Пример #1
            public LinkConversationNodeTool(ConversationDataControl conversation, ConversationNodeDataControl father, int nodeType, int index)
                this.father = father;
                ConversationNode childNode = null;

                if (nodeType == DIALOG_NODE)
                    childNode = new DialogueConversationNode();
                else if (nodeType == OPTION_NODE)
                    childNode = new OptionConversationNode();
                    throw new Exception("Not valid node type!");
                var parentRect = this.father.getEditorRect();

                childNode.setEditorX(parentRect.x + parentRect.width + 35);

                child = this.father.conversation.getNodeDataControl(childNode);

                this.father     = father;
                this.controller = Controller.Instance;
                this.index      = index;
Пример #2
            public InsertNodeTool(ConversationDataControl content, ConversationNodeDataControl parent, int nodeType, int index)
                this.content    = content;
                this.isRootNode = parent == null;
                this.parent     = isRootNode ? content.getRootNode() : parent;
                ConversationNode node = null;

                switch (nodeType)
                case DIALOG_NODE: node = new DialogueConversationNode(); break;

                case OPTION_NODE: node = new OptionConversationNode(); break;

                this.index = index;
                var parentRect = isRootNode ? new RectInt(0, 25, 0, 0) : parent.getEditorRect();
                var childRect  = isRootNode ? content.getRootNode().getEditorRect() : parent.getChilds()[index].getEditorRect();

                var center = (parentRect.center + childRect.center) / 2f;

                node.setEditorX((int)(center.x - node.getEditorWidth() / 2f));
                node.setEditorY((int)(center.y - node.getEditorHeight() / 2f));

                this.newNode  = ConversationNodeDataControlFactory.Instance.CreateDataControlFor(content, node);
                this.subTools = CreateTools();
Пример #3
            public AddRemoveConversationNodeTool(int nodeType, ConversationNodeDataControl parent, int index)
                this.parent = parent;

                ConversationNode child = null;

                if (nodeType == DIALOG_NODE)
                    child = new DialogueConversationNode();
                else if (nodeType == OPTION_NODE)
                    child = new OptionConversationNode();

                if (child != null)
                    var parentRect = parent.getEditorRect();
                    child.setEditorX(parentRect.x + parentRect.width + 35);

                    this.childDataControl = parent.conversation.getNodeDataControl(child);
                    this.index            = index; // Insert at last
                    this.add = true;
        protected override void lineAdded(int v, object data)
            var child = data as ConversationNode;

            if (child == null)
                child = new DialogueConversationNode();
                var childPos = GetNewChildPosition();
            optionConversationNode.addChild(v, child);
Пример #5
        public DialogNodeEditor()
            myNode = new DialogueConversationNode();
            npc    = new List <string>();
            if (Controller.getInstance().getSelectedChapterDataControl() != null)

            conditionsTex   = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/conditions-24x24", typeof(Texture2D));
            noConditionsTex = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/no-conditions-24x24", typeof(Texture2D));

            effectTex   = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/effects/32x32/has-macro", typeof(Texture2D));
            noEffectTex = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/effects/32x32/macro", typeof(Texture2D));

            noBackgroundSkin = (GUISkin)Resources.Load("Editor/EditorNoBackgroundSkin", typeof(GUISkin));
            noBackgroundSkin.button.margin  = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1);
            noBackgroundSkin.button.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0);
Пример #6
     * @Override
     * public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
     * {
     *  DialogueConversationNode dcn = (DialogueConversationNode) super.clone( );
     *  if( dialogue != null ) {
     *      dcn.dialogue = new List<ConversationLine>();
     *      for (ConversationLine cl : dialogue)
     *          dcn.dialogue.add((ConversationLine)cl.clone());
     *  }
     *  dcn.effectConsumed = effectConsumed;
     *  dcn.effects = ( effects != null ? (Effects) effects.clone( ) : null );
     *  //dcn.nextNode = (nextNode != null ? (ConversationNode) nextNode.clone() : null);
     *  dcn.nextNode = null;
     *  dcn.terminal = terminal;
     *  dcn.keepShowing = keepShowing;
     *  return dcn;
     * }*/

    public override object Clone()
        DialogueConversationNode dcn = (DialogueConversationNode)base.Clone();

        if (dialogue != null)
            dcn.dialogue = new List <ConversationLine>();
            foreach (ConversationLine cl in dialogue)
        dcn.effectConsumed = effectConsumed;
        dcn.effects        = (effects != null ? (Effects)effects.Clone() : null);
        //dcn.nextNode = (nextNode != null ? (ConversationNode) nextNode.clone() : null);
        dcn.nextNode    = null;
        dcn.terminal    = terminal;
        dcn.keepShowing = keepShowing;
            public ChangeTimeoutTool(OptionNodeDataControl optionNode, float newValue)
                this.optionNode        = optionNode;
                this.oldValue          = optionNode.Timeout;
                this.newValue          = newValue;
                this.isOnlyValueChange = oldValue > 0 && newValue > 0;

