private void initializeParameterizedSystem()
            // Control what graph elements will be created
            graphCreationParameters.createQualifiedGraphNode      = false;
            graphCreationParameters.containmentRelation           = "";
            graphCreationParameters.encapsulateInMatchedGraphNode = false;

            // GenericDiff parameters according to domain semantics
            diffParameters.compatibleTypes =
                new String[][] { new string[] { "NODE", "1000", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { "EDGE", "2000", "false", null } };

            diffParameters.mappingWeights =
                new String[][] { new String[] { "NODE", "NODE", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "EDGE", "EDGE", "1", "true" } };

            diffParameters.distanceThresholdVectors =
                new String[][] {};

            diffParameters.epsilonEdgesExcluded = new String[0][];

            // GenericDiff execution control parameters
            diffParameters.maxIteration = 100;
            diffParameters.noPairupIdenticalNodesWithOthers = false; // value no longer checked in GenericDiff; it is defined for each type and checked insider GraphNode
            diffParameters.stepsOfNeighbors          = 1;
            diffParameters.stopGreedySearchThreshold = 0.8;
            diffParameters.stopPropagationThreshold  = 0.00001;
            diffParameters.removeOutliersThreshold   = 2;
            diffParameters.considerNodeDistance      = false;
            diffParameters.considerEdgeDistance      = false;
            diffParameters.includeUnmatched          = false;
            diffParameters.includeNeighbors          = false;
            diffParameters.conductCandidatesSearch   = false;
            diffParameters.appendEpsilonPairups      = false;
            diffParameters.doGreedySearch            = false;
            diffParameters.compareAdditionalInfo     = false;
            diffParameters.notMaximalBipartiteMatch  = false;

            // Strategy objects
            diffParameters.searchPotentialCandidatesKind    = CandidatesSearchStrategyKind.None;
            diffParameters.neighborhoodMatchingStrategyKind = SelectionStrategyKind.None;
            diffParameters.removeOutliersStrtegyKind        = RemoveOutliersStrategyKind.None;
            diffParameters.matchingStrategyKind             = SelectionStrategyKind.None;

            // Domain knowledge that controls the parsing and graph creation process
            String[][] simpleNodeInfoTemplates = new String[][] {};

            double[][] simpleNodeInfoNone = new double[][] {};

            String[][] simpleNodeInfoCalculatorKind = new String[][] {};

            String[][] edgeInfoTemplates = new String[][] { };

            double[][] edgeInfoNone = new double[][] { };

            String[][] edgeInfoCalculatorKind = new String[][] { };

            graphDataConfigs = new DictionaryJ <String, GraphDataConfiguration>();

            GraphDataConfiguration simpleNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(simpleNodeInfoTemplates, simpleNodeInfoNone, simpleNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("NODE", simpleNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration edgeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(edgeInfoTemplates, edgeInfoNone, edgeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("EDGE", edgeConfig);
Пример #2
        public override void initialize()
            // Control what graph elements will be created
            graphCreationParameters.createQualifiedGraphNode      = false;
            graphCreationParameters.containmentRelation           = "";
            graphCreationParameters.encapsulateInMatchedGraphNode = false;

            // GenericDiff parameters according to domain semantics
            diffParameters.compatibleTypes =
                new String[][]
                new String[] { "INIT", "100", "false", null },
                new String[] { "REGULAR", "100", "false", null },
                new String[] { "TRANSITION", "200", "false", "false, true" }       //String.Format("false, {0}", matchEventDetails ? "true" : "false")}};

            diffParameters.mappingWeights =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "INIT", "INIT", "1", "true" },
                new String[] { "REGULAR", "REGULAR", "1", "true" },
                new String[] { "INIT", "REGULAR", "1", "true" },
                new String[] { "REGULAR", "INIT", "1", "true" },
                new String[] { "TRANSITION", "TRANSITION", "1", "true" }

            diffParameters.distanceThresholdVectors =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "TRANSITION", "TRANSITION", "0", "0" }
            };                                                                    // hamming distance threshold=0 means only same-label transitions can be paired-up

            diffParameters.epsilonEdgesExcluded = new String[0][];

