Пример #1
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", ref available);

                argumentCount              = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "numparams", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                isVarargs                  = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "is_vararg", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                maxStackSize_opt           = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "maxstacksize", "not used", ref optional);
                upvalueSize                = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "sizeupvalues", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                constantSize               = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "sizek", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                codeSize                   = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "sizecode", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                lineInfoSize               = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "sizelineinfo", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                absLineInfoSize_5_4        = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "sizeabslineinfo", "used in 5.4", ref optional);
                localFunctionSize          = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "sizep", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                localVariableSize          = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "sizelocvars", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                definitionStartLine_opt    = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "linedefined", "used to detect main function", ref optional);
                definitionEndLine_opt      = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "lastlinedefined", "not used", ref optional);
                constantDataAddress        = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "k", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                codeDataAddress            = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "code", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                localFunctionDataAddress   = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "p", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                lineInfoDataAddress        = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "lineinfo", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                absLineInfoDataAddress_5_4 = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "abslineinfo", "used in 5.4", ref optional);
                localVariableDataAddress   = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "locvars", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                upvalueDataAddress         = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "upvalues", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                sourceAddress              = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "source", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                gclistAddress              = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Proto", "gclist", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaFunctionData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #2
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;
                success   = 0;
                failure   = 0;
                optional  = 0;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Node", ref available);

                valueDataAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Node", "i_val", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                keyDataTypeAddress_5_4  = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Node", "u.key_tt", "used in Lua 5.4", ref optional);
                keyDataValueAddress_5_4 = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Node", "u.key_val", "used in Lua 5.4", ref optional);

                if (!keyDataTypeAddress_5_4.HasValue || !keyDataValueAddress_5_4.HasValue)
                    keyDataAddress_5_123 = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Node", "i_key", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                    keyDataAddress_5_123 = null;

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaNodeData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #3
        internal static DkmEvaluationResult ExecuteRawExpression(string expression, DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame input, DkmRuntimeInstance runtimeInstance, DkmEvaluationFlags flags)
            var compilerId         = new DkmCompilerId(DkmVendorId.Microsoft, DkmLanguageId.Cpp);
            var language           = DkmLanguage.Create("C++", compilerId);
            var languageExpression = DkmLanguageExpression.Create(language, DkmEvaluationFlags.None, expression, null);

            var inspectionContext = DkmInspectionContext.Create(inspectionSession, runtimeInstance, thread, 200, flags, DkmFuncEvalFlags.None, 10, language, null, null, DkmCompiledVisualizationDataPriority.None, null, workerConnection);

            var workList = DkmWorkList.Create(null);

                DkmEvaluationResult result = null;

                inspectionContext.EvaluateExpression(workList, languageExpression, input, res =>
                    if (res.ErrorCode == 0)
                        result = res.ResultObject;


            catch (OperationCanceledException)
Пример #4
 internal DkmInspectionContext(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmEvaluationFlags evaluationFlags, uint radix, DkmRuntimeInstance runtimeInstance)
     this.InspectionSession = inspectionSession;
     this.EvaluationFlags = evaluationFlags;
     this.Radix = radix;
     this.RuntimeInstance = runtimeInstance ?? DkmClrRuntimeInstance.DefaultRuntime;
Пример #5
            public static ulong?Read(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame, string type, string[] memberOptions, ref bool available, ref int success, ref int failure)
                Debug.Assert(memberOptions.Length > 0);

                long?result = null;

                foreach (var option in memberOptions)
                    result = EvaluationHelpers.TryEvaluateNumberExpression($"(int)&(({type}*)0)->{option}", inspectionSession, thread, frame, DkmEvaluationFlags.TreatAsExpression | DkmEvaluationFlags.NoSideEffects);

                    if (result != null)

                if (!result.HasValue)
                    available = false;

                    if (Log.instance != null)
                        Log.instance.Debug($"Failed to get offsetof '{memberOptions[0]}' in '{type}'");


Пример #6
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;
                success   = 0;
                failure   = 0;
                optional  = 0;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", ref available);

                funcAddress          = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", "func", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                previousAddress_5_23 = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", "previous", "used in 5.2/5.3", ref optional);

