Пример #1
    static void ParseInput()
        n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        stationsInfo = Regex.Matches(
                ("0 --> " + Console.ReadLine()).Replace(" --> ", "►"),
            .Select(match =>
                new KeyValuePair<string, int>(

        int id = 0;
        stationsByName = stationsInfo.ToDictionary(
            info => info.Key,
            info => id++

        stationsByIndex = stationsByName.ToDictionary(
            kvp => kvp.Value,
            kvp => kvp.Key

        var separator = new string[] { " | " };

        camerasInfo = Enumerable.Range(0, int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()))
            .Select(_ => Console.ReadLine())
            .Select(line => line.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None))
            .Select(match =>
                new Tuple<DateTime, int, int, int, char>(
                    DateTime.ParseExact(match[0], DateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),

        trainCapacity = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        //Console.WriteLine("# INPUT");

        //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, stationsInfo));

        //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, camerasInfo));

Пример #2
 private Font(int height, Dictionary<char, byte[]> characters)
     Height = height;
     this.characters = characters.ToDictionary(
         keyValue => keyValue.Key,
         keyValue => new Character(keyValue.Value, height));
        public async Task<IDictionary<string, Result>> GetBatchSentimentAsync(Dictionary<string, string> textBatch)

            if (!textBatch.Any())
                return new Dictionary<string, Result>();

            string content;
            using (var response = await _requestor.PostAsync(Constants.SentimentBatchRequest, BuildInputString(textBatch)))
                content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    return textBatch.ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => AzureMachineLearningResult.Build(_errorMessageGenerator.GenerateError(response.StatusCode, content)));

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SentimentBatchResult>(content);
            var parsedResults = result.SentimentBatch.ToDictionary(sr => sr.Id, sr => AzureMachineLearningResult.Build(sr.Score, ScoreToSentiment(sr.Score)));

            foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                parsedResults.Add(error.Id, AzureMachineLearningResult.Build(error.Message));

            return parsedResults;
Пример #4
        public Dictionary<SportType, Dictionary<GameInfo, List<Game>>> GroupGamesByGameInfo(
           Dictionary<SportType, List<Game>> games)
            return games.ToDictionary(
               gamesOfSport => gamesOfSport.Key,
                gamesOfSport =>
                        var resultDict = new Dictionary<GameInfo, List<Game>>();
                        for (var i = 0; i < gamesOfSport.Value.Count; i++)
                            if (resultDict.Keys.All(info => info != gamesOfSport.Value[i].Info))
                                var tempList = new List<Game> { gamesOfSport.Value[i] };
                                for (var j = i + 1; j < gamesOfSport.Value.Count; j++)
                                    if (gamesOfSport.Value[i].BetsName != gamesOfSport.Value[j].BetsName
                                        & gamesOfSport.Value[i].Info == gamesOfSport.Value[j].Info)

                                resultDict.Add(gamesOfSport.Value[i].Info, tempList);

                        return resultDict.Where(x => x.Value.Count > 1).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.Value);
Пример #5
        private static IDictionary<string, QiMethod> GetMethods(QiObject qiObj)
            var mObj = qiObj.MetaObject;
            if (mObj.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("meta object does not contains info");

            var qKeys = mObj[0].GetKeys();
            var methodInfos = Enumerable
                .Range(0, qKeys.Count)
                .Select(i => qKeys[i])
                .Select(k => new QiMethodInfo(mObj[0][k]));

            var methodOverloads = new Dictionary<string, List<QiMethodInfo>>();
            foreach (var mi in methodInfos)
                if (methodOverloads.ContainsKey(mi.Name))
                    methodOverloads[mi.Name] = new List<QiMethodInfo>() { mi };

            return methodOverloads.ToDictionary(
                p => p.Key,
                p => new QiMethod(qiObj, p.Value)
        public void IndependentMovements()
            /* take a grid and populate with organisms: |___|_A_|___|_B_|___|___|___|___|___|___|
             * make A choose rightmost stimulus & make B choose leftmost stimulus
             * no conflict, both organisms should move where they chose to go
             * result of test:                          |_A_|___|___|___|_B_|___|___|___|___|___| */

            var organismHabitats = new Dictionary<Organism, Habitat>
                                            { this.organisms["A"], this.habitats[1, 0] },
                                            { this.organisms["B"], this.habitats[3, 0] }

            var organismIntendedDestinations = new Dictionary<Organism, Habitat>
                                            { this.organisms["A"], this.habitats[0, 0] },
                                            { this.organisms["B"], this.habitats[4, 0] }

            var expectedOrganismDestinations = organismIntendedDestinations.ToDictionary(
                    intendedDestination => intendedDestination.Key,
                    intendedDestination => intendedDestination.Value);

            var updateSummary = this.CreateAndUpdateEcosystem(organismHabitats, organismIntendedDestinations);

            var expectedCoordinates = expectedOrganismDestinations.Values.Select(expectedDestination => this.habitatCoordinates[expectedDestination]).ToList();
            var actualCoordinates = updateSummary.PostUpdateOrganismLocations.Values.ToList();
            Assert.That(actualCoordinates, Is.EqualTo(expectedCoordinates));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Lexer" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Lexer()
            // regex special characters (should be escaped if needed): .$^{[(|)*+?\
            var patterns = new Dictionary<TokenType, string>
                {TokenType.AND, @"&&"},
                {TokenType.OR, @"\|\|"},
                {TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET, @"\("},
                {TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET, @"\)"},
                {TokenType.GE, @">="},
                {TokenType.LE, @"<="},
                {TokenType.GT, @">"},
                {TokenType.LT, @"<"},
                {TokenType.EQ, @"=="},
                {TokenType.NEQ, @"!="},
                {TokenType.NOT, @"!"},
                {TokenType.NULL, @"null"},
                {TokenType.COMMA, @","},
                {TokenType.INC, @"\+{2}"}, // Despite the fact our language does not support ++ and -- prefix/postfix operations yet, these unary tokens are explicitly designated as illegal. We're detecting them to prevent unification which is done for consecutive plus or minus operators (e.g. + + - - +-+- => +).
                {TokenType.DEC, @"\-{2}"}, // Unification of such unary operators breaks compatibility - such mixed 1++ + 2 operations are illegal in both C# and JavaScript (since we control C# side there is not pain here, but JavaScript would fail since we're sending raw expressions to client-side).
                {TokenType.ADD, @"\+"},
                {TokenType.SUB, @"-"},
                {TokenType.MUL, @"\*"},
                {TokenType.DIV, @"/"},
                {TokenType.FLOAT, @"[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][\+-]?[0-9]+)?"}, // 1.0, 0.3e-2
                {TokenType.INT, @"[0-9]+"},
                {TokenType.BOOL, @"(?:true|false)"},
                {TokenType.STRING, @"(['])(?:\\\1|.)*?\1"}, // '1234', 'John\'s cat'
                {TokenType.FUNC, @"[a-zA-Z_]+(?:(?:(?:\[[0-9]+\])?\.[a-zA-Z_])?[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*(?:\[[0-9]+\])?"} // field, field.field, arr[0], func(...)

