Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to query database for English language results. This will return the
        /// data in XML format. There is no way to create an additional WebGet so that we
        /// can return the same data in JSON format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language">The language needed to do the lookup</param>
        /// <param name="criteria">The partial text used to query the database</param>
        /// <param name="maxRows">The maximum number of rows that the database will return. a value of zero will return the entire set</param>
        /// <param name="contains">Indicator on whether the text is to be search from the beginning of the text or anywhere in the string</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the search results</returns>
        private AutoSuggestSearchServiceCollection Search(string language, string criteria, int maxRows, bool contains)
            // create the collection variable
            AutoSuggestSearchServiceCollection sc = new AutoSuggestSearchServiceCollection();

                // language passed to an enum
                DisplayLanguage displayLanguage =
                    (DisplayLanguage)Enum.Parse(typeof(DisplayLanguage), language);

                // Call the database query
                AutoSuggestSearchCollection dc =
                    AutoSuggestSearchManager.Search(language, criteria, maxRows, contains);

                // Use Linq to extract the data from the business layer and create
                // the service data objects
                // TermID is 0 always , that value is not part of the result received from the call to
                // Stroed procedure.But can be used in the future for other purposes.
                var collection = dc.ConvertAll(entry => new AutoSuggestSearchServiceItem(

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log the error that occured
                CancerGovError.LogError("AutoSuggestSearch", 2, ex);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// A private method that is used by both GetTermDictionary by id and Name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="byType">The  value that specifies the type of search to be performed.</param>
        /// <param name="language">This is English or Spanish</param>
        /// <param name="termId">The CDRID of the term</param>
        /// <param name="termName">The term name</param>
        /// <param name="audience">This Patient or HealthProfessional</param>
        /// <returns>TermDictionaryServiceItem instance</returns>
        private TermDictionaryServiceItem getTermDictionary(TermDefinitionByType byType, string language, int termId, string termName, string audience)
            TermDictionaryServiceItem termDicSvcItem = null;

                // language passed to an enum calling this also validates the language value passed is meaningful DisplayLanguage
                DisplayLanguage displayLanguage =
                    (DisplayLanguage)Enum.Parse(typeof(DisplayLanguage), language);

                // Call the database query
                TermDictionaryDataItem termDicDataItem = null;

                if (byType == TermDefinitionByType.ById)
                    termDicDataItem = TermDictionaryManager.GetDefinitionByTermID(language, termId.ToString(), audience, 1);
                    termDicDataItem = TermDictionaryManager.GetDefinitionByTermName(displayLanguage, termName, audience, 1);

                if (termDicDataItem != null)
                    termDicSvcItem = createTermDictionarySvcItem(termDicDataItem);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log the error that occured
                CancerGovError.LogError("TermDictionary", 2, ex);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to query database for English language results. This will return the
        /// data in XML format. There is no way to create an additional WebGet so that we
        /// can return the same data in JSON format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language">The language needed to do the lookup</param>
        /// <param name="criteria">The partial text used to query the database</param>
        /// <param name="maxRows">The maximum number of rows that the database will return. a value of zero will return the entire set</param>
        /// <param name="contains">Indicator on whether the text is to be search from the beginning of the text or anywhere in the string</param>
        /// <param name="dictionary">Which Term dicitonary to search - Cancer.gov or Genetics</param>
        /// <param name="audience">Definition audience - Patient or Health professional</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the search results</returns>
        private TermDictionaryServiceCollection Search(string language, string criteria, int maxRows, bool contains, string dictionary, string audience)
            // create the collection variable
            TermDictionaryServiceCollection sc = new TermDictionaryServiceCollection();

                // language passed to an enum
                DisplayLanguage displayLanguage =
                    (DisplayLanguage)Enum.Parse(typeof(DisplayLanguage), language);

                // Call the database query
                TermDictionaryCollection dc =
                    TermDictionaryManager.Search(language, criteria, maxRows, contains, dictionary, audience);

