Пример #1
        static IServiceCollection ConfigureDeidentificationOptions(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration config)
            var deident = new DeidentificationOptions();

            deident.Patient.Enabled = config.GetValue <bool>(Config.Deidentification.Patient.Enabled);
            if (deident.Patient.Enabled)
                deident.Patient.DateShifting.WithIncrement(config.GetValue <string>(Config.Deidentification.Patient.DateShifting.Increment));
                deident.Patient.DateShifting.LowerBound = config.GetValue <int>(Config.Deidentification.Patient.DateShifting.LowerBound);
                deident.Patient.DateShifting.UpperBound = config.GetValue <int>(Config.Deidentification.Patient.DateShifting.UpperBound);

                if (deident.Patient.DateShifting.LowerBound == 0 && deident.Patient.DateShifting.UpperBound == 0)
                    throw new LeafConfigurationException("Patient De-identification is enabled but Date Shifting Lower Bound and Upper Bound are both set to zero");
                if (deident.Patient.DateShifting.LowerBound >= deident.Patient.DateShifting.UpperBound)
                    throw new LeafConfigurationException($"Patient De-identification Date Shifting Lower Bound must be less than Upper Bound, but is set to {deident.Patient.DateShifting.LowerBound} vs {deident.Patient.DateShifting.UpperBound}");

            deident.Cohort.Enabled = config.GetValue <bool>(Config.Deidentification.Cohort.Enabled);
            if (deident.Cohort.Enabled)
                deident.Cohort.Noise.Enabled = config.GetValue <bool>(Config.Deidentification.Cohort.Noise.Enabled);
                if (deident.Cohort.Noise.Enabled)
                    deident.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound = config.GetValue <int>(Config.Deidentification.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound);
                    deident.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound = config.GetValue <int>(Config.Deidentification.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound);

                    if (deident.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound == 0 && deident.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound == 0)
                        throw new LeafConfigurationException("Cohort De-identification Noise is enabled but Lower Bound and Upper Bound are both set to zero");
                    if (deident.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound >= deident.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound)
                        throw new LeafConfigurationException($"Cohort De-identification Noise Lower Bound must be less than Upper Bound, but is set to {deident.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound} vs {deident.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound}");

                deident.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Enabled = config.GetValue <bool>(Config.Deidentification.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Enabled);
                if (deident.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Enabled)
                    deident.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold = config.GetValue <int>(Config.Deidentification.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold);
                    if (deident.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold <= 0)
                        throw new LeafConfigurationException($"Cohort De-identification Low Cell Size Masking must be greater than or equal to one, but is set to {deident.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold}");
            services.Configure <DeidentificationOptions>(opts =>
                opts.Patient = deident.Patient;
                opts.Cohort  = deident.Cohort;

Пример #2
 public DemographicsExecutor(
     IUserContext userContext,
     ILogger <DemographicsExecutor> log,
     IOptions <ClinDbOptions> dbOpts,
     IOptions <DeidentificationOptions> deidentOpts)
     this.log         = log;
     this.dbOpts      = dbOpts.Value;
     this.deidentOpts = deidentOpts.Value;
     user             = userContext;
Пример #3
 Func <EncounterDatasetRecord, Encounter> GetConverter(bool anonymize, DeidentificationOptions opts)
     if (anonymize)
         var shift = opts.Patient.DateShifting;
         var anon  = new Anonymizer <EncounterDatasetRecord>(Pepper, shift.Increment.ToString(), shift.LowerBound, shift.UpperBound);
         return((rec) =>
             return rec.ToEncounter();
     return((rec) => rec.ToEncounter());
Пример #4
 public ConfigController(
     IOptions <AuthenticationOptions> authenticationOptions,
     IOptions <LeafVersionOptions> versionOptions,
     IOptions <CohortOptions> cohortOptions,
     IOptions <ClientOptions> clientOptions,
     IOptions <AttestationOptions> attestationOptions,
     IOptions <DeidentificationOptions> deidentOptions)
     this.authenticationOptions = authenticationOptions.Value;
     this.versionOptions        = versionOptions.Value;
     this.cohortOptions         = cohortOptions.Value;
     this.clientOptions         = clientOptions.Value;
     this.attestationOptions    = attestationOptions.Value;
     this.deidentOptions        = deidentOptions.Value;
Пример #5
 public DatasetProvider(
     DatasetCompilerValidationContextProvider contextProvider,
     IDatasetSqlCompiler compiler,
     IDatasetExecutor datasetService,
     IOptions <ClientOptions> clientOpts,
     IOptions <DeidentificationOptions> deidentOpts,
     ILogger <DatasetProvider> log)
     this.contextProvider = contextProvider;
     this.compiler        = compiler;
     this.executor        = datasetService;
     this.clientOpts      = clientOpts.Value;
     this.deidentOpts     = deidentOpts.Value;
     this.log             = log;
Пример #6
 public QueryManager(
     IQueryService service,
     IOptions <DeidentificationOptions> obfuscationOptions,
     ILogger <QueryManager> log,
     IUserContext user,
     PanelConverter converter,
     PanelValidator validator)
     this.service     = service;
     this.deidentOpts = obfuscationOptions.Value;
     this.log         = log;
     this.user        = user;
     this.converter   = converter;
     this.validator   = validator;
Пример #7
 public DemographicProvider(
     IUserContext user,
     DemographicCompilerValidationContextProvider contextProvider,
     IOptions <ClientOptions> clientOpts,
     IOptions <DeidentificationOptions> deidentOpts,
     IDemographicSqlCompiler compiler,
     IDemographicsExecutor executor,
     ILogger <DemographicProvider> log)
     this.user            = user;
     this.contextProvider = contextProvider;
     this.compiler        = compiler;
     this.executor        = executor;
     this.clientOpts      = clientOpts.Value;
     this.deidentOpts     = deidentOpts.Value;
     this.log             = log;
Пример #8
        public void Obfuscate(ref PatientCount count, PanelValidationContext ctx, DeidentificationOptions opts)
            if (!opts.Cohort.Enabled)

