Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executed only once. Used to place cursor in first editable field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void DetailsView_OnDataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DetailsViewRow row     = DetailsViewCustomer.Rows[1];
            TextBox        textBox = row.Cells[1].Controls[0] as TextBox;

    protected void friendDetailsGrid_ItemCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Test FooterRow to make sure all rows have been created
        if (friendDetailsGrid.FooterRow != null && friendDetailsGrid.Rows.Count > 0)
            // The command bar is the last element in the Rows collection
            int            commandRowIndex = friendDetailsGrid.Rows.Count - 1;
            DetailsViewRow commandRow      = friendDetailsGrid.Rows[commandRowIndex];

            // Look for the DELETE button
            DataControlFieldCell cell = (DataControlFieldCell)commandRow.Controls[0];
            foreach (Control ctl in cell.Controls)
                Button button = ctl as Button;
                if (button != null)
                    if (button.CommandName == "Delete")
                        button.ToolTip       = "Click here to delete this record";
                        button.OnClientClick = "if (!confirm('Do you want to delete this record?')) return false;";
Пример #3
        DropDownList GetDDL(string DataField)
            int FieldsIndex = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < mfDataCollector.Fields.Count; i++)
                object f = mfDataCollector.Fields[i];
                Type   t = f.GetType();
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty("DataField");
                if (pi == null)
                string df = pi.GetValue(f, null).ToString();
                if (df == DataField)
                    FieldsIndex = i;
            if (FieldsIndex < 0)
            DetailsViewRow r   = mfDataCollector.Controls[0].Controls[FieldsIndex + 1] as DetailsViewRow;
            DropDownList   ddl = r.Cells[1].Controls[1] as DropDownList;

Пример #4
    protected void dvContratos_ItemCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!(dvContratos.HeaderRow == null))
            int commandRowIndex = 0;
            if ((dvContratos.Rows.Count - 1) != -1)
                DetailsViewRow       commandRow = dvContratos.Rows[commandRowIndex];
                DataControlFieldCell cell       = (DataControlFieldCell)commandRow.Controls[0];

                foreach (Control ctl in cell.Controls)
                    if (ctl.GetType().Name == "DataControlImageButton")
                        ImageButton btn = (ImageButton)ctl;

                        if (btn.CommandName == "Delete")
                            btn.OnClientClick = "if(!confirm('Realmente desea eliminar el Contrato seleccionado')){return false;}";
    void CustomerDetailsView_ItemCommand(Object sender, DetailsViewCommandEventArgs e)
        // Use the CommandName property to determine which button
        // was clicked.
        if (e.CommandName == "Add")
            // Get the DetailsView control that raised the event.
            DetailsView customerDetailsView = (DetailsView)sender;

            // Add the current customer to the customer list.

            // Get the row that contains the company name. In this
            // example, the company name is in the second row (index 1)
            // of the DetailsView control.
            DetailsViewRow row = customerDetailsView.Rows[1];

            // Get the company's name from the appropriate cell.
            // In this example, the company name is in the second cell
            // (index 1) of the row.
            String name = row.Cells[1].Text;

            // Create a ListItem object with the company name.
            ListItem item = new ListItem(name);

            // Add the ListItem object to the ListBox, if the
            // item doesn't already exist.
            if (!CustomerListBox.Items.Contains(item))
Пример #6
        // this initializes all fields when you add a new learner
        protected void dvLearner_ItemInit(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            panTop.Visible = false;
            panBot.Visible = true;
            labError.Text  = "";


            if (dvLearner.FindControl("membId") != null)
                ((TextBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membId")).Text = "";
                if (se.usesPassword) //se.usesPassword set on SignIn, typically a Profile entry
                    ((TextBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membPwd")).Text = "";
                    DetailsViewRow row = dvLearner.Rows[1];
                    row.Visible = false;

                ((TextBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membFirstName")).Text    = "";
                ((TextBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membLastName")).Text     = "";
                ((TextBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membEmail")).Text        = "";
                ((TextBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membOrganization")).Text = "";
                ((TextBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membMemo")).Text         = "";

