Пример #1
        private async Task CreateWebhookAsync(CommandContext ctx, DiscordChannel channel, string name, Uri?avatarUrl, string?reason)
            // TODO what about other channel types? news, store etc?
            if (channel?.Type != ChannelType.Text)
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException(ctx, "cmd-err-chn-type-text");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || name.Length > DiscordLimits.NameLimit)
                throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, "cmd-err-name", DiscordLimits.NameLimit);

            DiscordWebhook wh;

            if (avatarUrl is null)
                wh = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync(name, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString(reason));
                (_, HttpContentHeaders headers) = await HttpService.HeadAsync(avatarUrl);

                if (!headers.ContentTypeHeaderIsImage() || headers.ContentLength.GetValueOrDefault() > 8 * 1024 * 1024)
                    throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, "err-url-image-8mb");
                try {
                    using MemoryStream ms = await HttpService.GetMemoryStreamAsync(avatarUrl);

                    wh = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync(name, ms, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString(reason));
                } catch (WebException e) {
                    throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, "err-url-image-fail", e);

            if (await ctx.WaitForBoolReplyAsync("q-send-token"))
                try {
                    DiscordDmChannel?dm = await ctx.Client.CreateDmChannelAsync(ctx.User.Id);

                    if (dm is { })
                        var emb = new LocalizedEmbedBuilder(this.Localization, ctx.Guild.Id);
                        emb.WithLocalizedTitle("fmt-wh-add", Formatter.Bold(Formatter.Strip(wh.Name)), channel.Mention);
                        emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-id", wh.Id, inline: true);
                        emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-name", wh.Name, inline: true);
                        emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-token", $"||{wh.Token}||");
                        await dm.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());
                        await ctx.FailAsync("err-dm-fail");
                } catch {
Пример #2
        public async Task getIntro(CommandContext c, DiscordChannel ch = null)
            ch = ch ?? c.Channel;
            DiscordWebhook hook = null;
            await c.TriggerTypingAsync();

            hook = await ch.CreateWebhookAsync("[Cycliq]", reason : "Command run: `get intro`");

            string[] images = new string[] { "https://send-me-femboy.thigh.pics/bdf88734799A79aC.png", "https://send-me-femboy.thigh.pics/Ce28e5Fbdc0B7ddA.png", "https://send-me-femboy.thigh.pics/6b2be89e057F79CF.png" };
            await hook.ExecuteAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder()
                                    .AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                              .WithAuthor("jai, but as a webhook", "https://jaio.carrd.co", "https://send-me-femboy.thigh.pics/4243aFb25f53beB1.png")
                                              .WithDescription(@"Languages i code in:
proficient: python, js, HTML, CSS, SCSS
not too bad: C#, Java
Somewhat Actively Learning: C#, Java, C++, Rust, Zig, SQL
Plan to learn: C, Haxe

[my youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBY-ILM-Up8QXgz-hua0h9Q),  [my kofi](https://ko-fi.com/jdadonut/), [my anilist](https://anilist.co/user/jaio/),  [my steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/jdadonut/),  [my keybase](https://keybase.io/jaio), [my github](https://github.com/jdadonut/), [my telegram](https://t.me/jai_jisj/)")
                                              .WithTitle("your worst daydream")
                                              .AddField("pronouns", "meow/she/they", true)
                                              .AddField("gender", "girl", true)
                                              .AddField("sexuality", "pansexual", true)
                                              .AddField("what are my aspirations", "in all honesty i would throw away most things to become someone's pet catgirl but other then that i want to make programs and get enough of a passive income to where all of my passions can stay fun and not turn into chores for me and i can live comfortably with my best friends and significant other or i could be a leftist politician that runs on a platform of human rights for every single person in the U.S.")
                                              .WithColor(new DiscordColor("#FF1493"))
                                              .WithImageUrl(images[c.Services.GetService <Random>().Next(1, 4) - 1])));

            await c.Services.GetService <HttpClient>().DeleteAsync($"https://canary.discord.com/api/webhooks/{hook.Id}/{hook.Token}");

