public override void Visit(DenyStatement node) { this.action(node); }
public virtual void VisitDenyStatement(DenyStatement test) { string state = GetState(); if (state == null) throw new MalformedFSMException("Interface Command found outside of state block", test.line); string transName = state + "On" +; stream.WriteLine("\tFSM::InterfaceCommandDeny<" + ClassName + "> " + transName + ";"); stream.WriteLine(); }
public override void ExplicitVisit(DenyStatement fragment) { _fragments.Add(fragment); }
public virtual void VisitDenyStatement(DenyStatement test) { string state = GetState(); if (state == null) throw new MalformedFSMException("Interface Test Deny found outside of state block", test.line); stream.WriteLine("\t\tFSM_INIT_INTERFACEDENY(" + ClassName + ", " + GetState() + ", " + + ");"); stream.WriteLine(); }