Пример #1
        public object Fetch(
            [DekiExtParam("document id")] string id
            // fetch response from cache
            CacheEntry result;

            lock (_cacheLookup) {
                _cacheLookup.TryGetValue(id, out result);

            // check if we have a cached entry
            XDoc document = null;

            if (result != null)
                _log.DebugFormat("cache hit for '{0}'", result.Id);
                if (result.Cache != null)
                    _log.DebugFormat("cache data in memory '{0}'", result.Id);
                    document = XDocFactory.From(result.Cache, MimeType.XML);
                    // we have the result on disk, so let's fetch it
                    DreamMessage msg = Storage.At(CACHE_DATA, result.Guid + ".bin").GetAsync().Wait();
                    if (msg.IsSuccessful)
                        _log.DebugFormat("cache data pulled from disk");
                        result.Cache = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.AsBytes());
                        document     = XDocFactory.From(result.Cache, MimeType.XML);
                        _log.DebugFormat("unable to fetch cache data from disk: {0}", msg.Status);

            // check if we have a document to convert
            if (document != null)
                try {
                    DekiScriptList list = (DekiScriptList)DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(document);
                } catch {
                    // the cached entry is corrupted, remove it
        public override DekiScriptLiteral InvokeMap(DekiScriptRuntime runtime, DekiScriptMap args)
            // prepare uri for invocation
            Plug plug = Plug.New(_endpoint);

            plug = runtime.PreparePlug(plug);

            // make web-request
            DreamMessage response = plug.Post(args.ToXml(), new Tasking.Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            if (!response.IsSuccessful)
                if (response.HasDocument)
                    var error   = response.ToDocument();
                    var message = error["message"];
                    if (error.HasName("exception") && !message.IsEmpty)
                        throw new DekiScriptRemoteException(Location.None, message.Contents);
                throw new DreamResponseException(response);

            // convert response to literal
            DekiScriptLiteral list;

            try {
                list = DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(response.ToDocument());
            } catch (ArgumentException) {
                throw new DekiScriptUnsupportedTypeException(Location.None, string.Format("<{0}>", response.ToDocument().Name));
            if (list.ScriptType != DekiScriptType.LIST)
                throw new DekiScriptBadTypeException(Location.None, list.ScriptType, new[] { DekiScriptType.LIST });
        public override DekiScriptLiteral InvokeMap(DekiScriptRuntime runtime, DekiScriptMap args)
            // prepare uri for invocation
            Plug plug = Plug.New(_endpoint);

            plug = runtime.PreparePlug(plug);

            // invoke function
            DreamMessage response = plug.Get();

            // convert response to literal
            DekiScriptLiteral list;

            try {
                list = DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(response.ToDocument());
            } catch (ArgumentException) {
                throw new DekiScriptUnsupportedTypeException(Location.None, string.Format("<{0}>", response.ToDocument().Name));
            if (list.ScriptType != DekiScriptType.LIST)
                throw new DekiScriptBadReturnTypeException(Location.None, list.ScriptType, new[] { DekiScriptType.LIST });
Пример #4
        public Yield PostExtensionFunction(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            var  name = context.GetParam("function");
            XUri uri  = Self.At(name);

            // check if deki server is permitted to invoke this function
            if (this is IDreamServiceLicense)
                string deki;
                if (context.ServiceLicense.TryGetValue("deki", out deki) && !deki.EqualsInvariant(request.Headers[DEKI_HEADER] ?? string.Empty))
                    throw new DreamAbortException(DreamMessage.Forbidden("deki server is not licensed for this service"));

            // check if any functions were found
            DekiScriptInvocationTargetDescriptor descriptor;

            if (!_functions.TryGetValue(uri, out descriptor))
                response.Return(DreamMessage.NotFound(string.Format("function {0} not found", context.GetParam("function"))));
                yield break;

            // check if invoker has access to function
            if ((descriptor.Access != DreamAccess.Public) && (descriptor.Access > DetermineAccess(context, request)))
                response.Return(DreamMessage.Forbidden("insufficient access privileges"));
                yield break;

            // check if request has a requested culture
            context.Culture = HttpUtil.GetCultureInfoFromHeader(request.Headers.AcceptLanguage, context.Culture);

            // check for implicit arguments
            context.SetState(GetImplicitEnvironment(request, _publicDigitalSignature));

            // create custom environment
            DekiScriptEnv env = CreateEnvironment();

            // create custom target for custom environment
            var target = descriptor.Target as DekiScriptExpressionInvocationTarget;

            if (target != null)
                // TODO (steveb): re-initializing the invocation target works for the first call, but not if the function calls another function in the same extension!

                target = new DekiScriptExpressionInvocationTarget(target.Access, target.Parameters, target.Expression, env);

            // invoke target
            DekiScriptLiteral eval;

            if (target != null)
                eval = target.Invoke(ScriptRuntime, DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(request.ToDocument()));
                eval = descriptor.Target.Invoke(ScriptRuntime, DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(request.ToDocument()));

