public GraveDiggerDef Named(string name) => DefDatabase <GraveDiggerDef> .GetNamed(name);
public static Pawn MakePawnFromGenomeSequence(GenomeSequence genomeSequence, Thing creator) { //int adultAge = (int)genome.pawnKindDef.RaceProps.lifeStageAges.Last().minAge; PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest( genomeSequence.pawnKindDef, faction: creator.Faction, forceGenerateNewPawn: true, canGeneratePawnRelations: false, fixedGender: genomeSequence.gender, fixedBiologicalAge: 0, fixedChronologicalAge: 0, allowFood: false); Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); //No pregenerated equipment. pawn?.equipment?.DestroyAllEquipment(); pawn?.apparel?.DestroyAll(); pawn?.inventory?.DestroyAll(); //No pregenerated hediffs.; //Set everything else. if (pawn.story is Pawn_StoryTracker storyTracker) { storyTracker.bodyType = genomeSequence.bodyType; storyTracker.crownType = genomeSequence.crownType; storyTracker.hairColor = genomeSequence.hairColor; storyTracker.hairDef = ?? PawnHairChooser.RandomHairDefFor(pawn, pawn.Faction.def); storyTracker.melanin = genomeSequence.skinMelanin; //headGraphicPath is private, so we need Harmony to set its value if (genomeSequence.headGraphicPath != null) { AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_StoryTracker), "headGraphicPath").SetValue(storyTracker, genomeSequence.headGraphicPath); } else { //could use this code to make a random head, instead of the static graphic paths. //AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_StoryTracker), "headGraphicPath").SetValue(storyTracker, //GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetHeadRandom(genomeSequence.gender, PawnSkinColors.GetSkinColor(genomeSequence.skinMelanin), genomeSequence.crownType).GraphicPath); string path = genomeSequence.gender == Gender.Male ? "Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Heads/Male/Male_Average_Normal" : "Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Heads/Female/Female_Narrow_Normal"; AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_StoryTracker), "headGraphicPath").SetValue(storyTracker, path); } storyTracker.traits.allTraits.Clear(); foreach (ExposedTraitEntry trait in genomeSequence.traits) { //storyTracker.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(trait.def,; storyTracker.traits.allTraits.Add(new Trait(trait.def,; if (pawn.workSettings != null) { pawn.workSettings.Notify_GainedTrait(); } if (pawn.skills != null) { pawn.skills.Notify_SkillDisablesChanged(); } if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.situational.Notify_SituationalThoughtsDirty(); } } //Give random vatgrown backstory. storyTracker.childhood = DefDatabase <BackstoryDef> .GetNamed("Backstory_ColonyVatgrown").GetFromDatabase(); storyTracker.adulthood = null; //Dirty hack ahoy! AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_StoryTracker), "cachedDisabledWorkTypes").SetValue(storyTracker, null); //typeof(Pawn_StoryTracker).GetField("cachedDisabledWorkTypes", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(storyTracker, null); //typeof(PawnGenerator).GetMethod("GenerateSkills", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod).Invoke(null, new object[] { pawn }); } if (pawn.skills is Pawn_SkillTracker skillsTracker) { foreach (SkillRecord skill in skillsTracker.skills) { skill.Level = 0; skill.passion = Passion.None; skill.Notify_SkillDisablesChanged(); } List <SkillRecord> skillPassions = new List <SkillRecord>(); int skillsPicked = 0; int iterations = 0; //Pick 4 random skills to give minor passions to. while (skillsPicked < 4 && iterations < 1000) { SkillRecord randomSkill = skillsTracker.skills.RandomElement(); if (!skillPassions.Contains(randomSkill)) { skillPassions.Add(randomSkill); randomSkill.passion = Passion.Minor; skillsPicked++; } iterations++; } skillsPicked = 0; iterations = 0; //Pick 2 random skills to give major passions to. while (skillsPicked < 2 && iterations < 1000) { SkillRecord randomSkill = skillsTracker.skills.RandomElement(); if (!skillPassions.Contains(randomSkill)) { skillPassions.Add(randomSkill); randomSkill.passion = Passion.Major; skillsPicked++; } iterations++; } } if (pawn.workSettings is Pawn_WorkSettings workSettings) { workSettings.EnableAndInitialize(); } //Alien Races compatibility. if (CompatibilityTracker.AlienRacesActive) { AlienRaceCompat.SetFieldsToAlienComp(pawn, genomeSequence); } PortraitsCache.SetDirty(pawn); PortraitsCache.PortraitsCacheUpdate(); //Add Hediff marking them as a clone.; return(pawn); }
public static StatDef Named(string defName) { return(DefDatabase <StatDef> .GetNamed(defName)); }
public static void DestroyConduitWithHF(Building __instance, DestroyMode mode) { Thing thing = __instance?.Position.GetThingList(__instance.Map).Find(x => x.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("PowerConduitHF")); if (thing != null && mode == DestroyMode.Deconstruct) { thing.DeSpawn(DestroyMode.Vanish); } }
public override IEnumerable <FloatMenuOption> GetFloatMenuOptions(Pawn myPawn) { List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); IEnumerable <FloatMenuOption> result; if (!myPawn.CanReserve(this)) { FloatMenuOption item = new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseReserved".Translate(), null); result = new List <FloatMenuOption> { item }; } else { if (!myPawn.CanReach(this, PathEndMode.Touch, Danger.Some)) { FloatMenuOption item2 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseNoPath".Translate(), null); result = new List <FloatMenuOption> { item2 }; } else { List <Thing> allspawnedbooks = this.Map.listerThings.AllThings.FindAll(x => x.GetType() == typeof(ReadableBooks)); for (int i = 0; i < allspawnedbooks.Count; i++) { Thing current = allspawnedbooks[i]; Action storebook = delegate { Job newjob = new Job(DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamed("AddBookToLibrary"), current, this); myPawn.QueueJob(newjob);; myPawn.Reserve(this); }; list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("AddBookToLibrary".Translate(new object[] { current.LabelCap }), storebook)); } if (StoredBooks.Count <= 0) { FloatMenuOption item3 = new FloatMenuOption("NoStoryBooks".Translate(), null); list.Add(item3); } else { Action action = delegate { Job newJob = new Job(DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamed("SitAndRead"), this); myPawn.QueueJob(newJob);; pawn = myPawn; myPawn.Reserve(this); }; list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("ReadABook".Translate(), action)); } } } result = list; return(result); }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { // Just on the off-chance the rock is on fire... this.FailOnBurningImmobile(TargetIndex.A); // Reserve the target yield return(Toils_Reserve.Reserve(TargetIndex.A)); // Go to the target Toil toilGoto = Toils_Goto.GotoCell(TargetIndex.A, PathEndMode.Touch); // Fail going to the target if it becomes unreachable ToilFailConditions.FailOn <Toil>(toilGoto, (Func <bool>)(() => { if (Reachability.CanReach(pawn, (TargetInfo)TargetLocA, PathEndMode.Touch, pawn.NormalMaxDanger())) { return(false); } return(true); })); yield return(toilGoto); // Now the work toil itself Toil toilWork = new Toil { // Continue until done defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never, // When the job starts... initAction = new Action(() => { smoothTicks = 0; }), // The work tick tickAction = new Action(() => { if (pawn.skills != null) { const float constructionXP = 0.11f / 5f; const float miningXP = 0.11f / 5f; const float artisticXP = 0.11f / 5f; pawn.skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Construction, constructionXP); pawn.skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Mining, miningXP); pawn.skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Artistic, artisticXP); } smoothTicks += 1; if (smoothTicks < nextSmoothStrike) { return; } // Reset