Пример #1
        private void FrameReader_FrameArrived(MediaFrameReader sender, MediaFrameArrivedEventArgs args)
            if (!frameProcessingSemaphore.Wait(0))

            try {
                var frame = sender.TryAcquireLatestFrame();
                if (frame != null)
                    this.frames[frame.SourceKind] = frame;

                if (this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color] != null && this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth] != null)
                    var colorDesc = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.Read).GetPlaneDescription(0);
                    var depthDesc = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.Read).GetPlaneDescription(0);

                    // get points in 3d space
                    DepthCorrelatedCoordinateMapper coordinateMapper = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.DepthMediaFrame.TryCreateCoordinateMapper(
                        this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem);

                    // get color information
                    var    bitmap     = SoftwareBitmap.Convert(this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Ignore);
                    byte[] colorBytes = new byte[bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.PixelHeight * 4];

                    Vector3[] depthPoints = new Vector3[this.mapPoints.Length];
                    coordinateMapper.UnprojectPoints(this.mapPoints, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem, depthPoints);

                    // resize image 1920x1080 -> 480x270 and apply depth filter
                    byte[] resizedGrayColorBytes = new byte[240 * 135];
                    int    row = 0;
                    int    at  = 0;
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < resizedGrayColorBytes.Length; ++idx)
                        var depth = depthPoints[idx];

                        // get depth bound for pixel idx
                        float depthBound = 10.0f;
                        if (float.IsNaN(depth.X))
                            depthBound = 0.0f;
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.depthMap.Count; ++i)
                                if (this.depthMap[i].xMin < depth.X && depth.X < this.depthMap[i].xMax)
                                    depthBound = this.depthMap[i].F(depth.X);

                        // get color of pixel idx
                        // topLeft : at; topRight : at + strideX - 4;
                        // bottomLeft : at + rgbWidth * (strideY - 1); bottomRight : at + rgbWidth * (strideY - 1) + strideX - 4;
                        float bgr = 255;
                        if (depth.Z < depthBound)
                            bgr =
                                (Convert.ToInt16(colorBytes[at] + colorBytes[at + 28] + colorBytes[at + 53760] + colorBytes[at + 53788]
                                                 + colorBytes[at + 1] + colorBytes[at + 29] + colorBytes[at + 53761] + colorBytes[at + 53789]
                                                 + colorBytes[at + 2] + colorBytes[at + 30] + colorBytes[at + 53762] + colorBytes[at + 53790])) * 0.0833333f;
                        resizedGrayColorBytes[idx] = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(bgr))[0];

                        // iterate
                        at += 32;
                        if (at - row * 7680 > 7648)   // at - row * rgbWidth > rgbWidth - strideX
                            row += 8;
                            at   = row * 7680;
                    var faces = this.cascadeClassifier.DetectMultiScale(resizedGrayColorBytes, 240, 135);

                    // debug image (optional)
                    //byte[] dbg = new byte[240 * 135 + 4];
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(240), 0, dbg, 0, 2);
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(135), 0, dbg, 2, 2);
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(resizedGrayColorBytes, 0, dbg, 4, 32400);
                    //this.client.Publish("/kinect/face/debug", dbg);

                    // reset face found status
                    foreach (var log in this.faceLog)

                    // create byte array from each face
                    uint          totalSize     = 0;
                    List <byte[]> faceBytesList = new List <byte[]>();
                    at = 1;
                    int numDetectFaces = faces[0];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numDetectFaces; ++j)
                        // parse result from C++
                        uint xj    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        uint yj    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        uint width = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        // result is head + shoulder -> multiply 0.6 to get head only region
                        uint height = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToInt32(faces[at++]) * 8 * 0.6);
                        // center crop image
                        xj   += Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.2);
                        width = Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.6);

                        uint   size      = width * height * 3 + 20;
                        byte[] faceBytes = new byte[size];
                        totalSize += size;

