Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The purpose of this program was be able to access and parse a txt file.
        /// The Program reads in a text file, in our case each line is a different word, the it reads in the text file as an array per line
        /// With this array of strings it asks the user to enter a task that he/she wants to do.
        /// The program should display the user's choices in a menu, and prompt the user for any needed input.
        /// List of tasks:
        ///     1. list all words
        ///     2. list rhyming words(words that end in a string specified by the user)
        ///     3. list scrabble words(words that are constructed from the letters specified by the user; note that a letter may be used multiple times only if it appears that many times  in the user list)
        ///     4. list morph words(words that differ from a specified word in only one letter)
        ///     5. Morph Chains
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">command-line args</param>
        private void btn_Fill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form1 MOTO = new Form1();

            String[] word_list = Properties.Resources.WordList.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int      count     = word_list.Length;

            if (choice == 1)
                foreach (string line in word_list)

            if (choice == 2)
                //read string from user into desired string
                string desired = starting.Text;

                // The following simply confirms that the Entered word is actually a word and does not contain numbers or special charecters.
                // If it fails it pops up a message box asking to enter a real word.
                    // Trys to see if the word is an actual word using Regex
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(desired, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$") == false)
                        // Throws an execption for 'catch' to deal with.
                        throw new Exception();
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a real start word.");

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    if (word_list[i].EndsWith(desired))

            // This if statement is the scrabble function allowing the user to enter 7 random letters
            // and for the program to find words with those letters.
            if (choice == 3)
                string scrabble = starting.Text;
                int    z, y;

                // The following simply confirms that the Entered word is actually a word and does not contain numbers or special charecters.
                // If it fails it pops up a message box asking to enter a real word.
                    // Trys to see if the word is an actual word using Regex
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(scrabble, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$") == false)
                        // Throws an execption for 'catch' to deal with.
                        throw new Exception();
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a real start word.");

                //convert scrabble array into char array so letters can be read individually
                char[] scrabble2 = scrabble.ToCharArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    char[] word2 = word_list[i].ToCharArray();
                    int    check = 0;

                    if (scrabble.Length >= word_list[i].Length && word_list[i].Length >= 3)
                        //search through all scrabble cells
                        for (z = 0; z < scrabble.Length; z++)
                            //search through all wordlist cells
                            for (y = 0; y < word_list[i].Length; y++)
                                //compare scrabble cell 0, to wordlist cell 0. Then scrabble 1, to wordlist 0....
                                if (word2[y] == scrabble2[z])
                                    check    = check + 1;
                                    word2[y] = '0';

                        //if letters matched equal letter of wordlist word, print. Means every letter appeared once in wordlist word
                        if (check == word_list[i].Length)
            // Choice 4 is the Morph function, which finds all words that are off by only one letter.
            if (choice == 4)
                int    y;
                string start = starting.Text;

                // The following simply confirms that the Entered word is actually a word and does not contain numbers or special charecters.
                // If it fails it pops up a message box asking to enter a real word.
                    // Trys to see if the word is an actual word using Regex
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(start, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$") == false)
                        // Throws an execption for 'catch' to deal with.
                        throw new Exception();
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a real start word.");

                //cycle through all the words
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int ctr = 0;

                    //we only want words that are the same length, so check to make sure. If not, move on
                    if (start.Length == word_list[i].Length)
                        // changing word from wordlist and scrabble string into char array to compare letters individually
                        char[] word  = word_list[i].ToCharArray();
                        char[] array = start.ToCharArray();

                        //cycle through as many times as long as the string is, compare the two characters, and add 1 to counter to keep track of how many characters match
                        for (y = 0; y < start.Length; y++)
                            if (word[y] == array[y])
                                ctr = ctr + 1;

                        //if there are atleast two letters that match, print the word
                        if (ctr == (start.Length - 1))
            if (choice == 5)
                // The next few lines Simply Have the user input the start, end word and length

                string startWord = starting.Text;
                string endWord   = ending.Text;
                int    length    = 0;

                // The following simply confirms that the Entered start word is actually a word and does not contain numbers or special charecters.
                // If it fails it pops up a message box asking to enter a real word.
                    // Trys to see if the word is an actual word using Regex
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(startWord, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$") == false)
                        // Throws an execption for 'catch' to deal with.
                        throw new Exception();
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a real start word.");

                // The following simply confirms that the Entered end word is actually a word and does not contain numbers or special charecters.
                // If it fails it pops up a message box asking to enter a real word.
                    // Trys to see if the word is an actual word using Regex
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(endWord, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$") == false)
                        // Throws an execption for 'catch' to deal with.
                        throw new Exception();
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a real end word.");

                // The following simply confirms that the start word and end word are of equal length
                // If it fails it pops up a message box asking to enter two words of the same length
                    // Trys to see if the words are of same length
                    if (startWord.Length != endWord.Length)
                        // Throws an execption for 'catch' to deal with.
                        throw new Exception("The two words are not the same length");
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter two words of the same length.");

                // The following simply confirms that that the length is actually an integer.
                // If it fails it pops up a message box asking to enter an integer
                    // Trys to Parse an integer out of the user input if fails throws an exception for 'catch' to deal with
                    length = int.Parse(chainLength.Text);
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter an integer.");

                //makes sure the user enters a reasonalbe value for the length of the morph chain
                    if (length > 10)
                        throw new Exception("Length is too big.");
                    // opening the message box.
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter an integer less than 10.");

                // Subtracts 2 from the length
                length = length - 2;

                //Creates a new list for all the morphed words that lead up to the final word.
                List <string> morphedList = new List <string>();

                // Checks to see if the final word equals to the start word. if it does, it prints both of them.
                if (startWord == endWord)

                //Calls the morphcahin function that completes the main program.
                MorphChain(startWord, endWord, morphedList, length, word_list);

                // If the length of the morphed list is greater than the length specfied it does not print
                if (morphedList.Count > length + 2)
                    /////////////////Console.WriteLine("No Solution with the given Length or Less");

                //But if it is fine it prints all the strings in morphed list
                    //Loops through all of the words
                    for (int i = 0; i < morphedList.Count; i++)