public void GetPatchOperations11() { DiffEngine <string> diffEngine = new DiffEngine <string>( "The metrics for clarity are more-well understood. Do you have a game PLAN to become peerlessly synergetic across all platforms ? Think interactive".Split(' '), //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 "The metrics for obfuscation are more-well understood. Do you have a game plan to become cross-media ? Think interactive".Split(' ')); PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations = new PatchOperation[] { PatchOperation.CreateCopy(0, 2), PatchOperation.CreateAddition(3, 3), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(3, 3), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(4, 11), PatchOperation.CreateAddition(12, 12), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(12, 12), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(13, 14), PatchOperation.CreateAddition(15, 15), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(15, 19), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(20, 22) }; AssertDifferences(diffEngine, expectedPatchOperations); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var textA = @"zero one two three four fyve six seven"; var textB = @"zero one too treee four five six seven eight nine"; var result = DiffEngine.Process(ref textA, ref textB); var html = $@" <html> <head> <style> ins{{background-color: #d5ffba;}} del{{background-color: #ffc6d5;}} </style> </head> <body> {result} </body> </html> "; File.WriteAllText(@"test.html", html); Process.Start("test.html"); }
private void ComputeLineDifferences(LineRecord lrec, LineRecord rrec) { DiffList_CharData left = new DiffList_CharData(lrec.Text); DiffList_CharData right = new DiffList_CharData(rrec.Text); DiffEngine engine = new DiffEngine(); engine.ProcessDiff(left, right, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); ArrayList report = engine.DiffReport(); foreach (DiffResultSpan dres in report) { switch (dres.Status) { case DiffResultSpanStatus.NoChange: break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.Replace: lrec.AddRange(dres.SourceIndex, dres.SourceIndex + dres.Length, Color.LightSalmon, Color.Empty); rrec.AddRange(dres.DestIndex, dres.DestIndex + dres.Length, Color.LightSalmon, Color.Empty); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.DeleteSource: lrec.AddRange(dres.SourceIndex, dres.SourceIndex + dres.Length, Color.LightSalmon, Color.Empty); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.AddDestination: rrec.AddRange(dres.DestIndex, dres.DestIndex + dres.Length, Color.LightSalmon, Color.Empty); break; default: break; } // switch } // foreach }
private void BinaryDiff(string sFile, string dFile) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; DiffList_BinaryFile sLF = null; DiffList_BinaryFile dLF = null; try { sLF = new DiffList_BinaryFile(sFile); dLF = new DiffList_BinaryFile(dFile); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "File Error"); return; } try { double time = 0; DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); time = de.ProcessDiff(sLF, dLF, _level); ArrayList rep = de.DiffReport(); BinaryResults dlg = new BinaryResults(rep, time); dlg.ShowDialog(); dlg.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; string tmp = string.Format("{0}{1}{1}***STACK***{1}{2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace); MessageBox.Show(tmp, "Compare Error"); return; } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
public void DiffDifferentTest() { const string f_alt = @"diff-b1.xml"; const string f_neu = @"diff-b2.xml"; Knoten alt = Knoten.createOf(createDOM(XmlReader.Create(f_alt))); Knoten neu = Knoten.createOf(createDOM(XmlReader.Create(f_neu))); DiffEngine diff = new DiffEngine(); Knoten res = diff.Diff(alt, neu); Assert.IsNotNull(res); Assert.AreEqual( "<fucc>" + "<property name=\"launch\">" + "<!-- ADDED: hinzugefuegt (aslkdfh) -->" + "</property>" + "<program name=\"\">" + "<argument startsWith=\"\">" + "<dir recursive=\"false\" type=\"files\">" + "<!-- REMOVED: match (.+\\.(cmd|exe|lnk|bat)) -->" + "<!-- ADDED: match (sdf.+\\.(cmd|exe|lnk|bat)) -->" + "</dir>" + "<!-- REMOVED: pathenv () -->" + "<!-- ADDED: pathenb () -->" + "</argument>" + "</program>" + "<!-- REMOVED: alias name=\"gt\" appendParams=\"true\" () -->" + "</fucc>", res.ToString()); }