                // Use Linq to extract the data from the business layer and create
                // the service data objects
                var collection = dc.ConvertAll(entry => new TermDictionaryServiceItem(

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log the error that occured
                CancerGovError.LogError("TermDictionary", 2, ex);

        /// <summary>
        /// This class is the business layer that interfaces between the user interface and the API layer.
        /// </summary>
        public static BestBetUIResult[] GetBestBets(string searchTerm, DisplayLanguage lang)
            List <BestBetUIResult> rtnResults = new List <BestBetUIResult>();

            BestBetAPIResult[] apiResults = null;

            // Set collection based on current environment
            string collection = Settings.IsLive ? "live" : "preview";

            // Set language string
            // Default to English, as only "en" and "es" are accepted by API
            string twoCharLang = "en";

            if (lang == DisplayLanguage.Spanish)
                twoCharLang = "es";

                // Call API to retrieve autosuggest results
                apiResults = Client.Search(collection, twoCharLang, searchTerm);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log error if unable to retrieve results
                log.Error("Error retrieving results from Best Bets API Client in BestBetsPresentationManager", ex);

            rtnResults = apiResults.Select(r => new BestBetUIResult {
                CategoryName = r.Name, CategoryDisplay = r.HTML

        /// <summary>
        /// This methods filters the information passed to it in order to refine what
        /// will be called by the API client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language">Enumeration indicating language</param>
        /// <param name="searchText">The partial text to search for</param>
        /// <param name="size">The maximum number of items that the API will return</param>
        /// <param name="contains">Indicates whether the text will be searched starting from the beginning or anywhere in the string</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the AutoSuggest API search results</returns>
        public static AutoSuggestAPIResultCollection Search(DisplayLanguage language, string searchText, int size, bool contains)
            AutoSuggestAPIResultCollection rtnResults = new AutoSuggestAPIResultCollection();

            // Set collection based on web.config setting
            string collection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteWideSearchAPICollection"];

            // Set language string
            // Default to English, as only "en" and "es" are accepted by API
            string twoCharLang = "en";

            if (language == DisplayLanguage.Spanish)
                twoCharLang = "es";

                // Call API to retrieve autosuggest results
                rtnResults = Client.Autosuggest(collection, twoCharLang, searchText, size);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log error if unable to retrieve results
                log.Error("Error retrieving results from SiteWideSearch API Client in AutoSuggestSearchManager", ex);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to query API for results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language">The language used to query the API</param>
        /// <param name="criteria">The partial text used to query the API</param>
        /// <param name="size">The maximum number of items that the API will return</param>
        /// <param name="contains">Indicator on whether the text is to be search from the beginning of the text or anywhere in the string</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the search results</returns>
        private AutoSuggestSearchServiceCollection Search(string language, string criteria, int size, bool contains)
            // Create the collection variable
            AutoSuggestSearchServiceCollection sc = new AutoSuggestSearchServiceCollection();

            // Language converted to an enum
            DisplayLanguage displayLanguage = (DisplayLanguage)Enum.Parse(typeof(DisplayLanguage), language);

                // Pass the given API parameters to the business layer
                AutoSuggestAPIResultCollection apiCollection = AutoSuggestSearchManager.Search(displayLanguage, criteria, size, contains);

                // Use Linq to extract the data from the business layer and create the service data objects
                // TermID is 0 always, that value is not part of the result received from the API call.
                //But can be used in the future for other purposes.
                var collection = apiCollection.Results.Select(r => new AutoSuggestSearchServiceItem(

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log the error that occured
                log.Error("Error in AutoSuggestSearchService", ex);