            RegexMap = patterns.ToDictionary(
                kvp => kvp.Key,
                kvp => new Regex(string.Format("^{0}", kvp.Value))); // in general, for compiled version of regular expressions their construction and initialization time is amortized out over many runs
        public async Task<Dictionary<string, string>> GenerateTextWithKey(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var generatedTaskObjects = new Dictionary<string, Task<string>>();

            foreach (ExpressionWithSource expressionWithSource in _expressionsWithSources)
                Expression expression = expressionWithSource.Expression;
                ExpressionSourceType source = expressionWithSource.Source;

                Task<string> generatedTextTask = GenerateTextAsync(expression, source, cancellationToken);

                string expressionNameResolvedDuplicates;
                if (generatedTaskObjects.Keys.Contains(expression.Name))
                    int count = generatedTaskObjects.Keys.Count(x => x.StartsWith(expression.Name + " (")) + 1;
                    expressionNameResolvedDuplicates = expression.Name + " (" + count + ")";
                    expressionNameResolvedDuplicates = expression.Name;

                generatedTaskObjects.Add(expressionNameResolvedDuplicates, generatedTextTask);

            await Task.WhenAll(generatedTaskObjects.Values);
            Dictionary<string, string> generatedObjects = generatedTaskObjects.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Value.Result);

            return generatedObjects;
 public static void SomeFunction()
     Dictionary<int, int> dict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
     dict.Add(4, 3);
     foreach(int key in dict.Keys)
     foreach(int val in dict.Values)
     foreach(var kv in dict)
         Console.WriteLine(kv.Key + " " + kv.Value);
     var dict2 = dict.ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.Value);
     var vals = dict.Values;
     HashSet<int> hash = new HashSet<int>();
     foreach(int hashItem in hash)
     var z = hash.Select(o => 3).ToArray();
     var g = hash.GroupBy(o => o).Select(o => o.Count()).Min();
Пример #10
 public void FiltrateFighters()
     var pretendents = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     foreach (var e in Fighters)
         if (!pretendents.ContainsKey(e.Item1))
             pretendents[e.Item1] = 0;
     var temp = pretendents.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Value);
     foreach (var e in temp)
             var process = new Process();
             process.StartInfo.FileName = "Checkers.Tournament.exe";
             process.StartInfo.Arguments = e.Key + " " + "testPlayer.dll";
             process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
             process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
             process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
             process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
             var winner = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()[0];
             if (winner == 'W')
             pretendents[e.Key] = -10;
     Fighters = Fighters.Where(x => pretendents.ContainsKey(x.Item1) && pretendents.ContainsKey(x.Item2))
     //добавить ограничение по победам
     // фильтруем некорректные дллс
        public BookPurchaseInfo BookPurchaseInfo(string totalBudget, Dictionary<string, string> purchaseBook)
            BookPurchaseInfo thisPurchaseInfo = new BookPurchaseInfo();

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(totalBudget))
                throw new NullReferenceException("Input field(s) is empty.");
                    thisPurchaseInfo.budget = float.Parse(totalBudget);
                    thisPurchaseInfo.items = purchaseBook.ToDictionary(
                        x => int.Parse(x.Key),
                        x => int.Parse(x.Value)
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    throw new Exception(Ex.Message);

            return thisPurchaseInfo;
Пример #12
 public HistoryTickerStream(Dictionary<string, List<CandleDataBidAsk>> quotes)
     this.quotes = quotes;
     if (quotes.Count == 0) return;
     currentIndex = quotes.ToDictionary(q => q.Key, q => 0);
     timeNow = quotes.Select(q => q.Value.Count == 0 ? DateTime.MaxValue : q.Value[0].timeClose).Min();
Пример #13
        internal override void Prepare()

            var parameters = new Dictionary<String, String> {
                { "database",           Database },
                { "user",               Username },
                { "client_encoding",    "UTF8"   },

            if (ApplicationName != null)
                parameters.Add("application_name", ApplicationName);

            if (SearchPath != null)
                parameters.Add("search_path", SearchPath);

            // TODO: Is this really UTF8 or can be ASCII?
            _parameters = parameters.ToDictionary(kv => PGUtil.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(kv.Key),
                                                  kv => PGUtil.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(kv.Value));
            _length = 4 + // len
                      4 + // protocol version
                      _parameters.Select(kv => kv.Key.Length + kv.Value.Length + 2).Sum() +
                      1; // trailing zero byte
Пример #14
    public static Dictionary<string, List<SmallRNASequence>> ConvertFrom(List<ChromosomeCountSlimItem> items)
      var result = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, SmallRNASequence>>();
      foreach (var c in items)
        foreach (var q in c.Queries)
          Dictionary<string, SmallRNASequence> seqList;
          if (!result.TryGetValue(q.Sample, out seqList))
            seqList = new Dictionary<string, SmallRNASequence>();
            result[q.Sample] = seqList;

          if (!seqList.ContainsKey(q.Sequence))
            seqList[q.Sequence] = new SmallRNASequence()
              Sample = q.Sample,
              Sequence = q.Sequence,
              Count = q.QueryCount

      return result.ToDictionary(l => l.Key, l => l.Value.Values.ToList());
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// A method for loading humans annotations from textual annotation files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="annotationsPath">Path to the file containing annotations</param>
        /// <param name="codingsPath">Path to the file in which it is coded which annotation corresponds to a simplification of which system</param>
        /// <param name="meaningPreservation">Flag that indicates if the annotations are for simplicity/grammaticality or meaning preservation (different format)</param>
        /// <returns>A dictionary containin annotations for simplifications of all systems being evaluated. Key is the identifier of the system (Biran et al.'s 2011 system, our system, human simplifications)</returns>
        public static Dictionary<string, double> EvaluateHuman(string annotationsPath, string codingsPath, bool meaningPreservation = false)
            AllAnnotatorScores = new List<double>();

            var codings = TakeLab.Utilities.IO.StringLoader.LoadDictionaryStrings(codingsPath);
            var annotationLines = (new StreamReader(annotationsPath)).ReadToEnd().Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();

            var index = 0;
            if (meaningPreservation)
                annotationLines = annotationLines.Where(x => x.StartsWith("Simplified")).ToList();