public void Should_find_no_difference_between_original_Scrum_project_and_Agile_project_converted_to_Scrum() { PrepareTestEnvironment.ResetCollectionOnce(); TfsConnection.ClientSettingsDirectory = Path.Combine(TestContext.TestRunResultsDirectory, "TfsClient"); var factory = new ProcessTemplateFactory(); var unconverted = factory.FromActiveTeamProject(TestCollectionUri, "Agile-6.1"); var goal = factory.FromActiveTeamProject(TestCollectionUri, "Scrum-2.1"); var agileToScrumDiffEngine = new DiffEngine(ProcessTemplateMaps.Agile61ToScrum21()); var initialDifferences = agileToScrumDiffEngine.CompareProcessTemplates(unconverted, goal); var morphEngine = new MorphEngine(); var actions = morphEngine.GenerateActions(initialDifferences); morphEngine.Apply(TestCollectionUri, "Agile-6.1", actions, TestContext.TestRunResultsDirectory); var emptyMapDiffEngine = new DiffEngine(ProcessTemplateMap.Empty()); var converted = factory.FromActiveTeamProject(TestCollectionUri, "Agile-6.1"); var finalDifferences = emptyMapDiffEngine.CompareProcessTemplates(converted, goal); var reportBuilder = new ReportBuilder(); var report = reportBuilder.WriteDifferencesToXml(finalDifferences); report.Save(Path.Combine(TestContext.TestRunResultsDirectory, TestContext.TestName + ".xml")); Assert.AreEqual(0, finalDifferences.Count(), "Should be zero differences between new Scrum 2.1 project and the converted Agile 6.1 project."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 3) { System.Console.WriteLine("usage: {0} <collection uri> <project name to morph> <project name to use as template>", Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName); return; } var collectionUri = new Uri(args[0]); var projectName = args[1]; var templateProjectName = args[2]; var factory = new ProcessTemplateFactory(); var currentTemplate = factory.FromActiveTeamProject(collectionUri, projectName); var goalTemplate = factory.FromActiveTeamProject(collectionUri, templateProjectName); // TODO test for project property showing process template used and update after conversion var diffEngine = new DiffEngine(ProcessTemplateMap.ConvertScrum2ToAgile6()); var differences = diffEngine.CompareProcessTemplates(currentTemplate, goalTemplate); var engine = new MorphEngine(); var actions = engine.GenerateActions(differences); foreach (var action in actions) { System.Console.WriteLine(action.ToString()); } //var filteredActions = actions.Where(a => !(a is DestroyWitdMorphAction)); // TODO optionally skip deleting extra work item items engine.Apply(collectionUri, projectName, actions, Path.GetTempPath()); //TODO replace temp path with something useful }
private void btnCompare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btn = sender as Button; if (btn != null) { if (btn.Equals(this.btnCompare)) { this.lbxChangedLine.Items.Clear(); this.tsLblSource.Text = this.tsLblDest.Text = ""; string pText1 = this.ucCompareSelectSource.GetString(); string pText2 = this.ucCompareSelectDestination.GetString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pText1)) { this.gbxSource.Visible = this.gbxDest.Visible = true; this.pnlCompareInfo.Visible = !this.gbxSource.Visible; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pText2)) { this.gbxSource.Visible = this.gbxDest.Visible = true; this.pnlCompareInfo.Visible = !this.gbxSource.Visible; } else { this.tsLblSource.Text = this.ucCompareSelectSource.GetTitle(); this.tsLblDest.Text = this.ucCompareSelectDestination.GetTitle(); this._sorurceText = new DiffListText(pText1); this._destText = new DiffListText(pText2); this.lvSource.Items.Clear(); this.lvDestination.Items.Clear(); DiffEngine diffEngine = new DiffEngine(); DiffEngineLevel level = !this.rbtnFast.Checked ? (!this.rbtnMedium.Checked ? DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect : DiffEngineLevel.Medium) : DiffEngineLevel.FastImperfect; diffEngine.ProcessDiff((IDiffList)this._sorurceText, (IDiffList)this._destText, level); this.ShowDiff(this._sorurceText, this._destText, diffEngine.DiffReport()); this.gbxSource.Visible = this.gbxDest.Visible = false; this.pnlCompareInfo.Visible = !this.gbxSource.Visible; } } } else if (btn.Equals(this.btnVisible)) { this.gbxSource.Visible = this.gbxDest.Visible = !this.gbxSource.Visible; this.pnlCompareInfo.Visible = !this.gbxSource.Visible; } else if (btn.Equals(this.btnClose)) { this.Close(); } } }