        private async Task ApplyWebhookData(DevelopmentStressTestChannel dev, DiscordChannel c)
            DiscordWebhook?hook = await c.CreateWebhookAsync("Partner Test Sender", reason : "Partner Test Server Setup");

            dev.WebhookId    = hook.Id;
            dev.WebhookToken = hook.Token;
Пример #4
            public async Task CreateAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                          [Description("Channel to list webhooks for.")] DiscordChannel channel,
                                          [Description("Name.")] string name,
                                          [Description("Avatar URL.")] Uri avatarUrl            = null,
                                          [RemainingText, Description("Reason.")] string reason = null)
                DiscordWebhook wh;

                if (avatarUrl is null)
                    wh = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync(name, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString(reason));
                    try {
                        using (Stream stream = await _http.GetStreamAsync(avatarUrl))
                            using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                                await stream.CopyToAsync(ms);

                                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                wh = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync(name, ms, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString(reason));
                    } catch (WebException e) {
                        throw new CommandFailedException("Failed to fetch the image!", e);

                await this.InformAsync(ctx, "Created a new webhook! Sending you the token in private...", important : false);

                try {
                    DiscordDmChannel dm = await ctx.Client.CreateDmChannelAsync(ctx.User.Id);

                    if (dm is null)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("I failed to send you the token in private.");
                    await dm.SendMessageAsync($"Token for webhook {Formatter.Bold(wh.Name)} in {Formatter.Bold(ctx.Guild.ToString())}, {Formatter.Bold(channel.ToString())}: {Formatter.BlockCode(wh.Token)}\nWebhook URL: {wh.BuildUrlString()}");
                } catch {
                    // Failed to create DM or insufficient perms to send
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to send embeds or messages via a webhook
        /// </summary>
        public WebHookHandler(DiscordChannel channel, string username, string avatarUrl = null)
            if (channel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel));
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(username));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(avatarUrl))
                _avatarUrl = new Uri(avatarUrl);

            _username = username;
            _webhook  = channel.CreateWebhookAsync(username).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Пример #6
        public async Task <CommandResult> RunAsync(DiscordChannel channel)
            if (channel.Guild.Id == Context.Guild.Id)
                GuildData data = this.GetData <GuildData>(channel.Guild.Id.ToString());
                if (data.Webhook != null)
                    return("Pins have already been configured for this server. Run this command without arguments to disable pin redirection.");

                var webhooks = await channel.GetWebhooksAsync();

                using (MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream())
                    using (Stream sourceStr = await _client.GetStreamAsync(Context.Client.CurrentUser.AvatarUrl))
                        str.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        DiscordWebhook webhook = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync("WamBot Pins Webhook", str, $"Pins setup by {Context.Author.Username}#{Context.Author.Discriminator}");

                        await webhook.ExecuteAsync("Webhook setup!");

                        data.Webhook = webhook;

                        DiscordMessage msg = await Context.ReplyAsync("Updating pins, this may take a while...");

                        await Meta.UpdatePinsAsync(DateTimeOffset.Now, Context.Channel, data, Context.Client);

                        await msg.DeleteAsync();

                        this.SetData(channel.Guild.Id.ToString(), data);
                        return("Pins channel configured and updated!");
                return("Oi! You cannae do that!");
Пример #7
        private async Task Discord_Ready(DiscordClient sender, ReadyEventArgs e)
            Logger.LogDebug($"{_client.CurrentUser.Username} ready in {_client.Guilds.Count} guild(s)!");

