Пример #1
        public static void CompareText(
            FastColoredTextBoxNS.FastColoredTextBox textBox1,
            FastColoredTextBoxNS.FastColoredTextBox textBox2,
            string text1,
            string text2)
            var differ  = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            var builder = new DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.SideBySideDiffBuilder(differ);
            var result  = builder.BuildDiffModel(text1, text2);

            var brushInserted = new SolidBrush(ColorInserted);
            var brushDeleted  = new SolidBrush(ColorDeleted);
            var brushEmpty    = new SolidBrush(ColorImaginary);
            var brushModified = new SolidBrush(ColorModified);

            textBox1.Text = string.Join("\n", result.OldText.Lines.Select(x => x.Text));
            textBox2.Text = string.Join("\n", result.NewText.Lines.Select(x => x.Text));

            for (var index = 0; index < result.OldText.Lines.Count; index++)
                var oldLine = result.OldText.Lines[index];
                var newLine = result.NewText.Lines[index];

                if (oldLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Inserted)
                    textBox1.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushInserted;
                else if (oldLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Deleted)
                    textBox1.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushDeleted;
                else if (oldLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Imaginary)
                    textBox1.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushEmpty;
                else if (oldLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Modified)
                    textBox1.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushModified;

                if (newLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Inserted)
                    textBox2.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushInserted;
                else if (newLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Deleted)
                    textBox2.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushDeleted;
                else if (newLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Imaginary)
                    textBox2.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushEmpty;
                else if (newLine.Type == DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Modified)
                    textBox2.TextSource[index].BackgroundBrush = brushModified;
        public bool make(TextDocument textDocument, String orgText, String newText)
            BreakpointsManager hBPMgr    = new BreakpointsManager(m_serviceProvider);
            BookmarkManager    hBMMgr    = new BookmarkManager();
            Document           hDocument = textDocument.Parent as Document;

            DiffPlex.Differ           diff   = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            DiffPlex.Model.DiffResult result = diff.CreateLineDiffs(orgText, newText, false, false);

            hBPMgr.Save(hDocument.FullName, false);

                int lineOffset = 0;
                foreach (var diffBlock in result.DiffBlocks)
                    EnvDTE80.EditPoint2 editpoint = textDocument.CreateEditPoint() as EnvDTE80.EditPoint2;
                    EnvDTE80.EditPoint2 endLine   = textDocument.CreateEditPoint() as EnvDTE80.EditPoint2;
                    editpoint.MoveToLineAndOffset(diffBlock.DeleteStartA + lineOffset + 1, 1);
                        endLine.MoveToLineAndOffset(diffBlock.DeleteStartA + lineOffset + diffBlock.DeleteCountA + 1, 1);
                    catch (System.ArgumentException /*ex*/)
                        endLine.MoveToLineAndOffset(diffBlock.DeleteStartA + lineOffset + diffBlock.DeleteCountA, 1);

                    for (int line = 0; line < diffBlock.InsertCountB; ++line)
                        editpoint.MoveToLineAndOffset(diffBlock.DeleteStartA + lineOffset + line + 1, 1);
                        editpoint.Insert(result.PiecesNew[diffBlock.InsertStartB + line]);
                    lineOffset += diffBlock.InsertCountB - diffBlock.DeleteCountA;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;


            // Restoring break points should take into consideration that some lines was changed or added