public string GetDifferences(string first, string second) { DiffEngine engine = new DiffEngine(); DiffListHtml source = new DiffListHtml(StringUtil.RemoveTags(first)); DiffListHtml destination = new DiffListHtml(StringUtil.RemoveTags(second)); engine.ProcessDiff(source, destination, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DiffResultSpan span in engine.DiffReport()) { if (span != null) { switch (span.Status) { case DiffResultSpanStatus.NoChange: this.Append(builder, first, span.SourceIndex, span.Length); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.Replace: this.Append( builder, first, span.SourceIndex, span.Length, "green"); this.Append( builder, second, span.DestIndex, span.Length, "red;text-decoration:line-through;font-weight:bold"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.DeleteSource: this.Append( builder, first, span.SourceIndex, span.Length, "green;font-weight:bold"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.AddDestination: this.Append( builder, second, span.DestIndex, span.Length, "red;text-decoration:line-through;font-weight:bold"); break; } } } return(builder.ToString()); }
public DiffTokensCsvColumn(DiffConfiguration diffConfiguration) : base(diffConfiguration) { var stringWriter = new StringWriter(); var writer = new TextSyntaxWriter(stringWriter); var mappingSettings = DiffEngine.GetMappingSettings(diffConfiguration); _diffWriter = new DiffCSharpWriter(writer, mappingSettings); }
private void CompareLines(string line1, string line2, StringBuilder res1, StringBuilder res2, ref int changed, ref int added, ref int deleted) { DiffList_CharData s1 = new DiffList_CharData(line1); DiffList_CharData s2 = new DiffList_CharData(line2); DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); ArrayList rep; int i = 0; de.ProcessDiff(s1, s2, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); rep = de.DiffReport(); foreach (DiffResultSpan drs in rep) { switch (drs.Status) { case DiffResultSpanStatus.DeleteSource: res1.Append("<span style=\"background-color: #FBB2A7\">"); for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res1.Append(s1.GetByIndex(drs.SourceIndex + i)); deleted++; } res1.Append("</span>"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.AddDestination: res2.Append("<span style=\"background-color: #85D685\">"); for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res2.Append(s2.GetByIndex(drs.DestIndex + i)); added++; } res2.Append("</span>"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.NoChange: for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res1.Append(s1.GetByIndex(drs.SourceIndex + i)); res2.Append(s2.GetByIndex(drs.DestIndex + i)); } break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.Replace: res1.Append("<span style=\"background-color: #75C5FF\">"); res2.Append("<span style=\"background-color: #75C5FF\">"); for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res1.Append(s1.GetByIndex(drs.SourceIndex + i)); res2.Append(s2.GetByIndex(drs.DestIndex + i)); changed++; } res1.Append("</span>"); res2.Append("</span>"); break; } } }
//public static double StringSimilar(string sourceString, string checkString) public static DiffResult matchString(string sourceString, string checkString) { DiffEngine diffEngine = new DiffEngine(); DiffList_CharData source = new DiffList_CharData(sourceString); DiffList_CharData dest = new DiffList_CharData(checkString); var time = diffEngine.ProcessDiff(source, dest); var report = diffEngine.DiffReport(); string result = ""; int addCount = 0; int deleteCount = 0; int replaceCount = 0; int sameCount = 0; foreach (DiffResultSpan diffResultSpan in report) { switch (diffResultSpan.Status) { case DiffResultSpanStatus.AddDestination: { addCount += diffResultSpan.Length; break; } case DiffResultSpanStatus.DeleteSource: { deleteCount += diffResultSpan.Length; break; } case DiffResultSpanStatus.Replace: { for (int i = 0; i < diffResultSpan.Length; i++) { result += dest.GetByIndex(diffResultSpan.DestIndex + i); } replaceCount += diffResultSpan.Length; break; } case DiffResultSpanStatus.NoChange: { for (int i = 0; i < diffResultSpan.Length; i++) { result += dest.GetByIndex(diffResultSpan.DestIndex + i); } sameCount += diffResultSpan.Length; break; } } } return(new DiffResult(addCount, deleteCount, replaceCount, sameCount));//(deleteCount) + "|" + result; }
