public object ListOne(string IntermediaryCode) { SubscriptionsResponse bdr = new SubscriptionsResponse(); try { using (var context = new DepContextSC()) { var parameters = new[] { new SqlParameter("@IntermediaryCode", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Input, Value = IntermediaryCode } }; bdr.subscriptiondata = context.SubscriptionsFull.FromSqlRaw <SubscriptionsFull>("SP_ListSubscriptions @IntermediaryCode", parameters).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { Serilog.Log.Information("ListSubscriptionsError: " + e.Message); bdr.error = e.Message; //throw new Exception(); } return(bdr); }
private string GetNewNotificationToken() { var Authclient = new RestClient(""); var Authrequest = new RestRequest(Method.POST); Authrequest.AddHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); Authrequest.AddParameter("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=l7401ccaea01034052abbda3d281b08d60&client_secret=0268a61963ca410a8181e1dc790c45e0", ParameterType.RequestBody); IRestResponse Authresponse = Authclient.Execute(Authrequest); TokenModel token = new TokenModel(Authresponse.Content); using (var tokencontext = new DepContextSC()) { if (tokencontext.TempCache.Any(o => o.keyitem == "notificationtoken")) { var updatetoken = tokencontext.TempCache.FirstOrDefault(e => e.keyitem == "notificationtoken"); updatetoken.valueitem = token.access_token; } else { TempCache tx = new TempCache(); tx.keyitem = "notificationtoken"; tx.valueitem = token.access_token; tokencontext.TempCache.Add(tx); }; tokencontext.SaveChanges(); } return(token.access_token); }
public IEnumerable <Subscriptions> NewSubscription(string IntermediaryCode, NewSubscriptionRequest bus) { using (var context = new DepContextSC()) { string tokenforCall = ""; Subscriptions sub = new Subscriptions(); sub.IntermediaryCode = IntermediaryCode; sub.Serviceid = bus.Serviceid; sub.Status = bus.Status; context.Subscriptions.Add(sub); context.SaveChanges(); if (context.TempCache.Any(o => o.keyitem == "notificationtoken")) { TempCache bd = context.TempCache.Where(bus => bus.keyitem == "notificationtoken").FirstOrDefault(); tokenforCall = bd.valueitem; } else { tokenforCall = GetNewNotificationToken(); }; string msg = "A new subscription was created IntermediaryCode: " + sub.IntermediaryCode + " with ServiceID: " + sub.Serviceid.ToString(); if (SendEmailNotification(tokenforCall, msg, "New Subscription") == "valadationfail") { tokenforCall = GetNewNotificationToken(); SendEmailNotification(tokenforCall, msg, "New Subscription"); } ; return(context.Subscriptions.Where(bus => bus.IntermediaryCode == IntermediaryCode).ToList()); } }
public IEnumerable <Services> ListAllForThisCategory(int CategoryID) { using (var context = new DepContextSC()) { return(context.Services.Where(bus => bus.Categoryid == CategoryID).ToList()); } }
public IEnumerable <Services> ListAll() { using (var context = new DepContextSC()) { return(context.Services.ToList()); } }
public IEnumerable <Subscriptions> ListAll() { SubscriptionsResponse bdr = new SubscriptionsResponse(); using (var context = new DepContextSC()) { return(context.Subscriptions.Where(sub => sub.Status != "active").ToList()); } }
public object UpdateSubscriptions(int SubscriptionID, [FromBody] SubscriptionsRequest bus) { SubscriptionsResponse bdr = new SubscriptionsResponse(); try { using (var context = new DepContextSC()) { string tokenforCall = ""; Subscriptions bd = context.Subscriptions.Where(bus => bus.Id == SubscriptionID).FirstOrDefault(); bd.Serviceid = bus.Serviceid; bd.IntermediaryCode = bus.IntermediaryCode; bd.Status = bus.Status; context.SaveChanges(); if (bd.Status.ToLower() != "active") { if (context.TempCache.Any(o => o.keyitem == "notificationtoken")) { TempCache scr = context.TempCache.Where(bus => bus.keyitem == "notificationtoken").FirstOrDefault(); tokenforCall = scr.valueitem; } else { tokenforCall = GetNewNotificationToken(); }; string msg = "A subscription status was changed - IntermediaryCode: " + bd.IntermediaryCode + " with ServiceID: " + bd.Serviceid.ToString(); if (SendEmailNotification(tokenforCall, msg, "Subscription cancellation") == "valadationfail") { tokenforCall = GetNewNotificationToken(); SendEmailNotification(tokenforCall, msg, "Subscription cancellation"); } ; } bdr.subscriptiondata = context.Subscriptions.Where(bus => bus.Id == SubscriptionID).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { Serilog.Log.Information("UpdateSubscriptionsError: " + e.Message); bdr.error = e.Message; // throw new Exception(); } return(bdr); }
public IEnumerable <Services> UpdateServices(int id, Services bus) { try { using (var context = new DepContextSC()) { Services bd = context.Services.Where(bus => bus.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); bd.Categoryid = bus.Categoryid; bd.Name = bus.Name; bd.Description = bus.Description; bd.Cost = bus.Cost; bd.Terms = bus.Terms; bd.Status = bus.Status; context.SaveChanges(); return(context.Services.Where(bus => bus.Id == id).ToList()); } } catch (Exception e) { Serilog.Log.Information("UpdateServicesError: " + e.Message); throw new Exception(); } }