Пример #1
        public SayShowModel(ListView listView, IMessageAdd messageAdd, byte type, long fromId = -1, string target = null)
            ListMessages           = new ObservableRangeCollection <MessageTable>();
            messageAdd.MessageAdd += MessageAdd_MessageAdd;

            Current = DependencyService.Get <ClientService>().Client;
            Log     = new DefaultLog(Current.GetLogger <SayShowModel>());
            Loading(type, fromId);

            this.type         = type;
            this.fromId       = fromId;
            this.ShowListView = listView;
            SelectItemCommand = new Command(() => { });
            SendCommand       = new Command(async() =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutText))
                        var(succ, msg) = await Current.Get <IServer>().Say(fromId, OutText);

                        if (!succ)
                            var database = DependencyService.Get <ChaTDataBaseManager>();

                            if (type != 0)
                                var t_msg = new MessageTable()
                                    FromId         = messageAdd.My.UserId,
                                    FromName       = messageAdd.My.NickName,
                                    TargetId       = fromId,
                                    TargetName     = target,
                                    MessageContext = OutText,
                                    MsgType        = type,
                                    Time           = DateTime.Now

                                await database.SaveMessage(t_msg);


                            OutText = null;
                catch (Exception er)
Пример #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init KLog
            DefaultLog.Log = new ColouredConsoleLog(LogLevel.All);

            DefaultLog.Info("Tweetinvi Request Signer Demo Application");

            // Set up Remote Authorisation
            Requester.ServerUrl = "http://localhost:50154/";

            // Set up credentials as you usually would for Tweetinvi, just using null for the consumer secret
            Auth.SetUserCredentials(CONSUMER_KEY, null,
                                    CLIENT_TOKEN, CLIENT_SECRET);

            // Send a request to Twitter
            IEnumerable <ITweet> tweets = Search.SearchTweets("test");

            // Check response
            if (tweets == null)
                DefaultLog.Error("An error occurred whilst running the search");

                IEnumerable <ITwitterException> exceptions = ExceptionHandler.GetExceptions();
                foreach (ITwitterException e in exceptions)
                    DefaultLog.Error("Tweetinvi Twitter Exception:\n{0}", e);
                DefaultLog.Info("Successfully fetched {0} Tweets", tweets.Count());
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the original "LoadDb" method. It downloads the id's for everything in the database, then uses the
        /// corresponding class' "DbSelect" method to download the rest of the data. With many (thousands) of records,
        /// this was very slow. My hypothesis is that since this process involves opening, closing and disposing of
        /// thousands of connections, this could be quite taxing. Therfore I have decided to redesign the method.
        /// Classes will now have a protected constructor method which takes all of it's properties. The method will
        /// get all of the properties for each object usint one Sql query for each and a single connection for all!
        /// I think this will be much more efficient and therfore significantly quicker. Let's see!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static bool LoadDb()
            DefaultLog.Info("Loading all data from database");
            //bool Success = true;

            string CurrentAction = "";

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
                    CurrentAction = "opening connection";
                    DefaultLog.Info("Connection opened");


                    bool SelectPeople()
                        CurrentAction = "getting ALL People from database";
                        SqlCommand GetPeople = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM t_People;", conn);

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = GetPeople.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                Guid   TempId           = new Guid(reader[0].ToString());
                                Guid   TempGovernmentId = new Guid(reader[1].ToString());
                                string TempForename     = reader[2].ToString();
                                string TempSurname      = reader[3].ToString();

                                DataStore.People.Add(new Person(TempId, TempForename, TempSurname, TempGovernmentId));

                        DefaultLog.Info("ALL People downloaded from database");

                    bool SelectGovernments()
                        CurrentAction = "getting ALL Governments from database";
                        SqlCommand GetGovernments = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM t_Governments;", conn);

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = GetGovernments.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                Guid TempId = new Guid(reader[0].ToString());

                                string TempName = reader[2].ToString();

                                Guid TempPresidentId = new Guid(reader[0].ToString());

                                Person TempPresident = null;

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL Governments from database - Getting President from BankAPI.People";
                                int PresidentIndex = DataStore.People.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempPresidentId.ToString());

                                if (PresidentIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The Government's President has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of President.");

                                    TempPresident = DataStore.People[PresidentIndex];
                                    /*throw new Exception("The Government's President has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                     *  "All People *should* already have been loaded.");*/
                                    //Got rid of this because not all Governments have a
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The Government either has no President OR the Government's President has not " +
                                                    "already been loaded from the database. ");

