Пример #1
        Dictionary <string, int> get_damage_expression_breakdown()
            Dictionary <string, int> breakdown = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (CreaturePower power in fPowers)
                DiceExpression exp = DiceExpression.Parse(power.Damage);
                if (exp == null)
                if (exp.Maximum == 0)

                string dmg = exp.ToString();

                if (!breakdown.ContainsKey(dmg))
                    breakdown[dmg] = 0;

                breakdown[dmg] += 1;

Пример #2
        private void ExpressionBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (fUpdating)

            DiceExpression exp = DiceExpression.Parse(ExpressionBox.Text);

            if (exp != null)
                fUpdating = true;

                ClearBtn_Click(sender, e);

                fConstant = exp.Constant;

                for (int n = 0; n != exp.Throws; ++n)

                fUpdating = false;
Пример #3
        private int ResolveDefense(Actor defender, int hits, StringBuilder attackMsg, StringBuilder defenseMsg)
            int blocks = 0;

            if (hits > 0)
                attackMsg.AppendFormat("Атака с рейтингом {0} попадания.", hits);
                defenseMsg.AppendFormat("   {0} защищается с рейтингом: ", defender.Name);

                DiceExpression defenseDice = new DiceExpression().Dice(defender.Defense, 100);
                DiceResult     defenseRoll = defenseDice.Roll();

                foreach (TermResult termResult in defenseRoll.Results)
                    defenseMsg.Append(termResult.Value + ", ");

                    if (termResult.Value >= 100 - defender.DefenseChance)
                    defenseMsg.AppendFormat("{0}.", blocks);
                attackMsg.Append("и полностью промахивается.");

Пример #4
        private float ResolveDefence()
            if (GetComponent <Statistic>(ComponentType.Stats).Energy < 3)

            GetComponent <Statistic>(ComponentType.Stats).Energy -= 3;
            float          blockPercent = 0;
            DiceExpression blockDice    = new DiceExpression().Dice(Stats.Defence, 100);
            DiceResult     blockResult  = blockDice.Roll();

            foreach (TermResult termResult in blockResult.Results)
                if (termResult.Value >= (100 - Stats.DefenceChance))

            var bp = blockPercent / (float)Stats.Defence;

            if (bp == 1 && Stats.Defence >= 20)

            bp = bp * (float)0.80;

            System.Console.WriteLine("BlockPercent:{0}", bp);

Пример #5
        //check too see how many hits the attacker got on the defender and displays message
        private static int ResolveAttack(Actor attacker, Actor defender, StringBuilder attackMessage)
            int hits = 0;

            //displays message of who is attacking which defender
            //attackMessage.AppendFormat("{0} attacks {1} and rolls: ", attacker.Name, defender.Name);

            //Roll a number 100-dice equal to the attack value of the attacking actor
            //gets the dice for that attacker
            DiceExpression attackDice = new DiceExpression().Dice(attacker.Attack, 100);
            //rolls the attackers dice and gets the dice result
            DiceResult attackResult = attackDice.Roll();

            //foreach dice roll in the attackers results
            foreach (TermResult termResult in attackResult.Results)
                //appends the attack message adding the current attack dice value
                attackMessage.Append(termResult.Value + ", ");

                //if the current attack dice roll result was more than 100 - the attackers attack chance
                //it was a success and a hit is added
                if (termResult.Value >= 100 - attacker.AttackChance)

Пример #6
        // El atacante tira en función de sus estadísticas para ver si obtiene
        // algún resultado.
        private static int ResolveAttack( Actor attacker, Actor defender, StringBuilder attackMessage)
            int hits = 0;

            attackMessage.AppendFormat("{0} ataca a {1} y tira: ", attacker.Name, defender.Name);

            // Rodamos un número de 100 dados de igual lados, que será igual al valor de
            // ataque del atacante {attacker}.
            DiceExpression attackDice = new DiceExpression().Dice(attacker.Attack, 100);
            DiceResult attackResult = attackDice.Roll();

