static ServiceManager()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                   = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.ServiceManager",
         Title                = "Stop, Start or Restart a Service",
         IsExperimental       = false,
         HasDynamicParameters = true,
         UsageType            = DeploymentProviderUsage.Any,
         SupportedContexts    = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork,
         Description          = "Used to restart a service affected by certificate updates.",
         ProviderParameters   = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "servicename", Name = "Service", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Type = OptionType.Select, OptionsList = "W3SVC=World Wide Web Publishing Service;"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "action", Name = "Action", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Value = "restart", Type = OptionType.Select, OptionsList = "restart=Restart Service;stop=Stop Service;start=Start Service;"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "maxwait", Name = "Max. Wait Time (secs)", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Value = "20", Type = OptionType.String
Пример #2
        static Apache()

            // SSLCertificateFile : e.g. server.crt - pem encoded certificate(s). At a minimum, the file must include an end-entity (leaf) certificate. Can include intermediates sorted from leaf to root (apache 2.4.8 and higher)
            // SSLCertificateChainFile: e.g. ca.crt - (not required if intermediates etc included in SSLCertificateFile) crt concatentated PEM format, intermediate to root CA certificate
            // SSLCertificateKeyFile : e.g. server.key - pem encoded private key

            Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
                Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Apache",
                Title              = "Deploy to Apache",
                Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to Local or Remote Apache Server",
                IsExperimental     = false,
                UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
                SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork | DeploymentContextType.SSH,
                ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
                    new ProviderParameter {
                        Key = "path_cert", Name = "Output file path .crt", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "e.g. /somewhere/server.crt"
                    new ProviderParameter {
                        Key = "path_key", Name = "Output file path .key", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "e.g. /somewhere/server.key"
                    new ProviderParameter {
                        Key = "path_chain", Name = "Output file for chain", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false, Description = "(Optional) e.g. /somewhere/ca.crt"
Пример #3
 static Webhook()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Webhook",
         Title              = "Webhook",
         IsExperimental     = true,
         Description        = "Call a custom webhook on renewal success or failure",
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.Any,
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "url", Name = "Webhook URL", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "The url for the webhook request"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "trigger", Name = "Webhook Trigger", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "The trigger for the webhook (None, Success, Error)", OptionsList = "None;Success;Error", Value = "None"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "method", Name = "Http Method", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "The http method for the webhook request", OptionsList = "GET;POST;", Value = "POST"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "contenttype", Name = "Content Type", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "The http content type header for the webhook request", Value = "application/json"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "contentbody", Name = "Content Body", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "The http body template for the webhook request"
Пример #4
 static PowershellScript()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Powershell",
         Title              = "Run Powershell Script",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.Any,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork,
         Description        = "Run a Powershell script",
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "scriptpath", Name = "Program/Script", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "Command to run, may require a full path"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "inputresult", Name = "Pass Result as First Arg", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false, Type = OptionType.Boolean, Value = "true"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "logontype", Name = "Impersonation LogonType", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false, Type = OptionType.Select, Value = "network", OptionsList = "network=Network;newcredentials=New Credentials;service=Service;interactive=Interactive;batch=Batch"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "args", Name = "Arguments (optional)", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false, Description = "optional arguments in the form arg1=value;arg2=value"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "timeout", Name = "Script Timeout Mins.", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false, Description = "optional number of minutes to wait for the script before timeout."
Пример #5
 static Tomcat()
      * Most instructions refer to generating a CSR and using a keystore, however tomcat can consume the normal PFX
      * From Tomcat installation directory, edit server.xml
      * Add or Edit connector on port 443 pointing to .pfx
      *  <Connector port="443" ... scheme="https" secure="true"
      *      SSLEnabled="true"
      *      sslProtocol="TLS"
      *      keystoreFile="your_certificate.pfx"
      *      keystorePass="" keystoreType="PKCS12"/>
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Tomcat",
         Title              = "Deploy to Tomcat",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork | DeploymentContextType.SSH,
         Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to a local or remote Tomcat server",
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "path_pfx", Name = "Destination Path", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "Local/remote path to copy PFX file to e.g /usr/local/ssl/server.pfx"
Пример #6
 static RdpListener()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.RDPListener",
         Title              = "Deploy to RDP Listener Service (Terminal Services)",
         IsExperimental     = true,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser,
         Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to RDP Listener Service using Powershell",
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>()
Пример #7
 static IIS()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.IIS",
         Title              = "Deploy to IIS (Local Machine)",
         Description        = "Deploy certificate to one or more local IIS sites",
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.Disabled,
         IsExperimental     = true,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser,
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
Пример #8
 static WaitTask()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Wait",
         Title              = "Wait For N Seconds..",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.Any,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService,
         Description        = "Used to pause task execution.",
         ProviderParameters = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "duration", Name = "Wait Time (seconds)", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Value = "20", Type = OptionType.String
Пример #9
 static RdpGateway()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.RDPGateway",
         Title              = "Deploy to RDP Gateway Service",
         IsExperimental     = true,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser,
         Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to RDP Gateway Service using Powershell",
         ProviderParameters = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "restartServices", Name = "Include Service Restart?", Type = OptionType.Boolean, IsCredential = false, Value = "false"
Пример #10
        static GenericServer()

