Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Lightweight method to search for terms matching searchText. This method is intended for use with autosuggest
        /// and returns a maximum of 10 results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchText">text to search for.</param>
        /// <param name="searchType">The type of search to perform.
        ///     Valid values are:
        ///         Begins - Search for terms beginning with searchText.
        ///         Contains - Search for terms containing searchText.
        ///         Magic - Search for terms beginning with searchText, followed by those containing searchText.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="numResults">Maximum number of results to return.</param>
        /// <param name="dictionary">The dictionary to retreive the Term from.
        ///     Valid values are
        ///        Term - Dictionary of Cancer Terms
        ///        drug - Drug Dictionary
        ///        genetic - Dictionary of Genetics Terms
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="language">The Term's desired language.
        ///     Supported values are:
        ///         en - English
        ///         es - Spanish
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="version">String identifying which vereion of the JSON structure to retrieve.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SuggestReturn SearchSuggest(String searchText, SearchType searchType, int numResults, DictionaryType dictionary, Language language, String version)
            log.DebugFormat("Enter ValidateSearchSuggest( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}).", searchText, searchType, numResults, dictionary, language, version);

            // Sanity check for numResults
            if (numResults < 10)
                numResults = 10;

            // In the initial implementation, the audience is implied by the particular dictionary being used.
            AudienceType audience = GetDefaultAudienceFromDictionaryType(dictionary);

            DictionaryQuery   query   = new DictionaryQuery();
            SuggestionResults results = query.SearchSuggest(searchText, searchType, numResults, dictionary, language, audience, version);

            List <String> messages = new List <string>();

            int resultCount = results.MatchCount;

            // Report the count in a human-readable format.
            String message = String.Format("Found {0} results.", resultCount);


            // Retrieve results.  We already know the number of results, so let's preset the
            // list to the size we know we're going to need.
            List <DictionarySuggestion> foundTerms = new List <DictionarySuggestion>(resultCount);

            foreach (DataRow row in results.Data.Rows)
                int    ID   = row.Field <int>("TermID");
                string term = row.Field <String>("TermName");
                DictionarySuggestion suggestion = new DictionarySuggestion(ID, term);

            // Populate return metadata structure
            SuggestReturnMeta meta = new SuggestReturnMeta()
                ResultCount = resultCount,
                Messages    = messages.ToArray()

            // Combine meta and results to create the final return object.
            SuggestReturn suggestReturn = new SuggestReturn()
                Result = foundTerms.ToArray(),
                Meta   = meta

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Term suggestions from what is being typed into the search box.  Used for autosuggest
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchText">the string being typed</param>
        /// <param name="searchType">Type of search being done (contains, starts with, etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="dictionary">Which dictionary is being searched</param>
        /// <param name="language">Language</param>
        /// <returns>returns list of suggestions</returns>
        public DictionarySuggestionCollection SearchSuggest(String searchText, SearchType searchType, DictionaryType dictionary, String language)
            // Translate from types the AppManager exposes to types the Dictionary Service exposes.
            svcDictionaryType svcDictionary = TypeTranslator.Translate(dictionary);
            svcSearchType     svcSearchType = TypeTranslator.Translate(searchType);
            svcLanguage       svcLanguage   = TypeTranslator.TranslateLocaleString(language);

            //Set up variables we will use
            List <DictionarySuggestion> list    = new List <DictionarySuggestion>();
            DictionaryService           service = new DictionaryService();
            SuggestReturnMeta           meta    = new SuggestReturnMeta();

            NCI.Services.Dictionary.BusinessObjects.SuggestReturn suggestRet = null;

                service.SearchSuggest(searchText, svcSearchType, svcDictionary, svcLanguage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Error in search suggest method in Dictionary Web Service.", ex);

            //sets up the suggest so the list of suggestions
            DictionarySuggestion suggest = new DictionarySuggestion();

            foreach (NCI.Services.Dictionary.BusinessObjects.DictionarySuggestion m in suggestRet.Result)
                //get properties and set them then add to list
                suggest.ID   = m.ID;
                suggest.Term = m.Term;
            //create return variable based on list
            DictionarySuggestionCollection result = new DictionarySuggestionCollection(list.AsEnumerable());

            result.ResultsCount = suggestRet.Meta.ResultCount;