Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加数据:单行与多行
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main0(string[] args)
            using var context = new DemoContext();

            var serieA = new League {
                Country = "Italy", Name = "Serie A"

            var serieB = new League {
                Country = "Italy", Name = "Serie B"

            var serieC = new League {
                Country = "Italy", Name = "Serie C"

            var milan = new Club {
                Name = "AC Milan",
                City = "Milan",
                DateOfEstableishment = new DateTime(1899, 12, 16),
                League = serieA

            // 在同一张表中添加单条数据

            // 在不同表中同时添加多笔数据:直接使用 context,不使用 DbSet,context 可以识别出来每个数据是哪个类型(表)的
            context.AddRange(serieB, serieC, milan);

            // 在一张表中同时添加多笔数据
            //context.Leagues.AddRange(new List<League> { serieB,serieC});

            var count = context.SaveChanges();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            using var context = new DemoContext(null);

            #region 1  Insert One Record
            //var serieA = new League
            //    Country = "Italy",
            //    Name = "Serie A"

            #region 2  Search One Record and Inset Multi-Records
            var serieA = context.Leagues.Single(x => x.Name == "Serie A");
            var serieB = new League
                Country = "Italy",
                Name    = "Serie B"
            var serieC = new League
                Country = "Italy",
                Name    = "Serie C"

            var Manlian = new Club
                Name = "AC Manlian",
                City = "Milan",
                DataOfEstablishment = DateTime.Now,
                League = serieA

            context.AddRange(serieB, serieC, Manlian);

            #region Search

            //var italy = "Italy";
            //var leagues = context.Leagues
            //   .Where(x => x.Country == italy)
            //   .ToList();

            //var leaguesContains = context.Leagues
            //   .Where(x => x.Country.Contains("I"))
            //   .ToList();

            //var leaguesLike = context.Leagues
            //    .Where(x =>
            //        EF.Functions.Like(x.Country, "%I%"))
            //    .ToList();

            //var leaguesFirst = context.Leagues
            //  .FirstOrDefault(x =>
            //      EF.Functions.Like(x.Country, "%I%"));


            #region Delete Record

            //var manlian = context.Clubs.Single(x => x.Name == "AC Manlian");



            //context.Clubs.RemoveRange(manlian, manlian);

            //context.RemoveRange(manlian, manlian);


            #region Modify Record

            //var leagueRecordWithTracking = context.Leagues.First();
            //leagueRecordWithTracking.Name = "~";

            //var league = context.Leagues.AsNoTracking().First();
            //league.Name += "New";


            #region Add Relationship

            //Add Club/Player to SerieA
            //var serieA = context.Leagues.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Serie A");
            //var juventus = new Club
            //    League = serieA,
            //    Name = "Juventus",
            //    City = "Torino",
            //    DataOfEstablishment = DateTime.Now,
            //    Players = new List<Player>
            //    {
            //        new Player
            //        {
            //            Name = "C. Ronaldo",
            //            DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1985,1,1)
            //        }
            //    }

            //Add Player to Club
            //var juventus = context.Clubs.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Juventus");
            //juventus.Players.Add(new Player
            //    Name = "Gon",
            //    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1987,1,2)

            //Add Resume directly, specify PlayerId directly
            //var resume = new Resume
            //    PlayerId = 1,
            //    Description = "C.Ronaldo's Resume"


            #region Load Relationship

            //Load All data from database
            //var clubs = context.Clubs
            //    .Where(x => x.Name == "A")
            //    .Include(x => x.League)
            //    .Include(x => x.Players)
            //        .ThenInclude(y => y.Resume)
            //    .Include(x => x.Players)
            //        .ThenInclude(y => y.GamePlayers)
            //            .ThenInclude(z => z.Game)
            //    .ToList();

            //var club1 = context.Clubs.Find(1);
            //Load All data from database
            //var info = context.Clubs
            //    .Where(x => x.Id > 0)
            //    .Select(x => new
            //    {
            //        x.Id,
            //        LeagueName = x.League.Name,
            //        x.Name,
            //        Players = x.Players
            //        .Where(p =>
            //        p.DateOfBirth >= new DateTime(1990, 1, 1))
            //    }).ToList();

            //Get a record first, then try to load its related model data
            //var info = context.Clubs.First();
            //    .Collection(x => x.Players) // Load collection
            //    .Query()
            //    .Where(x=>x.DateOfBirth>new DateTime(1998,2,4))
            //    .Load();

            //    .Reference(x => x.League)   //Load single reference
            //    .Load();


            //Load with multi conditions
            //var data = context.Clubs
            //    .Where(x => x.League.Name.Contains("e"))
            //    .ToList();

            //Player -- GamePlayer -- Game
            //var gamePlayers = context.Set<GamePlayer>()
            //    .Where(x => x.Player.Id > 0)
            //    .ToList();


            #region Modify Relevent Relationship Data

            //Get Club , but update League
            //var club = context.Clubs
            //    .Include(x => x.League)
            //    .First();

            //club.League.Name += "#";

