//Anchor Text After Update Event
        private void AnchorTextParamComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            //Update IDText

            Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

            //Return IDText Parent
            string MyIDTextParent = DesignUtils.ReturnCurrentFileIDText();

            if (MyIDTextParent != null)
                //Get Encoding
                encoding = DesignUtils.GetEncodingIDText(MyIDTextParent);

                //Fill in Global Variable
                MyArgument = "Anchor Words Parameter";

                //Get ITem from the ComboBox
                string MyAnchorTextParamComboBox = this.AnchorTextParamComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString();

                //Log ComboBox
                DesignUtils.CallLogComboBox(MyIDText, MyArgument, MyAnchorTextParamComboBox, encoding);
        //Auto Fill Controls
        public void AutoFillControls()
            //Check if File Exists, if not create it

            //Get the File Path
            string FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/Infos/" + MyIDText + ".txt";

            //If false create it
            if (File.Exists(FilePath) == false)
                //Create File
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(FilePath, "");

            #region Encoding

            string MyArgument = "Encoding";

            //Get Item from the ComboBox
            string MyEncoding = ReturnEncoding();

            if (MyEncoding != null)
                Encoding encoding = Utils.ConvertStringToEncoding(MyEncoding);

                //Log ComboBox
                DesignUtils.CallLogComboBox(MyIDText, MyArgument, MyEncoding, encoding);

                #region File Name

                //Copy the Arguments, in case there is
                string FilePathPreview = ReturnCurrentFile();

                if (FilePathPreview != null)
                    //Update Text File Row Argument
                    DesignUtils.CallUpdateTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, "FileName", FilePathPreview, encoding);


        //Occurences Update Event
        private void OccurrencesComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

            //Return IDText Parent
            string MyIDTextParent = DesignUtils.ReturnCurrentFileIDText();

            //Get Encoding
            encoding = DesignUtils.GetEncodingIDText(MyIDTextParent);

            //Update IDText

            string MyOccurenceParameter = null;

            //Fill in Global Variable
            MyArgument = "Occurence Parameter";

            //Get IDText, if there is
            MyIDText = ReturnIDText();

            //Get item from the ComboBox
            MyOccurenceParameter = (string)OccurrencesComboBox.SelectedValue;

            //Log ComboBox
            DesignUtils.CallLogComboBox(MyIDText, MyArgument, MyOccurenceParameter, encoding);

            //Hide / Display Occurence Number Control
            if (MyOccurenceParameter == "Custom")
                this.OccurrenceNumber.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                this.OccurrenceNumber.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                //Clear Field Value
                ModelProperty property = this.ModelItem.Properties["OccurrenceNumber"];