Пример #1
        public AppFixture()
            // Use the application configuration the way that it is in the real application
            // project
            var builder = Program.CreateHostBuilder(new string[0])

                          // You may need to do this for any static
                          // content or files in the main application including
                          // appsettings.json files

                          // DirectoryFinder is an Alba helper

                          // Override the hosting environment to "Testing"

            // This is the Alba scenario wrapper around
            // TestServer and an active .Net Core IHost
            System = new SystemUnderTest(builder);

            // There's also a BeforeEachAsync() signature
            System.BeforeEach(httpContext =>
                // Take any kind of setup action before
                // each simulated HTTP request

                // In this case, I'm setting a fake JWT token on each request
                // as a demonstration
                httpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"] = $"Bearer {generateToken()}";

            System.AfterEach(httpContext =>
                // Take any kind of teardown action after
                // each simulated HTTP request