            Dictionary<string, List<double>> systemScores = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
            annotationLines.ForEach(l => {
                var spl = l.Split();
                var system = codings[spl[index]];
                if (!systemScores.ContainsKey(system)) systemScores.Add(system, new List<double>());
                var score = Double.Parse(spl[index + 1]);

            return systemScores.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.Average());
Пример #16
        public async Task<bool> IdentifyCustomer(string customerId, string email, DateTime? dateCreatedUtc = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraData = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customerId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("customerId may not be null or empty");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("email may not be null or empty");

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, new Uri(ApiUrl + customerId));
            request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:{1}", SiteId, ApiKey))));

            var dict = extraData == null ? new Dictionary<string, string>() : extraData.ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.Value);

            if (dict.ContainsKey("email"))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("extraData may not contain a key called 'email'");

            dict.Add("email", email);

                dateCreatedUtc != null
                    ? DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(dateCreatedUtc.Value).ToString("####")
                    : DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow).ToString("####"));

            request.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict);

            var response = await Client.SendAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);
            return ProcessResponseAsync(response);
Пример #17
		private InputState(SAMViewportAdapter adapter, KeyboardState ks, MouseState ms, TouchCollection ts, GamePadState gs, InputState prev)
			Mouse = ms;
			Keyboard = ks;
			TouchPanel = ts;
			GamePad = gs;

			if (Mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
				IsDown = true;
				PointerPosition = adapter.PointToScreen(Mouse.Position);
			else if (TouchPanel.Count > 0)
				IsDown = true;
				PointerPosition = adapter.PointToScreen(TouchPanel[0].Position.ToPoint());
				IsDown = false;
				PointerPosition = prev.PointerPosition;

			IsJustDown = IsDown && !prev.IsDown;
			IsJustUp = !IsDown && prev.IsDown;

			lastKeyState = prev.currentKeyState;
			currentKeyState = lastKeyState.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => ks.IsKeyDown(p.Key));
Пример #18
        public void Execute()
            TypeModel model = RuntimeTypeModel.Default;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var tagToType = new Dictionary<int, Type>
                    {1, typeof(B)}, {2, typeof(C)}
                var typeToTag = tagToType.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Value, pair => pair.Key);
                object b = new B { Y = 2 };
                object c = new C { Y = 4 };
                // in v1, comparable to Serializer.NonGeneric.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(ms, b, PrefixStyle.Base128, typeToTag[b.GetType()]);
                model.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(ms, b, null, PrefixStyle.Base128, typeToTag[b.GetType()]);
                model.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(ms, c, null, PrefixStyle.Base128, typeToTag[c.GetType()]);
                ms.Position = 0;

                // in v1, comparable to Serializer.NonGeneric.TryDeserializeWithLengthPrefix(ms, PrefixStyle.Base128, key => tagToType[key], out b2);
                object b2 = model.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix(ms, null, null, PrefixStyle.Base128, 0, key => tagToType[key]);
                object c2 = model.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix(ms, null, null, PrefixStyle.Base128, 0, key => tagToType[key]);
                Assert.AreEqual(((B)b).Y, ((B)b2).Y);
                Assert.AreEqual(((C)c).Y, ((C)c2).Y);
Пример #19
        public Translation Translate(Expression expression)
            var queryVisitor = new QueryParser();

            // parameters are indexed by value to ease reusing params by value
            var parameters = new Dictionary<object, string>();


            var selectSql = new StringBuilder();
            if (queryVisitor.Select != null)
                new SqlCodeGenerator(selectSql, parameters).Visit(queryVisitor.Select);

            var whereSql = new StringBuilder();
            if (queryVisitor.Where != null)
                new SqlCodeGenerator(whereSql, parameters).Visit(queryVisitor.Where);

            var orderBySql = new StringBuilder();
            if (queryVisitor.OrderBy != null)
                new SqlCodeGenerator(orderBySql, parameters).Visit(queryVisitor.OrderBy);

            return new Translation
                Select = selectSql.ToString(),
                Where = whereSql.ToString(),
                OrderBy = orderBySql.ToString(),
                Skip = queryVisitor.Skip,
                Take = queryVisitor.Take,
                ProjectAs = queryVisitor.ProjectAs,
                Parameters = parameters.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key),
                ExecutionMethod = queryVisitor.Execution
Пример #20
        public SimpleAppClient(IRequester requester, Dictionary<Type, object> services)
            : base(requester)
            foreach (var pair in services)
                Type iface = pair.Key;

                if (iface == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(); // todo2[ak]

                if (!iface.IsInterface)
                    throw new ApplicationException(); // todo2[ak]

                object instance = pair.Value;
                if (instance == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(); // todo2[ak]

                if (!iface.IsAssignableFrom(instance.GetType()))
                    throw new ApplicationException(); // todo2[ak]

            _proxies = services.ToDictionary(
                pair => pair.Key.FullName,
                pair => new Tuple<Type, object>(pair.Key, pair.Value));
 public static IReadOnlyDictionary <String, IReadOnlyList <TInto> > SetSymbol <TInto, TFrom>(
     this Dictionary <String, List <TFrom>?>?dictionary)
     where TFrom : TInto, ISymbolMutable =>
     _ => _.Key,
     _ => _.Value.SetSymbol(_.Key).EmptyIfNull <TInto, TFrom>(),
 ?? new Dictionary <String, IReadOnlyList <TInto> >(StringComparer.Ordinal);
Пример #22
        static AsmHelper()
            _registersIds = REGISTERS.ToDictionary(
                s => s.Split(':')[1].Trim(),
                s => (RegisterName)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegisterName), s.Split(':')[0].Trim()));