            // Miramos el valor de la cara de cada dado que fue rodado.
            foreach ( TermResult termResult in attackResult.Results )
                attackMessage.Append(termResult.Value + ", ");
                // Comparamos el valor a 100, menos la probabilidad de
                // ataque y añadimos el golpe si este es mayor.
                if ( termResult.Value >= 100 - attacker.AttackChance )
                    hits += 1;

            return hits;
Пример #7
        private static int ResolveDefense(Actor defender, int hits, StringBuilder attackMessage, StringBuilder defenseMessage)
            int blocks = 0;

            if (hits > 0)
                attackMessage.AppendFormat("scoring {0} hits.", hits);
                defenseMessage.AppendFormat("  {0} defends and rolls: ", defender.Name);
                DiceExpression defenseDice = new DiceExpression().Dice(defender.Defense, 100);

                DiceResult defenseRoll = defenseDice.Roll();
                foreach (TermResult termResult in defenseRoll.Results)
                    defenseMessage.Append(termResult.Value + ", ");
                    if (termResult.Value >= 100 - defender.DefenseChance)
                defenseMessage.AppendFormat("resulting in {0} blocks.", blocks);
                attackMessage.Append("and misses completely.");

Пример #8
        private static int ResolveDefense(Actor defender, int hits, StringBuilder attackMessage, StringBuilder defenseMessage)
            int blocks = 0;

            if (hits > 0)
                attackMessage.AppendFormat("atingindo {0} golpes", hits);
                defenseMessage.AppendFormat(" {0} defende e rola: ", defender.Name);

                DiceExpression defenseDice = new DiceExpression().Dice(defender.Defense, 100);
                DiceResult     defenseRoll = defenseDice.Roll();

                foreach (TermResult termResult in defenseRoll.Results)
                    defenseMessage.Append(termResult.Value + ", ");

                    if (termResult.Value >= 100 - defender.DefenseChance)

                defenseMessage.AppendFormat("resultando em {0} bloqueios", blocks);
                attackMessage.Append("e erra completamente");

Пример #9
        // The defender rolls based on his stats to see if he blocks any of the hits from the attacker
        private int ResolveDefense(Actor defender, int hits, StringBuilder attackMessage, StringBuilder defenseMessage)
            int blocks = 0;

            if (hits > 0)
                attackMessage.AppendFormat("scoring {0} hits.", hits);
                defenseMessage.AppendFormat("  {0} defends and rolls: ", defender.Name);

                // Roll a number of 100-sided dice equal to the Defense value of the defendering actor
                DiceExpression defenseDice = new DiceExpression().Dice(defender.Defense, 100);
                DiceResult     defenseRoll = defenseDice.Roll();

                // Look at the face value of each single die that was rolled
                foreach (TermResult termResult in defenseRoll.Results)
                    defenseMessage.Append(termResult.Value + ", ");
                    // Compare the value to 100 minus the defense chance and add a block if it's greater
                    if (termResult.Value >= 100 - defender.DefenseChance)
                defenseMessage.AppendFormat("resulting in {0} blocks.", blocks);
                attackMessage.Append("and misses completely.");

Пример #10
        public void TestCalculationExpressionWithDies()
            var d1 = new DiceExpression("1d6");
            var d2 = new DiceExpression("1d8");

            var ce = new CalculationExpression("+", d1, d2);

            Assert.AreEqual(8, ce.GetExpected());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, ce.GetMin());
            Assert.AreEqual(14, ce.GetMax());

            ce = new CalculationExpression("-", d1, d2);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, ce.GetExpected());
            Assert.AreEqual(-7, ce.GetMin());
            Assert.AreEqual(5, ce.GetMax());

            ce = new CalculationExpression("*", d1, d2);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.5 * 4.5, ce.GetExpected());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, ce.GetMin());
            Assert.AreEqual(48, ce.GetMax());

            ce = new CalculationExpression("/", d1, d2);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.5 / 4.5, ce.GetExpected());
            Assert.AreEqual(0.125, ce.GetMin());
            Assert.AreEqual(6, ce.GetMax());
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// The attacker rolls based on his stats to see if he gets any hits
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attacker"></param>
        /// <param name="defender"></param>
        /// <param name="attackMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int ResolveAttack(Actor attacker, Actor defender, StringBuilder attackMessage)
            int hits = 0;