Пример #7
 public MenuBuilder(ICollection <ProductCategory> categories, DisplayLanguage language)
     this.categories        = categories;
     this.lang              = language;
     this.leftItemsBuilder  = new StringBuilder();
     this.rightItemsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
     this.templatesBuilder  = new StringBuilder();
     this.categoriesBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Пример #8
 public void ChangeLanguage(DisplayLanguage language)
     this.GameLanguage = language;
     if (OnLocalizationChanged != null)
     EventQueue.Instance.AddQuickInfoPanel(LocalizationManager.Instance.GetLocalizedValue("LanguageChanged"), 1);
        private void DisplayDecompiledCode(DisplayLanguage displayLanguage)
            _currentlyDisplayedDecompiledCode =
                displayLanguage == DisplayLanguage.CSharp
                    ? _generatedTypesAndDecompiledCSharpCode[_currentlySelectedTypeDefinition]
                    : _generatedTypesAndDecompiledILCode[_currentlySelectedTypeDefinition];

            _decompiledCodeField.itemsSource = _currentlyDisplayedDecompiledCode;
            _currentDecompilationStatus      = DecompilationStatus.Complete;
Пример #10
        private static void DisplayDecompiledCode(DisplayLanguage displayLanguage)
            s_currentlyDisplayedDecompiledCode =
                displayLanguage == DisplayLanguage.CSharp
                ? GeneratedTypesAndDecompiledCSharpCode[s_currentlySelectedType]
                : GeneratedTypesAndDecompiledIlCode[s_currentlySelectedType];

            s_decompiledCodeField.itemsSource = s_currentlyDisplayedDecompiledCode;
            s_currentDecompilationStatus      = DecompilationStatus.Complete;
Пример #11
        public static BestBetUIResult[] GetBestBets(string searchTerm, DisplayLanguage lang)
            List <BestBetUIResult> rtnResults = new List <BestBetUIResult>();

            //Note, new NCI.Search.BestBets.BestBetsManager will clean terms for us, so we
            //do not have to worry about that.

            string twoCharLang = string.Empty; //To search all, pass in string.empty

            if (lang == DisplayLanguage.Spanish)
                twoCharLang = "es";
                twoCharLang = "en";

            //TODO: Language!!!!
            //NOTE: This can throw an exception - in the past we left it unhandled.  That is stupid, because
            //we log other errors.  Put that logging here!
            BestBetResult[] rawResults = BestBetsManager.Search(searchTerm, twoCharLang);

            //Loop through the cats and get the list items.
            foreach (BestBetResult res in rawResults)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.CategoryID))
                        log.Warn("GetBestBets(): category id is null/empty");

                    string bbResFileName = String.Format(ContentDeliveryEngineConfig.PathInformation.BestBetsResultPath.Path, res.CategoryID);

                    BestBetUIResult bbResult = ModuleObjectFactory <BestBetUIResult> .GetObjectFromFile(bbResFileName);

                    if (bbResult != null && bbResult.Display)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // The bestbet result xml file may not always be there, so catch the exception and log the error
                    // and ignore the exception
                    log.WarnFormat("GetBestBets(): could not find bb result for category id {0} Category name {1}", ex, res.CategoryID, res.CategoryName);

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a TermDictionaryServiceList which contains a collection of Term Dictionary
        /// items and the total number of records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language"></param>
        /// <param name="criteria"></param>
        /// <param name="contains"></param>
        /// <param name="maxRows">Maxrows is treated as recordPerPage or the topN records.
        /// Used for records per page when pagenumber is 0 or greater than 0.
        /// If pagenumber is -1 number records returned is specified by maxRows.
        /// If maxRows=0 and pageNumber=-1 all records are returned.</param>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">Specifies the pagenumber for which the records should be returned.
        /// If pagenumber is -1 number records returned is specified by maxRows.
        /// If maxRows=0 and pageNumber=-1 all records are returned.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TermDictionaryServiceList getTermDictionaryList(string language, string criteria, bool contains, int maxRows, int pageNumber)
            TermDictionaryServiceList sc = new TermDictionaryServiceList();

            sc.TermDictionaryServiceCollection = new TermDictionaryServiceCollection();
            sc.TotalRecordCount = 0;

                int totalRecordCount = 0;

                // No criteria specified
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria))

