Пример #1
        public virtual void TestIndexSize()
            src = GetRng().NextBytes(1024);
            DeltaIndex di = new DeltaIndex(src);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1860, di.GetIndexSize());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("DeltaIndex[2 KiB]", di.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new metadata source as a delta from a baseline metadata source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseline"></param>
        public CompressedMetadataStore(CompressedMetadataStore baseline)
            Version = CurrentVersion;

            DeltaIndex = baseline.DeltaIndex + 1;

            // Generate a file name that follows the indexed naming scheme.
            if (DeltaIndex == 1)
                // If this is the first delta from a baseline, take the file name and add -1 to the end (before the extension)
                FilePath = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseline.FilePath)}-{DeltaIndex}{Path.GetExtension(baseline.FilePath)}";
                // If this is a higher delta from a baseline, make sure the current file matches the naming scheme
                if (!TryGetDeltaIndexFromFilePath(baseline.FilePath, out ulong parsedIndex, out string baseFileName))
                    throw new Exception("Baseline file naming scheme is corrupt. Expected [file name]-[delta index].zip.");

                // If it does, add the version to the base file name, before the extension
                FilePath = $"{baseFileName}-{DeltaIndex.ToString()}.zip";

            OutputFile = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(FilePath));

            BaselineSource   = baseline;
            BaselineChecksum = baseline.Checksum;

            // Record the end of the index range for the baseline
            BaselineIndexesEnd = baseline.IndexToIdentity.Keys.Count - 1;

            BaselineIdentities = new SortedSet <Identity>(baseline.IndexToIdentity.Values);

            Identities      = new SortedSet <Identity>(baseline.Identities);
            IndexToIdentity = new Dictionary <int, Identity>(baseline.IndexToIdentity);
            IdentityToIndex = new Dictionary <Identity, int>(baseline.IdentityToIndex);
            ProductsTree    = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(baseline.ProductsTree);
            UpdateTypeMap   = new Dictionary <int, uint>(baseline.UpdateTypeMap);

            Updates    = new ConcurrentDictionary <Identity, Update>(baseline.Updates);
            Categories = new ConcurrentDictionary <Identity, Update>(baseline.Categories);

            // Create update placeholders

            UpstreamSource = baseline.UpstreamSource;

            // Populate indexes
            UpdatesIndex         = Updates;
            CategoriesIndex      = Categories;
            ProductsIndex        = Categories.Values.OfType <Product>().ToDictionary(p => p.Identity);
            ClassificationsIndex = Categories.Values.OfType <Classification>().ToDictionary(c => c.Identity);
            DetectoidsIndex      = Categories.Values.OfType <Detectoid>().ToDictionary(d => d.Identity);

            Filter           = BaselineSource.Filter;
            CategoriesAnchor = BaselineSource.CategoriesAnchor;

            UpstreamAccountGuid = BaselineSource.UpstreamAccountGuid;
            UpstreamAccountName = BaselineSource.UpstreamAccountName;

            UpdateTitlesIndex = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            // Initialize bundles information

            // Initialize prerequisites information

            // Initialize update classification and product information

            // Initialize files index

            // Initialize superseding index

            // Initialize driver indexes

            // Initialize KB articles index