public bool tryBarracksMenu(Player player, Computer computer, VehInfo.Computer.ComputerProduct product, DefenseProduction type) { int idx = Convert.ToInt32(product.Title.Substring(0, 2)); Structure structure = getStructureByVehicleID(computer._id); if (_units.Count >= _botMax) { player.sendMessage(-1, "You have reach the maximum amount of units you can train/Have active at one time."); return(false); } switch (idx) { //1 - Train 1 Normal ($500) case 1: { if (player.Cash < 500) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 500; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.Marine, null, null, BotLevel.Normal, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.Ripper, null, null, BotLevel.Normal, player._state); break; } } break; //2 - Train 1 Adept ($1000) case 2: { if (player.Cash < 1000) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 1000; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.Marine, null, null, BotLevel.Adept, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.Ripper, null, null, BotLevel.Adept, player._state); break; } } break; //3 - Train 1 Elite ($1500) case 3: { if (player.Cash < 1500) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 1500; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.EliteMarine, null, null, BotLevel.Elite, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.EliteHeavy, null, null, BotLevel.Elite, player._state); break; } } break; //14 - Sell case 14: { player.inventoryModify(2026, structure._vehicle._type.DropItemQuantity); player.syncState(); player.sendMessage(0, String.Format("&Structure sold ({0} Scrap added to your inventory)", structure._type.DropItemQuantity)); structure.destroyed(structure._vehicle, player); structure._vehicle.destroy(false); } break; //15 - Repair case 15: { int repairCost = calculateRepairCost(structure._vehicle); if (player.getInventoryAmount(2026) < repairCost) { player.sendMessage(-1, "I'm sorry, you don't have enough scrap metal to repair this building"); return(false); } = (short)structure._vehicle._type.Hitpoints; player.inventoryModify(2026, -repairCost); player.sendMessage(0, "Structure repaired"); player.syncState(); } break; //16 - Click For Info case 16: { player.sendMessage(0, "$Barracks Info:"); player.sendMessage(0, "& --- The barracks allows you to train new units (bots) that will guard your city."); int repairCost = calculateRepairCost(structure._vehicle); player.sendMessage(0, String.Format("& --- Repair Cost: {0}", repairCost)); } break; } return(false); }
public bool tryBarracksMenu(Player player, Computer computer, VehInfo.Computer.ComputerProduct product, DefenseProduction type) { int idx = Convert.ToInt32(product.Title.Substring(0, 2)); if (_units.Count >= _botMax) { player.sendMessage(-1, "You have reach the maximum amount of units you can train/Have active at one time."); return(false); } switch (idx) { //1 - Train 1 Normal ($500) case 1: { if (player.Cash < 500) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 500; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.Marine, null, null, BotLevel.Normal, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.Ripper, null, null, BotLevel.Normal, player._state); break; } } break; //2 - Train 1 Adept ($1000) case 2: { if (player.Cash < 1000) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 1000; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.Marine, null, null, BotLevel.Adept, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.Ripper, null, null, BotLevel.Adept, player._state); break; } } break; //3 - Train 1 Elite ($1500) case 3: { if (player.Cash < 1500) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 1500; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.EliteMarine, null, null, BotLevel.Elite, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.EliteHeavy, null, null, BotLevel.Elite, player._state); break; } } break; //16 - Click For Info case 16: { player.sendMessage(0, "&Barracks Info:"); player.sendMessage(0, "The barracks allows you to train new units (bots) that will guard your city."); } break; } return(false); }
public bool tryBarracksMenu(Player player, Computer computer, VehInfo.Computer.ComputerProduct product, DefenseProduction type) { int idx = Convert.ToInt32(product.Title.Substring(0, 1)); switch (idx) { //1 - Train 1 Normal ($500) case 1: { if (player.Cash < 500) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 500; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.Marine, null, null, BotLevel.Normal, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.Ripper, null, null, BotLevel.Normal, player._state); break; } } break; //2 - Train 1 Adept ($1000) case 2: { if (player.Cash < 1000) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 1000; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.Marine, null, null, BotLevel.Adept, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.Ripper, null, null, BotLevel.Adept, player._state); break; } } break; //3 - Train 1 Elite ($1500) case 3: { if (player.Cash < 1500) { player.sendMessage(-1, "Insufficient funds for this option"); return(false); } player.Cash -= 1500; player.sendMessage(0, "Unit Ready"); player.syncState(); switch (type) { case DefenseProduction.Marine: newUnit(BotType.EliteMarine, null, null, BotLevel.Elite, player._state); break; case DefenseProduction.Ripper: newUnit(BotType.EliteHeavy, null, null, BotLevel.Elite, player._state); break; } } break; } return(false); }