void Start() { // We fetch all Text components now so that we don't have to keep fetching them later. foreach (CHARACTER character in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CHARACTER))) { dialogueTexts[(int)character] = dialoguePanels[(int)character].GetComponent <Text>(); } choiceText1 = choicePanel1.GetComponent <Text>(); choiceText2 = choicePanel2.GetComponent <Text>(); // Turn off all dialogue boxes and the prompt box. foreach (GameObject panel in dialogueBoxes) { panel.SetActive(false); } promptBox.SetActive(false); anyKeyForMainMenu.SetActive(false); // only show this after "Thank for Playing" fades in conversationSections = DialogueLoader.conversationsBySection(); animationManager = animatorObject.GetComponent <CharacterAnimationManager>(); launchFirstValidConversation(conversationSections[(int)currentDialogueSection]); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { typeText1 = textBox1.GetComponentInChildren <TypeTextBehaviour>(); // Load the dialogue for the scene conversations = DialogueLoader.LoadDialogue(dialogueXml.text); textBox1.SetActive(false); }
public Overseer() { this.Senses = new Senses(this); this.Speaking = new Speaking(this); this.MessageProcessor = new Core.MessageProcessor(this); this.Persons = new Core.Persons(this); this.Settings = new MessengerSettings.MessengerSettings(this); this.Home = new HomeEndpoint(this); this.Facebook = new FacebookEndpoint(this); this.Telegram = new TelegramEndpoint(this); this.DialogueLoader = new DialogueLoader(); this.FreeformPhrases = new Freeform.FreeformPhrases(this); this.LoadedConversations = new LoadedConversations(this); Riddle.Load(); Joke.Load(); FacebookMetaCommunicator mc = new FacebookMetaCommunicator(this); mc.StartLoop(); TelegramCommunicator tg = new TelegramCommunicator(this); tg.StartLoop(); }
void Update() { SECTION nextSection = currentDialogueSection + 1; if (sectionDelays.Length > (int)nextSection && Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > sectionDelays[(int)nextSection]) { currentDialogueSection = nextSection; enterCharacter(); if (currentDialogueSection == SECTION.I) { int score = 0; foreach (int attitude in attitudes) { score += attitude; } launchConversation(DialogueLoader.getFinaleConversation(score)); } else if (currentDialogueSection == SECTION.J) { CloseCurtain(); } else if (currentDialogueSection == SECTION.K) { StartCoroutine(ShowThankYou()); } else if (conversationSections.Length > (int)currentDialogueSection) { launchFirstValidConversation(conversationSections[(int)currentDialogueSection]); } } if (!isMakingChoice) { // If the player is not making a choice right now, there's no need to bother with input handling. return; } // only allow user to toggle options if selection has yet to be made if (promptBox.activeSelf) { // makes selection if user pressed enter or space if (Input.GetKeyDown("return") || Input.GetKeyDown("enter") || Input.GetKeyDown("space")) { promptBox.SetActive(false); soundFX.promptSelect.Play(); } // toggles options between choice 1 and choice 2 via up and down arrow keys if (isUpSelected && (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))) { isUpSelected = false; selectorPanel1.SetActive(false); selectorPanel2.SetActive(true); } else if (!isUpSelected && (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))) { isUpSelected = true; selectorPanel1.SetActive(true); selectorPanel2.SetActive(false); } } }
public DialogueTree LoadTree() { return(DialogueLoader.LoadDialogueTree(DialogueLoader.Dialogue.test)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { dialogSpeaker = GameObject.Find ("Voices").GetComponent<AudioSource> (); gui = GameObject.Find ("UI Root").GetComponent<GUIController> (); isTrigger = this.gameObject.tag != "Enemy"; if (!isTrigger) player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); dialogIDCounter = 0; game = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<GameController> (); dialogLoader = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<DialogueLoader> (); if (speakerName.Length > 0) { print ("specialSpeaker = " + speakerName); dialog = dialogLoader.GetDialogueNode (speakerName); } else { print ("Random"); int randomNum = Random.Range (1, 6); dialog = dialogLoader.GetDialogueNode ("RandomSpirit" + randomNum); } }