Пример #3
        private bool ShowDiff(
            SchemaChange[] dbChanges,
            Dictionary <string, string> old,
            Dictionary <string, string> current,
            string title)
            var changes = new List <DiffModel>();
            var diff    = new DiffPlex.Differ();

            foreach (var k in current)
                if (old.ContainsKey(k.Key))
                    var oldValue = old[k.Key];

                    var modified = DiffModel.ModificationType.NotModified;
                    if (oldValue != k.Value)
                        var ld = diff.CreateLineDiffs(oldValue, k.Value, true);
                        if (ld.DiffBlocks.Count > 0)
                            modified = DiffModel.ModificationType.Modified;
                    changes.Add(new DiffModel {
                        FileName = k.Key, OriginalSource = old[k.Key], NewSource = k.Value, Modified = modified
                    changes.Add(new DiffModel {
                        FileName = k.Key, NewSource = k.Value, Modified = DiffModel.ModificationType.Created
            foreach (var k in old)
                if (!current.ContainsKey(k.Key))
                    changes.Add(new DiffModel {
                        FileName = k.Key, OriginalSource = k.Value, Modified = DiffModel.ModificationType.Deleted
            var hasChanges = changes.Any(it => it.Modified != DiffModel.ModificationType.NotModified);

            DbChanges = dbChanges;
            DslDiff   = changes.ToArray();
            if (hasChanges)
                LastTool.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => CreateDiffWindow(title)));
Пример #4
        private void bg_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            Word.Application wordApp   = e.Argument as Word.Application;
            BackgroundWorker bg        = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            string           lastPage  = string.Empty;
            bool             isChanged = false;
            DateTime         dtChaged  = DateTime.Now;

            while (true)
                    if (Application.Documents.Count > 0)
                        if (Application.ActiveDocument.Words.Count > 0)
                            var currentPage = Application.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks["\\Page"].Range.Text;
                            if (currentPage != null && currentPage != lastPage)
                                var differ     = new DiffPlex.Differ();
                                var builder    = new DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.InlineDiffBuilder(differ);
                                var difference = builder.BuildDiffModel(lastPage, currentPage);
                                var change     = from d in difference.Lines where d.Type != DiffPlex.DiffBuilder.Model.ChangeType.Unchanged select d;
                                if (change.Any())
                                    string changeLastText = change.Last().Text;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(changeLastText))
                                        dtChaged  = DateTime.Now;
                                        isChanged = true;
                                lastPage = currentPage;
                            TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - dtChaged);
                            if (isChanged && span.Milliseconds >= 300)
                                isChanged = false;
                                bg.ReportProgress(50, "");
                catch (Exception)
                if (bg.CancellationPending)
        private void Scroller_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var scrollViewer = (ScrollViewer)sender;
            var ctx = scrollViewers[0].DataContext as DiffModel;
            var diff = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            var ld = diff.CreateLineDiffs(ctx.OriginalSource ?? string.Empty, ctx.NewSource ?? string.Empty, true);
            var total = Math.Max(ld.PiecesNew.Length, ld.PiecesOld.Length);
            if (ld.DiffBlocks.Count > 0 && total > 0)
                var line = Math.Min(ld.DiffBlocks[0].InsertStartB, ld.DiffBlocks[0].DeleteStartA);
                var lh = scrollViewer.ExtentHeight / total;
                if (line > total / 2 && lh > 0)
                    line += (int)(scrollViewer.ViewportHeight / lh) / 2;
                if (line > total)
                    line = total;
                if (scrollViewer.ViewportHeight / 2 < lh * line)
                    verticalScrollOffset = (scrollViewer.ExtentHeight - scrollViewer.ViewportHeight) * line / total;
            scrollViewer.Opacity = 1;
            if (verticalScrollerViewers.Count > 0)

            var scrollViewerRoot = (FrameworkElement)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(scrollViewer, 0);
            var horizontalScrollBar = (ScrollBar)scrollViewerRoot.FindName("PART_HorizontalScrollBar");
            var verticalScrollBar = (ScrollBar)scrollViewerRoot.FindName("PART_VerticalScrollBar");

            if (!horizontalScrollerViewers.Keys.Contains(horizontalScrollBar))
                horizontalScrollerViewers.Add(horizontalScrollBar, scrollViewer);

            if (!verticalScrollerViewers.Keys.Contains(verticalScrollBar))
                verticalScrollerViewers.Add(verticalScrollBar, scrollViewer);