                // if maxrows is 0 and pagenumber is > 0 then return empty.
                if ((maxRows == 0 && pageNumber >= 0) || (maxRows < 0))

                if (pageNumber == 0)
                    pageNumber = 1;

                // language passed to an enum
                DisplayLanguage displayLanguage =
                    (DisplayLanguage)Enum.Parse(typeof(DisplayLanguage), language);

                // Call the database query
                TermDictionaryCollection dc =
                    TermDictionaryManager.GetTermDictionaryList(language, criteria, contains, maxRows, pageNumber, ref totalRecordCount);

                // Use Linq to extract the data from the business layer and create
                // the service data objects
                    from entry in dc
                    select createTermDictionarySvcItem(entry)

                sc.TotalRecordCount = totalRecordCount;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log the error that occured
                CancerGovError.LogError("TermDictionary", 2, ex);

Пример #13
        private void RegisterCallbacks()
            Button copyCodeButton = rootVisualElement.Q <Button>("Copy Code");

            copyCodeButton.clicked += () =>
                EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer =
                    string.Join(Environment.NewLine, (string[])s_decompiledCodeField.itemsSource);

            var generatedTypesListView = rootVisualElement.Q <ListView>("Scripts ListView");

            SetupListView(generatedTypesListView, FilteredTypes, 15, MakeScriptLabel, BindScriptLabel);
            generatedTypesListView.selectionType = SelectionType.Single;
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
            generatedTypesListView.onSelectionChange += OnScriptSelected;
            generatedTypesListView.onSelectionChanged += OnScriptSelected;

            var searchField = rootVisualElement.Q <ToolbarSearchField>("Script Search Field");
            searchField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string>, ListView>(OnFilter, generatedTypesListView);

            SetupListView(s_decompiledCodeField, s_currentlyDisplayedDecompiledCode, 15, MakeScriptLineLabel, BindScriptLineLabel);

            var language = rootVisualElement.Q <EnumField>("Language Popup");
            language.Init(defaultValue: DisplayLanguage.CSharp);
            language.RegisterValueChangedCallback(changeEvent =>
                s_currentDisplayLanguage = (DisplayLanguage)changeEvent.newValue;

            var fontSizes = new PopupField <int>(
                choices: Enumerable.Range(start: 12, count: 7).ToList(),
                defaultIndex: 0,
                formatSelectedValueCallback: GetFontSizeHeader,
                formatListItemCallback: GetFontSize
            fontSizes.RegisterValueChangedCallback(changeEvent =>
                s_decompiledCodeField.style.fontSize = changeEvent.newValue;
                s_decompiledCodeField.itemHeight     = Mathf.CeilToInt(changeEvent.newValue * 1.5f);

            VisualElement fontSizeRoot = rootVisualElement.Q("Fontsize Popup");

            s_decompilationStatusLabel.binding = new DecompilationStatusLabelBinding();
Пример #14
        private static void UpdateLanguageChecks(DisplayLanguage language)
            var menus = new Dictionary <DisplayLanguage, string>
                { DisplayLanguage.Auto, VRCQuestToolsMenus.MenuPaths.LanguageAuto },
                { DisplayLanguage.English, VRCQuestToolsMenus.MenuPaths.LanguageEnglish },
                { DisplayLanguage.Japanese, VRCQuestToolsMenus.MenuPaths.LanguageJapanese },

            Debug.Assert(menus.Count == Enum.GetValues(typeof(DisplayLanguage)).Length);

            foreach (var kvp in menus)
                Menu.SetChecked(kvp.Value, kvp.Key == language);
Пример #15
        private void SetReturnToTop(DisplayVersions version, DisplayLanguage language)
            this.Class = "backtotop-link";

            switch (language)
            case DisplayLanguage.Spanish:
                this.InnerHtml = "Volver arriba";

            if (version != DisplayVersions.Text)
                HtmlImage backToTopArrow = new HtmlImage("/images/backtotop_red.gif", this.InnerHtml);
                backToTopArrow.Border = "0";
                this.InnerHtml        = backToTopArrow.Render() + this.InnerHtml;
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Method will return a single TermDictionaryItem with its associated
        /// TermDictionaryNeighbors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language"></param>
        /// <param name="termName"></param>
        /// <param name="nMatches"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TermDictionaryDataItem GetDefinitionByTermName(DisplayLanguage language, string termName, string audience, int nNeighborMatches)
            TermDictionaryDataItem di = null;

