public virtual void Finish() { deflater_.Finish(); while (!deflater_.IsFinished) { int num = deflater_.Deflate(buffer_, 0, buffer_.Length); if (num <= 0) { break; } if (cryptoTransform_ != null) { EncryptBlock(buffer_, 0, num); } baseOutputStream_.Write(buffer_, 0, num); } if (!deflater_.IsFinished) { throw new SharpZipBaseException("Can't deflate all input?"); } baseOutputStream_.Flush(); if (cryptoTransform_ != null) { ((global::System.IDisposable)cryptoTransform_).Dispose(); cryptoTransform_ = null; } }
public virtual void Finish() { deflater_.Finish(); while (!deflater_.IsFinished) { int num = deflater_.Deflate(buffer_, 0, buffer_.Length); if (num <= 0) { break; } if (cryptoTransform_ != null) { EncryptBlock(buffer_, 0, num); } baseOutputStream_.Write(buffer_, 0, num); } if (!deflater_.IsFinished) { throw new SharpZipBaseException("Can't deflate all input?"); } baseOutputStream_.Flush(); if (cryptoTransform_ != null) { if (cryptoTransform_ is ZipAESTransform) { AESAuthCode = ((ZipAESTransform)cryptoTransform_).GetAuthCode(); } cryptoTransform_.Dispose(); cryptoTransform_ = null; } }
// Write data to this compressor. public void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { int len; // Set the input for the deflater. if (count == 0) { // Nothing to do if no data was supplied. return; } deflater.SetInput(buffer, offset, count); // Deflate data until the deflater asks for more input. for (;;) { len = deflater.Deflate (outBuffer, outLen, outBuffer.Length - outLen); if (len > 0) { outLen += len; if (outLen >= outBuffer.Length) { writer.Write (PngReader.IDAT, outBuffer, 0, outLen); outLen = 0; wroteBlock = true; } } else { break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Finishes the stream by calling finish() on the deflater. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="SharpZipBaseException"> /// Not all input is deflated /// </exception> public virtual void Finish() { deflater_.Finish(); while (!deflater_.IsFinished) { int len = deflater_.Deflate(buffer_, 0, buffer_.Length); if (len <= 0) { break; } if (keys != null) { EncryptBlock(buffer_, 0, len); } baseOutputStream_.Write(buffer_, 0, len); } if (!deflater_.IsFinished) { throw new SharpZipBaseException("Can't deflate all input?"); } baseOutputStream_.Flush(); if (keys != null) { keys = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Writes next block of compressed data to the output stream. </summary> /// <exception cref="IOException"> if an I/O error has occurred </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: protected void deflate() throws protected internal virtual void Deflate() { int len = Def.Deflate(Buf, 0, Buf.Length); if (len > 0) { @out.Write(Buf, 0, len); } }
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] input, int level = Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION) { if (input == null || input.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("Compress error inputBytes Len = 0"); return(input); } // Create the compressor with highest level of compression Deflater compressor = new Deflater(level); // Give the compressor the data to compress compressor.SetInput(input); compressor.Finish(); /* * Create an expandable byte array to hold the compressed data. * You cannot use an array that's the same size as the orginal because * there is no guarantee that the compressed data will be smaller than * the uncompressed data. */ MemoryStream result = new MemoryStream(input.Length); // Compress the data byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (!compressor.IsFinished) { int count = compressor.Deflate(buffer); result.Write(buffer, 0, count); } // Get the compressed data return(result.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Create a writeable byte array to persist data back into the PES data system. /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <returns></returns> private byte[] CreateWriteableBytes(byte[] input) { uint fsize = (uint)input.Length; Deflater deflater = new Deflater(9); deflater.SetInput(input); deflater.Finish(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var outputBuffer = new byte[65536 * 32]; while (deflater.IsNeedingInput == false) { var read = deflater.Deflate(outputBuffer); ms.Write(outputBuffer, 0, read); if (deflater.IsFinished == true) { break; } } deflater.Reset(); uint zsize = (uint)ms.Length; byte[] header = { 0x04, 0x10, 0x01, 0x57, 0x45, 0x53, 0x59, 0x53 }; byte[] b1, b2; b1 = BitConverter.GetBytes(zsize); b2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(fsize); byte[] zlib = ms.ToArray(); return(header.Concat(b1).Concat(b2).Concat(zlib).ToArray()); } }