            // SSLCertificateFile : e.g. server.crt - pem encoded certificate(s). At a minimum, the file must include an end-entity (leaf) certificate. Can include intermediates sorted from leaf to root (apache 2.4.8 and higher)
            // SSLCertificateChainFile: e.g. ca.crt - (not required if intermediates etc included in SSLCertificateFile) crt concatentated PEM format, intermediate to root CA certificate
            // SSLCertificateKeyFile : e.g. server.key - pem encoded private key

            Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
                Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.GenericServer",
                Title              = "Deploy to Generic Server (multi-purpose)",
                Description        = "Deploy latest certificate as component files (PEM, CRT, KEY) to Local or Remote Server",
                IsExperimental     = false,
                UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
                SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork | DeploymentContextType.SSH,
                ProviderParameters = Apache.Definition.ProviderParameters
Пример #11
        static HashicorpVault()
            Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
                Id = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.HashicorpVault",
                Title = "Deploy to Hashicorp Vault",
                IsExperimental = false,
                UsageType = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
                SupportedContexts = DeploymentContextType.ExternalCredential,
                ExternalCredentialType = StandardAuthTypes.STANDARD_AUTH_API_TOKEN,
                Description = "Store your certificate and private key in an instance of Hashicorp Vault.",
                ProviderParameters = new List<ProviderParameter>
                    new ProviderParameter{ Key="vault_uri", Name="Vault URI", IsRequired=true, IsCredential=false, Type= OptionType.String, Description="e.g." },
                    new ProviderParameter{ Key="vault_secret_path", Name="Path to Secret", IsRequired=true, IsCredential=false, Type= OptionType.String, Description="e.g. /v1/secret/data/examplecert" },

Пример #12
 static RemoteAccess()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.RemoteAccess",
         Title              = "Deploy to RAS (DirectAccess, VPN, SSTP VPN etc)",
         DefaultTitle       = "Deploy to Remote Access Services",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser,
         Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to RAS using Powershell (Set-RemoteAccess)",
         ProviderParameters = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "restartServices", Name = "Include Service Restart?", Type = OptionType.Boolean, IsCredential = false, Value = "false"
Пример #13
 public DeploymentTaskExecutionParams(
     ILog log,
     ICredentialsManager credentialsManager,
     object subject,
     DeploymentTaskConfig settings,
     Dictionary <string, string> credentials,
     bool isPreviewOnly,
     DeploymentProviderDefinition definition,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken
     Log = log;
     CredentialsManager = credentialsManager;
     Subject            = subject;
     Settings           = settings;
     Credentials        = credentials;
     IsPreviewOnly      = isPreviewOnly;
     Definition         = definition;
     CancellationToken  = cancellationToken;
Пример #14
        public DeploymentProviderDefinition GetDefinition(DeploymentProviderDefinition currentDefinition = null)
            var definition = (currentDefinition ?? Definition);

            // this provider has dynamic properties to list the available services

            // TODO: current user may not have access
                // populate options list with list of current services
                var services = ServiceController.GetServices().OrderBy(s => s.DisplayName);

                var p = definition.ProviderParameters.First(k => k.Key == "servicename");

                p.OptionsList = string.Join(";", services.Select(s => s.ServiceName + "=" + s.DisplayName));
            catch { }