            _registerCaptions = _registersIds.ToDictionary(p => p.Value, p => p.Key);
Пример #23
 public EmbeddedResourceManager(IEmbeddedResourceBuilder builder, IWebContext webContext)
     _assemblyPathPrefixes = builder.ResourceSettings.AssemblyPathPrefixes;
     _reverseAssemblyPathPrefixes = _assemblyPathPrefixes.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Value, kvp => kvp.Key);
     _clientResourcePrefixes = builder.ResourceSettings.ClientResourcePrefixes;
     _files = new Dictionary<string, EmbeddedResourceVirtualFile>();
     _webContext = webContext;
        public HttpRemoteResponse(HttpStatusCode statusCode, Dictionary<string, string> headers, string content)
            if (headers == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("headers");

            StatusCode = statusCode;
            Headers = headers.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // make a copy for better comparisons
            Content = content;
		private TpProfilerStatistics(Dictionary<ProfilerTarget, string> data)
			_data = data.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new TpProfilerStatisticRecord
				Target = x.Key,
				Name = x.Key.GetDescription(),
				Data = x.Value
Пример #26
 /// <param name="confidences"></param>
 /// <returns>message.ID -> (Topic.ID, Topic.Confidence)</returns>
 public static Dictionary<long, TopicIdAndConfidenceInItTuple[]> CleanConfidences(Dictionary<long, double[]> confidences)
     var q = confidences.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => k.Value
         .Select((a,i) => Tuple.Create(i,a))
         .OrderByDescending(d => d.Item2)
     return q;
        public DeploymentExecutionDefinition(
            string packageId,
            string targetDirectoryPath,
            MayBe <SemanticVersion> semanticVersion,
            string nuGetConfigFile    = null,
            string nuGetPackageSource = null,
            string iisSiteName        = null,
            bool isPreRelease         = false,
            bool force = false,
            string environmentConfig   = null,
            string publishSettingsFile = null,
            Dictionary <string, string[]> parameters = null,
            string excludedFilePatterns   = null,
            bool requireEnvironmentConfig = false,
            string webConfigTransformFile = null,
            string publishType            = null,
            string ftpPath                = null,
            string nugetExePath           = null,
            string packageListPrefix      = null,
            bool?packageListPrefixEnabled = null)
            SemanticVersion = semanticVersion ?? MayBe <SemanticVersion> .Nothing;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(packageId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packageId));

            ExcludedFilePatterns = excludedFilePatterns?.Split(';').ToImmutableArray() ?? ImmutableArray <string> .Empty;

            PackageId           = packageId;
            TargetDirectoryPath = targetDirectoryPath;
            NuGetConfigFile     = nuGetConfigFile;
            NuGetPackageSource  = nuGetPackageSource;
            IisSiteName         = iisSiteName;
            IsPreRelease        = SemanticVersion?.IsPrerelease ?? isPreRelease;
            Force                    = force;
            EnvironmentConfig        = environmentConfig;
            PublishSettingsFile      = publishSettingsFile;
            RequireEnvironmentConfig = requireEnvironmentConfig;
            WebConfigTransformFile   = webConfigTransformFile;
            Parameters               = parameters?.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key,
                                                                pair => new StringValues(pair.Value ?? Array.Empty <string>()))
                                       .ToImmutableDictionary() ??
                                       ImmutableDictionary <string, StringValues> .Empty;

            _       = PublishType.TryParseOrDefault(publishType, out PublishType publishTypeValue);
            _       = FtpPath.TryParse(ftpPath, FileSystemType.Directory, out FtpPath path);
            FtpPath = path;

            PublishType = publishTypeValue;

            ExcludedFilePatternsCombined = excludedFilePatterns;

            NuGetExePath             = nugetExePath;
            PackageListPrefix        = packageListPrefix;
            PackageListPrefixEnabled = packageListPrefixEnabled;
Пример #28
        public ActionMapper()
            actionHandlerTypes = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.GetTypes()
                                 .Where(t => typeof(ActionHandlerBase).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.Name.EndsWith("Actions"))
                                 .ToDictionary(t => t.Name.Substring(0, t.Name.LastIndexOf("Actions", StringComparison.Ordinal)).ToCamelCase(), t => t);

            actionHandlerActions = actionHandlerTypes?.ToDictionary(t => t.Value,
                                                                    t => t.Value.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly));
 public string Encrypt(string text, Dictionary<string, string> publicKeyIdAndPublicKeyMap, out Dictionary<string, string> publicKeyIdAndEncryptedKeyMap)
     Dictionary<string, byte[]> publicKeyIdAndEncryptedKeyMapByted;
     var result = Convert.ToBase64String(Encrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text), 
         publicKeyIdAndPublicKeyMap.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => Convert.FromBase64String(i.Value)),
         out publicKeyIdAndEncryptedKeyMapByted));
     publicKeyIdAndEncryptedKeyMap = publicKeyIdAndEncryptedKeyMapByted.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => Convert.ToBase64String(i.Value));
     return result;
		private ProfilerStatistics(Dictionary<ProfilerTarget, string> data)
			_data = data.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new TpProfilerStatisticRecord
				Target = x.Key,
				Name = x.Key.GetMetadata<ProfilerTarget, HttpHeaderAttribute>(),
				Data = x.Value
Пример #31
 public ProductCategoryObject(
     Dictionary <string, string> singleProperties
     , Dictionary <string, string[]> pluralProperties = null
     , bool isCategory = false)
     SingleProperties = singleProperties.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     PluralProperties = pluralProperties?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)
                        ?? new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
     IsCategory = isCategory;
Пример #32
 static ScriptEngineFactory()
     languageType = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
         .Where(x => x.IsClass && !x.IsAbstract && typeof(ScriptEngineBase).IsAssignableFrom(x))
         .ToDictionary(x => ((LanguageAttribute)x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LanguageAttribute), true).First()).Language);
     languageExtensions = languageType.ToDictionary(
         x => ((AllowedExtensionAttribute)x.Value
                 .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AllowedExtensionAttribute), true)
         x => x.Key);
     languageSyntaxHighlighting = languageType.ToDictionary(
         x => x.Key,
         x => GetSyntaxHighlighting(x.Key));
     languageExampleScript = languageType.ToDictionary(
         x => x.Key,
         x => GetExampleScript(x.Key));
		public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
			var dict = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, IndexSettings>>>();
			serializer.Populate(reader, dict);
			var response = new IndexSettingsResponse();
			if (!dict.HasAny() || !dict.First().Value.HasAny() || !dict.First().Value.First().Value.HasAny())
				return response;
			response.Nodes = dict.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value.First().Value.First().Value);
			return response;
Пример #34
 public Dictionary<string, decimal> GetPromoted(
     Dictionary<string, int> boughtDictionary)
         boughtDictionary.ToDictionary(bd => bd.Key,
             bd => promotionBarcodes.Contains(bd.Key)
                 ? bd.Value/3*
                 : 0);
        /// <param name="operationId">
        /// Lookup operation ID, use swagger operation ID of action to call
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parameters">
        /// Parameter value to pass to operation
        /// Dictionary key - parameter name in lookup operation
        /// Dictionary value - property from object, returned by lookup operation,
        /// whose value will be used
        /// if null - don't generate parameters section in swagger
        /// </param>
        public FilePickerOperationModel(string operationId, Dictionary <string, string> parameters)
            //no operation - dont create parameters
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(operationId))

