Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Defines the template for core-level arrange layout definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     In WPF this method is defined on UIElement as protected virtual and has a base implementation.
        ///     FrameworkElement (which derrives from UIElement) creates a sealed implemention, similar to the below,
        ///     which discards UIElement's base implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "finalRect">The final area within the parent that element should use to arrange itself and its child elements.</param>
        private void ArrangeCore(BoundingRectangle finalRect)
            Thickness margin = this.Margin;

            Vector2 unclippedDesiredSize = isClippingRequired ? unclippedSize : DesiredSize.Deflate(margin);
            Vector2 finalSize            = new Vector2(finalRect.Width, finalRect.Height);

            finalSize = finalSize.Deflate(margin);

            isClippingRequired = false;

            if (finalSize.X < unclippedDesiredSize.X)
                isClippingRequired = true;
                finalSize.X        = unclippedDesiredSize.X;

            if (finalSize.Y < unclippedDesiredSize.Y)
                isClippingRequired = true;
                finalSize.Y        = unclippedDesiredSize.Y;

            if (HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Stretch)
                finalSize.X = unclippedDesiredSize.X;

            if (VerticalAlignment != VerticalAlignment.Stretch)
                finalSize.Y = unclippedDesiredSize.Y;

            var minMax = new MinMax(this);

            float largestWidth = Math.Max(unclippedDesiredSize.X, minMax.MaxWidth);

            if (largestWidth < finalSize.X)
                finalSize.X = largestWidth;

            float largestHeight = Math.Max(unclippedDesiredSize.Y, minMax.MaxHeight);

            if (largestHeight < finalSize.Y)
                finalSize.Y = largestHeight;

            Vector2 renderSize = this.ArrangeOverride(finalSize);

            this.RenderSize = renderSize;

            Vector2 inkSize = new Vector2(
                Math.Min(renderSize.X, minMax.MaxWidth), Math.Min(renderSize.Y, minMax.MaxHeight));

            isClippingRequired |= inkSize.X < renderSize.X || inkSize.Y < renderSize.Y;

            Vector2 clientSize = finalRect.Size.Deflate(margin);

            isClippingRequired |= clientSize.X < inkSize.X || clientSize.Y < inkSize.Y;

            Vector2 offset = this.ComputeAlignmentOffset(clientSize, inkSize);

            offset.X += finalRect.X + margin.Left;
            offset.Y += finalRect.Y + margin.Top;

            this.visualOffset = offset;