public async Task OnGet_WhenCalculationIdDoesNotExistThenNotFoundReturned()
            // Arrange
            ICalculationsApiClient calcsClient = Substitute.For <ICalculationsApiClient>();
            ISpecsApiClient        specsClient = Substitute.For <ISpecsApiClient>();
            IMapper mapper = MappingHelper.CreateFrontEndMapper();

            ILogger logger = Substitute.For <ILogger>();

            Calculation expectedCalculation = null;

            IEnumerable <int> versions = new List <int> {
                1, 2

            string calculationId = null;

            .GetCalculationById(Arg.Any <string>())
            .Returns(new ApiResponse <Calculation>(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound, expectedCalculation));

            DiffCalculationModel diffCalcModel = new DiffCalculationModel(specsClient, calcsClient, mapper);

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await diffCalcModel.OnGet(versions, calculationId);

            // Assert

            result.Should().BeOfType <BadRequestObjectResult>();
        public async Task OnGet_WhenSpecCalculationDoesntExistThenErrorReturned()
            // Arrange
            ICalculationsApiClient calcsClient = Substitute.For <ICalculationsApiClient>();

            ISpecsApiClient specsClient = Substitute.For <ISpecsApiClient>();

            IMapper mapper = MappingHelper.CreateFrontEndMapper();

            ILogger logger = Substitute.For <ILogger>();

            Calculation expectedCalculation = new Calculation()
                CalculationSpecification = new Reference("1", "Calc spec"),
                Id   = "2",
                Name = "Specs Calculation",
                FundingPeriodName = "2018/19",
                SpecificationId   = "3",
                PublishStatus     = PublishStatus.Draft,
                LastModifiedBy    = new Reference("1", "Matt Vallily"),
                SourceCode        = "Public Function GetProductResult(rid As String) As Decimal 'change to As String if text product  Dim result As Decimal = 0 'change to As String if text product     Dim P04_Learners As Decimal = products.1819_Additional_Funding.P04_Learner_Numbers     Dim P03_Rate As Decimal = products.1819_Additional_Funding.P03_Maths_Top_Up_Rate     result = P03_Rate * P04_learners     Return result End Function",
                Version           = 4

            IEnumerable <int> versions = new List <int> {
                1, 2
            string calculationId = "1";

            Clients.SpecsClient.Models.CalculationCurrentVersion specCalculation = new Clients.SpecsClient.Models.CalculationCurrentVersion()
                Id             = "1",
                Name           = "Test spec",
                Description    = "Test description",
                AllocationLine = new Reference("1", "Test Allocation")

            .Returns(new ApiResponse <Clients.CalcsClient.Models.Calculation>(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, expectedCalculation));

            .GetCalculationById(calculationId, "3")
            .Returns(new ApiResponse <Clients.SpecsClient.Models.CalculationCurrentVersion>(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound, specCalculation));

            DiffCalculationModel diffCalcModel = new DiffCalculationModel(specsClient, calcsClient, mapper);

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await diffCalcModel.OnGet(versions, calculationId);

            // Assert
            result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundObjectResult>();

            NotFoundObjectResult typeResult = result as NotFoundObjectResult;

            typeResult.Value.Should().Be("Check the specification you entered - one or more of the specifications you entered aren't working");
        public async Task OnGet_WhencalculationVersionsListReturned()
            // Arrange
            ICalculationsApiClient calcsClient = Substitute.For <ICalculationsApiClient>();
            ISpecsApiClient        specsClient = Substitute.For <ISpecsApiClient>();
            IMapper mapper = MappingHelper.CreateFrontEndMapper();

            ILogger logger = Substitute.For <ILogger>();

            Calculation expectedCalculation = new Calculation()
                CalculationSpecification = new Reference("1", "Calc spec"),
                Id   = "2",
                Name = "Specs Calculation",
                FundingPeriodName = "2018/19",
                SpecificationId   = "1",
                PublishStatus     = PublishStatus.Draft,
                LastModifiedBy    = new Reference("1", "Matt Vallily"),
                SourceCode        = "Public Function GetProductResult(rid As String) As Decimal 'change to As String if text product  Dim result As Decimal = 0 'change to As String if text product     Dim P04_Learners As Decimal = products.1819_Additional_Funding.P04_Learner_Numbers     Dim P03_Rate As Decimal = products.1819_Additional_Funding.P03_Maths_Top_Up_Rate     result = P03_Rate * P04_learners     Return result End Function",
                Version           = 4

            IEnumerable <int> versions = new List <int> {
                1, 2
            string calculationId = "1";

            Clients.SpecsClient.Models.CalculationCurrentVersion specCalculation = new Clients.SpecsClient.Models.CalculationCurrentVersion()
                Id             = "1",
                Name           = "Test spec",
                Description    = "Test description",
                AllocationLine = new Reference("1", "Test Allocation")

            // build two versions for feeding the left and right panel
            CalculationVersion calver1 = new CalculationVersion()
                DecimalPlaces = 2,
                Version       = "1",
                Date          = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 10, 23, 34),
                Author        = new Reference("1", "Clifford"),
                Status        = "Draft",
                SourceCode    = "Test"

            CalculationVersion calver2 = new CalculationVersion()
                DecimalPlaces = 2,
                Version       = "2",
                Date          = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 10, 23, 34),
                Author        = new Reference("2", "Clifford"),
                Status        = "Draft",
                SourceCode    = "Test"

            IEnumerable <CalculationVersion> calcVerArray = new List <CalculationVersion> {
                calver1, calver2

            .Returns(new ApiResponse <Clients.CalcsClient.Models.Calculation>(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, expectedCalculation));

            .GetCalculationById("1", calculationId)
            .Returns(new ApiResponse <CalculateFunding.Frontend.Clients.SpecsClient.Models.CalculationCurrentVersion>(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, specCalculation));  // CalculateFunding.Frontend.Clients.SpecsClient.Models

            .GetMultipleVersionsByCalculationId(versions, calculationId)
            .Returns(new ApiResponse <IEnumerable <CalculationVersion> >(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, calcVerArray));

            DiffCalculationModel diffCalcPageModel = new DiffCalculationModel(specsClient, calcsClient, mapper);

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await diffCalcPageModel.OnGet(versions, calculationId);

            // Assert