            OperationId = operationId;
            Parameters  = parameters?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new FilePickerParameterValue(x.Value));
Пример #36
 public TO_AssetFxModel ToTransportObject() =>
 new TO_AssetFxModel
     AssetCurves       = _assetCurves?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.GetTransportObject()),
     AssetVols         = _assetVols?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key.GetTransportObject(), x => x.Value.GetTransportObject()),
     BuildDate         = BuildDate,
     CorrelationMatrix = CorrelationMatrix?.GetTransportObject(),
     Fixings           = _fixings?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.GetTransportObject()),
     FundingModel      = _fundingModel.GetTransportObject(),
     Portfolio         = _portfolio?.ToTransportObject(),
Пример #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Log a custom event.
 /// A custom event log provides insight to system administrators by logging information that may not be captured by other log levels.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TEvent">Type of event name</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TKey">Type of dictionary key</typeparam>
 /// <param name="logger">The logger</param>
 /// <param name="event">The information message</param>
 /// <param name="properties">[Optional] A collection of properties that should be associated to the telemetry entry</param>
 /// <param name="metrics">[Optional] The metrics</param>
 /// <param name="correlationId">[Optional] This is used for tracing a series of events. If this is left null then a new ID will be created and returned by this method. Otherwise pass in an ID from a previous logging event</param>
 /// <param name="callerName">[Optional] source name; set to caller's name if not specified</param>
 /// <param name="callerPath">[Optional] source path; set to caller's path if not specified</param>
 /// <param name="callerLineNumber">[Optional] source line number; set to caller's source line number if not specified</param>
 /// <returns>The correlation Id for this logging event if a value was provided in the method call this will return the value provided otherwise a new Guid will be generated</returns>
 public static Guid LogEvent <TEvent, TKey>(this ILogProvider logger, TEvent @event, Dictionary <TKey, string> properties = null, Dictionary <TKey, double> metrics = null, Guid?correlationId = null, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = null, [CallerFilePath] string callerPath = null, [CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = 0)
     where TEvent : struct
                properties?.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key.ToString(), kv => kv.Value),
                metrics?.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key.ToString(), kv => kv.Value),
Пример #38
 public static IReadOnlyDictionary <String, IReadOnlyList <TInto> > EmptyIfNull <TInto, TFrom>(
     this Dictionary <String, List <TFrom>?>?dictionary,
     Action <String, List <TFrom>?>?transformer = null)
     where TFrom : TInto =>
     _ => _.Key,
     _ =>
     transformer?.Invoke(_.Key, _.Value);
     return(_.Value.EmptyIfNull <TInto, TFrom>());
 ?? new Dictionary <String, IReadOnlyList <TInto> >(StringComparer.Ordinal);
Пример #39
 public static HtmlBuilder FieldDropDown(
     this HtmlBuilder hb,
     string fieldId             = null,
     string controlId           = null,
     string fieldCss            = null,
     string labelCss            = null,
     string controlContainerCss = null,
     string controlCss          = null,
     string labelText           = null,
     string labelTitle          = null,
     Dictionary <string, string> optionCollection = null,
     string selectedValue  = null,
     bool multiple         = false,
     bool addSelectedValue = true,
     bool insertBlank      = false,
     bool disabled         = false,
     string onChange       = null,
     bool validateRequired = false,
     string action         = null,
     string method         = null,
     Column column         = null,
     bool _using           = true)
         ? hb.Field(
                fieldId: fieldId,
                controlId: controlId,
                fieldCss: fieldCss,
                labelCss: labelCss,
                controlContainerCss: controlContainerCss,
                labelText: labelText,
                labelTitle: labelTitle,
                controlAction: () => hb
                    controlId: controlId,
                    controlCss: controlCss,
                    optionCollection: optionCollection?.ToDictionary(
                        o => o.Key, o => new ControlData(o.Value)),
                    selectedValue: selectedValue,
                    multiple: multiple,
                    addSelectedValue: addSelectedValue,
                    insertBlank: insertBlank,
                    disabled: disabled,
                    onChange: onChange,
                    validateRequired: validateRequired,
                    action: action,
                    method: method,
                    column: column))
         : hb);
Пример #40
 public ProductCategoryObject(
     Dictionary <string, string> singleProperties
     , List <ArgumentObject> subcatalogs
     , List <ArgumentObject> products
     , Dictionary <string, string[]> pluralProperties = null
     , bool isCategory = true)
     SingleProperties = singleProperties.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     PluralProperties = pluralProperties?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)
                        ?? new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
     Subcatalogs = subcatalogs.ToList();
     Products    = products.ToList();
     IsCategory  = isCategory;
Пример #41
 public AlternaClass(string blockExp, string refProductExp
                     , Dictionary <string, Search <string> > propertiesCategory
                     , Dictionary <string, Search <string> > singlePropertiesProduct,
                     Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> > pluralPropertiesProduct = null,
                     bool debug = true,
                     string url = "")
     BlockExp                = blockExp;
     RefProductExp           = refProductExp;
     PropertiesCategory      = propertiesCategory.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     PluralPropertiesProduct = pluralPropertiesProduct?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     SinglePropertiesProduct = singlePropertiesProduct.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     Debug = debug;
     Url   = url;
Пример #42
        public SimpleData SomeClassB;         // Classes are automatically implemented in the UI.
        // See ??? for an example of a class with a CustomUI.

