Пример #1
 public void addSkills(Demo.Mob mb)
     foreach (Skill sk in mb.skillList)
         MenuItem skmi = new MenuItem(sk.name, null, Demo.OnKeyDown_SelectSkill, Demo.HighlightSkill);
Пример #2
 public Demo.Mob checkPos(int checkX, int checkY)
     Demo.Mob ret = null;
     entities.TryGetValue(new Point()
         X = checkX, Y = checkY
     }, out ret);
Пример #3
 public Demo.Mob checkPos(int checkX, int checkY, int checkTile)
     Demo.Mob ret = null;
     entities.TryGetValue(new Point()
         X = checkX, Y = checkY
     }, out ret);
     if (ret != null && ret.tile != checkTile)
         ret = null;
Пример #4
        public Demo.Mob Spawn(int tileNo, int width, int height)
            int rx = rnd.Next(width);
            int ry = rnd.Next(height);

            if (map[ry, rx] == DungeonMap.gr && enemyBlockedCells.Contains(new Point(rx, ry)) == false)
                Demo.Mob nt = new Demo.Mob(tileNo, rx, ry, false, floor);

                if (checkPos(nt.x, nt.y) != null)
                    return(Spawn(tileNo, width, height));
                nt.skillList.Add(new Skill("Basic Attack", rnd.Next(3, 7), 1, 1, SkillAreaKind.SingleTarget, 0, true));
                nt.currentSkill = nt.skillList[0];
                entities[nt.pos]     = nt;
                o_entities[nt.o_pos] = nt;
            return(Spawn(tileNo, width, height));
Пример #5
 public Vision(Demo.Mob viewer)
     this.viewer = viewer;
     //sightSet = new HashSet<Point>() { this.viewer.pos };
Пример #6
 public Intellect(Demo.Mob thinker)
     this.thinker  = thinker;
     this.activity = MentalState.Hunting;
     goals         = new double[thinker.dlevel.map.GetLength(0), thinker.dlevel.map.GetLength(0)];
Пример #7
        public Demo.Mob Spawn(int tileNo, int width, int height)
            int rx = rnd.Next(width);
                int ry = rnd.Next(height);
                if (map[ry, rx] == DungeonMap.gr && enemyBlockedCells.Contains(new Point(rx, ry)) == false)
                    Demo.Mob nt = new Demo.Mob(tileNo, rx, ry, false, floor);

                    if (checkPos(nt.x, nt.y) != null)
                        return Spawn(tileNo, width, height);
                    nt.skillList.Add(new Skill("Basic Attack", rnd.Next(3, 7), 1, 1, SkillAreaKind.SingleTarget, 0, true));
                    nt.currentSkill = nt.skillList[0];
                    entities[nt.pos] = nt;
                    o_entities[nt.o_pos] = nt;
                    return nt;
                return Spawn(tileNo, width, height);
Пример #8
        public static void ShowMobInfo(Demo.Mob mb)
            Dictionary <char, char> mandrillDict = SimpleUI.mandrillDict;
            string tx = mandrillDict['┌'].ToString();

            tx  = tx.PadRight(maxWidth - 1, mandrillDict['─']);
            tx += mandrillDict['┐'];
            //            for (int i = 1; i < maxWidth - 1; i++)
            //              tx += mandrillDict['─'];

            int currentLine = 1;

            mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), tx);
            mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), mandrillDict['│'] + (mb.name + ((mb.friendly == true) ? " (Ally)" : "")).PadRight(maxWidth - 2, ' ') + mandrillDict['│']);

            tx  = mandrillDict['╞'].ToString();
            tx  = tx.PadRight(maxWidth - 1, mandrillDict['═']);
            tx += mandrillDict['╡'];
            mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), tx);

            mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), mandrillDict['│'] + (mb.health + "/" + mb.maxHP + " HP").PadRight(maxWidth - 2, ' ') + mandrillDict['│']);

            tx  = mandrillDict['├'].ToString();
            tx  = tx.PadRight(maxWidth - 1, mandrillDict['─']);
            tx += mandrillDict['┤'];
            mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), tx);

            int counter = 0;

            if (mb.skillList.Count > 4)
                counter = (int)(sw.TotalMilliseconds / 5000);
            List <Skill> shownSkills = new List <Skill>();

            for (int i = counter % mb.skillList.Count, t = 0; t < 4 && t < mb.skillList.Count; i = (i + 1) % mb.skillList.Count, t++)