                // Try to guess if we have Lua 5.4 using new field
                if (!Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", "u.l.trap", "used to detect 5.4", ref optional).HasValue)
                    stackBaseAddress_5_123 = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", new[] { "u.l.base", "base" }, ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                    stackBaseAddress_5_123 = null;

                savedInstructionPointerAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", new[] { "u.l.savedpc", "savedpc" }, ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                tailCallCount_5_1 = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", "tailcalls", "used in 5.1", ref optional);
                callStatus_5_23   = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CallInfo", "callstatus", "used in 5.2/5.3", ref optional, out callStatus_size);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaFunctionCallInfoData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #7
        public static string GetTypeName(
            this System.Type type,
            DkmClrCustomTypeInfo typeInfo          = null,
            bool escapeKeywordIdentifiers          = false,
            DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext = null
            var formatter = new CSharpFormatter();
            var clrType   = new DkmClrType((TypeImpl)type);

            if (inspectionContext == null)
                var inspectionSession = new DkmInspectionSession(
                    ImmutableArray.Create <IDkmClrFormatter>(formatter),
                    ImmutableArray.Create <IDkmClrResultProvider>(new CSharpResultProvider())
                inspectionContext = new DkmInspectionContext(
                    radix: 10,
                    runtimeInstance: null
              ? ((IDkmClrFullNameProvider)formatter).GetClrTypeName(
              : inspectionContext.GetTypeName(clrType, typeInfo, Formatter.NoFormatSpecifiers));
Пример #8
        internal ResultProviderTestBase(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmInspectionContext defaultInspectionContext)
            _inspectionSession       = inspectionSession;
            DefaultInspectionContext = defaultInspectionContext;

            // We never want to swallow Exceptions (generate a non-fatal Watson) when running tests.
            ExpressionEvaluatorFatalError.IsFailFastEnabled = true;
Пример #9
 internal static DkmInspectionContext CreateDkmInspectionContext(
     DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession,
     DkmEvaluationFlags flags,
     uint radix,
     DkmRuntimeInstance runtimeInstance = null)
     return(new DkmInspectionContext(inspectionSession, flags, radix, runtimeInstance));
Пример #10
        internal static ulong?TryEvaluateAddressExpression(string expression, DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame input, DkmEvaluationFlags flags)
            if (ExecuteExpression(expression, inspectionSession, thread, input, flags, true, out ulong address) != null)

Пример #11
        internal static DkmInspectionSession CreateInspectionSession(DkmProcess process, DkmThread thread, SupportBreakpointHitMessage data, out DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
            const int CV_ALLREG_VFRAME   = 0x00007536;
            var       vFrameRegister     = DkmUnwoundRegister.Create(CV_ALLREG_VFRAME, new ReadOnlyCollection <byte>(BitConverter.GetBytes(data.vframe)));
            var       registers          = thread.GetCurrentRegisters(new[] { vFrameRegister });
            var       instructionAddress = process.CreateNativeInstructionAddress(registers.GetInstructionPointer());

            frame = DkmStackWalkFrame.Create(thread, instructionAddress, data.frameBase, 0, DkmStackWalkFrameFlags.None, null, registers, null);

            return(DkmInspectionSession.Create(process, null));
        public static InspectionSession GetInstance(DkmInspectionSession dkmObject)
            InspectionSession session = dkmObject.GetDataItem<InspectionSession>();
            if (session == null)
                session = new InspectionSession();
                dkmObject.SetDataItem(DkmDataCreationDisposition.CreateNew, session);

            return session;
Пример #13
        public static InspectionSession GetInstance(DkmInspectionSession dkmObject)
            InspectionSession session = dkmObject.GetDataItem <InspectionSession>();

            if (session == null)
                session = new InspectionSession();
                dkmObject.SetDataItem(DkmDataCreationDisposition.CreateNew, session);

Пример #14
        internal static string ExecuteExpression(string expression, DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame input, DkmEvaluationFlags flags, bool allowZero, out ulong address)
            if (Log.instance != null)
                Log.instance.Verbose($"ExecuteExpression begin evaluation of '{expression}'");

            var compilerId         = new DkmCompilerId(DkmVendorId.Microsoft, DkmLanguageId.Cpp);
            var language           = DkmLanguage.Create("C++", compilerId);
            var languageExpression = DkmLanguageExpression.Create(language, DkmEvaluationFlags.None, expression, null);

            var inspectionContext = DkmInspectionContext.Create(inspectionSession, input.RuntimeInstance, thread, 200, flags, DkmFuncEvalFlags.None, 10, language, null, null, DkmCompiledVisualizationDataPriority.None, null, workerConnection);

            var workList = DkmWorkList.Create(null);

                string resultText    = null;
                ulong  resultAddress = 0;

                inspectionContext.EvaluateExpression(workList, languageExpression, input, res =>
                    if (res.ErrorCode == 0)
                        var result = res.ResultObject as DkmSuccessEvaluationResult;