            // Roll a number of 100-sided dice equal to the Attack value of the attacking actor
            DiceExpression attackDice   = new DiceExpression().Dice(attacker.Attack, 100);
            DiceResult     attackResult = attackDice.Roll();

            // Look at the face value of each single die that was rolled
            foreach (TermResult termResult in attackResult.Results)
                // Compare the value to 100 minus the attack chance and add a hit if it's greater
                if (termResult.Value >= 100 - attacker.AttackChance)

            // TODO: Different messages based on how many hits were made
            if (hits == attacker.Attack)
                attackMessage.AppendFormat("{0} slams into {1} with full force!", attacker.Name, defender.Name);
            else if (hits > 0)
                attackMessage.AppendFormat("{0} lunges at {1}.", attacker.Name, defender.Name);
                attackMessage.AppendFormat("{0} launches offbalance toward {1}.", attacker.Name, defender.Name);

Пример #12
        // El defensor tira el dado basado en sus estadísticas para ver si
        // bloquea cuaqluiera de los golpes del atacante.
        private static int ResolveDefense( Actor defender, int hits, StringBuilder attackMessage, StringBuilder defenderMessage)
            int blocks = 0;

            if ( hits > 0 )
                attackMessage.AppendFormat("puntuación {0} golpes.", hits);
                defenderMessage.AppendFormat(" {0} defiende y tira: ", defender.Name);

                // Rodamos un número de 100 dados de igual lado con el valor de la
                // defensa del defensor.
                DiceExpression defenseDice = new DiceExpression().Dice(defender.Defensa, 100);
                DiceResult defenseRoll = defenseDice.Roll();

                // Miramos el valor de la cara de cada dado que fue rodado.
                foreach( TermResult termResult in defenseRoll.Results )
                    defenderMessage.Append(termResult.Value + ", ");
                    // Comparamos el valor a 100, menos la probabilidad de
                    // defender y añadimos un bloqueo si este es mayor.
                    if ( termResult.Value >= 100 - defender.DefensaChance )
                        blocks += 1;

                defenderMessage.AppendFormat("resultando en {0} bloqueo(s).", blocks);
                attackMessage.Append("y falla completamente.");

            return blocks;
Пример #13
        public void HandlesDieTermWithChooseAndScalar()
            const string   expression     = "2 + 3*4d6k3";
            DiceExpression diceExpression = _diceParser.Parse(expression);

            Assert.AreEqual(expression, diceExpression.ToString());
Пример #14
        private float ResolveAttack()
            if (GetComponent <Statistic>(ComponentType.Stats).Energy < 2)
            GetComponent <Statistic>(ComponentType.Stats).Energy -= 2;
            float          hitPercent   = 0;
            DiceExpression attackDice   = new DiceExpression().Dice(AttackValue, 100);
            DiceResult     attackResult = attackDice.Roll();

            foreach (TermResult termResult in attackResult.Results)
                if (termResult.Value >= (100 - Stats.AttackChance))

            float hp = hitPercent / (float)AttackValue;

            System.Console.WriteLine("HitPercent:{0}", hp);

Пример #15
        private void Calculate()
            if (Strenght == 0)
                //This is an item do not calculate.
                calculated = true;
            //Not an Equipment
            EquipmentSlot = EquipmentSlot.None;

            for (int i = 0; i < Vitality; i++)
                DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression().Constant(1).Dice(1, 2);
                Health += diceExpression.Roll().Value;
                Energy += diceExpression.Roll().Value;
            MaxHealth = Health;
            MaxEnergy = Energy;
            double atk = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Strenght; i++)
                DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression().Dice(1, 2);
                atk += diceExpression.Roll().Value / 2.0;
            Attack = (int)atk;
            double def = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Strenght; i++)
                DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression().Dice(1, 2);
                def += (diceExpression.Roll().Value / 2.0) * 0.80;
            Defence = (int)def;
            double atk_c = 50.0 + (Intelligence * 0.3);