             * if (counter + 4 > mb.skillList.Count)
             * {
             *  counter = 0;
             *  sw.Reset();
             * }
            for (int i = 0; i < shownSkills.Count; i++)
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), "" + mandrillDict['│']);
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX + 6.0, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * (currentLine)), shownSkills[i].name.PadRight(maxWidth - 2, ' '));
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX + 6.0 * (maxWidth - 1), renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), "" + mandrillDict['│']);

                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), "" + mandrillDict['│']);
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX + 6.0, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * (currentLine)), ("Damage: " + shownSkills[i].damage).PadRight(maxWidth - 2, ' '));
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX + 6.0 * (maxWidth - 1), renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), "" + mandrillDict['│']);
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), "" + mandrillDict['│']);
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX + 6.0, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * (currentLine)), (SkillView.RangeToString(shownSkills[i])).PadRight(maxWidth - 2, ' '));
                mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX + 6.0 * (maxWidth - 1), renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), "" + mandrillDict['│']);
            tx  = mandrillDict['└'].ToString();
            tx  = tx.PadRight(maxWidth - 1, mandrillDict['─']);
            tx += mandrillDict['┘'];
            mb.ui.font.DrawText(renderX, renderY + (mb.ui.font.FontHeight * currentLine), tx);
Пример #9
        public SkillResult ApplySkill(Demo.Mob user)
            switch (areaKind)
            case SkillAreaKind.Ring:
                Dictionary <Point, int>  damages = new Dictionary <Point, int>();
                Dictionary <Point, bool> kills   = new Dictionary <Point, bool>();
                //assuming targetSquare of 10, 11 and radius 1:
                int minX = targetSquare.X - radius;         // 9
                if (minX < 0)
                    minX = 0;
                int minY = targetSquare.Y - radius;         // 10
                if (minY < 0)
                    minY = 0;
                int maxX = targetSquare.X + radius;         // 11
                if (maxX > Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(1))
                    maxX = Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(1);
                int maxY = targetSquare.Y + radius;         // 12
                if (maxY > Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(0))
                    maxY = Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(0);

                for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++)
                    for (int j = minY; j <= maxY; j++)
                        if (j - targetSquare.Y > i - targetSquare.X + radius ||                // 10 - 10 > 10 - 11 + 1
                            j - targetSquare.Y > -1 * (i - targetSquare.X) + radius ||         // 10 - 10 > -10 + 11 + 1
                            j - targetSquare.Y < i - targetSquare.X - radius ||                // 10 - 10 < 10 - 11 - 1
                            j - targetSquare.Y < -1 * (i - targetSquare.X) - radius ||         // 10 - 10 < -10 + 11 - 1
                            (i == targetSquare.X && j == targetSquare.Y))

                        Demo.Mob tgt = Demo.currentLevel.checkPos(i, j);
                        if (tgt != null && user.fov.sight[j, i] > 0)
                            if (hitsAllies == false && tgt.friendly == user.friendly)

                            Point o_tgt   = new Point(tgt.o_pos.X, tgt.o_pos.Y);
                            Point tgt_pos = new Point(tgt.pos.X, tgt.pos.Y);
                            tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
                            bool didKill = false;
                            if (!Demo.currentLevel.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
                                didKill = true;
                            damages.Add(tgt_pos, this.damage);
                            kills.Add(tgt_pos, didKill);
                return(new SkillResult(damages, kills));