                        // get face 3d position
                        var centerPoint    = new Point(xj + Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.5), yj + Convert.ToUInt32(height * 0.5));
                        var positionVector = coordinateMapper.UnprojectPoint(centerPoint, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem);

                        // get likely face id from face position
                        int   likelyEnum = -1;
                        float likeliness = float.MaxValue;
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.faceLog.Count; ++i)
                            if (this.faceLog[i].isTracked && !this.faceLog[i].foundInThisFrame)
                                var dist = Vector3.Distance(positionVector, this.faceLog[i].facePosition);
                                if (dist < 0.3 && dist < likeliness)   // it is unlikely for a face to jump 30cm between frames
                                    likelyEnum = i;
                                    likeliness = dist;
                        if (likelyEnum < 0) // if no likely face was found
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.faceLog.Count; ++i)
                                if (!this.faceLog[i].isTracked)   // a new track is registered (will switch to isTracked when called Update)
                                    likelyEnum = i;
                        if (likelyEnum < 0) // trackable number of faces already occupied, cannot track new face
                            continue;       // id will be free once existing track is lost

                        // first 4 bytes is size of face image
                        Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(width), 0, faceBytes, 0, 2);
                        Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(height), 0, faceBytes, 2, 2);

                        // next 12 bytes is 3d position of face
                        var position = new float[] { positionVector.X, positionVector.Y, positionVector.Z };
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(position, 0, faceBytes, 4, 12);

                        // next 4 bytes is face id
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.faceLog[likelyEnum].id), 0, faceBytes, 16, 4);

                        // copy rgb image
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                            var srcIdx  = Convert.ToInt32(((y + yj) * colorDesc.Width + xj) * 4);
                            var destIdx = Convert.ToInt32((y * width) * 3 + 20);
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                                Buffer.BlockCopy(colorBytes, srcIdx + x * 4, faceBytes, destIdx + x * 3, 3);


                    // for faces that were not found in current frame, release track state
                    foreach (var log in this.faceLog)
                        if (log.isTracked && !log.foundInThisFrame)
                            // get fps, note, clock is always running when frame is being captured
                            int fps = Convert.ToInt32(kinectFrameCount / this.appClock.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                            if (log.lostTrackCount > 2 * fps)   // lost for two seconds

                    // concatenate byte arrays to send (post-processed as totalSize not known in first foreach)
                    int    head  = 1; // first 1 byte is number of faces
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[totalSize + 1];
                    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(faceBytesList.Count), 0, bytes, 0, head);
                    foreach (byte[] faceByte in faceBytesList)
                        Array.Copy(faceByte, 0, bytes, head, faceByte.Length);
                        head += faceByte.Length;
                    this.client.Publish("/kinect/detected/face", bytes);


                    this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color] = null;
                    this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth] = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // TODO
            } finally {
Пример #2
        private void FrameReader_FrameArrived(MediaFrameReader sender, MediaFrameArrivedEventArgs args)
            if (!frameProcessingSemaphore.Wait(0))

            try {
                var frame = sender.TryAcquireLatestFrame();
                if (frame != null)
                    this.frames[frame.SourceKind] = frame;

                if (this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color] != null && this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth] != null)
                    var colorDesc = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.Read).GetPlaneDescription(0);
                    var depthDesc = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.Read).GetPlaneDescription(0);

                    // get points in 3d space
                    DepthCorrelatedCoordinateMapper coordinateMapper = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.DepthMediaFrame.TryCreateCoordinateMapper(
                        this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem);

                    // get camera intrinsics info
                    var cameraInfo = new float[] {
                        // this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.FocalLength.X,
                        // this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.FocalLength.Y,
                        // this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.PrincipalPoint.X,
                        // this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.PrincipalPoint.Y
                        this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.FocalLength.X * 3.0f,
                        this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.FocalLength.Y * 3.0f,
                        this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.PrincipalPoint.X / 3.0f,
                        this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics.PrincipalPoint.Y / 3.0f