            for (int i = 0; i < Dexterity; i++)
                DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression().Dice(2, 3, 1, choose: 1);
                atk_c += diceExpression.Roll().Value;
            AttackChance = (int)atk_c;
            double def_c = 20.0 + (Intelligence * 0.3);

            for (int i = 0; i < Dexterity; i++)
                DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression().Dice(2, 3, 1, choose: 1);
                def_c += diceExpression.Roll().Value;
            DefenceChance = (int)def_c;
            Awareness     = (int)(2.0 + (Intelligence * 0.3));
            Speed         = (int)(15.0 - (Dexterity * 0.4));
            _hpRegen      = (Vitality + Intelligence) * 0.005;
            _enRegen      = (Vitality + Intelligence) * 0.041;

            calculated = true;
        public void ToStringReturnsTermsSeparatedByPlus()
            DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression().Constant(10).Die(8, -1);

            string toString = diceExpression.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("10 + -1*1d8", toString);
Пример #17
        public void Parse_NegativeScaler_ExpectedExpression()
            const string expression = "2 + -2*1d6";

            DiceExpression diceExpression = _diceParser.Parse(expression);

            Assert.AreEqual(expression, diceExpression.ToString());
Пример #18
        public void Parse_DiceTermWithChooseAndScalar_ExpectedExpression()
            const string expression = "2 + 3*4d6k3";

            DiceExpression diceExpression = _diceParser.Parse(expression);

            Assert.AreEqual(expression, diceExpression.ToString());
Пример #19
        public void HandlesNegativeScalar()
            const string expression = "2 + -2*1d6";

            DiceExpression diceExpression = _diceParser.Parse(expression);

            Assert.AreEqual(expression, diceExpression.ToString());
Пример #20
 private static void AssertReturnedInRange(DiceExpression expr, int min, int max)
     for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         var result = expr.Roll();
         Assert.True(result >= min && result <= max);
Пример #21
        public void ToString_ExpressionBuiltFluently_ReturnsTermsSeparatedByPlus()
            DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression().Constant( 10 ).Die( 8, -1 );

             string toString = diceExpression.ToString();

             Assert.AreEqual( "10 + -1*1d8", toString );
Пример #22
        public void HandlesDieWithImplicitMultiplicityOf1()
            const string expression         = "2 + 2*d6";
            const string expectedExpression = "2 + 2*1d6";

            DiceExpression diceExpression = _diceParser.Parse(expression);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedExpression, diceExpression.ToString());
Пример #23
        public void Parse_DiceTermWithImplicitMultiplicityOfOne_ExpectedExpression()
            const string expression         = "2 + 2*d6";
            const string expectedExpression = "2 + 2*1d6";

            DiceExpression diceExpression = _diceParser.Parse(expression);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedExpression, diceExpression.ToString());
Пример #24
        public void OneSidedDie()
            var leftExpression  = new ConstantExpression(1);
            var rightExpression = new ConstantExpression(1);

            var expression = new DiceExpression(leftExpression, rightExpression, dice);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, expression.Evaluate());
Пример #25
        private void RollDamageBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DiceExpression exp = DiceExpression.Parse(DamageExpLbl.Text);

            if (exp != null)
                int roll = exp.Evaluate();
                DamageBox.Value = roll;
Пример #26
        private void RollDamageBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DiceExpression diceExpression = DiceExpression.Parse(this.DamageExpLbl.Text);

            if (diceExpression != null)
                int num = diceExpression.Evaluate();
                this.DamageBox.Value = num;
Пример #27
        public void OperandsGetTruncated()
            var leftExpression  = new ConstantExpression(2.9);
            var rightExpression = new ConstantExpression(6.9);

            var expression = new DiceExpression(leftExpression, rightExpression, dice);

