static public void AddDesign(DesignerToken T, ShipComponents C) { if (!MasterComponentDictionary.ContainsKey(T)) { RegisterToken(T); } MasterComponentDictionary [T].Add(C); }
static public List <ShipComponents> GetComponents(DesignerToken T) { if (!MasterComponentDictionary.ContainsKey(T)) { RegisterToken(T); } return(MasterComponentDictionary [T]); }
static public void RegisterToken(DesignerToken T) { if (!MasterComponentDictionary.ContainsKey(T)) { MasterComponentDictionary.Add(T, new List <ShipComponents> ()); MasterDesignerTokenList.Add(T); UpdatePublicDomain(); } }
public static void AddHull(ShipHull h, [CanBeNull] DesignerToken d = null) { if (d == null) { d = h.Designer; } if (HullDict.ContainsKey(d)) { HullDict[d].AddExclusive(h); } else { HullDict.Add(d, new List <ShipHull>() { h }); } Debug.Log(h.HullName + " added to Hull Design Dictionary for " + d.OwnerName); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { AllEmpires.Add(this); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (Logbook.ContainsKey(StrategicClock.strategicClock.GetFutureDate(i))) { Logbook.Add(StrategicClock.strategicClock.GetFutureDate(i), new List <EmpireLogEntry> ()); } } Token = new DesignerToken(EmpireName); // Debug.Log (EmpireTechTree.TechByID.Count); AvailableTechs = EmpireTechTree.GetAvailableTech(); // Debug.Log (AvailableTechs.Count); foreach (Tech t in AvailableTechs) { DebugAvailableTechNames.Add(t.Name); } EmpireLogEntry E = new EmpireLogEntry(LogCategories.MILITARY, 1, this, "NOTHING BUT THE RAIN", string.Format("**//nothing but the rain-")); StartCoroutine(GenerateStartingOfficerCorps()); }