        // Proper cloning of reference types is required because behind the scenes many instances of ModConfig classes co-exist.
        public override ModConfig Clone()
            // Since ListOfInts is a reference type, we need to clone it manually so our config works properly.
            var clone = (ModConfigShowcaseDataTypes)base.Clone();

            // We use ?. and ?: here because many of these fields can be null.
            // clone.SomeList = SomeList != null ? new List<int>(SomeList) : null;
            clone.SomeArray      = (int[])SomeArray.Clone();
            clone.SomeList       = SomeList?.ToList();
            clone.SomeDictionary = SomeDictionary?.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value);
            clone.SomeSet        = SomeSet != null ? new HashSet <string>(SomeSet) : null;

            clone.SomeClassA = SomeClassA == null ? null : new ItemDefinition(SomeClassA.mod, SomeClassA.name);
            clone.SomeClassB = SomeClassB?.Clone();

Пример #43
        public SirenEntity Build()
            SirenEntity entity = new SirenEntity()
                Class      = _class?.ToArray(),
                Properties = _properties?.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value),
                Entities   = _subEntityBuilders?.Select(x => x.Build()).ToArray(),
                Links      = _linkBuilders?.Select(x => x.Build()).ToArray(),
                Actions    = _actionBuilders?.Select(x => x.Build()).ToArray(),
                Title      = _title

            if (entity.Actions != null && new HashSet <string>(entity.Actions.Select(x => x.Name)).Count != entity.Actions.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("Action names MUST be unique within the set of actions for an entity.");

Пример #44
        public async Task <TableResponse> GetAsync(string databaseCode, string datatableCode, Dictionary <string, List <string> > rowFilter = null,
                                                   List <string> columnFilter = null, string nextCursorId = null, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
                var    massagedRowFilters    = rowFilter?.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => string.Join(",", kvp.Value));
                string massagedColumnFilters = columnFilter != null?string.Join(",", columnFilter) : null;

                return(await $"{Constant.HostUri}/datatables/{databaseCode}/{datatableCode}.json"
                       .SetQueryParam("qopts.columns", massagedColumnFilters)
                       .SetQueryParam("qopts.cursor_id", nextCursorId)
                       .SetQueryParam("api_key", _apiKey)
                       .ReceiveJson <TableResponse>()
            catch (FlurlHttpException ex)
                throw await ex.ToQuandlException();
Пример #45
 public LiquiMolyClass(
     Func <HtmlNode, bool> isCategory,
     Dictionary <string, Search <string> > singlePropertiesProduct,
     Search <ArgumentObject[]> findSubcatalogs = null,
     Search <ArgumentObject[]> findProducts    = null,
     Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> > pluralPropertiesProduct  = null,
     Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> > pluralPropertiesCategory = null,
     Dictionary <string, Search <string> > singlePropertiesCategory   = null,
     Search <ArgumentObject[]> xPathPagination = null,
     bool debug        = true,
     Encoding encoding = null)
     SinglePropertiesProduct  = singlePropertiesProduct.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     SinglePropertiesCategory = singlePropertiesCategory?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     PluralPropertiesCategory = pluralPropertiesCategory?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     PluralPropertiesProduct  = pluralPropertiesProduct?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     IsCategory       = isCategory;
     _findProducts    = findProducts ?? ((node, o) => new ArgumentObject[0]);
     _findSubcatalogs = findSubcatalogs ?? ((node, o) => new ArgumentObject[0]);
     _xPathPagintaion = xPathPagination ?? ((node, o) => new ArgumentObject[0]);
     Debug            = debug;
     _encoding        = encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8;
Пример #46
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by browser clients to update a view model's value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vmId">Identifies the view model.</param>
        /// <param name="vmData">View model update data, where key is the property path and value is the property's new value.</param>
        public void Update_VM(string vmId, Dictionary <string, object> vmData)
            var data = vmData?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => NormalizeType(x.Value));

                _hubContext = new DotNetifyHubContext(Context, nameof(Request_VM), vmId, data, null, Principal);
                _hubPipeline.RunMiddlewares(_hubContext, ctx =>
                    Principal = ctx.Principal;
                    VMController.OnUpdateVM(ctx.CallerContext.ConnectionId, ctx.VMId, ctx.Data as Dictionary <string, object>);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var finalEx = _hubPipeline.RunExceptionMiddleware(Context, ex);
                if (finalEx is OperationCanceledException == false)
                    Response_VM(Context.ConnectionId, vmId, SerializeException(finalEx));
Пример #47
        public async Task UpdateVMAsync(string vmId, Dictionary <string, object> vmData)
            var data = vmData?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => NormalizeType(x.Value));

                _callerContext = Context;
                _hubContext    = new DotNetifyHubContext(_callerContext, nameof(IDotNetifyHubMethod.Update_VM), vmId, data, null, Principal);
                await _hubPipeline.RunMiddlewaresAsync(_hubContext, async ctx =>
                    Principal = ctx.Principal;
                    await VMController.OnUpdateVMAsync(ctx.CallerContext.ConnectionId, ctx.VMId, ctx.Data as Dictionary <string, object>);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var finalEx = await _hubPipeline.RunExceptionMiddlewareAsync(Context, ex);

                if (finalEx is OperationCanceledException == false)
                    await ResponseVMAsync(Context.ConnectionId, vmId, SerializeException(finalEx));
 private Dictionary <string, List <string> > GetGenericsDictonary(Dictionary <Type, ICollection <Type> > dictionary)
            .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key.ToString(),
                          pair => pair.Value.Select(type1 => type1.FullName).ToList()));
 public Dictionary <RelationshipAttribute, HashSet <TDependent> > AllByRelationships()
     return(_groups?.ToDictionary(p => p.Key.Attribute, p => p.Value));
Пример #50
 public AssetBuilder AddItems(Dictionary <string, Stream> assets) =>
 AddItems(assets?.ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => new ContentItem(a.Value)));
 public static Dictionary <string, BacktestJobLightModel> ToBacktestJobLightModels(this Dictionary <string, BacktestJobLight> jobs)
     return(jobs?.ToDictionary(j => j.Key, j => j.Value.ToBacktestJobLightModel()));
        public ContentModelData ResolveContent(IContent content, string propertyGroupAlias, Dictionary <string, object>?options = null)
                if (content is null)
                    return(new ContentModelData());

                var contentType  = _contentTypeService.Get(content.ContentType.Alias);
                var contentModel = new ContentModelData
                    Item = new ContentModelItemData
                        Id          = content.Key,
                        ContentType = content.ContentType.Alias,
                        Name        = content.Name,
                        Type        = content.ContentType.Name,
                        EditedAt    = content.UpdateDate

                var contentDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                // Add blocks to content if applicable (loops through all nested content)
                if (_contentService.HasChildren(content.Id))
                    List <ContentModelData> contentModelDataList = new();
                    long totalChildren;
                    var  children = _contentService.GetPagedChildren(content.Id, 0, int.MaxValue, out totalChildren);
                    foreach (var child in children.Where(x => x.ContentType.Alias is not GeneralWebPage.ModelTypeAlias))
                        contentModelDataList.Add(ResolveContent(child, "content"));

                    contentDictionary.Add("blocks", contentModelDataList);

                var group           = contentType.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias == propertyGroupAlias);
                var groupProperties = group?.PropertyTypes.Select(x => x.Alias);

                foreach (var property in content.Properties.Where(x => groupProperties.Contains(x.Alias)))
                    var converter =
                        _converters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EditorAlias.Equals(property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias));
                    if (converter is not null)
                        var propertyValue = property.GetValue();