                DropDownList ctrMembLevel = (DropDownList)dvLearner.FindControl("membLevel");
                ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("1").Enabled = false;
                ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("2").Enabled = true;
                ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("5").Enabled = false;
                // disable levels unless beneath your membLevel
                int seMembLevel = int.Parse(Session["membLevel"].ToString());
                if (seMembLevel == 3)
                    ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("3").Enabled = false;
                    ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("4").Enabled = false;
                if (seMembLevel == 4)
                    ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("3").Enabled = true;
                    ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("4").Enabled = false;
                if (seMembLevel == 5)
                    ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("3").Enabled = true;
                    ctrMembLevel.Items.FindByValue("4").Enabled = true;
                Label labMembLevel = (Label)dvLearner.FindControl("labMembLevel");
                labMembLevel.Text = ""; // only used for read

                HiddenField hidMembLevel = (HiddenField)dvLearner.FindControl("hidMembLevel");
                hidMembLevel.Value = "2";

                managerAccessHide(se.usesPassword); // Hide until membLevel set to 4 or 5
                ((CheckBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membActive")).Checked     = true;
                ((CheckBox)dvLearner.FindControl("membEmailAlert")).Checked = true;
Пример #7
    public static void AddRequiredFieldValidator(DetailsView view, int rowIndex)
        DetailsViewRow       row  = view.Rows[rowIndex];
        DataControlFieldCell cell = row.Cells[1] as DataControlFieldCell;
        string ctlID = "";

        foreach (Control c in cell.Controls)
            if (c is TextBox)
                int pos = c.UniqueID.LastIndexOf("$");
                ctlID = c.UniqueID.Substring((pos + 1));
        RequiredFieldValidator Reg = new RequiredFieldValidator();

        Reg.Text    = String.Format("{0}", "*");
        Reg.Display = System.Web.UI.WebControls.ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
        if (ctlID != string.Empty)
            Reg.ControlToValidate = ctlID;
        protected void vDataset_ItemCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Test FooterRow to make sure all rows have been created
            DetailsView dv = (DetailsView)sender;

            if (dv.FooterRow != null)
                // The command bar is the last element in the Rows collection
                int commandRowIndex = dv.Rows.Count - 1;
                if (commandRowIndex > 0)
                    DetailsViewRow commandRow = dv.Rows[commandRowIndex];

                    // Look for the DELETE button
                    DataControlFieldCell cell = (DataControlFieldCell)commandRow.Controls[0];
                    foreach (Control ctl in cell.Controls)
                        ImageButton del = ctl as ImageButton;
                        if (del != null)
                            if (del.CommandName == "Delete")
                                del.OnClientClick =
                                    "if (!confirm('Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne posten?')) return;";
Пример #9
        protected void dvSystemData_ItemCommand(object sender, DetailsViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName.Equals("Update"))
                DetailsViewRow _EdittedRow = dvSystemData.Rows[dvSystemData.DataItemIndex];

                CheckBox _DoReoccuringOrdersCheckBox   = (CheckBox)_EdittedRow.FindControl("DoReoccuringOrdersCheckBox");
                TextBox  _LastReoccurringDateTextBox   = (TextBox)_EdittedRow.FindControl("LastReoccurringDateTextBox");
                TextBox  _DateLastPrepDateCalcdTextBox = (TextBox)_EdittedRow.FindControl("DateLastPrepDateCalcdTextBox");
                TextBox  _MinReminderDateTextBox       = (TextBox)_EdittedRow.FindControl("MinReminderDateTextBox");
                TextBox  _GroupItemTypeIDTextBox       = (TextBox)_EdittedRow.FindControl("GroupItemTypeIDTextBox");
                Label    _IDLabel = (Label)_EdittedRow.FindControl("IDLabel");

                control.SysDataTbl _SysData = new control.SysDataTbl();
                _SysData.ID = Convert.ToInt32(_IDLabel.Text);
                _SysData.DoReoccuringOrders    = _DoReoccuringOrdersCheckBox.Checked;
                _SysData.LastReoccurringDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(_LastReoccurringDateTextBox.Text);
                _SysData.DateLastPrepDateCalcd = Convert.ToDateTime(_DateLastPrepDateCalcdTextBox.Text);
                _SysData.MinReminderDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(_MinReminderDateTextBox.Text);
                _SysData.GroupItemTypeID       = Convert.ToInt32(_GroupItemTypeIDTextBox.Text);