                    // get color information
                    var    bitmap     = SoftwareBitmap.Convert(this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Ignore);
                    byte[] colorBytes = new byte[bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.PixelHeight * 4];

                    // get time info
                    var time = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.FrameReference.SystemRelativeTime;

                    // map depth to color
                    // we will only create a reduced size map as original is too large : 1920 * 1080 -> 640 * 360
                    Vector3[] points = new Vector3[this.colorPoints.Length];
                    coordinateMapper.UnprojectPoints(this.colorPoints, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem, points);

                    // stream point clouds
                    byte[] streamBytes = new byte[points.Length * 16];
                    Parallel.ForEach(System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner.Create(0, points.Length),
                                     (range) => {
                        int j = range.Item1 * 16;
                        for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; ++i)
                            var values = new float[] { points[i].X, points[i].Y, points[i].Z };
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(values, 0, streamBytes, j, 12); j += 12;
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(colorBytes, Convert.ToInt32((this.colorPoints[i].Y * colorDesc.Width + this.colorPoints[i].X) * 4), streamBytes, j, 4); j += 4;
                    this.client.Publish("/kinect/stream/points", streamBytes);

                    // stream camera intrinsics
                    byte[] camIntr = new byte[16];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(cameraInfo, 0, camIntr, 0, 16);
                    this.client.Publish("/kinect/stream/camerainfo", camIntr);

                    // other requested queues (only one is processed at each frame)

                    if (this.sendImageFlag)   // send full image if requested (full image should usually not be requested)
                        byte[] bgrColorBytes = new byte[colorDesc.Width * colorDesc.Height * 3];
                        Parallel.ForEach(System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner.Create(0, colorDesc.Height),
                                         (range) => {
                            for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; ++i)
                                int srcIdx  = i * colorDesc.Width * 4;
                                int destIdx = i * colorDesc.Width * 3;
                                for (int x = 0; x < colorDesc.Width; ++x)
                                    Buffer.BlockCopy(colorBytes, srcIdx + x * 4, bgrColorBytes, destIdx + x * 3, 3);
                        this.client.Publish("/kinect/stream/image", bgrColorBytes);
                        this.sendImageFlag = false;
                    else if (this.sendImageCenters)     // send image centers if requested
                    // get image centers from center pixels
                        Vector3[] positionVectors = new Vector3[this.centersInPixel.Length];
                        coordinateMapper.UnprojectPoints(this.centersInPixel, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem, positionVectors);

                        // Vector3 -> float[]
                        int     numResults = positionVectors.Length;
                        float[] positions  = new float[positionVectors.Length * 3];
                        for (int i = 0; i < positionVectors.Length; ++i)
                            positionVectors[i].CopyTo(positions, i * 3);

                        // float[] -> byte[]
                        byte[] positionBytes = new byte[positions.Length * 4 + 2];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(numResults), 0, positionBytes, 0, 2);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(positions, 0, positionBytes, 2, positions.Length * 4);
                        this.client.Publish("/kinect/stream/centers", positionBytes);
                        this.sendImageCenters = false;


                    this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color] = null;
                    this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth] = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // TODO
            } finally {
Пример #3
        private void FrameReader_FrameArrived(MediaFrameReader sender, MediaFrameArrivedEventArgs args)
            if (!frameProcessingSemaphore.Wait(0))

            try {
                var frame = sender.TryAcquireLatestFrame();
                if (frame != null)
                    this.frames[frame.SourceKind] = frame;

                if (this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color] != null && this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth] != null)
                    var colorDesc = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.Read).GetPlaneDescription(0);
                    var depthDesc = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.Read).GetPlaneDescription(0);

                    // get points in 3d space
                    DepthCorrelatedCoordinateMapper coordinateMapper = this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth].VideoMediaFrame.DepthMediaFrame.TryCreateCoordinateMapper(
                        this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem);

                    // get color information
                    var    bitmap     = SoftwareBitmap.Convert(this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].VideoMediaFrame.SoftwareBitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Ignore);
                    byte[] colorBytes = new byte[bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.PixelHeight * 4];