private void TextDiff(string sFile, string dFile) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; DiffList_TextFile sLF = null; DiffList_TextFile dLF = null; try { sLF = new DiffList_TextFile(sFile); dLF = new DiffList_TextFile(dFile); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "File Error"); return; } try { double time = 0; DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); time = de.ProcessDiff(sLF, dLF, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); ArrayList rep = de.DiffReport(); Results dlg = new Results(sLF, dLF, rep, time); try { this.Hide(); dlg.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unexpected Error!", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.None); dlg.Close(); } finally { this.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; string tmp = string.Format("{0}{1}{1}***STACK***{1}{2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace); MessageBox.Show(tmp, "Compare Error"); return; } this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; }
public void Setup() { var source = Path.Combine(this.sampleDataPath, "SonarSource.txt"); var destination = Path.Combine(this.sampleDataPath, "LocalSource.txt"); this.sLf = new DiffListTextFile(source); this.dLf = new DiffListTextFile(destination); = new DiffEngine();, this.dLf, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); this.rep =; }
// Sitecore.Text.Diff.View.TwoCoumnsDiffView protected static void Compare(ref string value1, ref string value2) { DiffEngine diffEngine = new DiffEngine(); string value3 = value1; string value4 = value2; value1 = StringUtil.RemoveTags(value1); value2 = StringUtil.RemoveTags(value2); DiffListHtml source = new DiffListHtml(value1); DiffListHtml destination = new DiffListHtml(value2); diffEngine.ProcessDiff(source, destination, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); System.Collections.ArrayList arrayList = diffEngine.DiffReport(); System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.Count; i++) { DiffResultSpan diffResultSpan = arrayList[i] as DiffResultSpan; if (diffResultSpan != null) { switch (diffResultSpan.Status) { case DiffResultSpanStatus.NoChange: Append(stringBuilder, value1, diffResultSpan.SourceIndex, diffResultSpan.Length); Append(stringBuilder2, value2, diffResultSpan.DestIndex, diffResultSpan.Length); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.Replace: Append(stringBuilder, value1, diffResultSpan.SourceIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "blue;font-weight:bold"); Append(stringBuilder2, value2, diffResultSpan.DestIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "blue;font-weight:bold"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.DeleteSource: Append(stringBuilder, value1, diffResultSpan.SourceIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "blue;font-weight:bold"); Append(stringBuilder2, value2, diffResultSpan.DestIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "blue;font-weight:bold"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.AddDestination: Append(stringBuilder, value1, diffResultSpan.SourceIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "blue;font-weight:bold"); Append(stringBuilder2, value2, diffResultSpan.DestIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "blue;font-weight:bold"); break; } } } if (arrayList.Count == 0 && (value3.Contains("<image") || value4.Contains("<image") || value3.Contains("<link") || value4.Contains("<link"))) { stringBuilder.Append("<span>" + value3.Replace("<image", "< image").Replace("<link", "< link") + "</span>"); stringBuilder2.Append("<span>" + value4.Replace("<image", "< image").Replace("<link", "< link") + "</span>"); } value1 = stringBuilder.ToString(); value2 = stringBuilder2.ToString(); }
public void DiffEqualShortTest() { const string xml = "<xml><hallo/></xml>"; Knoten alt = Knoten.createOf(createDOM(XmlReader.Create(xml.ToStream()))); Knoten neu = Knoten.createOf(createDOM(XmlReader.Create(xml.ToStream()))); DiffEngine diff = new DiffEngine(); Knoten res = diff.Diff(alt, neu); Assert.IsNull(res); }
public void DiffEqualTest() { const string f_alt = @"diff-b1.xml"; Knoten alt = Knoten.createOf(createDOM(XmlReader.Create(f_alt))); Knoten neu = Knoten.createOf(createDOM(XmlReader.Create(f_alt))); DiffEngine diff = new DiffEngine(); Knoten res = diff.Diff(alt, neu); Assert.IsNull(res); }