            // GenericDiff execution control parameters
            diffParameters.maxIteration = 100;
            diffParameters.noPairupIdenticalNodesWithOthers = false; //todo: xingzc. only make sense when nodes have meaningful labels
            diffParameters.stepsOfNeighbors          = 1;
            diffParameters.stopGreedySearchThreshold = 0.8;
            diffParameters.stopPropagationThreshold  = 0.00001;
            diffParameters.removeOutliersThreshold   = 2;
            diffParameters.considerNodeDistance      = true;
            diffParameters.considerEdgeDistance      = true;
            diffParameters.includeUnmatched          = false;
            diffParameters.includeNeighbors          = this.matchEventDetails;
            diffParameters.conductCandidatesSearch   = true;
            diffParameters.appendEpsilonPairups      = true;
            diffParameters.doGreedySearch            = true;
            diffParameters.compareAdditionalInfo     = this.compareConfigGraph; // !compareParameterizedSystem; //todo: xingzc. set false if parameterized system
            diffParameters.notMaximalBipartiteMatch  = this.notMaximalBipartiteMatch;

            // Strategy objects
            diffParameters.searchPotentialCandidatesKind    = CandidatesSearchStrategyKind.Sequential;
            diffParameters.neighborhoodMatchingStrategyKind = SelectionStrategyKind.StableMarriage;
            diffParameters.removeOutliersStrtegyKind        = RemoveOutliersStrategyKind.None;
            diffParameters.matchingStrategyKind             = SelectionStrategyKind.StableMarriage;

            // Domain knowledge that controls the parsing and graph creation process
            int numOfVectors = selectedVariables.Count; // todo: xingzc. the number of variable groups.

            if (!this.compareConfigGraph)
                numOfVectors = numOfVectors + 1;

            string[][] nodeInfoTemplates      = new string[numOfVectors][];
            double[][] nodeInfoNone1          = new double[numOfVectors][];
            double[][] nodeInfoNone2          = new double[numOfVectors][];
            string[][] nodeInfoCalculatorKind = new string[numOfVectors][];

            if (!this.compareConfigGraph)
                nodeInfoTemplates[numOfVectors - 1]      = new string[0];
                nodeInfoNone1[numOfVectors - 1]          = new double[0];
                nodeInfoNone2[numOfVectors - 1]          = new double[0];
                nodeInfoCalculatorKind[numOfVectors - 1] = new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" };

            // todo: xingzc. initialize info vectors by selected variables
            for (int varGroupIndex = 0; varGroupIndex < selectedVariables.Count; varGroupIndex++)
                string[] varGroup = selectedVariables[varGroupIndex];

                nodeInfoTemplates[varGroupIndex]      = varGroup;
                nodeInfoNone1[varGroupIndex]          = new double[vectorLength[varGroupIndex]];
                nodeInfoNone2[varGroupIndex]          = new double[vectorLength[varGroupIndex]];
                nodeInfoCalculatorKind[varGroupIndex] = new String[] { "Hamming", "vector" }; // todo: xingzc. may be taxi if int

            /*String[][] nodeInfoTemplates =
             *  new String[][]
             *      {
             *          //new String[] {""}, //todo: xingzc. A counter vector if parameterized system, otherwise no vector
             *          //new String[] {"noOfReading", "writing"} //todo: xingzc. initialze from selected variables
             *      };
             * double[][] nodeInfoNone1 =
             *  new double[][]
             *      {
             *          //new double[] {},// todo: xingzc. A none counter vector if parameterized system, otherwise no vector
             *          //new double[] {0, 0} //todo: xingzc.initialze from selected variables
             *      };
             * double[][] nodeInfoNone2 =
             *  new double[][]
             *      {
             *          //new double[] {},// todo: xingzc. A none counter vector if parameterized system, otherwise no vector
             *          //new double[] {0, 0} //todo: xingzc.initialze from selected variables
             *      };
             * String[][] nodeInfoCalculatorKind =
             *  new String[][]
             *      {
             *          //new String[] {"BagJaccard", "set"}, //todo: xingzc.
             *          //new String[] {"Hamming", "vector"} //todo: xingzc.
             *      };*/

            String[][] edgeInfoTemplates = new String[][]
                new String[] { "" },
                new String[0]

            double[][] edgeInfoNone = new double[][]
                new double[] { 0 },
                new double[0]