                if (oldValue > 0)
                    child = optionNode.getChilds().Last();
                    var newChild = new DialogueConversationNode();
                    var childPos = optionNode.GetNewChildPosition();
                    child = optionNode.conversation.getNodeDataControl(newChild);
Пример #8
    public ConversationNodeHolder(ConversationNode node)
        this.node = node;

        if (node != null)
            switch (node.getType())
            case ConversationNodeViewEnum.DIALOGUE:
                DialogueConversationNode dialog = (DialogueConversationNode)node;
                this.additional_effects = new EffectHolder(((DialogueConversationNode)node).getEffects());
                this.child = 0;

            case ConversationNodeViewEnum.OPTION:
                this.additional_effects = new EffectHolder(((OptionConversationNode)node).getEffects());
                this.child = -2;
 public DialogNodeDataControl(ConversationDataControl conversation, ConversationNode conversationNode) : base(conversation, conversationNode)
     this.dialogConversationNode = conversationNode as DialogueConversationNode;
Пример #10
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see conversationaleditor.xmlparser.ConversationParser#endElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string)
    public override void endElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If the conversation ends, store it in the game data
            if (qName.Equals("tree-conversation"))
                chapter.addConversation(new GraphConversation((TreeConversation)conversation));

            // If the tag is a line said by the player, add it to the current node
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-player"))
                // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
                // don't
                // have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
                ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(ConversationLine.PLAYER, currentstring.Trim());
                if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))
                if (synthesizerVoice != null)


                // If we were waiting an option, create a new DialogueNode
                if (state == STATE_WAITING_OPTION)
                    // Create a new DialogueNode, and link it to the current node (which will be a OptionNode)
                    ConversationNode newDialogueNode = new DialogueConversationNode();

                    // Add the current node (OptionNode) in the list of past option nodes, and change the current node
                    currentNode = newDialogueNode;

                    // Go back to the normal state
                    state = STATE_NORMAL;

            // If the tag is a line said by a non-player character, add it to the current node
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-char"))
                // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
                // don't
                // have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
                ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(characterName, currentstring.Trim());
                if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))

                if (synthesizerVoice != null)

            // If an "option" tag ends, go back to keep working on the last OptionNode
            else if (qName.Equals("option"))
                // Se the current node to the last OptionNode stored
                currentNode = pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1];
                pastOptionNodes.RemoveAt(pastOptionNodes.Count - 1);

            // Reset the current string
            currentstring = string.Empty;

        // If an effect tag is being subparsed
        else if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_EFFECT)
            // Spread the call
            effectSubParser.endElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName);

            // If the effect is being closed, insert the effect into the current node
            if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_NONE;
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see conversationaleditor.xmlparser.ConversationParser#endElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string)
    public override void endElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If the conversation ends, store it in the game data
            if (qName.Equals("tree-conversation"))
                chapter.addConversation(new GraphConversation((TreeConversation)conversation));

            // If the tag is a line said by the player, add it to the current node
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-player"))
                // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
                // don't
                // have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
                ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(ConversationLine.PLAYER, currentstring.Trim());
                if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))
                if (synthesizerVoice != null)


                // If we were waiting an option, create a new DialogueNode
                if (state == STATE_WAITING_OPTION)
                    // Create a new DialogueNode, and link it to the current node (which will be a OptionNode)
                    ConversationNode newDialogueNode = new DialogueConversationNode();

                    // Add the current node (OptionNode) in the list of past option nodes, and change the current node
                    currentNode = newDialogueNode;

                    // Go back to the normal state
                    state = STATE_NORMAL;


            // If the tag is a line said by a non-player character, add it to the current node
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-char"))
                // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
                // don't
                // have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
                ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(characterName, currentstring.Trim());
                if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))

                if (synthesizerVoice != null)


            // If an "option" tag ends, go back to keep working on the last OptionNode
            else if (qName.Equals("option"))
                // Se the current node to the last OptionNode stored
                currentNode = pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1];
                pastOptionNodes.RemoveAt(pastOptionNodes.Count - 1);

            // Reset the current string
            currentstring = string.Empty;

        // If an effect tag is being subparsed
        else if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_EFFECT)
            // Spread the call
            effectSubParser.endElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName);

            // If the effect is being closed, insert the effect into the current node
            if (qName.Equals("effect"))

                subParsing = SUBPARSING_NONE;