public void Compare() { TextDiff sourceDiffList = new TextDiff(_originalSourceText); TextDiff destDiffList = new TextDiff(_originalDestText); DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); de.ProcessDiff(sourceDiffList, destDiffList, DiffEngineLevel.Medium); ArrayList rep = de.DiffReport(); DisplayDiff(sourceDiffList, destDiffList, rep); }
private static ArrayList GetFileChanges(string source, string destinationPath) { DiffList_TextFile sourceFile = new DiffList_TextFile(source.Split('\n')); DiffList_TextFile destinationFile = new DiffList_TextFile(destinationPath); DiffEngine diffEngine = new DiffEngine(); diffEngine.ProcessDiff(sourceFile, destinationFile, DiffEngineLevel.FastImperfect); ArrayList differenceList = diffEngine.DiffReport(); return(differenceList); }
public void GetPatchOperations5() { DiffEngine <long> diffEngine = new DiffEngine <long>( new long[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new long[] { 2, 3 }); PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations = new PatchOperation[] { PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(0, 0), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(1, 2) }; AssertDifferences(diffEngine, expectedPatchOperations); }
private static void AssertDifferences <T>(DiffEngine <T> diffEngine, PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations) { PatchOperationCollection patchOperations = diffEngine.GetPatchOperations(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPatchOperations.GetLength(0), patchOperations.Count); for (int index = 0; index < patchOperations.Count; ++index) { Assert.AreEqual(expectedPatchOperations[index], patchOperations[index], string.Format("Collections differ at index {0}", index)); } }
private void btnDiff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextFileDiffList sLF = null; TextFileDiffList dLF = null; string sourceFile = null; string targetFile = null; try { _edSvc.SyncSessionCopy(); var set = XmlCompareUtil.PrepareForComparison(_edSvc.CurrentConnection.ResourceService, _edSvc.ResourceID, _edSvc.EditedResourceID); sLF = set.Source; dLF = set.Target; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorDialog.Show(ex); return; } finally { try { File.Delete(sourceFile); } catch { } try { File.Delete(targetFile); } catch { } } try { double time = 0; DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); time = de.ProcessDiff(sLF, dLF, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); var rep = de.DiffReport(); TextDiffView dlg = new TextDiffView(sLF, dLF, rep, time); dlg.SetLabels(_edSvc.ResourceID, Strings.EditedResource); dlg.ShowDialog(); dlg.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { string nl = Environment.NewLine; string tmp = $"{ex.Message}{nl}{nl}***STACK***{nl}{ex.StackTrace}"; MessageBox.Show(tmp, Strings.CompareError); return; } }
public void GetPatchOperations2() { DiffEngine <string> diffEngine = new DiffEngine <string>( new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" }, new string[] { "c", "d" }); PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations = new PatchOperation[] { PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(0, 1), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(2, 3) }; AssertDifferences(diffEngine, expectedPatchOperations); }
public void Should_find_no_differences_between_Scrum_project_and_template() { Assert.Inconclusive("Templates naturally have differences from the projects they create"); var factory = new ProcessTemplateFactory(); var collectionTemplate = factory.FromCollectionTemplates(TestCollectionUri, "Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.1"); var activeProject = factory.FromActiveTeamProject(TestCollectionUri, "Scrum-2.1"); var diffEngine = new DiffEngine(ProcessTemplateMap.Empty()); var differences = diffEngine.CompareProcessTemplates(activeProject, collectionTemplate); Assert.AreEqual(0, differences.Count(), "Should be zero differences between new Scrum 2.1 project and the template it was created from."); }