                        if (propertyValue is null)
                            contentDictionary.Add(property.Alias, null);

                        propertyValue = converter.Convert(propertyValue, options?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));

                        contentDictionary.Add(property.Alias, propertyValue);
                            $"No converter implemented for editor: {property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias}");

                contentModel.Content = contentDictionary;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError(e, "An exception occured when resolving content, see the inner exception for details");
Пример #53
        public ContentModel ResolveContent(IPublishedElement content, Dictionary <string, object> options = null)
                if (content == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(content));

                var contentModel = new ContentModel
                    System = new SystemModel
                        Id          = content.Key,
                        ContentType = content.ContentType.Alias,
                        Type        = content.ContentType.ItemType.ToString()

                var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                if (content is IPublishedContent publishedContent)
                    contentModel.System.CreatedAt  = publishedContent.CreateDate;
                    contentModel.System.EditedAt   = publishedContent.UpdateDate;
                    contentModel.System.Locale     = _variationContextAccessor.VariationContext.Culture;
                    contentModel.System.Name       = publishedContent.Name;
                    contentModel.System.UrlSegment = publishedContent.UrlSegment;

                    if (options != null &&
                        options.ContainsKey("addUrl") &&
                        bool.TryParse(options["addUrl"].ToString(), out bool addUrl) &&
                        contentModel.System.Url = publishedContent.Url(mode: UrlMode.Absolute);

                foreach (IPublishedProperty property in content.Properties)
                    IConverter converter =
                        _converters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EditorAlias.Equals(property.PropertyType.EditorAlias));
                    if (converter != null)
                        object prop = property.Value();

                        if (prop == null)

                        prop = converter.Convert(prop, options?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));

                        dict.Add(property.Alias, prop);
                            $"No converter implemented for editor: {property.PropertyType.EditorAlias}");

                contentModel.Fields = dict;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error <ContentResolver>(e);
Пример #54
        public static async Task StartBuildAsync(
            EnvDTE.Project project,
            string projectPath,
            string configName,
            Dictionary <string, string> properties,
            IEnumerable <string> targets,
            LoggerVerbosity verbosity)
            if (project == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Project cannot be null.");
            if (configName == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Configuration name cannot be null.");

            var tracker = QtProjectTracker.Get(project, projectPath);
            await tracker.Initialized;

            if (QtVsToolsPackage.Instance.Options.BuildDebugInformation)
                                   "{0:HH:mm:ss.FFF} QtProjectBuild({1}): Request [{2}] {3}",
                                   DateTime.Now, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId,
                                   configName, tracker.UnconfiguredProject.FullPath));

            var knownConfigs = await tracker.UnconfiguredProject.Services

            ConfiguredProject configuredProject = null;

            foreach (var config in knownConfigs)
                var configProject = await tracker.UnconfiguredProject

                if (configProject.ProjectConfiguration.Name == configName)
                    configuredProject = configProject;
            if (configuredProject == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unknown configuration '{0}'.", configName));

            BuildQueue.Enqueue(new QtProjectBuild()
                Project             = project,
                VcProject           = tracker.VcProject,
                UnconfiguredProject = tracker.UnconfiguredProject,
                ConfiguredProject   = configuredProject,
                Properties          = properties?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value),
                Targets             = targets?.ToList(),
                LoggerVerbosity     = verbosity
            StaticThreadSafeInit(() => BuildDispatcher,
                                 () => BuildDispatcher = Task.Run(BuildDispatcherLoopAsync))
Пример #55
 private ValidationResult(string errorMessage, Dictionary <string, List <string> > result)
     : this(errorMessage, result?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => (IReadOnlyList <string>)x.Value))
Пример #56
 public void PrepareRender()
     stateCounters = stateCounters?.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, _ => 0);
 /// <summary>
 ///     This extension method will create a new clone of the provided dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TK">Key type.</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TV">Value type.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="dict">The dictionary to clone.</param>
 /// <returns>A new dictionary instance cloned from the provided instance.</returns>
 public static Dictionary <TK, TV> Clone <TK, TV>(this Dictionary <TK, TV> dict)
 => dict?.ToDictionary(
     pair => pair.Key,
     pair => pair.Value
Пример #58
        public bool Subscribe(string listId, MailAddress email, Dictionary <string, string> mergeFields, string apiKey)
            var apiKeyParts = apiKey.Split('-');

            if (apiKeyParts.Length != 2)
                Log.Warning("The MailChimp API key is invalid; it should contain the MailChimp data center (e.g. 6292043b52144da2a5ccba0ed8dd9016-us15)");

            var emailAddress = email.Address;

            var key  = apiKeyParts.First();
            var dc   = apiKeyParts.Last();
            var hash = GetMd5Hash(emailAddress.ToLowerInvariant());
            var uri  = new Uri($"https://{dc}.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/{listId}/members/{hash}");

            var client = new WebClient
                Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

            // set JSON content type
            client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json";

            // basic auth, base64 encode of username:password
            var credentials = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"-:{key}"));

            client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = $"Basic {credentials}";

                var data = Serialize(new SubscriptionData
                    email_address = emailAddress,
                    status        = "subscribed",
                    merge_fields  = mergeFields?.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key.ToUpperInvariant(), kvp => kvp.Value) ?? new Dictionary <string, string>()

                var response = client.UploadString(uri, "PUT", data);
                var result   = Deserialize <SubscriptionData>(response);
                return("subscribed".Equals(result.status, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && emailAddress.Equals(result.email_address, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            catch (WebException wex)
                var responseStream = wex.Response?.GetResponseStream();
                if (responseStream != null)
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
                        var response = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        Log.Error(wex, $"An error occurred while trying to subscribe the email: {emailAddress}. Error details: {response}", null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, $"An error occurred while trying to subscribe the email: {emailAddress}.");
Пример #59
//        protected void LoadDefaultGame()
//        {
//            // Boot the game
//        }

        public virtual bool Load(string path, RunnerMode newMode      = RunnerMode.Playing,
                                 Dictionary <string, string> metaData = null)
                if (newMode == RunnerMode.Loading)
                    nextPathToLoad = path;