            if (horizontalScrollBar != null)
                horizontalScrollBar.Scroll += HorizontalScrollBar_Scroll;
                horizontalScrollBar.ValueChanged += HorizontalScrollBar_ValueChanged;

            if (verticalScrollBar != null)
                verticalScrollBar.Scroll += VerticalScrollBar_Scroll;
                verticalScrollBar.ValueChanged += VerticalScrollBar_ValueChanged;
Пример #6
        private void Differ()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            List<string> inserted = new List<string>();
            List<string> deleted = new List<string>();
            List<string> modified = new List<string>();
            List<string> imaginary = new List<string>();

            var d = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            var builder = new InlineDiffBuilder(d);
            var result = builder.BuildDiffModel(oldText, newText);

            foreach (var line in result.Lines)
                if (line.Type == ChangeType.Inserted)
                    //Color Green
                    // sb.Append("+ ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Deleted)
                    //Color Red
                    // sb.Append("- ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Modified)
                    //Color Blue
                    // sb.Append("* ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Imaginary)
                    //  sb.Append("? ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Unchanged)
                    // sb.Append("  ");

                sb.Append(line.Text + "\r\n");

            string res = sb.ToString();

            richTextBoxDiff.Text = res;
            //проблема с подцветкой реализовать другой алгоритм
            //обработка цветом

            foreach (string str in inserted)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.GreenYellow);
            foreach (string str in deleted)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.IndianRed);

            foreach (string str in modified)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Blue);
            foreach (string str in imaginary)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Orange);
Пример #7
        //сравнение вариант производительнее
        private void DifferTable(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable insertedTable = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable deletedTable = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable modifiedTable = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable imaginaryTable = new Hashtable();

            var d = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            var builder = new InlineDiffBuilder(d);
            var result = builder.BuildDiffModel(oldText, newText);

            foreach (var line in result.Lines)
                if (line.Type == ChangeType.Inserted)
                    //Color Green
                    if (!insertedTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        insertedTable.Add(line.Text, "INSERTED");
                    // sb.Append("+ ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Deleted)
                    //Color Red
                    // deleted.Add(line.Text);
                    if (!deletedTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        deletedTable.Add(line.Text, "DELETED");
                    // sb.Append("- ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Modified)
                    //Color Blue
                    // modified.Add(line.Text);
                    if (!modifiedTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        modifiedTable.Add(line.Text, "MODIFIED");

                    // sb.Append("* ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Imaginary)
                    if (!imaginaryTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        imaginaryTable.Add(line.Text, "MODIFIED");

                    //  sb.Append("? ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Unchanged)
                    // sb.Append("  ");

                sb.Append(line.Text + "\r\n");

            string res = sb.ToString();

            richTextBoxDiff.Text = res;

            //проблема с подцветкой реализовать другой алгоритм
            //обработка цветом

            foreach (string str in insertedTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.GreenYellow);
            foreach (string str in deletedTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.IndianRed);
            foreach (string str in modifiedTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Blue);
            foreach (string str in imaginaryTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Blue);
            //TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - start;
Пример #8
        private void Scroller_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var scrollViewer = (ScrollViewer)sender;
            var ctx          = scrollViewers[0].DataContext as DiffModel;
            var diff         = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            var ld           = diff.CreateLineDiffs(ctx.OriginalSource ?? string.Empty, ctx.NewSource ?? string.Empty, true);
            var total        = Math.Max(ld.PiecesNew.Length, ld.PiecesOld.Length);

            if (ld.DiffBlocks.Count > 0 && total > 0)
                var line = Math.Min(ld.DiffBlocks[0].InsertStartB, ld.DiffBlocks[0].DeleteStartA);
                var lh   = scrollViewer.ExtentHeight / total;
                if (line > total / 2 && lh > 0)
                    line += (int)(scrollViewer.ViewportHeight / lh) / 2;
                if (line > total)
                    line = total;
                if (scrollViewer.ViewportHeight / 2 < lh * line)
                    verticalScrollOffset = (scrollViewer.ExtentHeight - scrollViewer.ViewportHeight) * line / total;
            scrollViewer.Opacity = 1;
            if (verticalScrollerViewers.Count > 0)