            Assert.That(expression.Evaluate(), Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(expression.Evaluate(), Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(12));
Пример #28
        public void SixSidedDice()
            var leftExpression  = new ConstantExpression(2);
            var rightExpression = new ConstantExpression(6);

            var expression = new DiceExpression(leftExpression, rightExpression, dice);

            Assert.That(expression.Evaluate(), Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(expression.Evaluate(), Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(12));
Пример #29
        public void Roll_ExpressionBuiltFluently_ReturnsCorrectNumberOfResults()
            DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression()
             .Constant( 5 )
             .Die( 8 )
             .Dice( 4, 6, choose: 3 );
             const int expectedNumberOfTerms = 1 + 1 + 3;

             DiceResult result = diceExpression.Roll( new DotNetRandom() );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedNumberOfTerms, result.Results.Count );
Пример #30
        public void Roll_ExpressionBuiltFluently_ReturnsCorrectNumberOfResults()
            DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression()
                                            .Dice(4, 6, choose: 3);
            const int expectedNumberOfTerms = 1 + 1 + 3;

            DiceResult result = diceExpression.Roll(new DotNetRandom());

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumberOfTerms, result.Results.Count);
Пример #31
        public void TestCalculationExpressionWithCalculations()
            var const1 = new ConstantExpression("1");
            var const2 = new ConstantExpression("-1");
            var d1     = new DiceExpression("1d6");
            var d2     = new DiceExpression("1d8");

            var ce = new CalculationExpression("+", new CalculationExpression("+", d1, d2), new CalculationExpression("+", const1, const2));

            Assert.AreEqual(8, ce.GetExpected());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, ce.GetMin());
            Assert.AreEqual(14, ce.GetMax());
        public void ContainsAndReturnsCorrectNumberOfValues()
            DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression()
                                            .Dice(4, 6, choose: 3);

            DiceResult result = diceExpression.Roll(new StandardDieRoller(new Random()));

            const int expectedNumberOfTerms = 1 + 1 + 3;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumberOfTerms, result.Results.Count);
Пример #33
 private static void Append( DiceExpression dice, ParseValues parseValues )
     int constant = int.Parse( parseValues.Constant );
      if ( parseValues.Multiplicity == 0 )
     dice.Constant( parseValues.Scalar * constant );
     dice.Dice( parseValues.Multiplicity, constant, parseValues.Scalar, parseValues.Choose );
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new DiceExpression by parsing the specified string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">A dice notation string expression. Ex. 3d6+3</param>
        /// <returns>A DiceExpression parsed from the specified string</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Invalid dice notation supplied</exception>
        public DiceExpression Parse( string expression )
            if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( expression ) )
            throw new ArgumentException( "A dice notation expression must be supplied.", "expression" );

             string cleanExpression = _whitespacePattern.Replace( expression.ToLower(), "" );
             cleanExpression = cleanExpression.Replace( "+-", "-" );

             var parseValues = new ParseValues().Init();

             var dice = new DiceExpression();

             for ( int i = 0; i < cleanExpression.Length; ++i )
            char c = cleanExpression[i];

            if ( char.IsDigit( c ) )
               parseValues.Constant += c;
            else if ( c == '*' )
               parseValues.Scalar *= int.Parse( parseValues.Constant );
               parseValues.Constant = "";
            else if ( c == 'd' )
               if ( parseValues.Constant.Length == 0 )
                  parseValues.Constant = "1";
               parseValues.Multiplicity = int.Parse( parseValues.Constant );
               parseValues.Constant = "";
            else if ( c == 'k' )
               string chooseAccum = "";
               while ( i + 1 < cleanExpression.Length && char.IsDigit( cleanExpression[i + 1] ) )
                  chooseAccum += cleanExpression[i + 1];
               parseValues.Choose = int.Parse( chooseAccum );
            else if ( c == '+' )
               Append( dice, parseValues );
               parseValues = new ParseValues().Init();
            else if ( c == '-' )
               Append( dice, parseValues );
               parseValues = new ParseValues().Init();
               parseValues.Scalar = -1;
               throw new ArgumentException( "Invalid character in dice expression", "expression" );
             Append( dice, parseValues );

             return dice;