public void GetPatchOperations9() { DiffEngine <string> diffEngine = new DiffEngine <string>( new string[] { "same", "same", "same", "", "same", "del", "", "del" }, new string[] { "ins", "", "same", "same", "same", "", "same" }); PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations = new PatchOperation[] { PatchOperation.CreateAddition(0, 1), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(0, 4), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(5, 7) }; AssertDifferences(diffEngine, expectedPatchOperations); }
public void GetPatchOperations4() { DiffEngine <string> diffEngine = new DiffEngine <string>( new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }, new string[] { "a", "x", "y", "b", "c", "j", "e", }); PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations = new PatchOperation[] { PatchOperation.CreateCopy(0, 0), PatchOperation.CreateAddition(1, 2), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(1, 2), PatchOperation.CreateAddition(5, 5), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(3, 3), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(4, 4) }; AssertDifferences(diffEngine, expectedPatchOperations); }
private void btnCompare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool bValid = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSource.Text)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtSource, Strings.Required); bValid = false; } else { errorProvider.SetError(txtSource, null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTarget.Text)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtTarget, Strings.Required); bValid = false; } else { errorProvider.SetError(txtTarget, null); } if (bValid) { var set = XmlCompareUtil.PrepareForComparison(_conn.ResourceService, this.Source, this.Target); double time = 0; DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); time = de.ProcessDiff(set.Source, set.Target, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); var rep = de.DiffReport(); using (TextDiffView dlg = new TextDiffView(set.Source, set.Target, rep, time)) { dlg.SetLabels(this.Source, this.Target); dlg.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } } }
private int GetOutOfOrderElements(string[] source, string[] dest) { DiffEngine differ = new DiffEngine(); differ.ProcessDiff(new DiffList_TextFile(source), new DiffList_TextFile(dest)); ArrayList diffs = differ.DiffReport(); diffs.TrimToSize(); Debug.Log("Diffs found: " + diffs.Count); int errors = 0; foreach (DiffResultSpan diff in diffs) { if (!diff.Status.Equals("NoChange")) { errors += diff.Length; } Debug.Log("diff: " + diff); } return(diffs.Count / 2); }
private void TextDiff(string oldText, string newText) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; DiffList_TextFile sLF = null; DiffList_TextFile dLF = null; try { sLF = new DiffList_TextFile(oldText); dLF = new DiffList_TextFile(newText); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "File Error"); return; } try { double time = 0; DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); time = de.ProcessDiff(sLF, dLF, _level); ArrayList rep = de.DiffReport(); CompareFiles(sLF, dLF, rep, time); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; string tmp = string.Format("{0}{1}{1}***STACK***{1}{2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace); MessageBox.Show(tmp, "Compare Error"); return; } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
protected static string Compare(string value1, string value2) { DiffEngine diffEngine = new DiffEngine(); value1 = StringUtil.RemoveTags(value1); value2 = StringUtil.RemoveTags(value2); DiffListHtml source = new DiffListHtml(value1); DiffListHtml destination = new DiffListHtml(value2); diffEngine.ProcessDiff(source, destination, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); System.Collections.ArrayList arrayList = diffEngine.DiffReport(); System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.Count; i++) { DiffResultSpan diffResultSpan = arrayList[i] as DiffResultSpan; if (diffResultSpan != null) { switch (diffResultSpan.Status) { case DiffResultSpanStatus.NoChange: Append(stringBuilder, value1, diffResultSpan.SourceIndex, diffResultSpan.Length); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.Replace: Append(stringBuilder, value1, diffResultSpan.SourceIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "green"); Append(stringBuilder, value2, diffResultSpan.DestIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "red; text-decoration:line-through;font-weight:bold"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.DeleteSource: Append(stringBuilder, value1, diffResultSpan.SourceIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "green;font-weight:bold"); break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.AddDestination: Append(stringBuilder, value2, diffResultSpan.DestIndex, diffResultSpan.Length, "red; text-decoration:line-through;font-weight:bold"); break; } } } return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