            String[][] edgeInfoCalculatorKind = new String[][]
                new String[] { "Hamming", "vector" },
                new String[] { "SeqHamming", "set" }

            leftGraphDataConfigs = new DictionaryJ <String, GraphDataConfiguration>();
            GraphDataConfiguration leftGraphDataConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(nodeInfoTemplates, nodeInfoNone1, nodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            leftGraphDataConfigs.Add("INIT", leftGraphDataConfig);
            leftGraphDataConfigs.Add("REGULAR", leftGraphDataConfig);

            rightGraphDataConfigs = new DictionaryJ <String, GraphDataConfiguration>();
            GraphDataConfiguration rightGraphDataConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(nodeInfoTemplates, nodeInfoNone2, nodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            rightGraphDataConfigs.Add("INIT", rightGraphDataConfig);
            rightGraphDataConfigs.Add("REGULAR", rightGraphDataConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration edgeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(edgeInfoTemplates, edgeInfoNone, edgeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            leftGraphDataConfigs.Add("TRANSITION", edgeConfig);
            rightGraphDataConfigs.Add("TRANSITION", edgeConfig);
        private void initializeNonParameterizedSystem()
            // Control what graph elements will be created
            graphCreationParameters.createQualifiedGraphNode      = false;
            graphCreationParameters.containmentRelation           = "";
            graphCreationParameters.encapsulateInMatchedGraphNode = false;

            // GenericDiff parameters according to domain semantics
            string channelInOutputValidDistanceElements     = "true, false";                                                                                    // [0] outgoing branch; [1] channelName
            string channelInputGuardedValidDistanceElements = string.Format("true, {0}, false", !compareSameSpec && matchProcessParameters ? "true" : "false"); // [0] outgoing branch; [1] guard expr char array; [2] channelName
            string conditionalChoiceValidDistanceElements   = string.Format("true, {0}", !compareSameSpec && matchProcessParameters ? "true" : "false");        // [0] outgoing branck; [1]
            string dataOpValidDistanceElements = string.Format("true, {0}, {0}, false", !compareSameSpec && matchProcessParameters ? "true" : "false");
            string defRefValidDistanceElements = string.Format("true, {0}, false", matchProcessParameters ? "true" : "false");
            string hidingValidDistanceElements = string.Format("true, {0}", matchProcessParameters ? "true" : "false");

            diffParameters.compatibleTypes =
                new String[][] { new String[] { Constants.ATOMIC_STARTED, "1000", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.CASE, "1001", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.GENERAL_CHOICE, "1012", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.EXTERNAL_CHOICE, "1013", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERLEAVE, "1014", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERLEAVE + "a", "1015", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERNAL_CHOICE, "1016", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.PARALLEL, "1017", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERRUPT, "1018", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.SEQUENTIAL, "1019", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.SKIP, "1020", "false", null },
                                 new String[] { Constants.STOP, "1021", "false", null },

                                 new String[] { "C!", "1004", "false", channelInOutputValidDistanceElements },      // different node has different label
                                 new String[] { "C?", "1002", "false", channelInOutputValidDistanceElements },      // different node has different label

                                 new String[] { "?[]", "1003", "false", channelInputGuardedValidDistanceElements }, // different node has different label

                                 new String[] { "if", "1005", "false", conditionalChoiceValidDistanceElements },
                                 new String[] { "ifa", "1006", "false", conditionalChoiceValidDistanceElements },
                                 new String[] { "GuardProcess", "1010", "false", conditionalChoiceValidDistanceElements },

                                 new String[] { "DataOpPrefix", "1007", "false", dataOpValidDistanceElements }, // different node has different label

                                 new String[] { "DefRef", "1008", "false", defRefValidDistanceElements },       // different node has different label
                                 new String[] { "EventPrefix", "1009", "false", defRefValidDistanceElements },  // different node has different label

                                 new String[] { Constants.HIDING, "1011", "false", hidingValidDistanceElements },

                                 new String[] { "EDGE", "2000", "false", null } };

