Пример #1
 public GroupPoint(List <cncPoint> _points, bool _select = false, DirrectionGroupPoint _dir = DirrectionGroupPoint.Left, bool _individ = false)
     Points   = _points;
     Selected = _select;
     //TempTraectory = _tempTraectory;
     Dirrect          = _dir;
     IndividualPoints = _individ;
Пример #2
        private void GenVar1And2()
            double sizeOnePoint = (double)numSizePoint.Value;

            //GlobalFunctions.LaserTimeOut = (int)LaserTimeOut.Value;

            pageVectorNOW = new List <GroupPoint>();

            Bitmap     bb   = pageImageNOW;
            BitmapData data = bb.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bb.Width, bb.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bb.PixelFormat);  // make sure you check the pixel format as you will be looking directly at memory

            //направление движения
            DirrectionGroupPoint dir = DirrectionGroupPoint.Right;

                byte *ptrSrc = (byte *)data.Scan0;

                int diff = data.Stride - data.Width;

                // example assumes 24bpp image.  You need to verify your pixel depth
                for (int y = 0; y < data.Height; ++y)
                    List <cncPoint> tmp = new List <cncPoint>();

                    //во временный массив поместим линию с точками
                    for (int x = 0; x < data.Width; ++x)
                        // windows stores images in BGR pixel order
                        byte r = ptrSrc[0]; //тут получили нужный цвет

                        if (r == 0)
                            tmp.Add(new cncPoint((x * sizeOnePoint) + (double)deltaX.Value, (y * sizeOnePoint) + (double)deltaY.Value, 0, 0, (int)LaserTimeOut.Value));

                        ptrSrc += 1;

                    // а теперь временный массив скопируем в основной, но с определенным направлением
                    if (dir == DirrectionGroupPoint.Right)
                        dir = DirrectionGroupPoint.Left;
                        dir = DirrectionGroupPoint.Right;

                    if (tmp.Count != 0)
                        pageVectorNOW.Add(new GroupPoint(tmp, false, dir, true));

                    // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment
                    tmp = new List <cncPoint>();

                    ptrSrc += diff;


            // тут нужно сделать преворот согластно текущй ориентации осей
            pageVectorNOW = VectorProcessing.Rotate(pageVectorNOW);