private void TextDiff(string sFile, string dFile) { DiffList_TextFile sLF = null; DiffList_TextFile dLF = null; try { sLF = new DiffList_TextFile(sFile); dLF = new DiffList_TextFile(dFile); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "File Error"); return; } try { double time = 0; DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); time = de.ProcessDiff(sLF, dLF, DiffEngineLevel.FastImperfect); ArrayList rep = de.DiffReport(); string[] res = getResults(dLF, rep); if (res != null) { string[] filesplit = dFile.Split('\\'); string filename = filesplit.Last(); File.WriteAllLines(folderPath + "\\SetItUp_Registry\\" + filename, res); } } catch (Exception ex) { string tmp = string.Format("{0}{1}{1}***STACK***{1}{2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace); MessageBox.Show(tmp, "Compare Error"); return; } }
public void GetPatchOperations6() { DiffEngine <string> diffEngine = new DiffEngine <string>( new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l" }, new string[] { "a", "b", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "u", "l" }); PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations = new PatchOperation[] { PatchOperation.CreateCopy(0, 1), PatchOperation.CreateAddition(2, 6), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(2, 9), PatchOperation.CreateAddition(15, 15), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(10, 10), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(11, 11) }; AssertDifferences(diffEngine, expectedPatchOperations); }
public void GetPatchOperations7() { DiffEngine <string> diffEngine = new DiffEngine <string>( new string[] { "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b" }, new string[] { "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "a", "b", "b", "b", "a", "a", "a", "a" }); PatchOperation[] expectedPatchOperations = new PatchOperation[] { PatchOperation.CreateCopy(0, 7), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(8, 10), PatchOperation.CreateCopy(11, 17), PatchOperation.CreateDeletion(18, 27) }; AssertDifferences(diffEngine, expectedPatchOperations); }
protected static List<MorphAction> GenerateActionsViaDiffEngine() { if (_actionsViaDiffEngine != null) return _actionsViaDiffEngine; using (var agileTemplate = EmbeddedProcessTemplate.Agile6()) using (var scrumTemplate = EmbeddedProcessTemplate.Scrum2()) { var agileReader = new ProcessTemplateReader(agileTemplate.TemplatePath); var scrumReader = new ProcessTemplateReader(scrumTemplate.TemplatePath); var processTemplateMap = ProcessTemplateMap.ConvertScrum2ToAgile6(); var currentProcessTemplate = new ProcessTemplate {WorkItemTypeDefinitions = new ReadOnlyCollection<WorkItemTypeDefinition>(scrumReader.WorkItemTypeDefinitions.ToArray())}; var goalProcessTemplate = new ProcessTemplate {WorkItemTypeDefinitions = new ReadOnlyCollection<WorkItemTypeDefinition>(agileReader.WorkItemTypeDefinitions.ToArray())}; var diffEngine = new DiffEngine(processTemplateMap); var differences = diffEngine.CompareProcessTemplates(currentProcessTemplate, goalProcessTemplate); var morphEngine = new MorphEngine(); _actionsViaDiffEngine = morphEngine.GenerateActions(differences).ToList(); } return _actionsViaDiffEngine; }
/// <summary> /// 比較結果を取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="level">比較レベル</param> /// <returns>比較結果</returns> public DiffReport Report(DiffEngineLevel level = DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect) { CheckFileExist(SourcePath); CheckFileExist(DestinationPath); var d1 = new TextLineCollection(SourcePath); var d2 = new TextLineCollection(DestinationPath); DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); de.ProcessDiff(d1, d2, level); return de.DiffReport(); }