Пример #10
        public void DataBindTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Literal        templatePlaceHolder = sender as Literal;
            DetailsViewRow row  = templatePlaceHolder.Parent.Parent as DetailsViewRow;
            SuperForm      form = row.Parent.Parent as SuperForm;

            templatePlaceHolder.Text = DataBinder.Eval(form.DataItem, "Notes").ToString();
Пример #11
        protected void PollDatabound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DetailsView view   = (DetailsView)sender;
            int         pollid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pid"]);

            DetailsViewRowCollection rows = view.Rows;
            DetailsViewRow           row  = rows[2];

            ((CheckBox)row.Cells[1].Controls[1].Controls[0].Controls[1]).Checked = (pollid == Config.ActivePoll);
        public void DataBindTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Literal        templatePlaceHolder = sender as Literal;
            DetailsViewRow row  = templatePlaceHolder.Parent.Parent as DetailsViewRow;
            SuperForm      form = row.Parent.Parent as SuperForm;

            string value = DataBinder.Eval(form.DataItem, "Sent").ToString();

            templatePlaceHolder.Text = value == "True" ? "Yes" : "No";
        public void DataBindTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PlaceHolder    templatePlaceHolder = sender as PlaceHolder;
            DetailsViewRow row  = templatePlaceHolder.Parent.Parent as DetailsViewRow;
            SuperForm      form = row.Parent.Parent as SuperForm;

            Obout.ComboBox.ComboBox comboBox = templatePlaceHolder.Controls[0] as Obout.ComboBox.ComboBox;

            comboBox.SelectedValue = DataBinder.Eval(form.DataItem, "ShipCountry").ToString();
        public void DataBindTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PlaceHolder    templatePlaceHolder = sender as PlaceHolder;
            DetailsViewRow row  = templatePlaceHolder.Parent.Parent as DetailsViewRow;
            SuperForm      form = row.Parent.Parent as SuperForm;

            Obout.Ajax.UI.HTMLEditor.Editor editor1 = templatePlaceHolder.Controls[0] as Obout.Ajax.UI.HTMLEditor.Editor;
            if (form.DataItem != null)
                editor1.Content = DataBinder.Eval(form.DataItem, "AdditionalInformationHTML").ToString();
Пример #15
        public void DataBindTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PlaceHolder    templatePlaceHolder = sender as PlaceHolder;
            DetailsViewRow row  = templatePlaceHolder.Parent.Parent as DetailsViewRow;
            SuperForm      form = row.Parent.Parent as SuperForm;

            Image img = templatePlaceHolder.Controls[0] as Image;

            img.ImageUrl      = "~/Grid/resources/images/products/" + DataBinder.Eval(form.DataItem, "Image").ToString();
            img.AlternateText = "";
            img.Width         = 100;
        protected void vDataset_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DetailsView dw = (DetailsView)sender;

            if (dw != null)
                DetailsViewRow pagerRow = dw.BottomPagerRow;
                if (pagerRow != null)
                    pagerRow.Visible = true;
Пример #17
 protected void DetailsView1_ItemCreated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     int commandRowIndex = DetailsView1.Rows.Count - 1;
     if (commandRowIndex != -1)
         DetailsViewRow row = DetailsView1.Rows[commandRowIndex];
         var btnDelete = row.Controls[0].Controls.OfType<LinkButton>().FirstOrDefault(b => b.CommandName == "Delete");
         if (btnDelete != null)
             btnDelete.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('Do you want to delete this User?')";
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves data for new or edited customer to database.
        /// </summary>
        protected void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CustomerController controller = new CustomerController();

            ActionServiceReference.Customer customer;
            if (CustomerId == 0)
                customer = new ActionServiceReference.Customer();
                customer = controller.GetCustomer(CustomerId);

            // Get Company name from page.
            DetailsViewRow row     = DetailsViewCustomer.Rows[1];
            TextBox        textBox = row.Cells[1].Controls[0] as TextBox;

            customer.Company = textBox.Text.Trim();