                        if (result != null && result.TagValue == DkmEvaluationResult.Tag.SuccessResult && (allowZero || result.Address.Value != 0))
                            resultText    = result.Value;
                            resultAddress = result.Address.Value;



                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Verbose($"ExecuteExpression completed");

                address = resultAddress;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                address = 0;
Пример #15
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "TString", ref available);

                offsetToContent_5_4 = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "TString", "contents", "used in 5.4", ref optional);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaStringData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #16
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Udata", ref available);

                metaTableDataAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Udata", new[] { "uv.metatable", "metatable" }, ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaUserDataData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #17
 public static string GetTypeName(this System.Type type, DkmClrCustomTypeInfo typeInfo, bool escapeKeywordIdentifiers = false, DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext = null)
     var formatter = new CSharpFormatter();
     var clrType = new DkmClrType((TypeImpl)type);
     if (inspectionContext == null)
         var inspectionSession = new DkmInspectionSession(ImmutableArray.Create<IDkmClrFormatter>(formatter), ImmutableArray.Create<IDkmClrResultProvider>(new CSharpResultProvider()));
         inspectionContext = new DkmInspectionContext(inspectionSession, DkmEvaluationFlags.None, radix: 10, runtimeInstance: null);
     return escapeKeywordIdentifiers ?
         ((IDkmClrFullNameProvider)formatter).GetClrTypeName(inspectionContext, clrType, typeInfo) :
         inspectionContext.GetTypeName(clrType, typeInfo, Formatter.NoFormatSpecifiers);
Пример #18
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CClosure", ref available);

                functionAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "CClosure", "f", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaExternalClosureData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #19
 internal CSharpResultProviderTestBase(
     DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession,
     DkmInspectionContext defaultInspectionContext = null
     : base(
         ?? CreateDkmInspectionContext(
             radix: 10
Пример #20
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LocVar", ref available);

                nameAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LocVar", "varname", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                lifetimeStartInstruction = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LocVar", "startpc", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                lifetimeEndInstruction   = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LocVar", "endpc", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaLocalVariableData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #21
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "TValue", ref available);

                valueAddress  = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "TValue", new[] { "u.i.v__", "value_", "value" }, ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                typeAddress   = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "TValue", new[] { "u.i.tt__", "tt_", "tt" }, ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                doubleAddress = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "TValue", "u.d__", "used in NAN trick", ref optional);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaValueData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #22
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;
                success   = 0;
                failure   = 0;
                optional  = 0;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Upvaldesc", ref available);

                nameAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Upvaldesc", "name", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaUpvalueDescriptionData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #23
 public static DkmInspectionContext Create(
     DkmInspectionSession InspectionSession,
     DkmRuntimeInstance RuntimeInstance,
     DkmThread Thread,
     uint Timeout,
     DkmEvaluationFlags EvaluationFlags,
     DkmFuncEvalFlags FuncEvalFlags,
     uint Radix,
     DkmLanguage Language,
     DkmRawReturnValue ReturnValue,
     DkmCompiledVisualizationData AdditionalVisualizationData,
     DkmCompiledVisualizationDataPriority AdditionalVisualizationDataPriority,
     ReadOnlyCollection<DkmRawReturnValueContainer> ReturnValues)
     return new DkmInspectionContext(InspectionSession, EvaluationFlags, Radix, RuntimeInstance);
Пример #24
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_State", ref available);

                globalStateAddress_opt             = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_State", "l_G", "used in Locals Window", ref optional);
                callInfoAddress                    = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_State", "ci", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                savedProgramCounterAddress_5_1_opt = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_State", "savedpc", "used in 5.1 (*)", ref optional);
                baseCallInfoAddress_5_1            = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_State", "base_ci", "used in 5.1", ref optional);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaStateData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #25
        internal static long?TryEvaluateNumberExpression(string expression, DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame input, DkmEvaluationFlags flags)
            string result = ExecuteExpression(expression, inspectionSession, thread, input, flags, true, out _);

            if (result == null)

            if (long.TryParse(result, out long value))

Пример #26
        public CppExpressionEvaluator(DkmThread thread, ulong frameBase, ulong vframe)
            _process = thread.Process;

            var inspectionSession = DkmInspectionSession.Create(_process, null);