                    Vector3[] depthPoints = new Vector3[this.mapPoints.Length];
                    coordinateMapper.UnprojectPoints(this.mapPoints, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem, depthPoints);

                    // resize image 1920x1080 -> 480x270 and apply depth filter
                    byte[] resizedGrayColorBytes = new byte[240 * 135];
                    int    row = 0;
                    int    at  = 0;
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < resizedGrayColorBytes.Length; ++idx)
                        var depth = depthPoints[idx];

                        // get depth bound for pixel idx
                        float depthBound = 10.0f;
                        if (float.IsNaN(depth.X))
                            depthBound = 0.0f;
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.depthMap.Count; ++i)
                                if (this.depthMap[i].xMin < depth.X && depth.X < this.depthMap[i].xMax)
                                    depthBound = this.depthMap[i].F(depth.X);

                        // get color of pixel idx
                        // topLeft : at; topRight : at + strideX - 4;
                        // bottomLeft : at + rgbWidth * (strideY - 1); bottomRight : at + rgbWidth * (strideY - 1) + strideX - 4;
                        float bgr = 255;
                        if (depth.Z < depthBound)
                            bgr =
                                (Convert.ToInt16(colorBytes[at] + colorBytes[at + 28] + colorBytes[at + 53760] + colorBytes[at + 53788]
                                                 + colorBytes[at + 1] + colorBytes[at + 29] + colorBytes[at + 53761] + colorBytes[at + 53789]
                                                 + colorBytes[at + 2] + colorBytes[at + 30] + colorBytes[at + 53762] + colorBytes[at + 53790])) * 0.0833333f;
                        resizedGrayColorBytes[idx] = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(bgr))[0];

                        // iterate
                        at += 32;
                        if (at - row * 7680 > 7648)   // at - row * rgbWidth > rgbWidth - strideX
                            row += 8;
                            at   = row * 7680;
                    var faces = this.cascadeClassifier.DetectMultiScale(resizedGrayColorBytes, 240, 135);

                    // debug image (optional)
                    //byte[] dbg = new byte[240 * 135 + 4];
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(240), 0, dbg, 0, 2);
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(135), 0, dbg, 2, 2);
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(resizedGrayColorBytes, 0, dbg, 4, 32400);
                    //this.client.Publish("/kinect/face/debug", dbg);

                    // reset face found status
                    foreach (var log in this.faceLog)

                    // parse data from cascadeClassifier
                    List <Vector3> facePositionList = new List <Vector3>();
                    List <Tuple <uint, uint, uint, uint> > faceBoundsList = new List <Tuple <uint, uint, uint, uint> >();
                    at = 1;
                    int numDetectFaces = faces[0];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numDetectFaces; ++j)
                        // parse result from C++
                        uint xj    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        uint yj    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        uint width = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        // result is head + shoulder -> multiply 0.6 to get head only region
                        uint height = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToInt32(faces[at++]) * 8 * 0.6);
                        // center crop image
                        xj   += Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.2);
                        width = Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.6);

                        // get face 3d position
                        var centerPoint    = new Point(xj + Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.5), yj + Convert.ToUInt32(height * 0.5));
                        var positionVector = coordinateMapper.UnprojectPoint(centerPoint, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem);

                        faceBoundsList.Add(new Tuple <uint, uint, uint, uint>(xj, yj, width, height));

                    // find face in current frame that matches log (only one face is linked to each log)
                    int[]   faceCorrespondingLog    = Enumerable.Repeat(-1, facePositionList.Count).ToArray();
                    float[] faceCorrespondenceScore = Enumerable.Repeat(float.MaxValue, facePositionList.Count).ToArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.faceLog.Count; ++i)
                        if (!faceLog[i].isTracked)
                            continue;                        // log is currently not used
                        int   likelyEnum = -1;
                        float likeliness = float.MaxValue;
                        for (int j = 0; j < facePositionList.Count; ++j)
                            var dist = Vector3.Distance(facePositionList[j], this.faceLog[i].facePosition);
                            if (dist < 0.3 && dist < likeliness)   // it is unlikely for a face to jump 30cm between frames
                                likelyEnum = j;
                                likeliness = dist;

