Пример #1
        public void TestDirectoryTranslatorUsedForJunctionsInCloudBuild()
            var context   = BuildXLContext.CreateInstanceForTesting();
            var pathTable = context.PathTable;

            var translations = new[]
                CreateInputTranslation(pathTable, new string[] { "K", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "b" }, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "0629_120346" }),
                CreateInputTranslation(pathTable, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "0629_120346", "Build" }, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "el", "dtb", "Build" }),
                CreateInputTranslation(pathTable, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "0629_120346", "Target" }, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "el", "dtb", "Target" })

            string error;

            XAssert.IsTrue(DirectoryTranslator.ValidateDirectoryTranslation(pathTable, translations, out error));

            var translator = new DirectoryTranslator();

            translator.AddTranslations(translations, pathTable);

            AssertEqualTranslatedPath(translator, pathTable, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "el", "dtb", "Build", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" }, new string[] { "K", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "b", "Build", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" });
            AssertEqualTranslatedPath(translator, pathTable, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "el", "dtb", "Target", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" }, new string[] { "K", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "b", "Target", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" });
            AssertEqualTranslatedPath(translator, pathTable, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "0629_120346" }, new string[] { "K", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "b" });
            AssertEqualTranslatedPath(translator, new string[] { @"\\?\d", "dbs", "el", "dtb", "Build", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" }, new string[] { @"\\?\K", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "b", "Build", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" });
            AssertEqualTranslatedPath(translator, new string[] { @"\??\d", "dbs", "el", "dtb", "Build", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" }, new string[] { @"\??\K", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "b", "Build", "x64", "debug", "perl.cmd" });
Пример #2
        public void TestMalformedPaths()
            var context   = BuildXLContext.CreateInstanceForTesting();
            var pathTable = context.PathTable;

            var translations = new[]
                CreateInputTranslation(pathTable, new string[] { "K", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "b" }, new string[] { "d", "dbs", "sh", "dtb", "0629_120346" }),

            var translator = new DirectoryTranslator();

            translator.AddTranslations(translations, pathTable);

            // None of these paths should be mutated by DirectoryTranslator
            foreach (string pathToTest in new string[] {
                // Test edge cases for various paths. Note these explicitly don't go through path generation utilities because they can
                // massage away malformed paths that we explicitly want to test.
                AssertAreEqual(pathToTest, translator.Translate(pathToTest));
Пример #3
        private DirectoryTranslator CreateDirectoryTranslator()
            var translator = new DirectoryTranslator();

            translator.AddTranslation(@"E:\", @"C:\");
            translator.AddTranslation(@"D:\el\io", @"D:\sh\io");

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the scheduler allowing various options to be specifically set
        /// </summary>
        public ScheduleRunResult RunSchedulerSpecific(
            PipGraph graph,
            SchedulerTestHooks testHooks  = null,
            SchedulerState schedulerState = null,
            RootFilter filter             = null,
            TempCleaner tempCleaner       = null)
            var config = new CommandLineConfiguration(Configuration);

            // Populating the configuration may modify the configuration, so it should occur first.
            BuildXLEngine.PopulateLoggingAndLayoutConfiguration(config, Context.PathTable, bxlExeLocation: null, inTestMode: true);
            BuildXLEngine.PopulateAndValidateConfiguration(config, config, Context.PathTable, LoggingContext);

            FileAccessWhitelist whitelist = new FileAccessWhitelist(Context);


            IReadOnlyList <string> junctionRoots = Configuration.Engine.DirectoriesToTranslate?.Select(a => a.ToPath.ToString(Context.PathTable)).ToList();

            var map = VolumeMap.TryCreateMapOfAllLocalVolumes(LoggingContext, junctionRoots);
            var optionalAccessor = TryGetJournalAccessor(map);

            // Although scan change journal is enabled, but if we cannot create an enabled journal accessor, then create a disabled one.
            m_journalState = map == null || !optionalAccessor.IsValid
                ? JournalState.DisabledJournal
                : JournalState.CreateEnabledJournal(map, optionalAccessor.Value);

            if (config.Schedule.IncrementalScheduling)
                // Ensure that we can scan the journal when incremental scheduling is enabled.
                XAssert.IsTrue(m_journalState.IsEnabled, "Incremental scheduling requires that journal is enabled");

            // Seal the translator if not sealed

            // .....................................................................................
            // some dummy setup in order to get a PreserveOutputsSalt.txt file and an actual salt
            // .....................................................................................
            string dummyCacheDir = Path.Combine(TemporaryDirectory, "Out", "Cache");

            Directory.CreateDirectory(dummyCacheDir); // EngineSchedule tries to put the PreserveOutputsSalt.txt here
            ContentHash?previousOutputsSalt =
                EngineSchedule.PreparePreviousOutputsSalt(LoggingContext, Context.PathTable, config);

            // .....................................................................................

            testHooks = testHooks ?? new SchedulerTestHooks();
            Contract.Assert(!(config.Engine.CleanTempDirectories && tempCleaner == null));

            using (var queue = new PipQueue(config.Schedule))
                using (var testQueue = new TestPipQueue(queue, LoggingContext, initiallyPaused: false))
                    using (var testScheduler = new TestScheduler(
                               graph: graph,
                               pipQueue: testQueue,
                               context: Context,
                               fileContentTable: FileContentTable,
                               loggingContext: LoggingContext,
                               cache: Cache,
                               configuration: config,
                               journalState: m_journalState,
                               fileAccessWhitelist: whitelist,
                               fingerprintSalt: Configuration.Cache.CacheSalt,
                               directoryMembershipFingerprinterRules: new DirectoryMembershipFingerprinterRuleSet(Configuration, Context.StringTable),
                               tempCleaner: tempCleaner,
                               previousInputsSalt: previousOutputsSalt.Value,
                               successfulPips: null,
                               failedPips: null,
                               ipcProvider: null,
                               directoryTranslator: DirectoryTranslator,
                               testHooks: testHooks))
                        if (filter == null)
                            EngineSchedule.TryGetPipFilter(LoggingContext, Context, config, config, Expander.TryGetRootByMountName, out filter);

                        XAssert.IsTrue(testScheduler.InitForMaster(LoggingContext, filter, schedulerState), "Failed to initialized test scheduler");


                        bool success = testScheduler.WhenDone().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                        return(new ScheduleRunResult
                            Graph = graph,
                            Config = config,
                            Success = success,
                            PipResults = testScheduler.PipResults,
                            PipExecutorCounters = testScheduler.PipExecutionCounters,
                            PathSets = testScheduler.PathSets,
                            ProcessPipCountersByFilter = testScheduler.ProcessPipCountersByFilter,
                            ProcessPipCountersByTelemetryTag = testScheduler.ProcessPipCountersByTelemetryTag,
                            SchedulerState = new SchedulerState(testScheduler)
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Seals the translator and allows translations
 /// </summary>
 public void Seal()