string GetDicomName(DicomDirectoryRecord r, string infoParent, int count = -1) { string name = ""; try { if (infoParent is null || infoParent.Length == 0) { name = r.Get <string>(DicomTag.PatientName, -1); } else if (infoParent.StartsWith("dicom:patient")) { try { name = r.Get <string>(DicomTag.StudyDescription, -1); } catch { } name += " - " + r.Get <string>(DicomTag.StudyDate, -1) + " " + r.Get <string>(DicomTag.StudyTime, -1); } else if (infoParent.StartsWith("dicom:study")) { try { name = r.Get <string>(DicomTag.SeriesNumber, -1); } catch { } name += " - " + r.Get <string>(DicomTag.SeriesDate, -1) + " " + r.Get <string>(DicomTag.SeriesTime, -1); } else if (infoParent.StartsWith("dicom:series")) { name = Path.GetFileName(r.Get <string>(DicomTag.ReferencedFileID, -1)); } }
public string GetDicomTag(DicomDirectoryRecord record, DicomTag tag) { return(string.Join(",", record.Get <string[]>(tag, new string[] { "" }))); }
public void ButtonPush(string button) { if (button == "3D") { transform.Find("zstack slider").gameObject.SetActive(false); var vc = transform.Find("Volume Cube"); vc.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (vc.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.GetTexture("_Volume") == null) { var id = record.Get <string>(DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID); var path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "Volumes", id); byte[] vol; Int3 size; var startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (File.Exists(path) && useCache) // a cached volume for this series exists { vol = File.ReadAllBytes(path); size = GetSizeForRecord(record); } else { vol = DICOMSeriesToVolume(record, out size); File.WriteAllBytes(path, vol); } var volumeSizePow2 = MathExtensions.PowerOfTwoGreaterThanOrEqualTo(size); var tex3D = VolumeTextureUtils.BuildTexture(vol, size, volumeSizePow2); Debug.Log("created volume in " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime) + "s"); vcRenderer.material.SetTexture("_Volume", tex3D); var first = loadDicomInstance.GetImageForRecord(record, 0); var last = loadDicomInstance.GetImageForRecord(record, -2); var sliceLocFirst = first.Dataset.Get <float>(DicomTag.SliceLocation); var sliceLocLast = last.Dataset.Get <float>(DicomTag.SliceLocation); var pos = first.Dataset.Get <string[]>(DicomTag.ImagePositionPatient); var spacing = first.Dataset.Get <float[]>(DicomTag.PixelSpacing); var zDepth = sliceLocLast - sliceLocFirst; var xWidth = spacing[0] * first.Dataset.Get <int>(DicomTag.Rows); var yHeight = spacing[1] * first.Dataset.Get <int>(DicomTag.Columns); Debug.Log("volume is " + xWidth + "mm x " + yHeight + "mm x " + zDepth + "mm, and located at " + pos[0] + "," + pos[1]); vc.transform.localScale = new Vector3(xWidth / realWorldScale, yHeight / realWorldScale, zDepth / realWorldScale); } renderer.enabled = false; is3D = true; var rootDir = loadDicomInstance.rootDirectoryMap[record]; if (rootDir.Contains("ChestSeries")) { rootDir = "ChestSeries"; } else if (rootDir.Contains("HeadNeckChestBody")) { rootDir = "HeadNeckChestBody"; } var studyFID = record.LowerLevelDirectoryRecord.Get <string>(DicomTag.ReferencedFileID, 1); var seriesFID = record.LowerLevelDirectoryRecord.Get <string>(DicomTag.ReferencedFileID, 2); foreach (var s in loadDicomInstance.meshMarkers) { if (s.Contains(rootDir) && s.Contains(studyFID) && s.Contains(seriesFID)) { Debug.Log(s + " seems to be a mesh marker for " +; var meshes = Parabox.STL.pb_Stl_Importer.Import(s); var marker = Instantiate(meshMarkerPrefab, meshMarkers.transform); var meshFilter = marker.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.mesh = meshes[0]; = s; if (s.Contains("Sampling Site")) { marker.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; } } } } else if (button == "2D") { renderer.enabled = true; transform.Find("zstack slider").gameObject.SetActive(true); transform.Find("Volume Cube").gameObject.SetActive(false); is3D = false; } }