            // default the audience if there was none supplied
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(audience))
                audience = "Patient";

                // Call the database layer and get data
                DataTable dt =

                // Get the entry record
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                    // build the data item
                    di = GetEntryFromDR(dt.Rows[0]);

                    // Get the neighbors
                    GetTermNeighbors(di, language.ToString(), nNeighborMatches);
                else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    throw new Exception("GetDefinitionByTermName returned more than 1 record.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                CancerGovError.LogError("TermDictionaryManager", 2, ex);
                throw ex;

Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the current language
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newLanguage">The new language</param>
 protected virtual void ChangeLanguage(DisplayLanguage newLanguage)
     CurrentLanguage = newLanguage;
Пример #18
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     input_term = string.Empty;
            string     term       = string.Empty;
            string     id         = string.Empty;
            string     mediaHtml  = "";
            PDQVersion version;
            string     pronunciation  = string.Empty;
            string     termDefinition = string.Empty;

            DisplayLanguage dl = new DisplayLanguage();

            if (Request.QueryString["language"] == "English")
                dl = DisplayLanguage.English;
            else if (Request.QueryString["language"] == "Spanish")
                dl = DisplayLanguage.Spanish;
                dl = DisplayLanguage.English;

                //include page title
                this.pageHtmlHead.Title = "Definition - National Cancer Institute";
                input_term = Strings.Clean(Request.Params["term"]);
                id         = Strings.IfNull(Strings.Clean(Request.Params["id"]), Strings.Clean(Request.Params["cdrid"]));
                //version = PDQVersion.Patient;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("TCGA:Definition.cs:PageLoad", ex);
            version = PDQVersionResolver.GetPDQVersion(Strings.Clean(Request.Params["version"]));

            ArrayList result = null;

                term           = "Error";
                pronunciation  = "invalid input";
                termDefinition = string.Empty;

                if (input_term == null && id == null)
                    termDefinition = "You have not specified either a CDRID nor a term name.";
                    if (input_term != null && input_term.Length > 0)
                        result = get_definition("term", input_term, version, dl);
                        if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("s"))
                            result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 1), version, dl);
                            if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("es"))
                                result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2), version, dl);
                                if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("ies"))
                                    result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 3) + "y", version, dl);
                                    if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("um"))
                                        result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2) + "a", version, dl);
                                        if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("ly"))
                                            result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2), version, dl);
                                            if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("ii"))
                                                result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2) + "us", version, dl);
                        id     = Regex.Replace(id, "^CDR0+", "", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                        result = get_definition("id", id, version, dl);

                    if (result == null)
                        term           = "term not found";
                        pronunciation  = "";
                        termDefinition = "The term you are looking for does not exist in the glossary.";
                        term           = result[0].ToString();
                        pronunciation  = result[1].ToString();
                        termDefinition = result[2].ToString();
                        mediaHtml      = result[3].ToString();
                        mediaHtml      = mediaHtml.Replace("[__imagelocation]", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CDRImageLocation"]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("TCGA:Definition.cs:PageLoad", ex);
            if (dl == DisplayLanguage.Spanish)
                strSendPrinter = "Imprima esta página";
                pronunciation  = String.Empty;
                //strHeading = "<h3 class='popup-definition'>Definición del Diccionario de cáncer del NCI</h3>";
                strHeading = "<div class=\"heading\">Definición:</div>";

            content = new HtmlSegment("<div class=\"audioPronounceLink\">"
                                      + String.Format("<span class=\"term\">{0}</span>", term)
                                      + String.Format("<span class=\"pronunciation\">{0}</span>", ((Strings.Clean(pronunciation) != null) ? " " + pronunciation : ""))
                                      + "</div>"
                                      + String.Format("<div class=\"definition\">{0}</div>", termDefinition)
                                      + String.Format("<div class=\"definitionImage\">{0}</div>", mediaHtml)