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] input, int offset, int len) { byte[] output = new byte[1024]; int outputused = 0; Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); deflater.SetInput(input, offset, len); deflater.Finish(); while (deflater.IsFinished == false) { // if(deflater.IsNeedingInput && deflater.IsFinished == false) // throw(new Exception("deflateData: input incomplete!")); if (outputused == output.Length) { byte[] newOutput = new byte[output.Length * 2]; Array.Copy(output, newOutput, output.Length); output = newOutput; } try { outputused += deflater.Deflate(output, outputused, output.Length - outputused); } catch (FormatException e) { throw(new IOException(e.ToString())); } } deflater.Reset(); byte[] realOutput = new byte[outputused]; Array.Copy(output, realOutput, outputused); return(realOutput); }
public static byte[] Deflate(ReadOnlySpan <int> ints) { if (ints == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ints)); } byte[] input = new byte[ints.Length * sizeof(int)]; var asBytes = MemoryMarshal.Cast <int, byte>(ints); asBytes.CopyTo(input.AsSpan()); var deflater = new Deflater(); deflater.SetLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); deflater.SetInput(input); deflater.Finish(); using var ms = new MemoryStream(input.Length); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while (!deflater.IsFinished) { int count = deflater.Deflate(buf); ms.Write(buf, 0, count); } return(ms.ToArray()); }
private void Deflate() { var buffer = sink.Buffer(); while (true) { Segment s = buffer.WritableSegment(1); int deflated = deflater.Deflate(s.Data, s.Limit, Segment.SIZE - s.Limit); if (deflated > 0) { s.Limit += deflated; buffer.Size += deflated; sink.EmitCompleteSegments(); } else if (deflater.IsNeedingInput) { if (s.Pos == s.Limit) { // We allocated a tail segment, but didn't end up needing it. Recycle! buffer.Head = s.Pop(); SegmentPool.Recycle(s); } return; } } }
protected override void Encode(IChannelHandlerContext ctx, IByteBuffer msg, List <object> output) { var buffer = Unpooled.Buffer(); if (msg.ReadableBytes >= CompressionThreshold) { var data = msg.ToArray(out var offset, out var count); buffer.WriteVarInt32(count); _deflater.SetInput(data, offset, count); _deflater.Finish(); while (!_deflater.IsFinished) { var read = _deflater.Deflate(_buffer); buffer.WriteBytes(_buffer, 0, read); } _deflater.Reset(); } else { buffer.WriteVarInt32(0); buffer.WriteBytes(msg); } output.Add(buffer); }
private static MemoryStream Compress(MemoryStream stream) { stream.Position = 0; byte[] input = stream.ToArray(); byte[] size = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(input.Length)); Deflater compressor = new Deflater(); compressor.SetLevel(Deflater.BEST_SPEED); compressor.SetInput(input); compressor.Finish(); MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(input.Length); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while (!compressor.IsFinished) { int count = compressor.Deflate(buf); bos.Write(buf, 0, count); } MemoryStream result = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writeBinary = new BinaryWriter(result); writeBinary.Write(size); writeBinary.Write(bos.ToArray()); writeBinary.Close(); return(result); }
void IPreviewCallback.OnPreviewFrame(byte[] b, Camera c) { Android.Graphics.YuvImage yuvImage = new Android.Graphics.YuvImage(b, Android.Graphics.ImageFormat.Nv21, previewSize.Width, previewSize.Height, null); byte[] msg = new byte[65000]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); yuvImage.CompressToJpeg(new Android.Graphics.Rect(0, 0, previewSize.Width, previewSize.Height), 100, ms); Deflater compresser = new Deflater(); compresser.SetInput(ms.ToArray()); compresser.Finish(); compresser.Deflate(msg); //int length = compresser.Deflate(msg); compresser.End(); var current = Connectivity.NetworkAccess; if (current == Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.Internet) { try { Sock.SendTo(msg, EndP); } catch { } } Thread.Sleep(300); }
public static byte[] Deflate(byte[] inputData) { var deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, false); deflater.SetInput(inputData); deflater.Finish(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var outputBuffer = new byte[65536 * 4]; while (deflater.IsNeedingInput == false) { var read = deflater.Deflate(outputBuffer); ms.Write(outputBuffer, 0, read); if (deflater.IsFinished == true) { break; } } deflater.Reset(); return(ms.ToArray()); } }
