/// <param name="fromPath">The filename to be loaded</param>
 /// <param name="discMountPolicy">Cryptic policies to be used when mounting the disc.</param>
 /// <param name="discInterface">
 /// The interface to be used for loading the disc.
 /// Usually you'll want DiscInterface.BizHawk, but others can be used for A/B testing
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="slowLoadAbortThreshold">
 /// Slow-loading cues won't finish loading if this threshold is exceeded.
 /// Set to 10 to always load a cue
 /// </param>
 public DiscMountJob(string fromPath, DiscMountPolicy discMountPolicy, DiscInterface discInterface = DiscInterface.BizHawk, int slowLoadAbortThreshold = 10)
     IN_FromPath               = fromPath;
     IN_DiscMountPolicy        = discMountPolicy;
     IN_DiscInterface          = discInterface;
     IN_SlowLoadAbortThreshold = slowLoadAbortThreshold;
Пример #2
        }         //Run()

        private static bool CompareFile(string infile, DiscInterface loadDiscInterface, DiscInterface cmpif, bool verbose, CancellationTokenSource cancelToken, StringWriter sw)
            Disc srcDisc = null, dstDisc = null;

                bool success = false;

                sw.WriteLine("BEGIN COMPARE: {0}\nSRC {1} vs DST {2}", infile, loadDiscInterface, cmpif);

                //reload the original disc, with new policies as needed
                var dmj = new DiscMountJob
                    IN_DiscInterface   = loadDiscInterface,
                    IN_DiscMountPolicy = new DiscMountPolicy {
                        CUE_PregapContradictionModeA = cmpif != DiscInterface.MednaDisc
                    IN_FromPath = infile


                srcDisc = dmj.OUT_Disc;

                var dstDmj = new DiscMountJob {
                    IN_DiscInterface = cmpif, IN_FromPath = infile
                dstDisc = dstDmj.OUT_Disc;

                var srcDsr = new DiscSectorReader(srcDisc);
                var dstDsr = new DiscSectorReader(dstDisc);

                var srcToc = srcDisc.TOC;
                var dstToc = dstDisc.TOC;

                var srcDataBuf = new byte[2448];
                var dstDataBuf = new byte[2448];

                void SwDumpTocOne(DiscTOC.TOCItem item)
                    if (!item.Exists)
                        sw.Write("({0:X2} - {1})", (byte)item.Control, item.LBA);

                void SwDumpToc(int index)
                    sw.Write("SRC TOC#{0,3} ", index);
                    sw.Write("DST TOC#{0,3} ", index);

                //verify sector count
                if (srcDisc.Session1.LeadoutLBA != dstDisc.Session1.LeadoutLBA)
                    sw.Write("LeadoutTrack.LBA {0} vs {1}\n", srcDisc.Session1.LeadoutTrack.LBA, dstDisc.Session1.LeadoutTrack.LBA);
                    goto SKIPPO;

                //verify TOC match
                if (srcDisc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber != dstDisc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber ||
                    srcDisc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber != dstDisc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber)
                    sw.WriteLine("Mismatch of RecordedTrackNumbers: {0}-{1} vs {2}-{3}",
                                 srcDisc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, srcDisc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber,
                                 dstDisc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, dstDisc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber
                    goto SKIPPO;

                bool badToc = false;
                for (int t = 0; t < 101; t++)
                    if (srcToc.TOCItems[t].Exists != dstToc.TOCItems[t].Exists ||
                        srcToc.TOCItems[t].Control != dstToc.TOCItems[t].Control ||
                        srcToc.TOCItems[t].LBA != dstToc.TOCItems[t].LBA
                        sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in TOCItem");
                        badToc = true;
                if (badToc)
                    goto SKIPPO;

                void SwDumpChunkOne(string comment, int lba, byte[] buf, int addr, int count)
                    sw.Write("{0} -  ", comment);
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        if (i + addr >= buf.Length)
                        sw.Write("{0:X2}{1}", buf[addr + i], (i == count - 1) ? " " : "  ");


                int[] offenders = new int[12];

                void SwDumpChunk(int lba, int dispAddr, int addr, int count, int numOffenders)
                    var hashedOffenders = new HashSet <int>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < numOffenders; i++)

                    sw.Write("                          ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        sw.Write((hashedOffenders.Contains(dispAddr + i)) ? "vvv " : "    ");

                    sw.Write("                          ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        sw.Write("{0:X3} ", dispAddr + i, (i == count - 1) ? " " : "  ");

                    sw.Write("                          ");
                    sw.Write(new string('-', count * 4));
                    SwDumpChunkOne($"SRC #{lba,6} ({new Timestamp(lba)})", lba, srcDataBuf, addr, count);
                    SwDumpChunkOne($"DST #{lba,6} ({new Timestamp(lba)})", lba, dstDataBuf, addr, count);