                                Government TempGovernment;
                                if (TempPresident != null)
                                    TempGovernment = new Government(TempId, TempName, TempPresident);
                                    TempGovernment = new Government(TempId, TempName);

                        DefaultLog.Info("ALL Governments downloaded from database");

                    bool SelectBusinesses()
                        CurrentAction = "getting businesses";
                        SqlCommand GetBusinesses = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM t_Businesses;", conn);

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = GetBusinesses.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                Guid TempId = new Guid(reader[0].ToString());

                                Guid       TempGovernmentId = new Guid(reader[3].ToString());
                                Government TempGovernment;

                                string TempOwnerId = reader[2].ToString();
                                Person TempOwner;

                                string TempName = reader[1].ToString();

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL Businesses from database - Getting Business's Government from BankAPI.Governments";
                                int GovernmentIndex = DataStore.Governments.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempGovernmentId.ToString());

                                if (GovernmentIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The Business's Government has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of Government.");

                                    TempGovernment = DataStore.Governments[GovernmentIndex];
                                    throw new Exception("The Business's Government has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                        "All Governments *should* already have been loaded.");

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL Businesses from database - Getting Business's owner from BusinessAPI.People";
                                int BusinessOwnerIndex = DataStore.People.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempOwnerId.ToString());

                                if (BusinessOwnerIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The Business's owner has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of owner.");

                                    TempOwner = DataStore.People[BusinessOwnerIndex];
                                    throw new Exception("The Business's owner has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                        "All People *should* already have been loaded.");
                                DataStore.Businesses.Add(new Business(TempId, TempGovernment, TempOwner, TempName));
                        DefaultLog.Info("Businesses downloaded (excluding banks which were already downloaded)");

                        DefaultLog.Debug("BUSINESS ID'S START");
                        foreach (Business MyBusiness in DataStore.Businesses)
                            DefaultLog.Debug("BusinessId  = " + MyBusiness.Id);
                        DefaultLog.Debug("BUSINESS ID'S END");

                    bool SelectBanks()
                        CurrentAction = "getting banks";
                        SqlCommand GetBanks = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM t_Banks;", conn);

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = GetBanks.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                Guid     TempId = new Guid(reader[0].ToString());
                                Business TempMyBusiness;
                                decimal  TempSavingsInterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader[1]);
                                decimal  TempLoanInterestRate    = Convert.ToDecimal(reader[2]);

                                DefaultLog.Debug("Searching for business with Id = " + TempId);

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL Banks from database - Getting Bank's Business from BankAPI.Businesses";
                                int BusinessIndex = DataStore.Businesses.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempId.ToString());
                                //DefaultLog.Debug("TempId = " + TempId);
                                if (BusinessIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The Bank's Business has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of Business.");

                                    TempMyBusiness = DataStore.Businesses[BusinessIndex];
                                    DefaultLog.Debug("BusinessIndex = " + BusinessIndex);
                                    throw new Exception("The Bank's Business has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                        "All Businesses *should* already have been loaded.");
                                DataStore.Banks.Add(new Bank(TempMyBusiness, TempSavingsInterestRate, TempLoanInterestRate));
                                DefaultLog.Info("Removing Bank's Business from _Businesses");
                        DefaultLog.Info("ALL Banks downloaded from database");

                    bool SelectPersonalAccounts()
                        CurrentAction = "getting ALL PersonalAccounts from database";
                        SqlCommand GetPersonalAccounts = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM t_Accounts WHERE IsBusiness = 'false';",

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = GetPersonalAccounts.ExecuteReader())
                            DefaultLog.Debug("ALL BANKS START");
                            foreach (Bank MyBank in DataStore.Banks)
                                DefaultLog.Debug("Id = " + MyBank.Id);
                            DefaultLog.Debug("ALL BANKS END");

                            while (reader.Read())
                                Guid TempPersonalAccountId;

                                Guid TempBankId;
                                Bank TempBank;

                                Guid   TempOwnerId;
                                Person TempOwner;

                                int  TempBal;
                                bool TempIsActive;
                                //bool TempIsBusiness = false; N/A, defined by datatype