public static String Compress(string str) { byte[] bytesToCompress = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); // Compressor with highest level of compression. Deflater compressor = new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); compressor.SetInput(bytesToCompress); // Give the compressor the data to // compress. compressor.Finish(); // Create an expandable byte array to hold the compressed data. // It is not necessary that the compressed data will be smaller than // the uncompressed data. byte[] ret = null; using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(bytesToCompress.Length)) { // Compress the data byte[] buf = new byte[bytesToCompress.Length + 100]; while (!compressor.IsFinished) { memStream.Write(buf, 0, compressor.Deflate(buf)); } memStream.Close(); ret = memStream.ToArray(); } // Get the compressed data return(Convert.ToBase64String(ret)); }
/// <summary> /// Deflates the decompressed bytes. /// </summary> /// <param name="decompressedData"> Data. </param> /// <param name="offset"> Offset in the data. </param> /// <param name="count"> Number of the written bytes. </param> /// <param name="compressedSize"> Compressed size. Optional parameter, but if it is known, then passing of the parameter may increasing performance. </param> /// <returns> Array of the compressed bytes. </returns> public static byte[] Deflate(byte[] decompressedData, int offset, int count, int?compressedSize = null) { IByteArrayWriter writer = new ByteArrayWriter(true); Deflater deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFLATED); deflater.SetInput(decompressedData, offset, count); deflater.Finish(); int length = (compressedSize != null) ? compressedSize.Value : count; byte[] compressedData; int processedBytes; while (true) { compressedData = new byte[length]; processedBytes = deflater.Deflate(compressedData, 0, length); if (processedBytes != 0) { writer.WriteBytes(compressedData, 0, processedBytes); } else { if (deflater.IsFinished) { break; } } } return(writer.GetBytes()); }
/// <summary> /// Encode a RIF byte array to zRIF string. /// </summary> /// <param name="zrif">The zRIF string.</param> /// <returns>The zRIF string or null on error.</returns> public static string Encode(byte[] rif) { byte[] output = new byte[128 + 2]; if ((rif.Length != 512) && (rif.Length != 1024)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("[ERROR] invalid RIF length"); return(null); } var deflater = new Deflater(); deflater.SetDictionary(zrif_dict); deflater.SetInput(rif); deflater.SetLevel(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); deflater.SetStrategy(DeflateStrategy.Default); deflater.Finish(); int size = deflater.Deflate(output, 0, output.Length - 2); if (!deflater.IsFinished) { Console.Error.WriteLine("[ERROR] Deflate error"); return(null); } // Don't have that much control over Window size so our header needs to be adjusted. if ((output[0] == 0x78) && (output[1] == 0xF9)) { output[0] = 0x28; output[1] = 0xEE; } // Adjust the size to be a multiple of 3 so that we don't get padding return(Convert.ToBase64String(output, 0, ((size + 2) / 3) * 3)); }
private void WriteWhole(Deflater def, int typeCode, byte[] data) { int sz = data.Length; int hdrlen = 0; _buffer[hdrlen++] = (byte)((typeCode << 4) | sz & 15); sz = (int)(((uint)sz) >> 4); while (sz > 0) { _buffer[hdrlen - 1] |= 0x80; _buffer[hdrlen++] = (byte)(sz & 0x7f); sz = (int)(((uint)sz) >> 7); } _packDigest.Update(_buffer, 0, hdrlen); _crc.Update(_buffer, 0, hdrlen); _packOut.Write(_buffer, 0, hdrlen); def.Reset(); def.SetInput(data); def.Finish(); while (!def.IsFinished) { int datlen = def.Deflate(_buffer); _packDigest.Update(_buffer, 0, datlen); _crc.Update(_buffer, 0, datlen); _packOut.Write(_buffer, 0, datlen); } }
public override void Compress(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, DataOutput @out) { Compressor.Reset(); Compressor.SetInput((byte[])(Array)bytes, off, len); Compressor.Finish(); if (Compressor.NeedsInput) { // no output Debug.Assert(len == 0, len.ToString()); @out.WriteVInt(0); return; } int totalCount = 0; for (; ;) { int count = Compressor.Deflate(Compressed, totalCount, Compressed.Length - totalCount); totalCount += count; Debug.Assert(totalCount <= Compressed.Length); if (Compressor.IsFinished) { break; } else { Compressed = ArrayUtil.Grow(Compressed); } } @out.WriteVInt(totalCount); @out.WriteBytes(Compressed, totalCount); }
