Пример #1
        public void GettingUnregisteredInstance()
            var kernel = new DependencyInjectionKernel(new DependencyInjectionContainer()); // create a dependencyInjectionKernel with a DependencyInjectionContainer which has no bindings

            var obj = kernel.Get <SomeClass>();

            Assert.NotNull(obj, "The object must not be null");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass>(obj, "The object must be of type SomeClass");
Пример #2
        public void InjectionTest()
            var kernel = new DependencyInjectionKernel(new DependencyInjectionContainer()); // we dont need bindings to test the injection

            var obj = kernel.Get <ClassWithInjects>();

            Assert.NotNull(obj, "The object must not be null");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass>(obj.One, "The constructor injected member 'One' must be of type SomeClass");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass2>(obj.Two, "The constructor injected member 'Two' must be of type SomeClass2");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass>(obj.Three, "The field injected member 'Three' must be of type SomeClass");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass2>(obj.Four, "The property injected member 'Four' must be of type SomeClass2");
Пример #3
        public void SingletonInjectionTest()
            var kernel = new DependencyInjectionKernel(new SingletonCreationDependencyInjectionContainer());

            var object1 = kernel.Get <ISomeInterface>();

            object1.SetText("first text");
            var object2 = kernel.Get <ISomeInterface>();

            object2.SetText("second text");

            Assert.AreSame(object1, object2, "The two object must be the same due to singleton injection");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass>(object1, "The object should be of type SomeClass");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass>(object2, "The object should be of type SomeClass");
            Assert.AreEqual("second text", object1.GetText(), "The object should contain 'second text'");
            Assert.AreEqual("second text", object2.GetText(), "The object should contain 'second text'");
Пример #4
        public void NewInstanceInjectionTest()
            var kernel = new DependencyInjectionKernel(new NewInstanceCreationDependencyInjectionContainer());

            var object1 = kernel.Get <ISomeInterface>();

            object1.SetText("first text");
            var object2 = kernel.Get <ISomeInterface>();

            object2.SetText("second text");

            Assert.AreNotSame(object1, object2, "The two objects must no be the same, there must be a new instance created for each of them.");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass>(object1, "The object should be of type SomeClass");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <SomeClass>(object2, "The object should be of type SomeClass");
            Assert.AreEqual("first text", object1.GetText(), "The object should contain 'first text'");
            Assert.AreEqual("second text", object2.GetText(), "The object should contain 'second text'");
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a command and adds it to the history if it implements IUndoable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandClass">command class type</param>
        /// <param name="args">parameters for executing commands Execute() method</param>
        protected override void ExecuteCommand(Type commandClass, object[] args)
            var command = (ICommand)DependencyInjectionKernel.Get(commandClass);
            var success = command.Execute(args);

            // when the command was executed successfully and it is undobale we need to remember it
            if (success && command is IUndoable)
                // increase the pointer by one

                // remove items from the history the are after the pointer
                UndoableCommandHistory.RemoveRange(UndoableCommandsPointer, UndoableCommandHistory.Count - UndoableCommandsPointer);

                // set the pointer to the last element
                UndoableCommandsPointer = UndoableCommandHistory.Count - 1;

//                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("UndoableCommandsPointer: " + UndoableCommandsPointer);