            _cppInspectionContext = DkmInspectionContext.Create(inspectionSession, _process.GetNativeRuntimeInstance(), thread, Timeout,
                                                                DkmEvaluationFlags.TreatAsExpression | DkmEvaluationFlags.NoSideEffects, DkmFuncEvalFlags.None, 10, CppLanguage, null);

            const int CV_ALLREG_VFRAME = 0x00007536;
            var       vframeReg        = DkmUnwoundRegister.Create(CV_ALLREG_VFRAME, new ReadOnlyCollection <byte>(BitConverter.GetBytes(vframe)));
            var       regs             = thread.GetCurrentRegisters(new[] { vframeReg });
            var       iaddr            = _process.CreateNativeInstructionAddress(regs.GetInstructionPointer());

            _nativeFrame = DkmStackWalkFrame.Create(thread, iaddr, frameBase, 0, DkmStackWalkFrameFlags.None, null, regs, null);
Пример #27
            public static ulong?ReadOptional(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame, string type, string member, string message, ref int optional)
                long?result = EvaluationHelpers.TryEvaluateNumberExpression($"(int)&(({type}*)0)->{member}", inspectionSession, thread, frame, DkmEvaluationFlags.TreatAsExpression | DkmEvaluationFlags.NoSideEffects);

                if (!result.HasValue)
                    if (Log.instance != null)
                        Log.instance.Debug($"Failed to get offsetof '{member}' in '{type}' (optional, {message})");


Пример #28
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LClosure", ref available);

                isC_5_1                    = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LClosure", "isC", "used in 5.1", ref optional);
                upvalueSize_opt            = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LClosure", "nupvalues", "used if avaiable", ref optional);
                envTableDataAddress_5_1    = Helper.ReadOptional(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LClosure", "env", "used in 5.1", ref optional);
                functionAddress            = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LClosure", "p", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                firstUpvaluePointerAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "LClosure", "upvals", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaClosureData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #29
            public static long GetSize(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame, string type, ref bool available)
                long?result = EvaluationHelpers.TryEvaluateNumberExpression($"sizeof({type})", inspectionSession, thread, frame, DkmEvaluationFlags.TreatAsExpression | DkmEvaluationFlags.NoSideEffects).GetValueOrDefault(0);

                if (!result.HasValue)
                    available = false;

                    if (Log.instance != null)
                        Log.instance.Debug($"Failed to get sizeof '{type}'");


Пример #30
        public static unsafe PyFrameObject TryCreate(DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
            var process = frame.Process;

            if (frame.InstructionAddress == null)
            if (frame.RuntimeInstance.Id.RuntimeType != Guids.PythonRuntimeTypeGuid && !IsInEvalFrame(frame))

            var cppLanguage       = DkmLanguage.Create("C++", new DkmCompilerId(Guids.MicrosoftVendorGuid, Guids.CppLanguageGuid));
            var inspectionSession = DkmInspectionSession.Create(process, null);
            var inspectionContext = DkmInspectionContext.Create(inspectionSession, process.GetNativeRuntimeInstance(), frame.Thread, 0,
                                                                DkmEvaluationFlags.TreatAsExpression | DkmEvaluationFlags.NoSideEffects, DkmFuncEvalFlags.None, 10, cppLanguage, null);

            CppExpressionEvaluator cppEval;

                cppEval = new CppExpressionEvaluator(inspectionContext, frame);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                Debug.Fail("Failed to create C++ expression evaluator while obtaining PyFrameObject from a native frame.");

            ulong framePtr;

                framePtr = cppEval.EvaluateUInt64("f");
            catch (CppEvaluationException)
                Debug.Fail("Failed to evaluate the 'f' parameter to PyEval_EvalFrameEx while obtaining PyFrameObject from a native frame.");

            return(new PyFrameObject(frame.Process, framePtr));
Пример #31
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", ref available);

                flags                   = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", "flags", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                nodeArraySizeLog2       = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", "lsizenode", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                arraySize               = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", new[] { "sizearray", "alimit" }, ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                arrayDataAddress        = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", "array", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                nodeDataAddress         = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", "node", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                lastFreeNodeDataAddress = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", "lastfree", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                metaTableDataAddress    = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", "metatable", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                gclistAddress           = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "Table", "gclist", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaTableData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #32
            public static void LoadSchema(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmThread thread, DkmStackWalkFrame frame)
                available = true;

                structSize = Helper.GetSize(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", ref available);

                eventType           = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "event", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                nameAddress         = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "name", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                nameWhatAddress     = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "namewhat", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                whatAddress         = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "what", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                sourceAddress       = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "source", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                currentLine         = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "currentline", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                upvalueSize         = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "nups", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                definitionStartLine = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "linedefined", ref available, ref success, ref failure);
                definitionEndLine   = Helper.Read(inspectionSession, thread, frame, "lua_Debug", "lastlinedefined", ref available, ref success, ref failure);