public byte[] Compress(byte[] input, int offset, int length) { // Create the compressor with highest level of compression Deflater compressor = new Deflater(); compressor.SetLevel(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); // Give the compressor the data to compress compressor.SetInput(input, offset, length); compressor.Finish(); /* * Create an expandable byte array to hold the compressed data. * You cannot use an array that's the same size as the orginal because * there is no guarantee that the compressed data will be smaller than * the uncompressed data. */ MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(input.Length); // Compress the data byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while (!compressor.IsFinished) { int count = compressor.Deflate(buf); bos.Write(buf, 0, count); } // Get the compressed data return(bos.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Compresses this instance. /// </summary> public void Compress() { var deflater = new Deflater(); byte[] packet = PacketData; deflater.SetInput(packet, 0, packet.Length); deflater.Finish(); var compBuffer = new byte[1024]; var ret = new List <byte>(); while (!deflater.IsFinished) { try { deflater.Deflate(compBuffer); ret.AddRange(compBuffer); Array.Clear(compBuffer, 0, compBuffer.Length); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.WriteException(ex); return; } } deflater.Reset(); Seek((byte)_headerType, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Write the compressed bytes over whatever is there. Write(ret.ToArray()); // Set the stream length to the end of the actual packet data. // This makes sure we don't have any 'junk' packets at the end. OutStream.SetLength(BaseStream.Position); }
public byte[] GetCompressedOutPacket(int offset, int length) { var deflater = new Deflater(); deflater.SetInput(Data, offset, length); deflater.Finish(); var compBuffer = new byte[1024]; var ret = new List <byte>(); while (!deflater.IsFinished) { try { deflater.Deflate(compBuffer); ret.AddRange(compBuffer); Array.Clear(compBuffer, 0, compBuffer.Length); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.WriteException(ex); return(null); } } deflater.Reset(); return(ret.ToArray()); }
public static byte[] ZlibCompress(byte[] input) { using var ms = new MemoryStream(input.Length); using var bs = new BinaryStream(ms); bs.WriteUInt32(Constants.ZLIB_MAGIC); bs.WriteInt32(-input.Length); /* For some reason System.IO.Compression has issues making the games load these files? * using var ds = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionLevel.Optimal); * ds.Write(input, 0, input.Length); * ds.Flush(); */ // Fall back to ICSharpCode var d = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true); d.SetInput(input); d.Finish(); int count = d.Deflate(input); bs.Write(input, 0, count); return(ms.ToArray()); }
public static byte[] Compress(string str) { byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str); Deflater deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); deflater.SetInput(bytes); deflater.Finish(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes.Length); try { byte[] output = new byte[0x400]; while (!deflater.IsFinished) { int count = deflater.Deflate(output); stream.Write(output, 0, count); } } finally { stream.Close(); } byte[] buffer3 = stream.ToArray(); if ((buffer3.Length % 2) == 0) { return(buffer3); } byte[] buffer4 = new byte[buffer3.Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < buffer3.Length; i++) { buffer4[i] = buffer3[i]; } buffer4[buffer3.Length] = 0; return(buffer4); }
/// <summary> /// Finishes the stream by calling finish() on the deflater. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="InvalidDataException"> /// Not all input is deflated. /// </exception> public virtual void Finish() { Deflater.Finish(); while (!Deflater.IsFinished) { var len = Deflater.Deflate(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (len <= 0) { break; } if (CryptoTransform != null) { EncryptBlock(buffer, 0, len); } BaseOutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, len); } if (!Deflater.IsFinished) { throw new InvalidDataException("Can't deflate all input?"); } BaseOutputStream.Flush(); }
private const int CopyBufferSize = 32 * 1024; // 32kb public void Compress(Stream source, Stream destination) { /* * var deflater = new DeflaterOutputStream(destination, new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true)); * * var dataBuffer = new byte[CopyBufferSize]; * StreamUtils.Copy(source, deflater, dataBuffer); */ var def = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true); var inputData = new byte[source.Length - source.Position]; source.Read(inputData, 0, inputData.Length); var buffer = new byte[CopyBufferSize]; def.SetInput(inputData, 0, inputData.Length); def.Finish(); while (!def.IsFinished) { int outputLen = def.Deflate(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); destination.Write(buffer, 0, outputLen); } def.Reset(); }
