Пример #1
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            // Draw rooms.
            if (room != null)
                if (scale == 1)
                    scale = designPanelController.CalculateScale();
                if (roomX == 0 && roomY == 0)

                Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
                // Draw the floor.
                if (gPath == null)
                    gPath = designPanelController.MakeGraphicsPath();
                if (floorBitmap == null)
                    floorBitmap = designPanelController.MakeBitmapForRoom(gPath);
                // Load made image.
                g.DrawImage(floorBitmap, 0, menuHeightOffset);

                // Draw strings to show size of room.
                g.DrawString(String.Format("{0} m", (float)room.width / 100), new Font("Arial", 10), p.Brush, roomX + (room.newWidth / 2), roomY + room.newHeight + 10 + menuHeightOffset);
                g.DrawString(String.Format("{0} m", (float)room.height / 100), new Font("Arial", 10), p.Brush, roomX - 30, roomY + (room.newHeight / 2) + menuHeightOffset);

                // Draws products.
                for (int i = 0; i < room.productList.Count; i++)
                    Product product   = room.productList[i];
                    Bitmap  tempImage = new Bitmap(product.image, new Size((int)(product.image.Width / scale), (int)(product.image.Height / scale)));
                    Point   point     = new Point(product.location.X, product.location.Y);
                    g.DrawImage(tempImage, point);

                if (nightModeBool)
                    // Draw nightMode.

                    if (tempPath == null)
                        tempPath = (GraphicsPath)gPath.Clone();
                        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
                        matrix.Translate(0, menuHeightOffset);
                    Brush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0));
                    g.FillPath(b, tempPath);

                    // Draw lightCircles.
                    for (int i = 0; i < room.productList.Count; i++)
                        if (room.productList[i].GetType().Name == "Lamp")
                            Lamp tempLamp = (Lamp)room.productList[i];
                            g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(80, 200, 239, 67)), new Rectangle(
                                              tempLamp.location.X - tempLamp.lightRadius,
                                              tempLamp.location.Y - tempLamp.lightRadius,
                                              (int)(tempLamp.image.Width / scale) + (tempLamp.lightRadius * 2),
                                              (int)(tempLamp.image.Width / scale) + (tempLamp.lightRadius * 2)));