            // If low cell sizes should be masked and count less than or equal to threshold, set to threshold.
            if (opts.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Enabled && count.Value <= opts.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold)
                count.Value     = opts.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold;
                count.PlusMinus = opts.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold;
                count.WithinLowCellThreshold = true;

            // Bail if noise obfuscation not enabled
            if (!opts.Cohort.Noise.Enabled)

            // Ensure that variations of the same query (with concepts and panels moved around but the query logic identical)
            // always returns the same string of Guid Ids for concepts.
            var orderedIds = GetDeterministicConceptIdsAsString(ctx.Allowed);

            // Hash into a byte array.
            var hashed = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(orderedIds));

            // Seed a random number generator from the hash.
            var generator = new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(hashed, 0));

            // Compute a random shifted value between the lower and upper bounds
            var shift = 0;

            while (shift == 0)
                shift = generator.Next(opts.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound, opts.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound);

            count.Value    += shift;
            count.PlusMinus = Math.Max(Math.Abs(opts.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound), Math.Abs(opts.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound));
Пример #9
 public CohortCounter(
     IOptions <RuntimeOptions> opts,
     IOptions <DeidentificationOptions> deidentOpts,
     PanelConverter converter,
     PanelValidator validator,
     IPatientCohortService counter,
     ICohortCacheService cohortCache,
     IObfuscationService obfuscator,
     IUserContext user,
     ILogger <CohortCounter> log)
     this.runtime     = opts.Value.Runtime;
     this.deidentOpts = deidentOpts.Value;
     this.converter   = converter;
     this.validator   = validator;
     this.counter     = counter;
     this.obfuscator  = obfuscator;
     this.cohortCache = cohortCache;
     this.user        = user;
     this.log         = log;
Пример #10
        public void Original_Value_Changed()
            var orig       = 50;
            var obfuscator = new ObfuscationService();
            var opts       = new DeidentificationOptions {
                Cohort = new DeidentificationOptions.CohortObfuscationOptions {
                    Enabled = true, Noise = new DeidentificationOptions.CohortObfuscationOptions.NoiseOptions {
                        Enabled = true, LowerBound = -10, UpperBound = 10
            var count = new PatientCount {
                Value = orig
            var ctx = MockPanel.Context();

            obfuscator.Obfuscate(ref count, ctx, opts);

            Assert.NotEqual(orig, count.Value);
            Assert.Equal(count.PlusMinus, Math.Max(opts.Cohort.Noise.LowerBound, opts.Cohort.Noise.UpperBound));
Пример #11
        public void Under_Threshold_Not_Shifted()
            var orig       = 5;
            var obfuscator = new ObfuscationService();
            var opts       = new DeidentificationOptions {
                Cohort = new DeidentificationOptions.CohortObfuscationOptions {
                    Enabled = true, LowCellSizeMasking = new DeidentificationOptions.CohortObfuscationOptions.LowCellSizeMaskingOptions {
                        Enabled = true, Threshold = 10
            var count = new PatientCount {
                Value = orig
            var ctx = MockPanel.Context();

            obfuscator.Obfuscate(ref count, ctx, opts);

            Assert.NotEqual(orig, count.Value);
            Assert.Equal(count.Value, opts.Cohort.LowCellSizeMasking.Threshold);
Пример #12
        public override IEnumerable <ShapedDataset> Marshal(SqlDataReader reader, bool anonymize, DeidentificationOptions opts)
            var fields = (_context.DatasetQuery as DynamicDatasetQuery).Schema.Fields
                         .Where(f => _schema.Fields.Any(sf => sf.Name == f.Name) && (!anonymize || !f.Phi || (f.Phi && f.Mask)))
                         .Select(f => f.ToSchemaField());
            var records   = new List <ShapedDataset>();
            var converter = GetConverter(anonymize, fields, opts);

            while (reader.Read())
                var record = GetRecord(reader, fields);
                var dyn    = converter(record);
Пример #13
        public void Same_Logic_Different_Structure_Produces_Same_Shift()
            var g1         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var g2         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var g3         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var orig       = 50;
            var obfuscator = new ObfuscationService();
            var opts       = new DeidentificationOptions {
                Cohort = new DeidentificationOptions.CohortObfuscationOptions {
                    Enabled = true, Noise = new DeidentificationOptions.CohortObfuscationOptions.NoiseOptions {
                        Enabled = true, LowerBound = -10, UpperBound = 10

            var count1 = new PatientCount {
                Value = orig
            var count2 = new PatientCount {
                Value = orig
            var count3 = new PatientCount {
                Value = orig
            var count4 = new PatientCount {
                Value = orig

            var ctx1 = MockPanel.Context();
            var ctx2 = MockPanel.Context();
            var ctx3 = MockPanel.Context();
            var ctx4 = MockPanel.Context();