            // Get City from page.
            row           = DetailsViewCustomer.Rows[2];
            textBox       = row.Cells[1].Controls[0] as TextBox;
            customer.City = textBox.Text.Trim();

            // Get Country from page.
            row              = DetailsViewCustomer.Rows[3];
            textBox          = row.Cells[1].Controls[0] as TextBox;
            customer.Country = textBox.Text.Trim();

                if (CustomerId == 0)
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                LabelError.Text    = ex.Message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
                LabelError.Visible = true;

            // Return to list of customers.
Пример #19
        protected override void OnItemCreated(EventArgs e)
            // Test FooterRow to make sure all rows have been created
            if (this.FooterRow != null)
                // The command bar is the last element in the Rows collection
                int commandRowIndex = this.Rows.Count - 1;
                if (commandRowIndex > 0)
                    DetailsViewRow commandRow = this.Rows[commandRowIndex];

                    DataControlFieldCell cell = (DataControlFieldCell)commandRow.Controls[0];
                    foreach (Control ctl in cell.Controls)
                        LinkButton link = ctl as LinkButton;
                        if (link != null)
                            switch (link.CommandName)
                            case "Cancel":
                                link.ToolTip = EDS.Intranet.ServerControls.Properties.Resources.CancelToolTip;

                            case "Delete":
                                string confirmMessage = EDS.Intranet.ServerControls.Properties.Resources.DeleteConfirmMessage;
                                link.ToolTip       = EDS.Intranet.ServerControls.Properties.Resources.DeleteToolTip;
                                link.OnClientClick = "return confirm('" + confirmMessage + "');";

                            case "Edit":
                                link.ToolTip = EDS.Intranet.ServerControls.Properties.Resources.EditToolTip;

                            case "Insert":
                                link.ToolTip = EDS.Intranet.ServerControls.Properties.Resources.InsertToolTip;

                            case "New":
                                link.ToolTip = EDS.Intranet.ServerControls.Properties.Resources.NewToolTip;

                            case "Update":
                                link.ToolTip = EDS.Intranet.ServerControls.Properties.Resources.UpdateToolTip;
Пример #20
    protected void DetailsView1_ItemCommand(object sender, DetailsViewCommandEventArgs e)
        /*if (e.CommandName == "AddToCart")
         * {
         *  string url = "cart.aspx?";
         *  DetailsViewRow row = DetailsView1.Rows[0];
         *  string product_id = row.Cells[1].Text;
         *  url += "product_id=" + product_id;
         *  url += "&qty=" + txt_qty.Text;
         *  Response.Redirect(url);
         * }*/

        if (e.CommandName == "AddToCart")
            DetailsViewRow row        = DetailsView1.Rows[0];
            string         product_id = row.Cells[1].Text;

            ArrayList prods = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList qtys  = new ArrayList();

            //prods = (ArrayList)Session["cartprod"];
            //qtys = (ArrayList)Session["cartqty"];
            prods = Session["cartprod"] == null ? prods : (ArrayList)Session["cartprod"];
            qtys  = Session["cartqty"] == null ? qtys : (ArrayList)Session["cartqty"];


            Session["cartprod"] = prods;
            Session["cartqty"]  = qtys;

        } //for the delete button to work

        else if (e.CommandName == "SubmitReview")

            string url = "review.aspx?";

            DetailsViewRow row        = DetailsView1.Rows[0];
            string         product_id = row.Cells[1].Text;

            url += "product_id=" + product_id;
        public void DataBindTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PlaceHolder    templatePlaceHolder = sender as PlaceHolder;
            DetailsViewRow row  = templatePlaceHolder.Parent.Parent as DetailsViewRow;
            SuperForm      form = row.Parent.Parent as SuperForm;

            OboutRadioButton OboutRadioButton1 = templatePlaceHolder.Controls[0] as OboutRadioButton;
            OboutRadioButton OboutRadioButton2 = templatePlaceHolder.Controls[1] as OboutRadioButton;

            object value = DataBinder.Eval(form.DataItem, "Sent");