/// <summary> /// 字节数组压缩 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">待压缩的字节数组</param> /// <param name="isClearData">压缩完成后,是否清除待压缩字节数组里面的内容</param> /// <returns>已压缩的字节数组</returns> public byte[] ZipCompress(byte[] data, bool isClearData = true) { byte[] bytes = null; Deflater f = new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); f.SetInput(data); f.Finish(); int count = 0; using (MemoryStream o = new MemoryStream(data.Length)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_LENGTH]; while (!f.IsFinished) { count = f.Deflate(buffer); o.Write(buffer, 0, count); } bytes = o.ToArray(); } if (isClearData) { Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length); } return(bytes); }
/// <summary> /// Compresses the specified byte range using the /// specified compressionLevel (constants are defined in /// /// </summary> public static byte[] Compress(sbyte[] value, int offset, int length, int compressionLevel) { /* Create an expandable byte array to hold the compressed data. * You cannot use an array that's the same size as the orginal because * there is no guarantee that the compressed data will be smaller than * the uncompressed data. */ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(length); Deflater compressor = SharpZipLib.CreateDeflater(); try { compressor.SetLevel(compressionLevel); compressor.SetInput((byte[])(Array)value, offset, length); compressor.Finish(); // Compress the data var buf = new byte[1024]; while (!compressor.IsFinished) { int count = compressor.Deflate(buf); bos.Write(buf, 0, count); } } finally { } return(bos.ToArray()); }
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] input, int offset, int len) { byte[] sourceArray = new byte[0x400]; int num = 0; Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); deflater.SetInput(input, offset, len); deflater.Finish(); while (!deflater.IsFinished) { if (num == sourceArray.Length) { byte[] buffer2 = new byte[sourceArray.Length * 2]; Array.Copy(sourceArray, buffer2, sourceArray.Length); sourceArray = buffer2; } try { num += deflater.Deflate(sourceArray, num, sourceArray.Length - num); } catch (FormatException exception) { throw new IOException(exception.ToString()); } } deflater.Reset(); byte[] destinationArray = new byte[num]; Array.Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, num); return(destinationArray); }
/// <summary>Performs deflate compression on the given data.</summary> /// <param name="input">the data to compress</param> /// <param name="output">the compressed data</param> public static void CompressZLib(byte[] input, byte[] output, int compressionLevel, out int deflatedLength) { Deflater deflater = new Deflater(compressionLevel); deflater.SetInput(input, 0, input.Length); deflater.Finish(); deflatedLength = deflater.Deflate(output, 0, output.Length); }
public static String Compress(string str) { byte[] bytesToCompress = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); // Compressor with highest level of compression. Deflater compressor = new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); compressor.SetInput(bytesToCompress); // Give the compressor the data to // compress. compressor.Finish(); // Create an expandable byte array to hold the compressed data. // It is not necessary that the compressed data will be smaller than // the uncompressed data. byte[] ret = null; using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(bytesToCompress.Length)) { // Compress the data byte[] buf = new byte[bytesToCompress.Length + 100]; while (!compressor.IsFinished) { memStream.Write(buf, 0, compressor.Deflate(buf)); } memStream.Close(); ret = memStream.ToArray(); } // Get the compressed data return Convert.ToBase64String(ret); }
private static byte[] Zip(byte[] buffer, int version, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { byte[] buffer12; try { ZipStream stream = new ZipStream(); if (version == 0) { Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; long num = (long) ((ulong) ((((((((now.Year - 0x7bc) & 0x7f) << 0x19) | (now.Month << 0x15)) | (now.Day << 0x10)) | (now.Hour << 11)) | (now.Minute << 5)) | (now.Second >> 1))); uint[] numArray = new uint[] { 0, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x76dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0xedb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x9b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x1db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x6b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0xf00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x86d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x3b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x4db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0xd6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0xa00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x26d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x5005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0xcb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0xbdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d }; uint maxValue = uint.MaxValue; uint num3 = maxValue; int num4 = 0; int length = buffer.Length; while (--length >= 0) { num3 = numArray[(int) ((IntPtr) ((num3 ^ buffer[num4++]) & 0xff))] ^ (num3 >> 8); } num3 ^= maxValue; stream.WriteInt(0x4034b50); stream.WriteShort(20); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteShort(8); stream.WriteInt((int) num); stream.WriteInt((int) num3); long position = stream.Position; stream.WriteInt(0); stream.WriteInt(buffer.Length); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{data}"); stream.WriteShort(bytes.Length); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); deflater.SetInput(buffer); while (!deflater.IsNeedingInput) { byte[] output = new byte[0x200]; int count = deflater.Deflate(output); if (count <= 0) { break; } stream.Write(output, 0, count); } deflater.Finish(); while (!deflater.IsFinished) { byte[] buffer4 = new byte[0x200]; int num8 = deflater.Deflate(buffer4); if (num8 <= 0) { break; } stream.Write(buffer4, 0, num8); } long totalOut = deflater.TotalOut; stream.WriteInt(0x2014b50); stream.WriteShort(20); stream.WriteShort(20); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteShort(8); stream.WriteInt((int) num); stream.WriteInt((int) num3); stream.WriteInt((int) totalOut); stream.WriteInt(buffer.Length); stream.WriteShort(bytes.Length); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteInt(0); stream.WriteInt(0); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); stream.WriteInt(0x6054b50); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.WriteShort(1); stream.WriteShort(1); stream.WriteInt(0x2e + bytes.Length); stream.WriteInt((30 + bytes.Length) + ((int) totalOut)); stream.WriteShort(0); stream.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.WriteInt((int) totalOut); } else if (version == 1) { byte[] buffer5; stream.WriteInt(0x17d7a7b); stream.WriteInt(buffer.Length); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i += buffer5.Length) { buffer5 = new byte[Math.Min(0x1fffff, buffer.Length - i)]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, i, buffer5, 0, buffer5.Length); long num11 = stream.Position; stream.WriteInt(0); stream.WriteInt(buffer5.Length); Deflater deflater2 = new Deflater(); deflater2.SetInput(buffer5); while (!deflater2.IsNeedingInput) { byte[] buffer6 = new byte[0x200]; int num12 = deflater2.Deflate(buffer6); if (num12 <= 0) { break; } stream.Write(buffer6, 0, num12); } deflater2.Finish(); while (!deflater2.IsFinished) { byte[] buffer7 = new byte[0x200]; int num13 = deflater2.Deflate(buffer7); if (num13 <= 0) { break; } stream.Write(buffer7, 0, num13); } long num14 = stream.Position; stream.Position = num11; stream.WriteInt((int) deflater2.TotalOut); stream.Position = num14; } } else { if (version == 2) { stream.WriteInt(0x27d7a7b); byte[] inputBuffer = Zip(buffer, 1, null, null); using (ICryptoTransform transform = GetDesTransform(key, iv, false)) { byte[] buffer9 = transform.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length); stream.Write(buffer9, 0, buffer9.Length); goto Label_044F; } } if (version == 3) { stream.WriteInt(0x37d7a7b); byte[] buffer10 = Zip(buffer, 1, null, null); using (ICryptoTransform transform2 = GetAesTransform(key, iv, false)) { byte[] buffer11 = transform2.TransformFinalBlock(buffer10, 0, buffer10.Length); stream.Write(buffer11, 0, buffer11.Length); } } } Label_044F: stream.Flush(); stream.Close(); buffer12 = stream.ToArray(); } catch (Exception exception) { ExceptionMessage = "ERR 2003: " + exception.Message; throw; } return buffer12; }
static int Deflate(Deflater def, byte [] src, byte [] dest) { bool count; int offset, length, remain; if (dest == null) { dest = new byte [BlockSize]; count = true; } else count = false; def.Reset (); def.SetInput (src); offset = 0; while (!def.IsFinished) { if (def.IsNeedingInput) def.Finish (); remain = Math.Min (dest.Length - offset, BlockSize); if (remain == 0) break; length = def.Deflate (dest, offset, remain); if (!count) offset += length; } return def.TotalOut; }