            //String.Format("<span class=\"black-text-b\">{0}</span>", term) + ((Strings.Clean(pronunciation) != null) ? " " + pronunciation : "") + "<p>" + termDefinition + "<p>" + mediaHtml);
Пример #19
        private ArrayList get_definition(string type, string param, PDQVersion pdqVersion, DisplayLanguage language)
            string lng = string.Empty;

            if (language == DisplayLanguage.English)
                lng = "English";
                lng = "Spanish";

            ArrayList returnvalue = new ArrayList(3);

            returnvalue = CancerGov.CDR.TermDictionary.TermDictionaryManager.GetDefinition(type, param, pdqVersion, lng);
Пример #20
 public NewsBuilder(ICollection <News> news, DisplayLanguage language)
     this.news = news;
     this.lang = language;
Пример #21
        private void OnEnable()
            this.minSize = new Vector2(1500f, 400f);

            if (_allDOTSCompilerGeneratedTypes == null)
                _allDOTSCompilerGeneratedTypes           =
                    _dotsCompilerGeneratedTypesToDisplay =
                        TypeCache.GetTypesWithAttribute <DOTSCompilerGeneratedAttribute>()
                        .Where(t => t != null)
                        .OrderBy(t => t.GetUserFriendlyName())

            VisualElement searchBarAndGeneratedTypeListView = new VisualElement
                style = { width = new StyleLength(new Length(20, LengthUnit.Percent)) },
                name  = "Search bar and list view for DOTS compiler-generated types"

            ListView generatedTypesListView =
                new ListView(
                    itemsSource: _dotsCompilerGeneratedTypesToDisplay,
                    itemHeight: 15,
                    makeItem: () => new Label {
                style = { color = new Color(0.71f, 1f, 0f) }
                    bindItem: (element, index) =>
                ((Label)element).text = _dotsCompilerGeneratedTypesToDisplay[index].GetUserFriendlyName();
                style =
                    width  = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    height = new StyleLength(new Length(98,  LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    top    = new StyleLength(new Length(10,  LengthUnit.Pixel))
                name = "List view for DOTS compiler-generated types"
            var searchFieldToolbar = new Toolbar
                style =
                    width    = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    flexGrow = 0
            var searchField = new ToolbarSearchField
                style = { width = new StyleLength(new Length(98, LengthUnit.Percent)) },
                name  = "Search bar for DOTS compiler-generated types"

            searchField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(changeEvent =>
                _dotsCompilerGeneratedTypesToDisplay =
                        ? _allDOTSCompilerGeneratedTypes
                        : _allDOTSCompilerGeneratedTypes
                    .Where(t => IsFilteredType(t, changeEvent.newValue))

                generatedTypesListView.itemsSource = _dotsCompilerGeneratedTypesToDisplay;

            searchBarAndGeneratedTypeListView.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Column;

            var canvasForOtherContents = new VisualElement
                style = { width = new StyleLength(new Length(80, LengthUnit.Percent)) },
                name  = "Canvas for: Font selection tool bar; copy buttons; displaying decompiled code"

            var canvasForDisplayingDecompiledCode = new VisualElement
                style =
                    width  = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    height = new StyleLength(new Length(95,  LengthUnit.Percent))
                name = "Canvas for displaying decompiled code"

            _decompiledCodeField = new ListView(
                itemsSource: _currentlyDisplayedDecompiledCode,
                itemHeight: 15,
                makeItem: () => new Label {
                style = { color = Color.white }
                bindItem: (element, i) => ((Label)element).text = $"{i}\t{_currentlyDisplayedDecompiledCode[i]}"
                style =
                    width           = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    height          = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    borderLeftWidth = new StyleFloat(5f),
                    borderLeftColor = new StyleColor(Color.grey)
                name = "List view for decompiled code. (A regular text field cannot display that much text.)"