Пример #15
 static Script()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.ShellExecute",
         Title              = "Run...",
         IsExperimental     = true,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.SSH,
         Description        = "Run a program, batch file or custom script",
         ProviderParameters = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "path", Name = "Program/Script", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "Command to run, may require a full path"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "args", Name = "Arguments (optional)", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false
Пример #16
 static Nginx()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Nginx",
         Title              = "Deploy to nginx",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork | DeploymentContextType.SSH,
         Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to a local or remote nginx server",
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "path_cert", Name = "Destination for .crt", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "e.g. Path, UNC or /somewhere/server.crt"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "path_key", Name = "Destination for .key", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "e.g. Path, UNC or /somewhere/server.key"
Пример #17
 static Adfs()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.ADFS",
         Title              = "Deploy Certificate to ADFS",
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser,
         IsExperimental     = true,
         Description        = "Apply certificate to local Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) service",
         ProviderParameters = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "restartServices", Name = "Include Service Restart", Type = OptionType.Boolean, IsCredential = false, Value = "true"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "alternateTlsBinding", Name = "Update Alternate TLS client binding", Type = OptionType.Boolean, IsCredential = false, Value = "false"
Пример #18
 static MockTask()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Mock",
         Title              = "Mock Task",
         IsExperimental     = true,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.Any,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService,
         Description        = "Used to test task execution success, failure and logging",
         ProviderParameters = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "message", Name = "Message", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "Test message"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "throw", Name = "Throw on demand", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "If true, throw exception during task", Type = OptionType.Boolean
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a local powershell script
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        /// <param name="managedCert"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="credentials"></param>
        /// <param name="isPreviewOnly"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <ActionResult> > Execute(
            ILog log,
            object subject,
            DeploymentTaskConfig settings,
            Dictionary <string, string> credentials,
            bool isPreviewOnly,
            DeploymentProviderDefinition definition = null
            definition = GetDefinition(definition);

            var msg = settings.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key == "message")?.Value;

            bool.TryParse(settings.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key == "throw")?.Value, out var shouldThrow);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                // fail task
                log?.Warning($"Mock Task says: <msg not supplied, task will fail>");

                return(new List <ActionResult> {
                    new ActionResult("Mock Task message not supplied.", false)
                if (shouldThrow)
                    throw new System.Exception($"Mock task should throw: {msg}");
                    log?.Information($"Mock Task says: {msg}");
                    return(new List <ActionResult> {
                        new ActionResult($"{msg}.", true),
                        new ActionResult($"MockTaskWorkCompleted.", true)
Пример #20
 static Exchange()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.Exchange",
         Title              = "Deploy to Microsoft Exchange (2013 or higher)",
         DefaultTitle       = "Deploy to Exchange",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser,
         Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to MS Exchange Services",
         ProviderParameters = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "services", Name = "Services", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Value = "POP,IMAP,SMTP,IIS"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "donotrequiressl", Name = "Do Not Require Ssl", IsRequired = false, Type = OptionType.Boolean, IsCredential = false, Value = "false"
Пример #21
 static AzureKeyVault()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                     = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.AzureKeyVault",
         Title                  = "Deploy to Azure Key Vault",
         IsExperimental         = true,
         UsageType              = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts      = DeploymentContextType.ExternalCredential,
         ExternalCredentialType = "ExternalAuth.Azure.ClientSecret",
         Description            = "Store a certificate in a Microsoft Azure Key Vault",
         ProviderParameters     = new List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "vault_uri", Name = "Azure Vault Uri", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "e.g. https://<vault-name>", Type = OptionType.String
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "cert_name", Name = "Certificate Name", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false, Description = "(optional, alphanumeric characters 0-9a-Z or -)", Type = OptionType.String
Пример #22
 static CertificateStore()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.CertificateStore",
         Title              = "Certificate Store (Local Machine)",
         DefaultTitle       = "Store Certificate",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         Description        = "Store certificate in the local Certificate Store with custom name. Note that standard Deployment already includes storing the certificate in the local computer store. ",
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser,
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "storetype", Name = "Store", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, OptionsList = "default=Default; My=Personal (My); WebHosting=Web Hosting", Value = "default"
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key = "friendlyname", Name = "Custom Friendly Name", IsRequired = false, IsCredential = false, Type = OptionType.String, Description = "(optional) custom friendly name for certificate in store."
Пример #23
 static CentralizedCertificateStore()
     Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
         Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.CCS",
         Title              = "Deploy to Centralized Certificate Store (CCS)",
         DefaultTitle       = "Deploy to CCS",
         IsExperimental     = false,
         UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
         SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork,
         Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to Windows Centralized Certificate Store. Note: if a local IIS install is present you should disable Auto deployment to avoid mixing use of local certs bindings and CCS.",
         ProviderParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ProviderParameter>
             new ProviderParameter {
                 Key          = "path",
                 Name         = "Destination Path",
                 IsRequired   = true,
                 IsCredential = false,
                 Description  = "UNC Path or Local Share"
Пример #24
        static CertificateExport()
            var optionsList = string.Join(";", ExportTypes.Select(e => e.Key + "=" + e.Value));

