Пример #1
        public async Task ListEmoji(string category, int page = 1)
            if (page < 1)
                await ReplyAsync("Invalid page.");


            int categoryId;

            if (int.TryParse(category, out int res))
                if (!DiscordEmoji.Categories.ContainsKey(res))
                    await ReplyAsync($"Invalid catogory ID. You can find all categories with the categories command.\n``{Configuration.Prefix}categories``");

                categoryId = res;
                if (!DiscordEmoji.Categories.Any(x => String.Equals(category, x.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    await ReplyAsync($"Invalid category. Try using the category number. You can find all categories with the categories command.\n``{Configuration.Prefix}categories``");

                categoryId = DiscordEmoji.Categories.First(x => String.Equals(category, x.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Key;

            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder
                Title = $"Category: {DiscordEmoji.GetCategoryName(categoryId)} ({categoryId})"

            var actualPage = page - 1;

            var emojis = DiscordEmoji.Emoji.Where(x => x.Category == categoryId);

            var totalPages = (emojis.Count() / 10) + 1;

            var taken = emojis.Skip(actualPage * 10).Take(10);

            if (!taken.Any())
                embed.Description = "Nothing was found on this page.";
                foreach (var e in taken)
                    embed.AddField($":{e.Title}:", $"[View](https://discordemoji.com/emoji/{e.Slug})");

            embed.WithFooter($"Page: {page} | {(page >= totalPages ? "(Last Page)" : $"View the next page with {Configuration.Prefix}emojis <category> {page + 1}")}");
Пример #2
        public async Task ViewEmoji(string name)
            var emoji = DiscordEmoji.EmoteFromName(name);

            if (emoji == null)
                await ReplyAsync("No emoji by that name was found on DiscordEmoji." +
                                 "\nPlease select a valid emoji from the catalog at https://discordemoji.com" +
                                 "\n\n(The emoji name is case sensitive. Don't include the colons in your command!)");


            if (!(Context.Channel is IDMChannel) && !(Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw && DiscordEmoji.GetCategoryName(emoji.Category) == "NSFW")
                await ReplyAsync("Woah, that's an NSFW emoji. Use this command in an NSFW channel.");


            string source;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emoji.Source))
                source = "**None**";
            else if (emoji.Source.StartsWith("http://") || emoji.Source.StartsWith("https://"))
                source = $"[{emoji.Source}]({emoji.Source})";
                source = $"**{emoji.Source}**";

            await ReplyAsync(embed : new EmbedBuilder
                Title       = $":{emoji.Title}:",
                Url         = $"https://discordemoji.com/emoji/{emoji.Slug}",
                Description = String.Join('\n', new string[]
                    $"Author: **{emoji.Author}**",
                    $"Category: **{DiscordEmoji.GetCategoryName(emoji.Category)}**",
                    $"Favorites: **{emoji.Favorites}**",
                    $"Source: {source}",
                ImageUrl = emoji.Image
            }.WithFooter("https://discordemoji.com", "https://discordemoji.com/assets/img/ogicon.png").Build());
Пример #3
        public async Task AddEmoji(string name, string nameOverride = null)
            var emoji = DiscordEmoji.EmoteFromName(name);

            if (emoji == null)
                await ReplyAsync("No emoji by that name was found on DiscordEmoji." +
                                 "\nPlease select a valid emoji from the catalog at https://discordemoji.com" +
                                 "\n\n(The emoji name is case sensitive. Don't include the colons in your command!)" +
                                 "\n\n If you're too lazy to go on the website, you can use the ``emojis`` command to list emojis." +
                                 $"\n``{Configuration.Prefix}emojis <category> <page (Optional)>``");


            if (!(Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw && DiscordEmoji.GetCategoryName(emoji.Category) == "NSFW")
                await ReplyAsync("That's an NSFW emoji, go into an NSFW channel for that.");


            var guildEmoji = Context.Guild.Emotes;

            if (guildEmoji.Count(x => x.Animated) >= 50 && emoji.Animated)
                await ReplyAsync("You already have fifty (50) animated emoji on this server. That is Discord's limit. Remove some before adding more.");


            if (guildEmoji.Count(x => !x.Animated) >= 50 && !emoji.Animated)
                await ReplyAsync("You already have fifty (50) emoji on this server. That is Discord's limit. Remove some before adding more.");


            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder
                Title        = "Confirmation",
                Description  = "Are you sure that you want to add this emoji to your server?\nReact with ✅ in less than 20 seconds to confirm. React with ❌ to abort.",
                ThumbnailUrl = emoji.Image

            embed.AddField("Name", emoji.Title);

            if (nameOverride != null)
                embed.AddField("Name Override", nameOverride);

            embed.AddField("Author", emoji.Author);

            SocketReaction reaction;

                var sent = await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build());


                var t = Task.Run(async() => await sent.AddReactionsAsync(new[] { reactionYes, reactionNo }));

                reaction = await ReactionCollector.GrabReaction(Context.User, sent,
                                                                x => x.Emote.Equals(reactionYes) || x.Emote.Equals(reactionNo), 20);

            if (reaction == null)
                await ReplyAsync("No reaction was given, aborting.");


            if (reaction.Emote.Equals(reactionYes))
                var successMessage = await ReplyAsync("Hold on while I add your emoji...");

                    using (Stream image = await DiscordEmoji.GetImageAsync(emoji))
                        // Check for Discord's 256kb emoji size cap
                        if (image.Length / 1024 > 256)
                            await ReplyAsync("The selected emoji is above 256kb and cannot be uploaded to Discord. Go bother Kohai (DiscordEmoji developer) to fix it.");


                        await Context.Guild.CreateEmoteAsync(nameOverride ?? emoji.Title, new Image(image), options : new RequestOptions
                            AuditLogReason = $"Emoji added by {Context.User.Username}#{Context.User.Discriminator}",
                            RetryMode      = RetryMode.AlwaysFail // Will fail on too long of a ratelimit so the bot doesn't hang on emoji upload ratelimit

                    var addMessage = $"Cool beans, you've added {emoji.Title} to your server.";

                    if (nameOverride != null)
                        addMessage += $" Name override: {nameOverride}";

                    await successMessage.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = addMessage);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex is RateLimitedException)
                        await ReplyAsync("Discord has a ratelimit on adding emoji, and you've just hit it. Try adding your emoji at a later time.");

                    else if (ex is HttpException hex)
                        string message;

                        switch (hex.HttpCode)
                        case (HttpStatusCode)400:
                            message = $"The emoji failed to submit to Discord, it may have been too big. {hex.Reason ?? ""}";

                            message = "Unexpected status code received from Discord, something went wrong. Report it, I guess?";

                        await ReplyAsync(message);

                await ReplyAsync("Alright then, I won't be adding that emoji.");