                                TempPersonalAccountId = new Guid(reader[0].ToString());
                                TempBankId            = new Guid(reader[1].ToString());
                                TempOwnerId           = new Guid(reader[2].ToString());
                                TempBal      = Convert.ToInt32(reader[3]);
                                TempIsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(reader[4]);
                                //_IsBusiness = Convert.ToBoolean(reader[5]); N/A, defined by datatype

                                DefaultLog.Debug("TempBankId = " + TempBankId);

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL PersonalAccounts from database - Getting PersonalAccount's Bank from BankAPI.Banks";
                                int BankIndex = DataStore.Banks.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempBankId.ToString());

                                 * //Console.WriteLine(BankAPI.Banks[BankIndex].Name);
                                 * Console.ReadLine();*/

                                if (BankIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The PersonalAccount's Bank has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of Bank.");

                                    TempBank = DataStore.Banks[BankIndex];
                                    throw new Exception("The PersonalAccount's Bank has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                        "All Banks *should* already have been loaded.");

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL PersonalAccounts from database - Getting PersonalAccount's Owner from BankAPI.People";
                                int BusinessOwnerIndex = DataStore.People.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempOwnerId.ToString());

                                if (BusinessOwnerIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The PersonalAccount's owner has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of owner.");

                                    TempOwner = DataStore.People[BusinessOwnerIndex];
                                    throw new Exception("The PersonalAccount's owner has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                        "All People *should* already have been loaded.");
                                DataStore.PersonalAccounts.Add(new PersonalAccount(TempPersonalAccountId, TempBank, TempOwner, TempBal,
                        DefaultLog.Info("ALL PersonalAccounts downloaded from database");

                    bool SelectBusinessAccounts()
                        CurrentAction = "getting ALL BusinessAccounts from database";
                        SqlCommand GetBusinessAccounts = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM t_Accounts WHERE IsBusiness = 'true';",

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = GetBusinessAccounts.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                Guid TempBusinessAccountId;

                                Guid TempBankId;
                                Bank TempBank;

                                Guid     TempBusinessId;
                                Business TempBusiness;

                                int  TempBal;
                                bool TempIsActive;
                                //bool TempIsBusiness = true; N/A, defined by datatype

                                TempBusinessAccountId = new Guid(reader[0].ToString());
                                TempBankId            = new Guid(reader[1].ToString());
                                TempBusinessId        = new Guid(reader[2].ToString());
                                TempBal      = Convert.ToInt32(reader[3]);
                                TempIsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(reader[4]);
                                //_IsBusiness = Convert.ToBoolean(reader[5]); N/A, defined by datatype

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL BusinessAccounts from database - Getting BusinessAccount's Bank from BankAPI.Banks";
                                int BankIndex = DataStore.Banks.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempBankId.ToString());

                                if (BankIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The BusinessAccount's Bank has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of Bank.");

                                    TempBank = DataStore.Banks[BankIndex];
                                    throw new Exception("The BusinessAccount's Bank has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                        "All Banks *should* already have been loaded.");

                                CurrentAction = "getting ALL BusinessAccounts from database - Getting BusinessAccount's Business from BankAPI.Businesses";
                                int BusinessOwnerIndex = DataStore.Businesses.FindIndex(f => f.Id.ToString() == TempBusinessId.ToString());

                                if (BusinessOwnerIndex >= 0)
                                    DefaultLog.Info("The BusinessAccount's Business has already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                    "Using this instance of Business.");

                                    TempBusiness = DataStore.Businesses[BusinessOwnerIndex];
                                    throw new Exception("The BusinessAccount's Business has not already been loaded from the database. " +
                                                        "All Businesses *should* already have been loaded.");
                                DataStore.BusinessAccounts.Add(new BusinessAccount(TempBusinessAccountId, TempBank, TempBusiness, TempBal,
                        DefaultLog.Info("All BusinessAccounts downloaded from database");
            catch (Exception e)
                DefaultLog.Error("There was an exception while " + CurrentAction);
                DefaultLog.Error("Exception = " + e);
            DefaultLog.Info("All data loaded from database successfully!");
            DefaultLog.Info(String.Format("{0} personal accounts, {1} business accounts, " +
                                          "{3} businesses of which {2} are banks, " +
                                          "{4} people & {5} governments", DataStore.PersonalAccounts.Count(), DataStore.BusinessAccounts.Count(), DataStore.Banks.Count(),
                                          DataStore.Businesses.Count(), DataStore.People.Count(), DataStore.Governments.Count()));