            var scrollViewerRoot    = (FrameworkElement)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(scrollViewer, 0);
            var horizontalScrollBar = (ScrollBar)scrollViewerRoot.FindName("PART_HorizontalScrollBar");
            var verticalScrollBar   = (ScrollBar)scrollViewerRoot.FindName("PART_VerticalScrollBar");

            if (!horizontalScrollerViewers.Keys.Contains(horizontalScrollBar))
                horizontalScrollerViewers.Add(horizontalScrollBar, scrollViewer);

            if (!verticalScrollerViewers.Keys.Contains(verticalScrollBar))
                verticalScrollerViewers.Add(verticalScrollBar, scrollViewer);

            if (horizontalScrollBar != null)
                horizontalScrollBar.Scroll       += HorizontalScrollBar_Scroll;
                horizontalScrollBar.ValueChanged += HorizontalScrollBar_ValueChanged;

            if (verticalScrollBar != null)
                verticalScrollBar.Scroll       += VerticalScrollBar_Scroll;
                verticalScrollBar.ValueChanged += VerticalScrollBar_ValueChanged;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the schema.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowSchema()
            string fileText = string.Empty;
            string databaseText = string.Empty;

            if (this.fileSide != null)
                fileText = this.GetFile(this.fileSide);

            if (this.databaseSide != null)
                databaseText = this.GetDBSchema(this.databaseSide);

            if (this.checkBoxDiff.Active)
                StyleTextLineMarker addMarker = new StyleTextLineMarker()
                    BackgroundColor = new Cairo.Color(0.8, 0.8, 1)

                StyleTextLineMarker deleteMarker = new StyleTextLineMarker()
                    BackgroundColor = new Cairo.Color(1, 0.8, 0.8)

                StyleTextLineMarker modifyMarker = new StyleTextLineMarker()
                    BackgroundColor = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 0.6)

                StyleTextLineMarker grayMarker = new StyleTextLineMarker()
                    BackgroundColor = new Cairo.Color(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)

                DiffResult result = new DiffPlex.Differ().CreateLineDiffs(databaseText, fileText, false);

                Dictionary<int, TextLineMarker> databaseMarker = new Dictionary<int, TextLineMarker>();
                Dictionary<int, TextLineMarker> fileMarker = new Dictionary<int, TextLineMarker>();

                string[] fileTextArray = fileText.Split('\n');
                string[] databaseTextArray = databaseText.Split('\n');

                List<string> processedFile = new List<string>();
                List<string> processedDatabase = new List<string>();

                int i1 = 0; // original database line number, start from 0
                int i2 = 0; // original file line number, start from 0
                int d1 = -1;
                int d2 = -1;

                DiffBlock currentBlock = new DiffBlock(-1, 0, -1, 0);
                if (result.DiffBlocks.Count > 0)
                    currentBlock = result.DiffBlocks[0];

                for (int i = 0; true; i++)
                    bool change = false;

                    if (i1 == currentBlock.DeleteStartA)
                        d1 = 0;

                    if (d1 != -1)
                        change = true;
                        if (d1 < currentBlock.DeleteCountA)
                            databaseMarker.Add(i + 1, deleteMarker);

                            fileMarker.Add(i + 1, deleteMarker);

                            d1 = -1;

                    if (i2 == currentBlock.InsertStartB)
                        d2 = 0;

                    if (d2 != -1)
                        change = true;
                        if (d2 < currentBlock.InsertCountB)
                            if (databaseMarker.ContainsKey(i + 1))
                                databaseMarker[i + 1] = modifyMarker;
                                databaseMarker.Add(i + 1, addMarker);


