/// <summary>
        /// This method connects to the IoT Hub with the device identity.
        /// by that it queries the authentication information for its module authentication
        /// It then returns the Connection string by which the Module can perform authentication
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Connection String</returns>
        public override string GetConnectionString()
            JToken registrationToken = _dpsApi.GetDeviceRegistration(_idScope, _registrationId);

            if (registrationToken == null)
                throw new FailedToGetRegistrationException($"Registration ID: \"{_registrationId}\" for ID Scope: \"{_idScope}\" could not be retrieved");

            string assignedHub = registrationToken["assignedHub"].ToString();
            string deviceId    = registrationToken["deviceId"].ToString();

            string status = registrationToken["status"].ToString();

            if (status != "assigned")
                // TODO: handle error

            _deviceAuthenticationData.GatewayHostName = assignedHub;
            _deviceAuthenticationData.DeviceId        = deviceId;

            IDeviceApi deviceApi    = new DevicesApi(RestClient.CreateFrom(_deviceAuthenticationData));
            JToken     moduleJToken = deviceApi.GetDeviceAgentModule(deviceId);

            if (moduleJToken == null)
                throw new FailedToGetModuleException($"Module for device: {deviceId} is empty");
            //Note that the response represents the object Module in the SDK Microsoft.Azure.Devices
            //We do not want to include the SDK in the project so we extract the specific parameters we need
            string primaryKey = moduleJToken["authentication"]["symmetricKey"]["primaryKey"].ToString();

            return(CreateModuleConnectionString(assignedHub, deviceId, primaryKey));