            diffParameters.mappingWeights =
                new String[][] { new String[] { Constants.ATOMIC_STARTED, Constants.ATOMIC_STARTED, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.CASE, Constants.CASE, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "C?", "C?", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "?[]", "?[]", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "C!", "C!", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "if", "if", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "ifa", "ifa", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "DataOpPrefix", "DataOpPrefix", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "DefRef", "DefRef", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "EventPrefix", "EventPrefix", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "GuardProcess", "GuardProcess", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.HIDING, Constants.HIDING, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.GENERAL_CHOICE, Constants.GENERAL_CHOICE, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.EXTERNAL_CHOICE, Constants.EXTERNAL_CHOICE, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERLEAVE, Constants.INTERLEAVE, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERLEAVE + "a", Constants.INTERLEAVE + "a", "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERNAL_CHOICE, Constants.INTERNAL_CHOICE, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.PARALLEL, Constants.PARALLEL, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.INTERRUPT, Constants.INTERRUPT, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.SEQUENTIAL, Constants.SEQUENTIAL, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.SKIP, Constants.SKIP, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { Constants.STOP, Constants.STOP, "1", "true" },
                                 new String[] { "EDGE", "EDGE", "1", "true" } };

            if (compareSameSpec)
                diffParameters.distanceThresholdVectors =
                    new String[][]
                    new String[] { "C!", "C!", "1", "0" },
                    new String[] { "C?", "C?", "1", "0" },

                    new String[] { "?[]", "?[]", "1", "0", "2", "0" },

                    new String[] { "if", "if", "1", "0" },
                    new String[] { "ifa", "ifa", "1", "0" },
                    new String[] { "GuardProcess", "GuardProcess", "1", "0" },

                    new String[] { "DataOpPrefix", "DataOpPrefix", "1", "0", "2", "0", "3", "0" },  // hamming distance threshold=0 means only same-label tree nodes can be paired-up

                    new String[] { "DefRef", "DefRef", "2", "0" },
                    new String[] { "EventPrefix", "EventPrefix", "2", "0" }
                diffParameters.distanceThresholdVectors =
                    new String[][]
                    new String[] { "C!", "C!", "1", "0" },
                    new String[] { "C?", "C?", "1", "0" },

                    new String[] { "?[]", "?[]", "2", "0" },

                    new String[] { "DataOpPrefix", "DataOpPrefix", "3", "0" },   // hamming distance threshold=0 means only same-label tree nodes can be paired-up

                    new String[] { "DefRef", "DefRef", "2", "0" },
                    new String[] { "EventPrefix", "EventPrefix", "2", "0" }

            diffParameters.epsilonEdgesExcluded = new String[0][];

            // GenericDiff execution control parameters
            diffParameters.maxIteration = 100;
            diffParameters.noPairupIdenticalNodesWithOthers = false; // value no longer checked in GenericDiff; it is defined for each type and checked insider GraphNode
            diffParameters.stepsOfNeighbors          = 1;
            diffParameters.stopGreedySearchThreshold = 0.8;
            diffParameters.stopPropagationThreshold  = 0.00001;
            diffParameters.removeOutliersThreshold   = 2;
            diffParameters.considerNodeDistance      = true;
            diffParameters.considerEdgeDistance      = false;
            diffParameters.includeUnmatched          = true;
            diffParameters.includeNeighbors          = false;
            diffParameters.conductCandidatesSearch   = true;
            diffParameters.appendEpsilonPairups      = false;
            diffParameters.doGreedySearch            = false;
            diffParameters.compareAdditionalInfo     = false;
            diffParameters.notMaximalBipartiteMatch  = true;

            // Strategy objects
            diffParameters.searchPotentialCandidatesKind    = CandidatesSearchStrategyKind.Sequential;
            diffParameters.neighborhoodMatchingStrategyKind = SelectionStrategyKind.StableMarriage;
            diffParameters.removeOutliersStrtegyKind        = RemoveOutliersStrategyKind.None;
            diffParameters.matchingStrategyKind             = SelectionStrategyKind.StableMarriage;

            // Domain knowledge that controls the parsing and graph creation process
            String[][] simpleNodeInfoTemplates =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "" }                  // number of outgoing branches

            double[][] simpleNodeInfoNone =
                new double[][] {
                new double[] { 0 }

            String[][] simpleNodeInfoCalculatorKind =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" }

            String[][] channelInOutNodeInfoTemplates =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "" },                 // number of outgoing branches
                new String[] { "" }                  // node label index

            double[][] channelInOutNodeInfoNone =
                new double[][] {
                new double[] { 0 },
                new double[] { 0 }

            String[][] channelInOutNodeInfoCalculatorKind =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" },
                new String[] { "Hamming", "vector" }

