <Win32Exception>(() => { const string domain = "thisdomaindoesnotexist123456.net"; DnsQuery.QueryMx(domain); }); }
public async Task SRV_Fail_Test() { var query = new DnsQuery("_unknown._tcp.imprezzio.org", DnsRecordType.SRV); DnsEntry[] records = await query.TryResolve(); Assert.AreEqual(0, records.Length); Assert.AreEqual(DnsQueryStatus.NotFound, query.QueryStatus); }
/// <summary> /// Encodes and returns the specified <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsQuery"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The query to encode.</param> /// <returns>The encoded <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsQuery"/>.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown when <paramref name="query"/> is <see langword="null"/>. /// </exception> protected ArraySegment <byte> WriteQuery(DnsQuery query) { Guard.NotNull(query, "query"); using (DnsWireWriter writer = new DnsWireWriter()) { query.Write(writer); return(writer.GetBuffer()); } }
private static bool GetHostStatus(string domainName) { if (RuntimeEnvironment.Environment == ApplicationEnvironment.Dev && domainName == RuntimeEnvironment.TestEmailDomain) { return(true); } var exchangeNames = DnsQuery.GetMxNames(domainName); return(exchangeNames.Count > 0); }
public void BadDomainTest() { var names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("hotmai.com"); Assert.AreEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("yahoo.co.au"); Assert.AreEqual(0, names.Count); names = DnsQuery.GetMxNames("bigpand.net"); Assert.AreEqual(0, names.Count); }
public void TestQueryMxGoogle() { const string domain = "google.com"; Log.InfoFormat("Query domain '{0}'", domain); var mailExchangers = DnsQuery.QueryMx(domain); LogMxs(domain, mailExchangers); Assert.IsNotNull(mailExchangers); Assert.AreEqual(5, mailExchangers.Count()); }
public void TestQueryMxTrademe() { const string domain = "trademe.co.nz"; Log.InfoFormat("Query domain '{0}'", domain); var mailExchangers = DnsQuery.QueryMx(domain); LogMxs(domain, mailExchangers); Assert.IsNotNull(mailExchangers); Assert.AreEqual(mailExchangers.Count(), 8); }
public void TestQueryMxSlashdot() { const string domain = "slashdot.org"; Log.InfoFormat("Query domain '{0}'", domain); var mailExchangers = DnsQuery.QueryMx(domain); LogMxs(domain, mailExchangers); Assert.IsNotNull(mailExchangers); Assert.AreEqual(mailExchangers.Count(), 1); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a query containing the specified <paramref name="question"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="question">The DNS question.</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsQuery"/>.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown when <paramref name="question"/> is <see langword="null"/>. /// </exception> protected virtual DnsQuery CreateQuery(DnsQuestion question) { Guard.NotNull(question, "question"); DnsQuery query = new DnsQuery(); query.Header.Id = DnsResolver.GenerateQueryId(); query.Header.IsRecursionDesired = true; query.Questions.Add(question); return(query); }
public async Task SRV_Query_Speed_Test() { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow; var query = new DnsQuery("_ldap._tcp.imprezzio.org", DnsRecordType.SRV); await query.Resolve(); double ms = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine($"[{i}] = {ms}ms"); } }
public void TestQueryMxGoogle() { const string domain = "google.com"; Log.Info("Query domain '{0}'", domain); var mailExchangers = DnsQuery.QueryMx(domain); LogMxs(domain, mailExchangers); mailExchangers.ShouldNotBeNull(); 5.ShouldEqual(mailExchangers.Count()); }
public void TestQueryMxSlashdot() { const string domain = "slashdot.org"; Log.Info("Query domain '{0}'", domain); var mailExchangers = DnsQuery.QueryMx(domain); LogMxs(domain, mailExchangers); mailExchangers.ShouldNotBeNull(); mailExchangers.Count().ShouldEqual(1); }
public void TestQueryMxTrademe() { const string domain = "trademe.co.nz"; Log.Info("Query domain '{0}'", domain); var mailExchangers = DnsQuery.QueryMx(domain); LogMxs(domain, mailExchangers); mailExchangers.ShouldNotBeNull(); mailExchangers.ShouldNotBeEmpty(); mailExchangers.Count().ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(3); }
public static ArrayList GetListNameServers() { ArrayList nameServers = new ArrayList(); IList <IPAddress> machineDnsServers = DnsQuery.GetMachineDnsServers(); foreach (IPAddress ipAddress in machineDnsServers) { nameServers.Add(ipAddress.ToString()); } return(nameServers); }
public void TestQuerySrvRecordHittingInternet() { DnsQuery.Debug = true; var records = DnsQuery.QuerySrv(ExternalSrvRecord); Assert.IsTrue(records.Count() > 0); var srv = records.Single(r => r.Type == DnsRecordType.SRV); Assert.AreEqual("sipdir.online.lync.com", srv.Target); Assert.AreEqual(443, srv.Port); }
public void TestDNsQuery() { var DNSquery = new DnsQuery("www.google.com", id: 0x00003245); var actual = DNSquery.GetBytes(); var expected = new byte[] { 0x32, 0x45, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 06, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x03, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 }; Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var nameServers = AKDns.GetNameServers("rcmap.co.uk."); var mxInfo = AKDns.GetMXInfo("rcmap.co.uk."); IDnsTransport transport = new DnsUdpTransport(); DnsQuery query = new DnsQuery(); query.Questions.Add(new DnsQuestion("rcmap.co.uk.", DnsQueryType.A, DnsQueryClass.IN)); DnsReply reply = transport.Send(query, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), DnsTransport.DnsPort)); }
public static DnsResponse Resolver(DnsQuery query) { const uint TimeToLive = 300; var response = query.CreateResponse(); switch (query.QueryType) { // Resolve all A queries to localhost case RecordType.A: var aResourceRecord = new AResourceRecord(query, TimeToLive, IPAddress.Loopback); response.AnswerRecords.Add(aResourceRecord); break; // Resolve all TXT to "Hello World" case RecordType.TXT: var txtResourceRecord = new TxtResourceRecord(query, TimeToLive, new []{ "Hello world"}); response.AnswerRecords.Add(txtResourceRecord); break; } return response; }
/// <summary> /// Get an empty error response with the given status code /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="statusCode"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static DnsResponse GetErrorResponse(DnsQuery query, DnsQueryStatusCode statusCode) { var response = new DnsResponse(query, null); response.StatusCode = statusCode; return response; }
public void Send(DnsQuery query) { System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(""); }
public DnsResponse(DnsQuery query) : this(query.MessageId, query.QueryName, query.QueryType, query.QueryClass) { }
public AResourceRecord(DnsQuery query, uint timeToLive, IPAddress ipAddress) :base(query, timeToLive) { this.ipAddress = ipAddress; }
public CnameResourceRecord(DnsQuery query, uint timeToLive, DnsName dnsName) : base(query, timeToLive) { this.dnsName = dnsName; }
public void Extracts_TransactionId_Correctly_From_Well_Formed_Question() { var dnsQuery = new DnsQuery(test_dot_cocktail_dot_local_A_Record); Assert.That(dnsQuery.Header.TransactionId, Is.EqualTo(1)); }
protected ResourceRecordBase(DnsQuery query, uint timeToLive) : this(query.QueryName, query.QueryType, query.QueryClass, timeToLive) { }
public TxtResourceRecord(DnsQuery query, uint timeToLive, string[] strings) : base(query, timeToLive) { this.strings = strings; }