            OboutRadioButton1.Checked = value != null && value.ToString() == "True";
            OboutRadioButton2.Checked = value == null || value.ToString() == "False";
Пример #22
    protected void UserInfo_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ProfileCommon userProfile = Profile.GetProfile(username);

        if (UserInfo.CurrentMode == DetailsViewMode.ReadOnly)
            Label lbl         = (Label)UserInfo.FindControl("lbAgency");
            Label lblEmployee = (Label)UserInfo.FindControl("lblLocation");

            lbl.Text         = ReturnDepartment(userProfile.DistrictID);
            lblEmployee.Text = ReturnProvince(userProfile.ProvinceID);
        if (UserInfo.CurrentMode == DetailsViewMode.Edit)
            DropDownList ddlAg  = (DropDownList)UserInfo.FindControl("DDLAgency");
            DropDownList ddlEmp = (DropDownList)UserInfo.FindControl("ddlLocation");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userProfile.DistrictID.ToString()))
                ddlAg.SelectedValue = userProfile.DistrictID.ToString();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userProfile.ProvinceID.ToString()))
                // BindCombo("select ID,Name from staff union select null,'--Select--' order by ID", ddlEmp);
                ddlEmp.SelectedValue = userProfile.ProvinceID.ToString();

        int commandRowIndex = UserInfo.Rows.Count - 1;

        if (commandRowIndex > 0)
            DetailsViewRow       commandRow = UserInfo.Rows[commandRowIndex];
            DataControlFieldCell cell       = (DataControlFieldCell)commandRow.Controls[0];

            foreach (Control ctrl in cell.Controls)
                if (ctrl is Button)
                    Button ibt = (Button)ctrl;
                    if (ibt.CommandName == "Delete")
                        ibt.ToolTip = "Click here to Delete";
                        //ibt.CommandName = "Delete";
                        ibt.Attributes["onClick"] = "if (!confirm('آیا شما میخواهید این کاربر را حذف نماید؟')) return;";
        protected void PricingDetailsView_ItemCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // As each button in the command field is created, it detects if the button is the delete button.
            // If it is, an attribute is added to make a javascript prompt display to confirm the action when pressed.
            int commandRowIndex = PricingDetailsView.Rows.Count - 1;

            if (commandRowIndex != -1)
                DetailsViewRow row = PricingDetailsView.Rows[commandRowIndex];
                if (row.Controls[0].Controls.OfType <Button>().Where(b => b.CommandName == "Delete").Count() > 0)
                    Button btnDelete = row.Controls[0].Controls.OfType <Button>().Where(b => b.CommandName == "Delete").FirstOrDefault();
                    btnDelete.Attributes["onclick"] = "if(!confirm('Do you want to delete this Pricing?')){ return false; };";
Пример #24
    protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DetailsViewRow dr = DetailsView1.Rows[0];
        HiddenField    hf = dr.FindControl("HiddenField1") as HiddenField;
        DataTable      dt = con.getOwnerDetail(hf.Value, Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString());

        (DetailsView1.Rows[0].FindControl("Label11") as Label).Text = "Name :           " + dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();
        (DetailsView1.Rows[0].FindControl("Label12") as Label).Text = "Phone Number :   " + dt.Rows[0][2].ToString();
        (DetailsView1.Rows[0].FindControl("Label13") as Label).Text = "Email ID :       " + dt.Rows[0][3].ToString();
        int propertyCount = con.getOwnerPropertyCount(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());

        if (propertyCount > 1)
            (DetailsView1.Rows[0].FindControl("Label11") as Label).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            (DetailsView1.Rows[0].FindControl("Label12") as Label).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            (DetailsView1.Rows[0].FindControl("Label13") as Label).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
Пример #25
        public void DetailsViewRowCollection_CopyTo()
            DetailsViewRow[] rows   = new DetailsViewRow[6];
            ArrayList        myRows = new ArrayList();

            myRows.Add(new DetailsViewRow(0, DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Insert));
            myRows.Add(new DetailsViewRow(1, DataControlRowType.Footer, DataControlRowState.Edit));
            myRows.Add(new DetailsViewRow(2, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal));
            DetailsViewRowCollection coll = new DetailsViewRowCollection(myRows);

            coll.CopyTo(rows, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, rows.Length, "CopyTo1");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, rows[0].RowIndex, "CopyTo2");
            Assert.AreEqual(DataControlRowType.Footer, rows[1].RowType, "CopyTo3");
            Assert.AreEqual(DataControlRowState.Normal, rows[2].RowState, "CopyTo4");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, rows[2].RowIndex, "CopyTo5");
            Assert.AreEqual(null, rows[3], "CopyTo6");