             *      Dictionary<Cell, int> damages = new Dictionary<Cell, int>();
             *      Dictionary<Cell, bool> kills = new Dictionary<Cell, bool>();
             *      Demo.Mob tgt = Demo.checkPos(targetSquare.x - radius, targetSquare.y);
             *      if (tgt != null)
             *      {
             *          Cell o_tgt = new Cell(tgt.o_pos.x, tgt.o_pos.y);
             *          Cell tgt_pos = new Cell(tgt.pos.x, tgt.pos.y);
             *          tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
             *          bool didKill = false;
             *          if (!Demo.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
             *              didKill = true;
             *          damages.Add(tgt_pos, this.damage);
             *          kills.Add(tgt_pos, didKill);
             *      }
             *      tgt = Demo.checkPos(targetSquare.x + radius, targetSquare.y);
             *      if (tgt != null)
             *      {
             *          Cell o_tgt = new Cell(tgt.o_pos.x, tgt.o_pos.y);
             *          Cell tgt_pos = new Cell(tgt.pos.x, tgt.pos.y);
             *          tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
             *          bool didKill = false;
             *          if (!Demo.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
             *              didKill = true;
             *          damages.Add(tgt_pos, this.damage);
             *          kills.Add(tgt_pos, didKill);
             *      }
             *      tgt = Demo.checkPos(targetSquare.x, targetSquare.y - radius);
             *      if (tgt != null)
             *      {
             *          Cell o_tgt = new Cell(tgt.o_pos.x, tgt.o_pos.y);
             *          Cell tgt_pos = new Cell(tgt.pos.x, tgt.pos.y);
             *          tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
             *          bool didKill = false;
             *          if (!Demo.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
             *              didKill = true;
             *          damages.Add(tgt_pos, this.damage);
             *          kills.Add(tgt_pos, didKill);
             *      }
             *      tgt = Demo.checkPos(targetSquare.x, targetSquare.y + radius);
             *      if (tgt != null)
             *      {
             *          Cell o_tgt = new Cell(tgt.o_pos.x, tgt.o_pos.y);
             *          Cell tgt_pos = new Cell(tgt.pos.x, tgt.pos.y);
             *          tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
             *          bool didKill = false;
             *          if (!Demo.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
             *              didKill = true;
             *          damages.Add(tgt_pos, this.damage);
             *          kills.Add(tgt_pos, didKill);
             *      }
             *      return new SkillResult(damages, kills);
             *  }*/
            case SkillAreaKind.Burst:
                Dictionary <Point, int>  damages = new Dictionary <Point, int>();
                Dictionary <Point, bool> kills   = new Dictionary <Point, bool>();
                //assuming targetSquare of 10, 11 and radius 1:
                int minX = targetSquare.X - radius;         // 9
                if (minX < 0)
                    minX = 0;
                int minY = targetSquare.Y - radius;         // 10
                if (minY < 0)
                    minY = 0;
                int maxX = targetSquare.X + radius;         // 11
                if (maxX > Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(1))
                    maxX = Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(1);
                int maxY = targetSquare.Y + radius;         // 12
                if (maxY > Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(0))
                    maxY = Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(0);

                for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++)
                    for (int j = minY; j <= maxY; j++)
                        if (j - targetSquare.Y > i - targetSquare.X + radius ||                // 10 - 10 > 10 - 11 + 1
                            j - targetSquare.Y > -1 * (i - targetSquare.X) + radius ||         // 10 - 10 > -10 + 11 + 1
                            j - targetSquare.Y < i - targetSquare.X - radius ||                // 10 - 10 < 10 - 11 - 1
                            j - targetSquare.Y < -1 * (i - targetSquare.X) - radius)           // 10 - 10 < -10 + 11 - 1

                        Demo.Mob tgt = Demo.currentLevel.checkPos(i, j);
                        if (tgt != null && user.fov.sight[j, i] > 0)
                            if (hitsAllies == false && tgt.friendly == user.friendly)
                            Point o_tgt   = new Point(tgt.o_pos.X, tgt.o_pos.Y);
                            Point tgt_pos = new Point(tgt.pos.X, tgt.pos.Y);
                            tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
                            bool didKill = false;
                            if (!Demo.currentLevel.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
                                didKill = true;
                            damages.Add(tgt_pos, this.damage);
                            kills.Add(tgt_pos, didKill);
                return(new SkillResult(damages, kills));