                            if (fileMarker.ContainsKey(i + 1))
                                fileMarker[i + 1] = modifyMarker;
                                fileMarker.Add(i + 1, addMarker);

                            d2 = -1;

                    // Stop the iteration if we are on the last line now
                    if (i1 >= databaseTextArray.Length && i2 >= fileTextArray.Length)

                    if (d1 == -1 && d2 == -1 && change)
                        if (result.DiffBlocks.Count > 0)
                            currentBlock = result.DiffBlocks[0];
                            currentBlock = new DiffBlock(-1, 0, -1, 0);

                        change = false;

                    // No changes, insert the original text without marker
                    if (!change)


                this.docDB.Text = string.Join("\n", processedDatabase.ToArray());
                this.docLocal.Text = string.Join("\n", processedFile.ToArray());

                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, TextLineMarker> single in databaseMarker)
                    this.docDB.AddMarker(single.Key, single.Value);

                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, TextLineMarker> single in fileMarker)
                    this.docLocal.AddMarker(single.Key, single.Value);

                this.docDB.Text = databaseText;
                this.docLocal.Text = fileText;
Пример #10
        private void Differ()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            List <string> inserted  = new List <string>();
            List <string> deleted   = new List <string>();
            List <string> modified  = new List <string>();
            List <string> imaginary = new List <string>();

            var d       = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            var builder = new InlineDiffBuilder(d);
            var result  = builder.BuildDiffModel(oldText, newText);

            foreach (var line in result.Lines)
                if (line.Type == ChangeType.Inserted)
                    //Color Green
                    // sb.Append("+ ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Deleted)
                    //Color Red
                    // sb.Append("- ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Modified)
                    //Color Blue
                    // sb.Append("* ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Imaginary)
                    //  sb.Append("? ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Unchanged)
                    // sb.Append("  ");

                sb.Append(line.Text + "\r\n");

            string res = sb.ToString();

            richTextBoxDiff.Text = res;

            //проблема с подцветкой реализовать другой алгоритм
            //обработка цветом

            foreach (string str in inserted)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.GreenYellow);
            foreach (string str in deleted)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.IndianRed);

            foreach (string str in modified)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Blue);
            foreach (string str in imaginary)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Orange);
Пример #11
        //сравнение вариант производительнее
        private void DifferTable(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            StringBuilder sb             = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable     insertedTable  = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable     deletedTable   = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable     modifiedTable  = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable     imaginaryTable = new Hashtable();

            var d       = new DiffPlex.Differ();
            var builder = new InlineDiffBuilder(d);
            var result  = builder.BuildDiffModel(oldText, newText);

            foreach (var line in result.Lines)
                if (line.Type == ChangeType.Inserted)
                    //Color Green
                    if (!insertedTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        insertedTable.Add(line.Text, "INSERTED");
                    // sb.Append("+ ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Deleted)
                    //Color Red
                    // deleted.Add(line.Text);
                    if (!deletedTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        deletedTable.Add(line.Text, "DELETED");
                    // sb.Append("- ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Modified)
                    //Color Blue
                    // modified.Add(line.Text);
                    if (!modifiedTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        modifiedTable.Add(line.Text, "MODIFIED");

                    // sb.Append("* ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Imaginary)
                    if (!imaginaryTable.ContainsKey(line.Text))
                        imaginaryTable.Add(line.Text, "MODIFIED");

                    //  sb.Append("? ");
                else if (line.Type == ChangeType.Unchanged)
                    // sb.Append("  ");

                sb.Append(line.Text + "\r\n");

            string res = sb.ToString();

            richTextBoxDiff.Text = res;

            //проблема с подцветкой реализовать другой алгоритм
            //обработка цветом

            foreach (string str in insertedTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.GreenYellow);
            foreach (string str in deletedTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.IndianRed);
            foreach (string str in modifiedTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Blue);
            foreach (string str in imaginaryTable.Keys)
                HighlightText(richTextBoxDiff, str, Color.Blue);
            //TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - start;