            Definition = new DeploymentProviderDefinition
                Id                 = "Certify.Providers.DeploymentTasks.CertificateExport",
                Title              = "Export Certificate",
                IsExperimental     = false,
                UsageType          = DeploymentProviderUsage.PostRequest,
                SupportedContexts  = DeploymentContextType.LocalAsService | DeploymentContextType.LocalAsUser | DeploymentContextType.WindowsNetwork | DeploymentContextType.SSH,
                Description        = "Deploy latest certificate to a file (locally or remote)",
                ProviderParameters =

                    new List <ProviderParameter> {
                    new ProviderParameter {
                        Key = "path", Name = "Destination File Path", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Description = "output file, e.g. C:\\CertifyCerts\\mycert.ext"
                    new ProviderParameter {
                        Key = "type", Name = "Export As", IsRequired = true, IsCredential = false, Value = "pfxfull", Type = OptionType.Select, OptionsList = optionsList
Пример #25
 public Task <List <ActionResult> > Execute(ILog log, object subject, DeploymentTaskConfig settings, Dictionary <string, string> credentials, bool isPreviewOnly, DeploymentProviderDefinition definition)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Пример #26
 public DeploymentProviderDefinition GetDefinition(DeploymentProviderDefinition currentDefinition = null) => (currentDefinition ?? Definition);
Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Create new set of exec params from a source with a different provider definition
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="execParams"></param>
 /// <param name="definition"></param>
 public DeploymentTaskExecutionParams(DeploymentTaskExecutionParams execParams, DeploymentProviderDefinition definition)
     Log = execParams.Log;
     CredentialsManager = execParams.CredentialsManager;
     Subject            = execParams.Subject;
     Settings           = execParams.Settings;
     Credentials        = execParams.Credentials;
     IsPreviewOnly      = execParams.IsPreviewOnly;
     Definition         = definition ?? execParams.Definition;
     CancellationToken  = execParams.CancellationToken;
Пример #28
 public Task <List <ActionResult> > Validate(object subject, DeploymentTaskConfig settings, Dictionary <string, string> credentials, DeploymentProviderDefinition definition)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Пример #29
        public async Task <List <ActionResult> > Validate(object subject, DeploymentTaskConfig settings, Dictionary <string, string> credentials, DeploymentProviderDefinition definition)
            var results = new List <ActionResult>();

            var requestedStore = settings.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "storetype")?.Value.Trim().ToLower();
            var friendlyName   = settings.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "friendlyname")?.Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestedStore))
                // check store name is valid

                if (!(requestedStore == "default" || requestedStore.ToLower() == "my" || requestedStore == "webhosting"))
                    results.Add(new ActionResult($"Invalid Certificate Store Name: {requestedStore}", false));

Пример #30
        public async Task <List <ActionResult> > Validate(object subject, DeploymentTaskConfig settings, Dictionary <string, string> credentials, DeploymentProviderDefinition definition)
            var results = new List <ActionResult> {

            foreach (var p in definition.ProviderParameters)
                if (!settings.Parameters.Exists(s => s.Key == p.Key) && p.IsRequired)
                    results.Add(new ActionResult($"Required parameter not supplied: { p.Name}", false));