Пример #1
    public static void SaveSingleVCardAsVcf(string directoryPath)
        const string vcfExtension = ".vcf";

        // Note that argument validation and exception handling is completely omitted in this
        // example. The following "if" statement only ensures, that the method doesn't destroy
        // valueable data.
        if (Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath).Any(x => x.EndsWith(vcfExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
            Console.WriteLine("The method \"SaveSingleVCardAsVcf(string)\" could not be executed");
            Console.WriteLine("because the destination directory contains .VCF files, that might");
            Console.WriteLine("be overwritten.");


        // Initialize a group vCard with composers names and live dates:
        var members = new VC::RelationVCardProperty[]
            new VC::RelationVCardProperty(InitializeComposerVCard(
                                              "Sergei Rachmaninoff", new DateTime(1873, 4, 1), new DateTime(1943, 3, 28))),
            new VC::RelationVCardProperty(InitializeComposerVCard(
                                              "Ludwig van Beethoven", new DateTime(1770, 12, 17), new DateTime(1827, 3, 26))),
            new VC::RelationVCardProperty(InitializeComposerVCard(
                                              "Frédéric Chopin", new DateTime(1810, 3, 1), new DateTime(1849, 10, 17)))

        var composersVCard = new VCard
            DisplayNames = new VC::TextProperty("Composers"),
            Kind         = new VC::KindProperty(VC::Enums.VCdKind.Group),
            Members      = members

        // Replace the embedded VCards in composersVCard.Members with Guid references in order
        // to save them as separate vCard 4.0 .VCF files.
        // IMPORTANT: Never call ReferenceVCards() if you intend to serialize a vCard 2.1 or vCard 3.0 !
        IEnumerable <VCard> referenced = composersVCard.ReferenceVCards();

        // (The extension method can be called on a single VCard because VCard implements IEnumerable<VCard>.)

        Console.WriteLine($"After ReferenceVCards() vCardList contains {referenced.Count()} VCard objects.");
            .Where(x => x.DisplayNames?.Any(x => StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(x?.Value, "Composers")) ?? false)

        // Make sure to save ALL VCard objects in referenced - otherwise the information
        // originally stored in composersVCard will be irrevocably lost.
        foreach (VCard vcard in referenced)
            string fileName = Path.Combine(

            vcard.SaveVcf(fileName, VC::Enums.VCdVersion.V4_0);

        // Reload the .VCF files:
        var vCardList = new List <VCard>();

        foreach (string fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(directoryPath, $"*{vcfExtension}"))

        // Make the reloaded VCard objects searchable:
        IEnumerable <VCard> dereferenced = vCardList.DereferenceVCards();

        // Find the parsed result from "Composers.vcf":
        composersVCard = dereferenced.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayNames?.Any(x => x?.Value == "Composers") ?? false);

        if (composersVCard is null)
            Console.WriteLine("Composers.vcf not found!");
            //Retrieve Beethovens birth year from the members of the "Composers.vcf" group:
            Console.Write("What year was Beethoven born?: ");

            DateTimeOffset?birthDay = composersVCard.Members?
                                      .Select(x => x as VC::RelationVCardProperty)
                                      .Where(x => x?.Value != null)
                                      .Select(x => x !.Value)
                                      .FirstOrDefault(x => x !.DisplayNames?.Any(x => x?.Value == "Ludwig van Beethoven") ?? false)?
                                      .Select(x => x as VC::DateTimeOffsetProperty)
                                      .Where(x => x != null && !x.IsEmpty)

            Console.WriteLine(birthDay.HasValue ? birthDay.Value.Year.ToString() : "Don't know.");