  /// <summary>ButtonSubmitDetailsView_Click().</summary>
  public void ButtonSubmitDetailsView_Click
   Object sender, 
   EventArgs e
   String  fieldName   =  null;
   String  fieldValue  =  null;
   DetailsViewRow      detailsViewContactCurrent  =  null;

   LiteralFeedback.Text = "";
   foreach (DetailsViewRow detailsViewRow in DetailsViewContact.Rows)
    // Use the Text property to access the value of 
    // each cell. In this example, the cells in the 
    // first column (index 0) contains the field names, 
    // while the cells in the second column (index 1)
    // contains the field value. 
    // LiteralFeedback.Text += row.Cells[0].Text + " = " + row.Cells[1].Text + "<br/>";
    fieldName   =  detailsViewRow.Cells[0].Text;
    if ( fieldName == null )
     fieldName = "";

    fieldValue  =  detailsViewRow.Cells[1].Text;
    if ( fieldValue == null )
     fieldValue = "";
    //LiteralFeedback.Text += fieldName + ": "  + fieldValue + " | ";
    if ( fieldName == "ScriptureReference" )
   }//foreach (DetailsViewRow row in ItemDetailsView.Rows)
  }//public void ButtonSubmitDetailsView_Click()
Пример #27
    protected void dvEmployee_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataRowView drView = (DataRowView)dvEmployee.DataItem;

        switch (drView["Country"].ToString().ToUpper())
        case "USA":
            drView["Country"] = "美國";


        case "UK":
            drView["Country"] = "英國";

        case "TAIWAN":
            drView["Country"] = "台灣";



        DetailsViewRow bottomPagerRow = dvEmployee.BottomPagerRow;

        for (int i = 0; i < dvEmployee.PagerSettings.PageButtonCount; i++)
            LinkButton PageNo = new LinkButton();
            PageNo.Text            = Convert.ToString(i + 1);
            PageNo.ID              = (PageNo + i.ToString());
            PageNo.CommandArgument = i.ToString();
            PageNo.Click          += new EventHandler(PageNo_Click);
            Literal blank = new Literal();
            blank.Text = " ";
Пример #28
    // same process as Bingham
    protected void dtv_lady_minto_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // This is a pager row.
        DetailsViewRow pagerRow = dtv_lady_minto.BottomPagerRow;

        // These labels display the current page number and the total number of pages.
        Label pageNum  = (Label)pagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("lbl_pageNumber");
        Label totalNum = (Label)pagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("lbl_totalPages");

        if ((pageNum != null) && (totalNum != null))
            // Page number and total number of pages
            int page  = dtv_lady_minto.DataItemIndex + 1;
            int count = dtv_lady_minto.DataItemCount;

            pageNum.Text  = page.ToString();
            totalNum.Text = count.ToString();
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Возвращает true, если контрол отображается.
        /// Проверяет родителей на видимость, обрабатывает вложенность в DetailsView.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsControlDisplayed(Control control)
            if (!control.Visible || control.Parent == null)

            DetailsViewRow detailsViewRow = control as DetailsViewRow;

            if (detailsViewRow != null)
                DetailsView detailsView = GetDetailsView(detailsViewRow);
                if (detailsView != null && !detailsView.Fields[detailsViewRow.RowIndex].Visible)

Пример #30
        private Control FindControlFromDetailsView(DetailsView dv, string ctrlName)
            Control ctrl = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < dv.Rows.Count; i++)
                DetailsViewRow dr = dv.Rows[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < dr.Cells.Count; j++)
                    TableCell tc = dr.Cells[j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < tc.Controls.Count; k++)
                        if (tc.Controls[k].FindControl(ctrlName) != null)
	// Methods
	public void CopyTo(DetailsViewRow[] array, int index) {}