private void CompareArticles(string ver1, string ver2, ref string leftRes, ref string rightRes) { System.Text.StringBuilder res1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Text.StringBuilder res2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); DiffList_StringData s1 = new DiffList_StringData(ver1); DiffList_StringData s2 = new DiffList_StringData(ver2); DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); ArrayList rep; int i = 0, count1 = 1, count2 = 1; int linesupdated = 0, linesadded = 0, linesdeleted = 0; int symbolschanged = 0, symbolsadded = 0, symbolsdeleted = 0; de.ProcessDiff(s1, s2, DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect); rep = de.DiffReport(); foreach (DiffResultSpan drs in rep) { switch (drs.Status) { case DiffResultSpanStatus.DeleteSource: res1.Append("<a name=\"left_" + count1.ToString("0000") + "\">" + "</a>\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res1.Append(count1.ToString("0000") + " "); res1.Append(" <span style=\"background-color: #FF7863\">"); res1.Append(((TextLine)s1.GetByIndex(drs.SourceIndex + i)).Line + "<br />"); res1.Append("</span>"); res2.Append("<br />"); count1++; linesdeleted++; } break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.NoChange: for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res1.Append(count1.ToString("0000") + " "); res2.Append(count2.ToString("0000") + " "); res1.Append(" "); res2.Append(" "); res1.Append(((TextLine)s1.GetByIndex(drs.SourceIndex + i)).Line + "<br />"); res2.Append(((TextLine)s2.GetByIndex(drs.DestIndex + i)).Line + "<br />"); count1++; count2++; } break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.AddDestination: res1.Append("<a name=\"right_" + count2.ToString("0000") + "\">" + "</a>\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res1.Append("<br />"); res2.Append(count2.ToString("0000") + " "); res2.Append(" <span style=\"background-color: #54C954\">"); res2.Append(((TextLine)s2.GetByIndex(drs.DestIndex + i)).Line + "<br />"); res2.Append("</span>"); count2++; linesadded++; } break; case DiffResultSpanStatus.Replace: res1.Append("<a name=\"left_" + count1.ToString("0000") + "\">" + "</a>\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { res1.Append(count1.ToString("0000") + " "); res2.Append(count2.ToString("0000") + " "); res1.Append(" <span style=\"background-color: #C1E5FF\">"); res2.Append(" <span style=\"background-color: #C1E5FF\">"); CompareLines(((TextLine)s1.GetByIndex(drs.SourceIndex + i)).Line, ((TextLine)s2.GetByIndex(drs.DestIndex + i)).Line, res1, res2, ref symbolschanged, ref symbolsadded, ref symbolsdeleted); res1.Append("</span>"); res2.Append("</span>"); res1.Append("<br />"); res2.Append("<br />"); count1++; count2++; linesupdated++; } break; } } CollectLinesStats(linesupdated, linesadded, linesdeleted); CollectSymbolsStats(symbolschanged, symbolsadded, symbolsdeleted); leftRes = res1.ToString(); rightRes = res2.ToString(); }
private void TextDiff(string sFile, string dFile) { _level = DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; DiffList_TextFile sLF = null; DiffList_TextFile dLF = null; try { sLF = new DiffList_TextFile(sFile); dLF = new DiffList_TextFile(dFile); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "File Error"); return; } try { double time = 0; DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); time = de.ProcessDiff(sLF, dLF, _level); ArrayList rep = de.DiffReport(); Results dlg = new Results(sLF, dLF, rep, time); // dlg.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; dlg.Text = Path.GetFileName(sFile); dlg.ShowDialog(); dlg.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; string tmp = string.Format("{0}{1}{1}***STACK***{1}{2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace); MessageBox.Show(tmp, "Compare Error"); return; } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
/// <summary> /// 比較結果を取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="source">比較元文字列</param> /// <param name="destination">比較先文字列</param> /// <param name="level">比較レベル</param> /// <returns>比較結果</returns> public static DiffReport Report(string source, string destination, DiffEngineLevel level = DiffEngineLevel.SlowPerfect) { var d1 = new StringLineCollection(source); var d2 = new StringLineCollection(destination); DiffEngine de = new DiffEngine(); de.ProcessDiff(d1, d2, level); return de.DiffReport(); }