            String[][] channelInGuardedNodeInfoTemplates =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "" },              // number of outgoing branches
                new String[0],                    // char arrray of guard condition
                new String[] { "" }               // node label index

            double[][] channelInGuardedNodeInfoNone =
                new double[][] {
                new double[] { 0 },
                new double[0],
                new double[] { 0 }

            String[][] channelInGuardedNodeInfoCalculatorKind =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" },
                new String[] { "SeqLCS", "set" },
                new String[] { "Hamming", "vector" }

            String[][] conditionalChoiceNodeInfoTemplates =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "" },              // number of outgoing branches
                new String[0],                    // char arrray of guard condition

            double[][] conditionalChoiceNodeInfoNone =
                new double[][] {
                new double[] { 0 },
                new double[0],

            String[][] conditionalChoiceNodeInfoCalculatorKind =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" },
                new String[] { "SeqLCS", "set" },

            String[][] dataOpNodeInfoTemplates =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "" },              // number of outgoing branches
                new String[0],                    // event args such as get.0.1
                new String[0],                    // char array for AssignmentExpr
                new String[] { "" }               // node label index

            double[][] dataOpNodeInfoNone =
                new double[][] {
                new double[] { 0 },
                new double[0],
                new double[0],
                new double[] { 0 }

            String[][] dataOpNodeInfoCalculatorKind =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" },
                new String[] { "SeqHamming", "set" },
                new String[] { "SeqLCS", "set" },
                new String[] { "Hamming", "vector" }

            String[][] defRefNodeInfoTemplates =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "" },              // number of outgoing branches
                new String[0],                    // additional args such as get.0.1
                new String[] { "" }               // node label index

            double[][] defRefNodeInfoNone =
                new double[][] {
                new double[] { 0 },
                new double[0],
                new double[] { 0 }

            String[][] defRefNodeInfoCalculatorKind =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" },
                new String[] { "SeqHamming", "set" },
                new String[] { "Hamming", "vector" }

            String[][] hidingNodeInfoTemplates =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "" },              // number of outgoing branches
                new String[0],                    // additional args such as get.0.1

            double[][] hidingNodeInfoNone =
                new double[][] {
                new double[] { 0 },
                new double[0],

            String[][] hidingNodeInfoCalculatorKind =
                new String[][] {
                new String[] { "Taxi", "vector" },
                new String[] { "SetJaccard", "set" },

            String[][] edgeInfoTemplates = new String[][] { };

            double[][] edgeInfoNone = new double[][] {};

            String[][] edgeInfoCalculatorKind = new String[][] {};

            graphDataConfigs = new DictionaryJ <String, GraphDataConfiguration>();

            GraphDataConfiguration simpleNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(simpleNodeInfoTemplates, simpleNodeInfoNone, simpleNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.ATOMIC_STARTED, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.CASE, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.GENERAL_CHOICE, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.EXTERNAL_CHOICE, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.INTERLEAVE, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.INTERLEAVE + "a", simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.INTERNAL_CHOICE, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.PARALLEL, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.INTERRUPT, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.SEQUENTIAL, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.SKIP, simpleNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.STOP, simpleNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration channelInOutNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(channelInOutNodeInfoTemplates, channelInOutNodeInfoNone, channelInOutNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("C?", channelInOutNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add("C!", channelInOutNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration channelInGuardedNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(channelInGuardedNodeInfoTemplates, channelInGuardedNodeInfoNone, channelInGuardedNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("?[]", channelInGuardedNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration conditionalChoiceNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(conditionalChoiceNodeInfoTemplates, conditionalChoiceNodeInfoNone, conditionalChoiceNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("if", conditionalChoiceNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add("ifa", conditionalChoiceNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add("GuardProcess", conditionalChoiceNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration dataOpNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(dataOpNodeInfoTemplates, dataOpNodeInfoNone, dataOpNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("DataOpPrefix", dataOpNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration defRefNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(defRefNodeInfoTemplates, defRefNodeInfoNone, defRefNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("DefRef", defRefNodeConfig);
            graphDataConfigs.Add("EventPrefix", defRefNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration hidingNodeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(hidingNodeInfoTemplates, hidingNodeInfoNone, hidingNodeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add(Constants.HIDING, hidingNodeConfig);

            GraphDataConfiguration edgeConfig = GraphDataConfiguration.create(edgeInfoTemplates, edgeInfoNone, edgeInfoCalculatorKind, null);

            graphDataConfigs.Add("EDGE", edgeConfig);