            case SkillAreaKind.Spray:
                Dictionary <Point, int>  damages = new Dictionary <Point, int>();
                Dictionary <Point, bool> kills   = new Dictionary <Point, bool>();
                //assuming targetSquare of 10, 11 and radius 2:
                int minX = targetSquare.X - (radius - 1);         // 8
                if (minX < 0)
                    minX = 0;
                int minY = targetSquare.Y - (radius - 1);         // 9
                if (minY < 0)
                    minY = 0;
                int maxX = targetSquare.X + (radius - 1);         // 12
                if (maxX > Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(1))
                    maxX = Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(1);
                int maxY = targetSquare.Y + (radius - 1);         // 13
                if (maxY > Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(0))
                    maxY = Demo.currentLevel.map.GetUpperBound(0);
                if (targetSquare.Y == user.y && targetSquare.X == user.x)
                for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++)
                    for (int j = minY; j <= maxY; j++)
                        if (targetSquare.Y == user.y && targetSquare.X == user.x)
                            if (j - targetSquare.Y > radius + 1 ||
                                j - targetSquare.Y < i - targetSquare.X + 1 ||
                                j - targetSquare.Y < -1 * (i - targetSquare.X) + 1 ||
                                (i == targetSquare.X && j == targetSquare.Y))
                        else if (targetSquare.Y - user.y >= user.x - targetSquare.X && targetSquare.Y - user.y >= targetSquare.X - user.x)
                            if (j - targetSquare.Y > radius ||
                                j - targetSquare.Y < i - targetSquare.X ||
                                j - targetSquare.Y < -1 * (i - targetSquare.X))         //|| //+ 1
//                                        (i == targetSquare.x && j == targetSquare.y))
                        else if (user.y - targetSquare.Y >= user.x - targetSquare.X && user.y - targetSquare.Y >= targetSquare.X - user.x)
                            if (j - targetSquare.Y < -1 * radius ||
                                j - targetSquare.Y > i - targetSquare.X ||
                                j - targetSquare.Y > -1 * (i - targetSquare.X))         //|| //- 1
                            //                      (i == targetSquare.x && j == targetSquare.y))
                        else if (targetSquare.X - user.x > user.y - targetSquare.Y && targetSquare.X - user.x > targetSquare.Y - user.y)
                            if (i - targetSquare.X > radius ||
                                i - targetSquare.X < j - targetSquare.Y ||
                                i - targetSquare.X < -1 * (j - targetSquare.Y))         //|| //+ 1
                            //                                      (i == targetSquare.x && j == targetSquare.y))
                        else if (user.x - targetSquare.X > user.y - targetSquare.Y && user.x - targetSquare.X > targetSquare.Y - user.y)
                            if (i - targetSquare.X < -1 * radius ||
                                i - targetSquare.X > j - targetSquare.Y ||
                                i - targetSquare.X > -1 * (j - targetSquare.Y))         //- 1
//                                        (i == targetSquare.x && j == targetSquare.y))
                        Demo.Mob tgt = Demo.currentLevel.checkPos(i, j);
                        if (tgt != null && user.fov.sight[j, i] > 0)
                            if (hitsAllies == false && tgt.friendly == user.friendly)
                            Point o_tgt   = new Point(tgt.o_pos.X, tgt.o_pos.Y);
                            Point tgt_pos = new Point(tgt.pos.X, tgt.pos.Y);
                            tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
                            bool didKill = false;
                            if (!Demo.currentLevel.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
                                didKill = true;
                            damages.Add(tgt_pos, this.damage);
                            kills.Add(tgt_pos, didKill);
                return(new SkillResult(damages, kills));

            case SkillAreaKind.SingleTarget:
                Demo.Mob tgt = Demo.currentLevel.checkPos(targetSquare.X, targetSquare.Y);
                if (tgt == null)
                    return(new SkillResult());
                if (hitsAllies == false && tgt.friendly == user.friendly)
                    return(new SkillResult());
                if (user.fov.sight[tgt.y, tgt.x] <= 0)
                    return(new SkillResult());
                Point o_tgt   = new Point(tgt.o_pos.X, tgt.o_pos.Y);
                Point tgt_pos = new Point(tgt.pos.X, tgt.pos.Y);
                tgt.health = tgt.health - this.damage;
                bool didKill = false;
                if (!Demo.currentLevel.o_entities.ContainsKey(o_tgt))
                    didKill = true;
                return(new SkillResult(new Dictionary <Point, int>()
                        { tgt_pos, this.damage }
                    }, new Dictionary <Point, bool>()
                        { tgt_pos, didKill }
Пример #10
 public Intellect(Demo.Mob thinker)
     this.thinker = thinker;
     this.activity = MentalState.Hunting;
     goals = new double[thinker.dlevel.map.GetLength(0), thinker.dlevel.map.GetLength(0)];