            //Only update itsself, not update relevent table data
            //var game = context.Games
            //    .Include(x => x.GamePlayers)
            //        .ThenInclude(x => x.Player)
            //    .First();

            //var firstPlayer = game.GamePlayers[0].Player;//In real biz case, the data may from JSON
            //firstPlayer.Name += "#";
            //    using var newContext = new DemoContext();
            //    //newContext.Players.Update(firstPlayer);//Will update all relevent data

            //    //suggest the below one, it will only update Player.
            //    newContext.Entry(firstPlayer).State = EntityState.Modified;
            //    newContext.SaveChanges();

            //Update intermiddeate table
            //var gamePlayer = new GamePlayer
            //    GameId = 1,
            //    PlayerId = 3

            //var game = context.Games.First();
            //game.GamePlayers.Add(new GamePlayer
            //    PlayerId = 4

            //Remove a record
            //var gamePlayer = new GamePlayer
            //    GameId = 1,
            //    PlayerId = 3

            //Update Player's Resume
            //var player = context.Players
            //    .Include(x => x.Resume) //We should call Include, otherwise, EF will try to insert a new Resume rather update the exising resume
            //    .OrderBy(x => x.Id)
            //    .Last();

            //player.Resume = new Resume
            //    Description = "New resume"


            var count = context.SaveChanges();

Пример #3
        public async Task OnPostADCommitAsync()
            string filePath = SaveAndGetFilePath();

            if (!Message.Contains("Error!"))
                using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    using (var ep = new ExcelPackage(stream))
                        // get the first worksheet
                        ExcelWorkbook wb = ep.Workbook;

                        int iSheetsCount = ep.Workbook.Worksheets.Count;
                        var ws           = wb.Worksheets["Users"];
                        // initialize the record counters
                        var nAD = 0;

                        #region Import all CMDB entries
                        // create a list containing all the AD entries already existing
                        // into the Database (it should be empty on first run).
                        var lstAD_Computers = _context.AD_Computers.ToList();
                        var lstAD_Users     = _context.AD_Users.ToList();

                        // iterates through all rows, skipping the first one
                        for (int nRow = 2; nRow <= ws.Dimension.Rows; nRow++)
                            var row = ws.Cells[nRow, 1, nRow, ws.Dimension.End.Column];

                            lstAD_Users.Add(new AD_User
                                ProgramOffice         = row[nRow, 1].GetValue <string>(),
                                CACExemptionReason    = row[nRow, 2].GetValue <string>(),
                                SmartCardRequired     = row[nRow, 3].GetValue <bool>(),
                                UserEmailAddress      = row[nRow, 4].GetValue <string>(),
                                EmployeeType          = row[nRow, 5].GetValue <string>(),
                                SAMAccountName        = row[nRow, 6].GetValue <string>(),
                                Description           = row[nRow, 7].GetValue <string>(),
                                UserPrincipalName     = row[nRow, 8].GetValue <string>(),
                                AccountDisabled       = row[nRow, 9].GetValue <bool>(),
                                PasswordDoesNotExpire = row[nRow, 10].GetValue <bool>(),
                                PasswordCannotChange  = row[nRow, 11].GetValue <bool>(),
                                PasswordExpired       = row[nRow, 12].GetValue <bool>(),
                                AccountLockedOut      = row[nRow, 13].GetValue <bool>(),
                                CACExtendedInfo       = row[nRow, 14].GetValue <string>(),
                                UAC      = row[nRow, 15].GetValue <int>(),
                                UserName = row[nRow, 16].GetValue <string>(),
                                DN       = row[nRow, 17].GetValue <string>(),
                                Created  = row[nRow, 18].GetValue <DateTime>(),
                                Changed  = row[nRow, 19].GetValue <DateTime>()

                        ws = ep.Workbook.Worksheets["Computers"];

                        // iterates through all rows, skipping the first one
                        for (int nRow = 2; nRow <= ws.Dimension.End.Row; nRow++)
                            var row = ws.Cells[nRow, 1, nRow, ws.Dimension.End.Column];

                            lstAD_Computers.Add(new AD_Computer
                                ADComputerName    = row[nRow, 2].GetValue <string>(),
                                ProgramOffice     = row[nRow, 1].GetValue <string>(),
                                OSType            = row[nRow, 3].GetValue <string>(),
                                OSVersion         = row[nRow, 4].GetValue <string>(),
                                ServicePack       = row[nRow, 5].GetValue <string>(),
                                Created           = row[nRow, 6].GetValue <DateTime>(),
                                Changed           = row[nRow, 7].GetValue <DateTime>(),
                                UAC               = row[nRow, 8].GetValue <int>(),
                                AccountDisabled   = row[nRow, 9].GetValue <bool>(),
                                SmartCardRequired = row[nRow, 10].GetValue <bool>(),
                                Description       = row[nRow, 11].GetValue <string>(),
                                DN = row[nRow, 12].GetValue <string>(),
                                Win7StatusExtendedinfo = row[nRow, 13].GetValue <string>()

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        Message = "AD Committed to Database. " +
                                  nAD + " entries Added.";