                //verify each sector contents
                int nSectors = srcDisc.Session1.LeadoutLBA;
                for (int lba = -150; lba < nSectors; lba++)
                    if (verbose)
                        if (lba % 1000 == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("LBA {0} of {1}", lba, nSectors);

                    if (cancelToken != null)
                        if (cancelToken.Token.IsCancellationRequested)

                    srcDsr.ReadLBA_2448(lba, srcDataBuf, 0);
                    dstDsr.ReadLBA_2448(lba, dstDataBuf, 0);

                    //check the header
                    for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++)
                        if (srcDataBuf[b] != dstDataBuf[b])
                            sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in sector header at byte {0}", b);
                            offenders[0] = b;
                            SwDumpChunk(lba, 0, 0, 16, 1);
                            goto SKIPPO;

                    // check userData
                    for (int b = 16; b < 2352; b++)
                        if (srcDataBuf[b] != dstDataBuf[b])
                            sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch at userdata byte {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, b);
                            goto SKIPPO;

                    // check subChannels
                    for (int c = 0, b = 2352; c < 8; c++)
                        int numOffenders = 0;
                        for (int e = 0; e < 12; e++, b++)
                            if (srcDataBuf[b] != dstDataBuf[b])
                                offenders[numOffenders++] = e;

                        if (numOffenders != 0)
                            sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch(es) at subchannel {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, (char)('P' + c));
                            SwDumpChunk(lba, 0, 2352 + c * 12, 12, numOffenders);
                            goto SKIPPO;

                success = true;

                sw.WriteLine("END COMPARE");

        } //CompareFile
Пример #3
        static bool CompareFile(string infile, DiscInterface loadDiscInterface, DiscInterface cmpif, bool verbose, CancellationTokenSource cancelToken, StringWriter sw)
            Disc src_disc = null, dst_disc = null;

                bool success = false;

                sw.WriteLine("BEGIN COMPARE: {0}\nSRC {1} vs DST {2}", infile, loadDiscInterface, cmpif);

                //reload the original disc, with new policies as needed
                var dmj = new DiscMountJob { IN_DiscInterface = loadDiscInterface, IN_FromPath = infile };
                if (cmpif == DiscInterface.MednaDisc)
                    dmj.IN_DiscMountPolicy.CUE_PregapContradictionModeA = false;

                src_disc = dmj.OUT_Disc;

                var dst_dmj = new DiscMountJob { IN_DiscInterface = cmpif, IN_FromPath = infile };
                dst_disc = dst_dmj.OUT_Disc;

                var src_dsr = new DiscSectorReader(src_disc);
                var dst_dsr = new DiscSectorReader(dst_disc);

                var src_toc = src_disc.TOC;
                var dst_toc = dst_disc.TOC;

                var src_databuf = new byte[2448];
                var dst_databuf = new byte[2448];

                Action<DiscTOC.TOCItem> sw_dump_toc_one = (item) =>
                    if (!item.Exists)
                        sw.Write("({0:X2} - {1})", (byte)item.Control, item.LBA);

                Action<int> sw_dump_toc = (index) =>
                    sw.Write("SRC TOC#{0,3} ", index); sw_dump_toc_one(src_toc.TOCItems[index]); sw.WriteLine();
                    sw.Write("DST TOC#{0,3} ", index); sw_dump_toc_one(dst_toc.TOCItems[index]); sw.WriteLine();

                //verify sector count
                if (src_disc.Session1.LeadoutLBA != dst_disc.Session1.LeadoutLBA)
                    sw.Write("LeadoutTrack.LBA {0} vs {1}\n", src_disc.Session1.LeadoutTrack.LBA, dst_disc.Session1.LeadoutTrack.LBA);
                    goto SKIPPO;