                if (Log.instance != null)
                    Log.instance.Debug($"LuaDebugData schema {(available ? "available" : "not available")} with {success} successes and {failure} failures and {optional} optional");
Пример #33
        public static DkmSourcePosition GetSourcePosition(DkmInstructionSymbol instruction, DkmSourcePositionFlags flags, DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, out bool startOfLine)
            var insSym = instruction as DkmCustomInstructionSymbol;
            var loc    = new SourceLocation(insSym.AdditionalData);

            startOfLine = true;
            return(DkmSourcePosition.Create(DkmSourceFileId.Create(loc.FileName, null, null, null), new DkmTextSpan(loc.LineNumber, loc.LineNumber, 0, 0)));
Пример #34
        public void OnBeginStepOut(DkmThread thread)
            // When we're stepping out while in Python code, there are two possibilities. Either the stack looks like this:
            //   PythonFrame1
            //   PythonFrame2
            // or else it looks like this:
            //   PythonFrame
            //   [Native to Python transition]
            //   NativeFrame
            // In both cases, we use native breakpoints on the return address to catch the end of step-out operation.
            // For Python-to-native step-out, this is the only option. For Python-to-Python, it would seem that TraceFunc
            // can detect it via PyTrace_RETURN, but it doesn't actually know whether the return is to Python or to
            // native at the point where it's reported - and, in any case, we need to let PyEval_EvalFrameEx to return
            // before reporting the completion of that step-out (otherwise we will show the returning frame in call stack).

            // Find the destination for step-out by walking the call stack and finding either the first native frame
            // outside of Python and helper DLLs, or the second Python frame.
            var           inspectionSession  = DkmInspectionSession.Create(_process, null);
            var           frameFormatOptions = new DkmFrameFormatOptions(DkmVariableInfoFlags.None, DkmFrameNameFormatOptions.None, DkmEvaluationFlags.None, 10000, 10);
            var           stackContext       = DkmStackContext.Create(inspectionSession, thread, DkmCallStackFilterOptions.None, frameFormatOptions, null, null);
            DkmStackFrame frame = null;

            for (int pyFrameCount = 0; pyFrameCount != 2;)
                DkmStackFrame[] frames   = null;
                var             workList = DkmWorkList.Create(null);
                stackContext.GetNextFrames(workList, 1, (result) => { frames = result.Frames; });
                if (frames == null || frames.Length != 1)
                frame = frames[0];

                var frameModuleInstance = frame.ModuleInstance;
                if (frameModuleInstance is DkmNativeModuleInstance &&
                    frameModuleInstance != _pyrtInfo.DLLs.Python &&
                    frameModuleInstance != _pyrtInfo.DLLs.DebuggerHelper &&
                    frameModuleInstance != _pyrtInfo.DLLs.CTypes)
                else if (frame.RuntimeInstance != null && frame.RuntimeInstance.Id.RuntimeType == Guids.PythonRuntimeTypeGuid)

            var nativeAddr = frame.InstructionAddress as DkmNativeInstructionAddress;

            if (nativeAddr == null)
                var customAddr = frame.InstructionAddress as DkmCustomInstructionAddress;
                if (customAddr == null)

                var loc = new SourceLocation(customAddr.AdditionalData, thread.Process);
                nativeAddr = loc.NativeAddress;
                if (nativeAddr == null)

            var bp = DkmRuntimeInstructionBreakpoint.Create(Guids.PythonStepTargetSourceGuid, thread, nativeAddr, false, null);


 internal CSharpResultProviderTestBase(DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, DkmInspectionContext defaultInspectionContext = null)
     : base(inspectionSession, defaultInspectionContext ?? CreateDkmInspectionContext(inspectionSession, DkmEvaluationFlags.None, radix: 10))
Пример #36
 public static DkmSourcePosition GetSourcePosition(DkmInstructionSymbol instruction, DkmSourcePositionFlags flags, DkmInspectionSession inspectionSession, out bool startOfLine) {
     var insSym = instruction as DkmCustomInstructionSymbol;
     var loc = new SourceLocation(insSym.AdditionalData);
     startOfLine = true;
     return DkmSourcePosition.Create(DkmSourceFileId.Create(loc.FileName, null, null, null), new DkmTextSpan(loc.LineNumber, loc.LineNumber, 0, 0));