            _decompilationStatusLabel = new Label
                style =
                    height         = new StyleLength(new Length(100,                     LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    width          = new StyleLength(new Length(600,                     LengthUnit.Pixel)),
                    unityTextAlign = new StyleEnum <TextAnchor>(TextAnchor.MiddleRight),
                    color          = new Color(0.71f,                                                      1f, 0f)

            #if UNITY_2020
            generatedTypesListView.onSelectionChange += o =>
                _currentlySelectedTypeDefinition = (TypeDefinition)o.Single();
                _userMadeAtLeastOneSelection     = true;
            generatedTypesListView.onSelectionChanged += o =>
                _currentlySelectedTypeDefinition = (TypeDefinition)o.Single();
                _userMadeAtLeastOneSelection     = true;

            canvasForDisplayingDecompiledCode.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row;

            var toolBar = new Toolbar
                style =
                    flexGrow =                              0,
                    height   = new StyleLength(new Length(20, LengthUnit.Pixel)),
                    width    = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent))
                name = "Canvas for: font size selector; copy button"

            var fontSizeSelector = new ToolbarMenu
                style =
                    height = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    width  = new StyleLength(new Length(80,  LengthUnit.Pixel))
                text = "Font size",
                name = "Font size selection toolbar"

            foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(start: 12, count: 7))
                fontSizeSelector.menu.AppendAction(actionName: $"{i}", action =>
                    _decompiledCodeField.style.fontSize = i;
                    _decompiledCodeField.itemHeight     = Mathf.CeilToInt(i * 1.5f);

            var decompiledLanguageSelector = new ToolbarMenu
                style =
                    height = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    width  = new StyleLength(new Length(80,  LengthUnit.Pixel))
                text = "Language",
                name = "Decompiled language selection toolbar"
                action =>
                _currentDisplayLanguage = DisplayLanguage.CSharp;
                action =>
                _currentDisplayLanguage = DisplayLanguage.IL;

            var copyDecompiledCodeButton = new ToolbarButton
                style =
                    height         = new StyleLength(new Length(100, LengthUnit.Percent)),
                    width          = new StyleLength(new Length(150, LengthUnit.Pixel)),
                    unityTextAlign = new StyleEnum <TextAnchor>(TextAnchor.MiddleCenter)
                text = "Copy decompiled code",
                name = "Button to copy decompiled code"
            copyDecompiledCodeButton.clicked += () =>
                                                EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, (string[])_decompiledCodeField.itemsSource);

            toolBar.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.RowReverse;

            canvasForOtherContents.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Column;

            rootVisualElement.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row;

            bool IsFilteredType(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, string userSpecifiedTypeName)
                           CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0);
Пример #22
 public PromotionsBuilder(ICollection <Promotion> promotions, DisplayLanguage language)
     this.promotions = promotions;
     this.lang       = language;
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the current language
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newLanguage">The new language</param>
 protected virtual void ChangeLanguage(DisplayLanguage newLanguage)
     CurrentLanguage = newLanguage;
Пример #24
 public EventsBuilder(IEnumerable <Event> events, DisplayLanguage language)
     this.events = events;
     this.lang   = language;
Пример #25
 void ChangeLanguage(DisplayLanguage newLanguage)
     _currentLanguage = newLanguage;
     VersionList      = NotifyTaskCompletionCollection <GameVersion> .Create(LoadVersionsAsync, _cachedVersionId);
Пример #26
 private static void SetLanguage(DisplayLanguage language)
     VRCQuestToolsSettings.DisplayLanguage = language;
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Event method sets frame content version and parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            string     input_term;
            string     term;
            string     id;
            string     mediaHtml      = "";
            string     audioMediaHTML = String.Empty;
            PDQVersion version;
            string     pronunciation;
            string     termDefinition;

