public void Log131DataAdapter_UpdateInStore_Multi_Update_Merge_With_File_Storage()
            WitsmlSettings.DepthRangeSize = 5000;
            WitsmlSettings.MaxDataLength  = 5000000;

            // Add Well
            var response = DevKit.Add_Well_from_file(Path.Combine(_dataDir, "Test-chunk-file-merge-well131-add.xml"));

            // There is no response if the Well already exists in the database
            if (response != null)
                Assert.AreEqual((short)ErrorCodes.Success, response.Result);

            // Add Wellbore
            response = DevKit.Add_Wellbore_from_file(Path.Combine(_dataDir, "Test-chunk-file-merge-wellbore131-add.xml"));
            if (response != null)
                Assert.AreEqual((short)ErrorCodes.Success, response.Result);

            // Add Log Header
            response = DevKit.Add_Log_from_file(Path.Combine(_dataDir, "Test-chunk-file-merge-log131-add.xml"));
            if (response != null)
                Assert.AreEqual((short)ErrorCodes.Success, response.Result);

                // Update Log with data ranging from 4.9 - 1304.8
                var updateResponse = DevKit.Update_Log_from_file(Path.Combine(_dataDir, "Test-chunk-file-merge-log131-update1.xml"));
                if (updateResponse != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual((short)ErrorCodes.Success, updateResponse.Result);

                // Update Log with data ranging from 1304.9 - 2604.8
                updateResponse = DevKit.Update_Log_from_file(Path.Combine(_dataDir, "Test-chunk-file-merge-log131-update2.xml"));
                if (updateResponse != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual((short)ErrorCodes.Success, updateResponse.Result);

            // Query the log using the last index from the first update to the first index of the last update
            var queryLog = new Log()
                UidWell     = "TestChunkFileMergeWell",
                UidWellbore = "TestChunkFileMergeWellbore",
                Uid         = "TestChunkFileMergeLog",
                StartIndex  = new GenericMeasure()
                    Uom = "ft", Value = 1304.8
                EndIndex = new GenericMeasure()
                    Uom = "ft", Value = 1304.9

            var result  = DevKit.GetAndAssert(queryLog, optionsIn: OptionsIn.ReturnElements.DataOnly, queryByExample: true);
            var logData = result.LogData;

            // Both updates should fit into a single data chunk, if so we should get two records back
            Assert.AreEqual(2, logData.Count);