            // Set context one with two panels, the first with two concepts, second with one.
            ctx1.Allowed.ElementAt(0).SubPanels.ElementAt(0).PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g1
                }, new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g2
            ctx1.Allowed.Append(new Panel {
                SubPanels = new List <SubPanel> {
                    new SubPanel {
                        PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                            new PanelItem {
                                Concept = new Concept {
                                    Id = g3

            // Set context two to same as one, but with panel one concept order flipped.
            ctx2.Allowed.ElementAt(0).SubPanels.ElementAt(0).PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g2
                }, new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g1
            ctx2.Allowed.Append(new Panel {
                SubPanels = new List <SubPanel> {
                    new SubPanel {
                        PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                            new PanelItem {
                                Concept = new Concept {
                                    Id = g3

            // Set context three to same as one, but with panel order flipped.
            ctx3.Allowed.ElementAt(0).SubPanels.ElementAt(0).PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g1
                }, new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g2
            ctx3.Allowed.Prepend(new Panel {
                SubPanels = new List <SubPanel> {
                    new SubPanel {
                        PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                            new PanelItem {
                                Concept = new Concept {
                                    Id = g3

            // Set context four to a combination of two and three, with both concept order and panel order flipped.
            ctx4.Allowed.ElementAt(0).SubPanels.ElementAt(0).PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g2
                }, new PanelItem {
                    Concept = new Concept {
                        Id = g1
            ctx4.Allowed.Prepend(new Panel {
                SubPanels = new List <SubPanel> {
                    new SubPanel {
                        PanelItems = new List <PanelItem> {
                            new PanelItem {
                                Concept = new Concept {
                                    Id = g3

            obfuscator.Obfuscate(ref count1, ctx1, opts);
            obfuscator.Obfuscate(ref count2, ctx2, opts);
            obfuscator.Obfuscate(ref count3, ctx3, opts);
            obfuscator.Obfuscate(ref count4, ctx4, opts);

            Assert.NotEqual(orig, count1.Value);
            Assert.NotEqual(orig, count2.Value);
            Assert.NotEqual(orig, count3.Value);
            Assert.NotEqual(orig, count4.Value);
            Assert.Equal(count1.Value, count2.Value);
            Assert.Equal(count1.Value, count3.Value);
            Assert.Equal(count1.Value, count4.Value);
Пример #14
 Func <DynamicDatasetRecord, DynamicShapedDatumSet> GetConverter(bool anonymize, IEnumerable <SchemaFieldSelector> fields, DeidentificationOptions opts)
     if (anonymize)
         var shift = opts.Patient.DateShifting;
         var anon  = new DynamicAnonymizer(Pepper, shift.Increment.ToString(), shift.LowerBound, shift.UpperBound);
         return((rec) =>
             anon.Anonymize(rec, fields);
             return rec.ToDatumSet();
     return((rec) => rec.ToDatumSet());
Пример #15
        public override IEnumerable <ShapedDataset> Marshal(SqlDataReader reader, bool anonymize, DeidentificationOptions opts)
            var records   = new List <ShapedDataset>();
            var converter = GetConverter(anonymize, opts);

            while (reader.Read())
                var record = GetRecord(reader);
                var enc    = converter(record);
Пример #16
        public PatientDemographicContext Marshal(SqlDataReader reader, bool anonymize, DeidentificationOptions opts)
            var exported        = new List <PatientDemographic>();
            var cohort          = new List <PatientDemographic>();
            var exportConverter = GetExportConverter(anonymize, opts);

            while (reader.Read())
                var cohortRecord = GetCohortRecord(reader);

                if (cohortRecord.Exported)
                    var export = exportConverter(cohortRecord);

            return(new PatientDemographicContext
                Exported = exported,
                Cohort = cohort
Пример #17
 public abstract IEnumerable<ShapedDataset> Marshal(SqlDataReader reader, bool anonymize, DeidentificationOptions opts);
Пример #18
 Func <PatientDemographicRecord, PatientDemographic> GetExportConverter(bool anonymize, DeidentificationOptions opts)
     if (anonymize)
         var shift = opts.Patient.DateShifting;
         var anon  = new Anonymizer <PatientDemographicRecord>(Pepper, shift.Increment.ToString(), shift.LowerBound, shift.UpperBound);
         return((rec) =>
             rec.Age = rec.CalculateAge();
             return rec.ToAnonymousPatientDemographic();
     return((rec) =>
         rec.Age = rec.CalculateAge();
         return rec.ToIdentifiedPatientDemographic();