            // invoke function
            response.Return(DreamMessage.Ok(new DekiScriptList().Add(eval).ToXml()));
            yield break;
Пример #5
        public Yield PostExtensionFunction(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            string name = context.GetParam("function");

            // check if we need to reload the manifest
            if (_debug)

            // find function
            DekiScriptInvocationTargetDescriptor descriptor;

            if (!_functions.TryGetValue(Self.At(name), out descriptor))
                response.Return(DreamMessage.NotFound(string.Format("function {0} not found", name)));
                yield break;

            // set optional culture from request
            context.Culture = HttpUtil.GetCultureInfoFromHeader(request.Headers.AcceptLanguage, context.Culture);

            // read input arguments for invocation
            DekiScriptLiteral args = DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(request.ToDocument());

            // create custom environment
            var implicitEnv = DekiExtService.GetImplicitEnvironment(request, _publicDigitalSignature);

            implicitEnv.AddNativeValueAt("self", Self.Uri.AsPublicUri().ToString());
            DreamContext.Current.SetState("env.implicit", implicitEnv);

            // invoke target
            DekiScriptLiteral eval;

            try {
                eval = descriptor.Target.Invoke(ScriptRuntime, args);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                yield break;

            // check if response is embeddable XML
            if (eval is DekiScriptXml)
                XDoc doc = ((DekiScriptXml)eval).Value;
                if (doc.HasName("html"))
                    // replace all self: references
                    foreach (XDoc item in doc[".//*[starts-with(@src, 'self:')]/@src | .//*[starts-with(@href, 'self:')]/@href"])
                        try {
                        } catch { }

            // process response
            DekiScriptList result = new DekiScriptList().Add(eval);

Пример #6
        public void Create_entries_in_cache()
            DekiScriptLiteral result;

            // create web-cahce extension service
            var webcache = DreamTestHelper.CreateService(
                new XDoc("config")
                .Elem("class", typeof(WebCacheService).FullName)
                .Elem("path", "webcache")

            // extract entry points for web-cache functions
            var manifest = webcache.AtLocalHost.Get().AsDocument();
            var fetch    = Plug.New(manifest["function[name/text()='fetch']/uri"].AsUri);
            var store    = Plug.New(manifest["function[name/text()='store']/uri"].AsUri);
            var clear    = Plug.New(manifest["function[name/text()='clear']/uri"].AsUri);

            // create MAX_ITERATIONS entries in web-cache
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_ITERATIONS; ++i)
                var key  = "key" + i;
                var list = new DekiScriptList()
                var response = store.Post(list.ToXml());
                var doc      = response.ToDocument();
                result = DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(doc);
                _log.DebugFormat("webcache.store('{0}') -> {1}", key, result);
            _log.DebugFormat("webcache.store() all took {0:#,##0} seconds", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            // shutdown web-cache service

            // re-create web-cache extension service
            webcache = DreamTestHelper.CreateService(
                new XDoc("config")
                .Elem("class", typeof(WebCacheService).FullName)
                .Elem("path", "webcache")

            // re-extract entry points for web-cache functions
            manifest = webcache.AtLocalHost.Get().AsDocument();
            fetch    = Plug.New(manifest["function[name/text()='fetch']/uri"].AsUri);
            store    = Plug.New(manifest["function[name/text()='store']/uri"].AsUri);
            clear    = Plug.New(manifest["function[name/text()='clear']/uri"].AsUri);

            // loop over all entries in web-cache and fetch them
            sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_ITERATIONS; ++i)
                int count = 0;
                var key   = "key" + i;
                    result = DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(fetch.Post(new DekiScriptList().Add(DekiScriptExpression.Constant(key)).ToXml()).ToDocument());
                    var text = ((DekiScriptList)result)[0].AsString();
                    if (text == CONTENT)
                } while(++count < 100);
                if (count >= 100)
                    Assert.Fail("too many attempts to load " + key);
            _log.DebugFormat("webcache.fetch() all took {0:#,##0} seconds", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            // loop over all entries in web-cache and clear them out
            sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_ITERATIONS; ++i)
                var key  = "key" + i;
                var list = new DekiScriptList()
                var response = clear.Post(list.ToXml());
                var doc      = response.ToDocument();
                result = DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(doc);
                _log.DebugFormat("webcache.clear('{0}') -> {1}", key, result);
            _log.DebugFormat("webcache.clear() all took {0:#,##0} seconds", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            // loop over all entries in web-cache and fetch them
            sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_ITERATIONS; ++i)
                var key = "key" + i;
                result = DekiScriptLiteral.FromXml(fetch.Post(new DekiScriptList().Add(DekiScriptExpression.Constant(key)).ToXml()).ToDocument());
                var text = ((DekiScriptList)result)[0].AsString();
                Assert.AreEqual(null, text, "entry " + key + " was not deleted");
            _log.DebugFormat("webcache.fetch() all took {0:#,##0} seconds", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            // shutdown web-cache service again