                        if (likelyEnum >= 0 && likeliness < faceCorrespondenceScore[likelyEnum])
                            if (faceCorrespondingLog[likelyEnum] >= 0)
                                this.faceLog[faceCorrespondingLog[likelyEnum]].foundInThisFrame = false; // last log was not right match, undo match
                            faceCorrespondingLog[likelyEnum] = i;
                            this.faceLog[i].foundInThisFrame = true; // this log is now matched with face

                    // check faceCorrespondingLog and create byte array from each face
                    uint          totalSize     = 0;
                    List <byte[]> faceBytesList = new List <byte[]>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < faceCorrespondingLog.Length; ++j)
                        int     likelyEnum     = -1;
                        Vector3 positionVector = facePositionList[j];
                        if (faceCorrespondingLog[j] < 0)   // corresponding log was not yet found
                        // find likely face log from logs
                            float likeliness = float.MaxValue;
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.faceLog.Count; ++i)
                                if (this.faceLog[i].isTracked)
                                    var dist = Vector3.Distance(positionVector, this.faceLog[i].facePosition);
                                    if (dist < 0.3 && dist < likeliness)   // it is unlikely for a face to jump 30cm between frames
                                        likelyEnum = i;
                                        likeliness = dist;
                            if (likelyEnum >= 0 && this.faceLog[likelyEnum].foundInThisFrame)
                                continue;       // detected face was somehow a duplicate of an existing region, ignore
                            if (likelyEnum < 0) // if no likely face was found
                                for (int i = 0; i < this.faceLog.Count; ++i)
                                    if (!this.faceLog[i].isTracked)   // a new track is registered (will switch to isTracked when called Update)
                                        likelyEnum = i;
                            if (likelyEnum < 0) // trackable number of faces already occupied, cannot track new face
                                continue;       // id will be free once existing track is lost
                        else     // corresponding log is already found
                            likelyEnum = faceCorrespondingLog[j];


                        uint xj     = faceBoundsList[j].Item1;
                        uint yj     = faceBoundsList[j].Item2;
                        uint width  = faceBoundsList[j].Item3;
                        uint height = faceBoundsList[j].Item4;

                        uint   size      = width * height * 3 + 20;
                        byte[] faceBytes = new byte[size];
                        totalSize += size;

                        // first 4 bytes is size of face image
                        Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(width), 0, faceBytes, 0, 2);
                        Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(height), 0, faceBytes, 2, 2);

                        // next 12 bytes is 3d position of face
                        var position = new float[] { positionVector.X, positionVector.Y, positionVector.Z };
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(position, 0, faceBytes, 4, 12);

                        // next 4 bytes is face id
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.faceLog[likelyEnum].id), 0, faceBytes, 16, 4);

                        // copy rgb image
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                            var srcIdx  = Convert.ToInt32(((y + yj) * colorDesc.Width + xj) * 4);
                            var destIdx = Convert.ToInt32((y * width) * 3 + 20);
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                                Buffer.BlockCopy(colorBytes, srcIdx + x * 4, faceBytes, destIdx + x * 3, 3);


                    // for faces that were not found in current frame, release track state
                    foreach (var log in this.faceLog)
                        if (log.isTracked && !log.foundInThisFrame)
                            // get fps, note, clock is always running when frame is being captured
                            int fps = Convert.ToInt32(kinectFrameCount / this.appClock.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                            if (log.lostTrackCount > 10 * fps)   // lost for ten seconds
                    // parse data from cascadeClassifier
                    uint          totalSize     = 0;
                    List <byte[]> faceBytesList = new List <byte[]>();
                    at = 1;
                    int numDetectFaces = faces[0];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numDetectFaces; ++j)
                        // parse result from C++
                        uint xjRaw    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]);
                        uint yjRaw    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]);
                        uint widthRaw = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]);
                        // result is head + shoulder -> multiply 0.6 to get head only region
                        uint heightRaw = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToInt32(faces[at++]) * 0.6);
                        // center crop image
                        xjRaw   += Convert.ToUInt32(widthRaw * 0.2);
                        widthRaw = Convert.ToUInt32(widthRaw * 0.6);