            _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                if (_config.ChatSync.UseWebhooks)
                    if (_webhook.WebhookId == 0)
                        DiscordChannel channel = await _client.GetChannelAsync(_config.ChatSync.ChannelId);
                        _webhook.Webhook       = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync("ObsidianDiscord_Webhook");
                        _webhook.WebhookId     = _webhook.Webhook.Id;
                        await _configManager.SaveConfig(_webhook);
                        _webhook.Webhook = await _client.GetWebhookAsync(_webhook.WebhookId);

            await Task.CompletedTask;
Пример #8
 private Task <DiscordWebhook> DoCreateWebhook(DiscordChannel channel)
     _logger.Information("Creating new webhook for channel {Channel}", channel.Id);
Пример #9
        public async Task SetupAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                     [Description("Channel to direct pinned messages to")] DiscordChannel channel,
                                     [Description("The URL of the webhook to use, including a token (optional)")] Uri webhookUrl = null)
            if (!ctx.Guild.Channels.ContainsKey(channel.Id))
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Are you trying to migrate pins across servers?? That ain't gonna fly, kid.");


            var info = await _database.FindAsync <GuildInfo>((long)ctx.Guild.Id);

            if (info != null)
                // TODO: prompt to reconfigure/setup
                _logger.LogError("Unable to setup pins in {0} because it is already setup.", ctx.Guild);
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Pinned message redireciton is already enabled in this server!");


            var perms = channel.PermissionsFor(ctx.Guild.CurrentMember);

            if (!perms.HasPermission(Permissions.ManageWebhooks) && webhookUrl == null)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to setup pins in {0} due to lack of permissions.", ctx.Guild);
                await ctx.RespondAsync("I can't setup pins without a Webhook URL or permission to manage webhooks! Sorry!");


            DiscordWebhook hook;

            if (webhookUrl != null)
                    hook = await _webhookClient.AddWebhookAsync(webhookUrl);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to fetch webhook from URL.");
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("The Webhook URL you specified was invalid!");

                hook = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync("GAiA Pins", reason : $"Pinned Message redirection setup by @{ctx.User.Username}#{ctx.User.Discriminator} ({ctx.User.Id})");


            var guild = new GuildInfo()
                Id = (long)ctx.Guild.Id, WebhookId = (long)hook.Id, WebhookToken = hook.Token, PinsChannelId = (long)channel.Id


            await _database.SaveChangesAsync();

            await ctx.RespondAsync(
                "Pinned messages are now setup for this server!\n" +
                "To migrate pins, use `p;migrate`, and to configure further, use `p;configure`.\n" +
                "Disable at any time with `p;disable`.");
Пример #10
        public async Task RegisterRelayCommandAsync(
            [Description("Discord channel to link to.")]
            DiscordChannel discordChannel,

            [Description("IRC channel to link to.")]
            string ircChannel)
            ircChannel = GetIrcChannelName(ircChannel);

            if (Context.Channel.GuildId == null)
                await RespondBasicError("Can only use relay command in a guild channel");


            var cfg = _database.Find <RelayConfiguration>(Context.Channel.GuildId);

            if (cfg is null)
                cfg = new RelayConfiguration()
                    DiscordServer = Context.Channel.GuildId.Value

                await _database.AddAsync(cfg);

                await _database.SaveChangesAsync();

            // TODO: Some check to see if the IRC channel is available.
            if (cfg.DiscordToIRCLinks.ContainsKey(discordChannel.Id))
                await RespondBasicError("A relay already exists for this Discord channel.");

            var activeHooks = await discordChannel.GetWebhooksAsync();

            if (cfg.Webhooks.TryGetValue(ircChannel, out var hook))
                if (activeHooks.Any(x => x.Id == hook.Id))
                    await RespondBasicError("A relay for this IRC channel is already in that Discord channel!");

                    var discordHook = await Context.Client.GetWebhookAsync(hook.Id);

                    await discordHook.ModifyAsync(channelId : discordChannel.Id);

                    await _database.SaveChangesAsync();

                    await RespondBasicSuccess($"Moved the relay for IRC channel `{ircChannel}` to {discordChannel.Name}");


            var newHook = await discordChannel.CreateWebhookAsync($"Dostya-{ircChannel}", reason : "Dostya Relay Creation");

            if (await _relay.AddRelayAsync(Context.Channel.GuildId.Value, newHook, ircChannel))
                await RespondBasicSuccess($"Relay bridge added ({discordChannel.Name} <-> {ircChannel})");
                await RespondBasicError("Failed to add new relay.");