            DisplayLanguage dl = new DisplayLanguage();

            if (Request.QueryString["language"] == "English")
                dl = DisplayLanguage.English;
            else if (Request.QueryString["language"] == "Spanish")
                dl = DisplayLanguage.Spanish;
                dl = DisplayLanguage.English;


            //include page title
            this.pageHtmlHead.Title = "Definition - National Cancer Institute";
            input_term = Strings.Clean(Request.Params["term"]);
            id         = Strings.IfNull(Strings.Clean(Request.Params["id"]), Strings.Clean(Request.Params["cdrid"]));
            version    = PDQVersionResolver.GetPDQVersion(Strings.Clean(Request.Params["version"]));
            //version = PDQVersion.version;

            ArrayList result = null;

            if (input_term == null && id == null)
                term           = "Error";
                pronunciation  = "invalid input";
                termDefinition = "You have not specified either a CDRID nor a term name.";
                if (input_term != null && input_term.Length > 0)
                    result = get_definition("term", input_term, version, dl);
                    if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("s"))
                        result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 1), version, dl);
                        if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("es"))
                            result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2), version, dl);
                            if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("ies"))
                                result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 3) + "y", version, dl);
                                if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("um"))
                                    result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2) + "a", version, dl);
                                    if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("ly"))
                                        result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2), version, dl);
                                        if (result == null && input_term.EndsWith("ii"))
                                            result = get_definition("term", input_term.Substring(0, input_term.Length - 2) + "us", version, dl);
                    id     = Regex.Replace(id, "^CDR0+", "", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                    result = get_definition("id", id, version, dl);

                if (result == null)
                    term           = "term not found";
                    pronunciation  = "";
                    termDefinition = "The term you are looking for does not exist in the glossary.";
                    term           = result[0].ToString();
                    pronunciation  = result[1].ToString();
                    termDefinition = result[2].ToString();
                    mediaHtml      = result[3].ToString();
                    mediaHtml      = mediaHtml.Replace("[__imagelocation]", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CDRImageLocation"]);

                    if (result[4] != null)
                        audioMediaHTML = result[4].ToString();
                        audioMediaHTML = audioMediaHTML.Replace("[_audioMediaLocation]", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CDRAudioMediaLocation"]);

            if (dl == DisplayLanguage.Spanish)
                strSendPrinter = "Imprima esta página";
                pronunciation  = String.Empty;
                //strHeading = "<h3 class='popup-definition'>Definición del Diccionario de cáncer del NCI</h3>";
                strHeading = "<div class=\"heading\">Definición:</div>";

            content = new HtmlSegment("<div class=\"audioPronounceLink\">"
                                      + String.Format("<span class=\"term\">{0}</span>", term)
                                      + String.Format("<span class=\"pronunciation\">{0}</span>", ((Strings.Clean(pronunciation) != null) ? " " + pronunciation : ""))
                                      + audioMediaHTML + "</div>"
                                      + String.Format("<div class=\"definition\">{0}</div>", termDefinition)
                                      + String.Format("<div class=\"definitionImage\">{0}</div>", mediaHtml)

            // Web Analytics *************************************************
            WebAnalyticsPageLoad webAnalyticsPageLoad = new WebAnalyticsPageLoad();

            if (dl == DisplayLanguage.Spanish)
                webAnalyticsPageLoad.SetChannel("Diccionario de cancer (Dictionary of Cancer Terms)");
                webAnalyticsPageLoad.SetChannel("Dictionary of Cancer Terms");
            webAnalyticsPageLoad.AddEvent(WebAnalyticsOptions.Events.event11); // Dictionary Term view (event11)
            litOmniturePageLoad.Text = webAnalyticsPageLoad.Tag();             // Load page load script
            // End Web Analytics *********************************************
Пример #28
 void ChangeLanguage(DisplayLanguage newLanguage)
     _currentLanguage = newLanguage;
     VersionList = NotifyTaskCompletionCollection<GameVersion>.Create(LoadVersionsAsync, _cachedVersionId);