                        uint xj     = xjRaw * 8;
                        uint yj     = yjRaw * 8;
                        uint width  = widthRaw * 8;
                        uint height = heightRaw * 8;
                        // parse result from C++
                        uint xj    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        uint yj    = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        uint width = Convert.ToUInt32(faces[at++]) * 8;
                        // result is head + shoulder -> multiply 0.6 to get head only region
                        uint height = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToInt32(faces[at++]) * 8 * 0.6);
                        // center crop image
                        xj   += Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.2);
                        width = Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.6);
                        // get face 3d position
                        var centerPoint    = new Point(xj + Convert.ToUInt32(width * 0.5), yj + Convert.ToUInt32(height * 0.5));
                        var positionVector = coordinateMapper.UnprojectPoint(centerPoint, this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color].CoordinateSystem);
                        // find y height
                        uint  yjMax       = yjRaw + heightRaw;
                        uint  xjMax       = xjRaw + widthRaw;
                        float threshold_z = positionVector.Z + 0.25f;
                        float minimumY    = float.MaxValue;
                        float maximumY    = float.MinValue;
                        for (uint y = yjRaw; y < yjMax; ++y)
                            int   rowPoints = 0;
                            float averageY  = 0.0f;
                            uint  point     = xjRaw + y * 240;
                            var   pxy       = depthPoints[point];
                            for (uint x = xjRaw; x < xjMax; ++x)
                                if (!float.IsNaN(pxy.Y) && !float.IsInfinity(pxy.Y) && (pxy.Z < threshold_z))
                                    averageY += pxy.Y;
                                pxy = depthPoints[++point];
                            averageY /= rowPoints;
                            if (rowPoints != 0)
                                if (averageY < minimumY)
                                    minimumY = averageY;
                                else if (averageY > maximumY)
                                    maximumY = averageY;

                        if ((maximumY - minimumY) > 0.35 || (maximumY - minimumY) < 0.1) // unlikely a face
                        uint   size      = width * height * 3 + 20;
                        byte[] faceBytes = new byte[size];
                        totalSize += size;

                        // first 4 bytes is size of face image
                        Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(width), 0, faceBytes, 0, 2);
                        Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(height), 0, faceBytes, 2, 2);

                        // next 12 bytes is 3d position of face
                        var position = new float[] { positionVector.X, positionVector.Y, positionVector.Z };
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(position, 0, faceBytes, 4, 12);

                        // next 4 bytes is face id (dummy)
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(j), 0, faceBytes, 16, 4);

                        // copy rgb image
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                            var srcIdx  = Convert.ToInt32(((y + yj) * colorDesc.Width + xj) * 4);
                            var destIdx = Convert.ToInt32((y * width) * 3 + 20);
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                                Buffer.BlockCopy(colorBytes, srcIdx + x * 4, faceBytes, destIdx + x * 3, 3);

                    // concatenate byte arrays to send (post-processed as totalSize not known in first foreach)
                    int    head  = 1; // first 1 byte is number of faces
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[totalSize + 1];
                    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(faceBytesList.Count), 0, bytes, 0, head);
                    foreach (byte[] faceByte in faceBytesList)
                        Array.Copy(faceByte, 0, bytes, head, faceByte.Length);
                        head += faceByte.Length;
                    this.client.Publish("/kinect/detected/face", bytes);


                    this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Color] = null;
                    this.frames[MediaFrameSourceKind.Depth] = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // TODO
            } finally {