                    // Save a copy of the meta data
                    nextMetaData = metaData?.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key,
                                                          entry => entry.Value);

                    nextMode = RunnerMode.Playing;

                    // Create new meta data for the pre-loader
                    metaData = new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "nextMode", nextMode.ToString() },
                        { "showDiskAnimation", "false" }

                    // Look to see if the game's meta data changes the disk animation flag
                    if (nextMetaData != null && nextMetaData.ContainsKey("showDiskAnimation"))
                        metaData["showDiskAnimation"] = nextMetaData["showDiskAnimation"];

                    // TODO this was where the eject animation flag was set

                    // Get the default path to the load tool from the bios
                    path = bios.ReadBiosData("LoadTool", "/PixelVisionOS/Tools/LoadTool/");

                    // Change the mode to loading
                    newMode = RunnerMode.Loading;

                // Create a new meta data dictionary if one doesn't exist yet
                if (metaData == null)
                    metaData = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // Spit path and convert to a list
                var splitPath = path.Split('/').ToList();
                var gameName  = "";
                var rootPath  = "/";
                var total     = splitPath.Count - 1;

                // Loop through each item in the path and get the game name and root path
                for (var i = 1; i < total; i++)
                    if (i < total - 1)
                        rootPath += splitPath[i] + "/";
                        gameName = splitPath[i];

                //            Console.WriteLine("Load "+ gameName + " in " + rootPath);

                // Add the game's name and root path to the meta data
                if (metaData.ContainsKey("GameName"))
                    metaData["GameName"] = gameName;
                    metaData.Add("GameName", gameName);

                // Change the root path for the game's meta data
                if (metaData.ContainsKey("RootPath"))
                    metaData["RootPath"] = rootPath;
                    metaData.Add("RootPath", rootPath);

                // Update the runner mode
                mode = newMode;

                // When playing a game, save it to history and the meta data so it can be reloaded correctly
                if (mode == RunnerMode.Playing)
                    lastMode = mode;

                    var metaDataCopy = metaData.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key,
                                                             entry => entry.Value);

                    if (loadHistory.Count > 0)
                        //                        Console.WriteLine("History " + loadHistory.Last().Key + " " + path);
                        // Only add the history if the last item is not the same

                        // Loop through the history and see if the path already exists
                        for (int i = loadHistory.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (loadHistory[i].Key == path)

                        if (loadHistory.Last().Key != path)
                            loadHistory.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(path, metaDataCopy));
                        loadHistory.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(path, metaDataCopy));

                // Create a new tmpEngine

                // Path the full path to the engine's name
                tmpEngine.name = path;

                bool success;

                // Have the workspace run the game from the current path
                var files = workspaceService.LoadGame(path);

                if (files != null)
                    // Read and Run the disk
                    ProcessFiles(tmpEngine, files, displayProgress);
                    success = true;
                    DisplayError(ErrorCode.LoadError, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "@{path}", path }
                    success = false;

                // TODO need to remove old load disk animation?
                //                if (metaDataCopy.ContainsKey("showDiskAnimation"))
                //                {
                //                    metaData["showDiskAnimation"] = "false";
                //                }

                // If the game is unable to run, display an error
                //            if (success == false)

                // Create new FileSystemPath
                //                return base.Load(path, newMode, metaData);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Console.WriteLine("Load Error:\n"+e.Message);

                             new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "@{error}", e is ScriptRuntimeException error ? error.DecoratedMessage : e.Message }
                }, e);
        public ContentModelData ResolveContent(IPublishedElement content, string propertyGroupAlias, Dictionary <string, object>?options = null)
                if (content is null)
                    return(new ContentModelData());

                var contentType  = _contentTypeService.Get(content.ContentType.Alias);
                var contentModel = new ContentModelData
                    Item = new ContentModelItemData
                        Id          = content.Key,
                        ContentType = content.ContentType.Alias,
                        Type        = content.ContentType.ItemType.ToString(),

                var contentDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                if (content is IPublishedContent publishedContent)
                    contentModel.Item.CreatedAt  = publishedContent.CreateDate;
                    contentModel.Item.EditedAt   = publishedContent.UpdateDate;
                    contentModel.Item.Locale     = _variationContextAccessor.VariationContext.Culture;
                    contentModel.Item.Name       = publishedContent.Name;
                    contentModel.Item.UrlSegment = publishedContent.UrlSegment;

                    if (options is not null &&
                        options.ContainsKey("addUrl") &&
                        bool.TryParse(options["addUrl"].ToString(), out var addUrl) &&
                        contentModel.Item.Url = publishedContent.Url(mode: UrlMode.Absolute);

                    // Add blocks to content if applicable (loops through all nested content)
                    List <ContentModelData> contentModelDataList = new();
                    if (publishedContent.Children is not null && publishedContent.Children.Any())
                        foreach (var child in publishedContent.Children.Where(x => x.ContentType.Alias is not GeneralWebPage.ModelTypeAlias))
                            contentModelDataList.Add(ResolveContent(child, "content"));
                        contentDictionary.Add("blocks", contentModelDataList);

                var group           = contentType.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias == propertyGroupAlias);
                var groupProperties = group?.PropertyTypes.Select(x => x.Alias);
                if (groupProperties is not null)
                    foreach (var property in content.Properties.Where(x => groupProperties.Contains(x.Alias)))
                        var converter =
                            _converters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EditorAlias.Equals(property.PropertyType.EditorAlias));
                        if (converter is not null)
                            var propertyValue = property.Value(_publishedValueFallback);

                            if (propertyValue is null)
                                contentDictionary.Add(property.Alias, null);

                            propertyValue = converter.Convert(propertyValue, options?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));

                            if (propertyValue is not null)
                                contentDictionary.Add(property.Alias, propertyValue);
                                $"No converter implemented for editor: {property.PropertyType.EditorAlias}");

                contentModel.Content = contentDictionary;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError(e, "An exception occured when resolving content, see the inner exception for details");