                //verify TOC match
                if (src_disc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber != dst_disc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber
                    || src_disc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber != dst_disc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber)
                    sw.WriteLine("Mismatch of RecordedTrackNumbers: {0}-{1} vs {2}-{3}",
                        src_disc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, src_disc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber,
                        dst_disc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, dst_disc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber
                    goto SKIPPO;

                bool badToc = false;
                for (int t = 0; t < 101; t++)
                    if (src_toc.TOCItems[t].Exists != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].Exists
                        || src_toc.TOCItems[t].Control != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].Control
                        || src_toc.TOCItems[t].LBA != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].LBA
                        sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in TOCItem");
                        badToc = true;
                if (badToc)
                    goto SKIPPO;

                Action<string, int, byte[], int, int> sw_dump_chunk_one = (comment, lba, buf, addr, count) =>
                    sw.Write("{0} -  ", comment);
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        if (i + addr >= buf.Length) continue;
                        sw.Write("{0:X2}{1}", buf[addr + i], (i == count - 1) ? " " : "  ");

                int[] offenders = new int[12];
                Action<int, int, int, int, int> sw_dump_chunk = (lba, dispaddr, addr, count, numoffenders) =>
                    var hashedOffenders = new HashSet<int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numoffenders; i++) hashedOffenders.Add(offenders[i]);
                    sw.Write("                          ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) sw.Write((hashedOffenders.Contains(dispaddr + i)) ? "vvv " : "    ");
                    sw.Write("                          ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) sw.Write("{0:X3} ", dispaddr + i, (i == count - 1) ? " " : "  ");
                    sw.Write("                          ");
                    sw.Write(new string('-', count * 4));
                    sw_dump_chunk_one(string.Format("SRC #{0,6} ({1})", lba, new Timestamp(lba)), lba, src_databuf, addr, count);
                    sw_dump_chunk_one(string.Format("DST #{0,6} ({1})", lba, new Timestamp(lba)), lba, dst_databuf, addr, count);

                //verify each sector contents
                int nSectors = src_disc.Session1.LeadoutLBA;
                for (int lba = -150; lba < nSectors; lba++)
                    if (verbose)
                        if (lba % 1000 == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("LBA {0} of {1}", lba, nSectors);

                    if (cancelToken != null)
                        if (cancelToken.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                            return false;

                    src_dsr.ReadLBA_2448(lba, src_databuf, 0);
                    dst_dsr.ReadLBA_2448(lba, dst_databuf, 0);

                    //check the header
                    for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++)
                        if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
                            sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in sector header at byte {0}", b);
                            offenders[0] = b;
                            sw_dump_chunk(lba, 0, 0, 16, 1);
                            goto SKIPPO;

                    //check userdata
                    for (int b = 16; b < 2352; b++)
                        if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
                            sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch at userdata byte {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, b);
                            goto SKIPPO;

                    //check subchannels
                    for (int c = 0, b = 2352; c < 8; c++)
                        int numOffenders = 0;
                        for (int e = 0; e < 12; e++, b++)
                            if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
                                offenders[numOffenders++] = e;
                        if (numOffenders != 0)
                            sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch(es) at subchannel {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, (char)('P' + c));
                            sw_dump_chunk(lba, 0, 2352 + c * 12, 12, numOffenders);
                            goto SKIPPO;

                success = true;

                sw.WriteLine("END COMPARE");

                return success;
                if (src_disc != null)
                if (dst_disc != null)
Пример #4
        public static bool HawkAndWriteFile(string inputPath, Action <string> errorCallback, DiscInterface discInterface = DiscInterface.BizHawk)
            DiscMountJob job = new(inputPath, discInterface);

            var disc = job.OUT_Disc;

            if (job.OUT_ErrorLevel)
            var baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputPath);
            var outfile  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(inputPath), $"{baseName}_hawked.ccd");

            CCD_Format.Dump(disc, outfile);
 /// <param name="fromPath">The filename to be loaded</param>
 /// <param name="discInterface">
 /// The interface to be used for loading the disc.
 /// Usually you'll want DiscInterface.BizHawk, but others can be used for A/B testing
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="slowLoadAbortThreshold">
 /// Slow-loading cues won't finish loading if this threshold is exceeded.
 /// Set to 10 to always load a cue
 /// </param>
 public DiscMountJob(string fromPath, DiscInterface discInterface = DiscInterface.BizHawk, int slowLoadAbortThreshold = 10)
     : this(fromPath, new(), discInterface, slowLoadAbortThreshold)