counter, damage rock smoothTicks = 0; mineable.HitPoints -= DamagePerStrike; }) }; // When should we stop? toilWork.endConditions.Add((Func <JobCondition>)(() => { // Go until the rock is fully damaged if (mineable.HitPoints > 0) { return(JobCondition.Ongoing); } return(JobCondition.Succeeded); })); // Do something when done toilWork.AddFinishAction(new Action(() => { // If the job failed, abort if (mineable.HitPoints > 0) { return; } // Clear the designation at this cell Common.RemoveDesignationDefOfAt(SmoothWall.designationDef, TargetA.Cell); // Better have associated stone blocks... string blocksDef = "Blocks" + mineable.def.defName; ThingDef stoneBlocks = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(blocksDef, true); // Replace the rock with a stone wall var wallThing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(SmoothWall.thingDef, stoneBlocks); if (wallThing != null) { var wall = GenSpawn.Spawn(wallThing, TargetA.Cell); if (wall != null) { wall.SetFaction(Faction.OfColony); } } })); // Some fun sounds while working ToilEffects.WithSustainer(toilWork, (Func <SoundDef>)(() => { return(SmoothWall.soundDef); })); // Some fun effects while working ToilEffects.WithEffect(toilWork, "Mine", TargetIndex.A); yield return(toilWork); // And we're done. yield break; }
public CorpseJobDef Named(string searchedDN) => DefDatabase <CorpseJobDef> .GetNamed(searchedDN);
public override void DefsLoaded() { if (ModIsActive) { /* Mod settings */ toggleEmpathy = Settings.GetHandle <bool>("EnableEmpathy", "EmpathyChangesTitle".Translate(), "EmpathyChangesTooltip".Translate(), true); toggleKinsey = Settings.GetHandle <bool>("EnableSexuality", "SexualityChangesTitle".Translate(), "SexualityChangesTooltip".Translate(), true); kinseyMode = Settings.GetHandle <KinseyMode>("KinseyMode", "KinseyModeTitle".Translate(), "KinseyModeTooltip".Translate(), KinseyMode.Realistic, null, "KinseyMode_"); toggleIndividuality = Settings.GetHandle <bool>("EnableIndividuality", "IndividualityTitle".Translate(), "IndividualityTooltip".Translate(), true); toggleElections = Settings.GetHandle <bool>("EnableElections", "ElectionsTitle".Translate(), "ElectionsTooltip".Translate(), true); conversationDuration = Settings.GetHandle <float>("ConversationDuration", "DurationTitle".Translate(), "DurationTooltip".Translate(), 60f, (String s) => float.Parse(s) >= 15f && float.Parse(s) <= 180f); toggleDateLetters = Settings.GetHandle <bool>("SendDateLetters", "SendDateLettersTitle".Translate(), "SendDateLettersTooltip".Translate(), true); toggleBenchmarking = Settings.GetHandle <bool>("Benchmarking", "BenchmarkingTitle".Translate(), "BenchmarkingTooltip".Translate(), false); kinsey = toggleKinsey.Value; notBabyMode = toggleIndividuality.Value; elections = toggleElections.Value; dateLetters = toggleDateLetters.Value; benchmark = toggleBenchmarking.Value; convoDuration = conversationDuration.Value; if (PsychologyBase.ActivateKinsey()) { mode = kinseyMode.Value; } /* Mod conflict detection */ TraitDef bisexual = DefDatabase <TraitDef> .GetNamedSilentFail("Bisexual"); TraitDef asexual = DefDatabase <TraitDef> .GetNamedSilentFail("Asexual"); if (bisexual != null || asexual != null || !toggleKinsey) { if (toggleKinsey) { Logger.Message("KinseyDisable".Translate()); } kinsey = false; } /* Conditional vanilla Def edits */ ThoughtDef knowGuestExecuted = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowGuestExecuted", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowGuestExecuted != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowGuestExecuted = ModifyThoughtStages(knowGuestExecuted, new int[] { -1, -2, -4, -5 }); } ThoughtDef knowColonistExecuted = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowColonistExecuted", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowColonistExecuted != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowColonistExecuted = ModifyThoughtStages(knowColonistExecuted, new int[] { -1, -2, -4, -5 }); } ThoughtDef knowPrisonerDiedInnocent = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowPrisonerDiedInnocent", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowPrisonerDiedInnocent != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowPrisonerDiedInnocent = ModifyThoughtStages(knowPrisonerDiedInnocent, new int[] { -4 }); } ThoughtDef knowColonistDied = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowColonistDied", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowColonistDied != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowColonistDied = ModifyThoughtStages(knowColonistDied, new int[] { -2 }); } ThoughtDef colonistAbandoned = AddNullifyingTraits("ColonistBanished", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (colonistAbandoned != null && toggleEmpathy) { colonistAbandoned = ModifyThoughtStages(colonistAbandoned, new int[] { -2 }); } ThoughtDef colonistAbandonedToDie = AddNullifyingTraits("ColonistBanishedToDie", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (colonistAbandonedToDie != null && toggleEmpathy) { colonistAbandonedToDie = ModifyThoughtStages(colonistAbandonedToDie, new int[] { -4 }); } ThoughtDef prisonerAbandonedToDie = AddNullifyingTraits("PrisonerBanishedToDie", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (prisonerAbandonedToDie != null && toggleEmpathy) { prisonerAbandonedToDie = ModifyThoughtStages(prisonerAbandonedToDie, new int[] { -3 }); } ThoughtDef knowPrisonerSold = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowPrisonerSold", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowPrisonerSold != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowPrisonerSold = ModifyThoughtStages(knowPrisonerSold, new int[] { -4 }); } ThoughtDef knowGuestOrganHarvested = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowGuestOrganHarvested", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowGuestOrganHarvested != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowGuestOrganHarvested = ModifyThoughtStages(knowGuestOrganHarvested, new int[] { -4 }); } ThoughtDef knowColonistOrganHarvested = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowColonistOrganHarvested", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowColonistOrganHarvested != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowColonistOrganHarvested = ModifyThoughtStages(knowColonistOrganHarvested, new int[] { -4 }); } ThoughtDef beauty = AddNullifyingTraits("KnowColonistOrganHarvested", new TraitDef[] { TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart }); if (knowColonistOrganHarvested != null && toggleEmpathy) { knowColonistOrganHarvested = ModifyThoughtStages(knowColonistOrganHarvested, new int[] { -4 }); } /* ThingDef injection reworked by notfood */ var zombieThinkTree = DefDatabase <ThinkTreeDef> .GetNamedSilentFail("Zombie"); IEnumerable <ThingDef> things = ( from def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where typeof(Pawn).IsAssignableFrom(def.thingClass) && def.race?.intelligence == Intelligence.Humanlike && !def.defName.Contains("AIPawn") && (zombieThinkTree == null || def.race.thinkTreeMain != zombieThinkTree) select def ); List <string> registered = new List <string>(); foreach (ThingDef t in things) { if (t.inspectorTabsResolved == null) { t.inspectorTabsResolved = new List <InspectTabBase>(1); } t.inspectorTabsResolved.Add(InspectTabManager.GetSharedInstance(typeof(ITab_Pawn_Psyche))); if ( == null) { = new List <RecipeDef>(6); };;;;;; if (t.comps == null) { t.comps = new List <CompProperties>(1); } t.comps.Add(new CompProperties_Psychology()); if (!t.race.hediffGiverSets.NullOrEmpty()) { if (t.race.hediffGiverSets.Contains(DefDatabase <HediffGiverSetDef> .GetNamed("OrganicStandard"))) { t.race.hediffGiverSets.Add(DefDatabase <HediffGiverSetDef> .GetNamed("OrganicPsychology")); } } registered.Add(t.defName); } if (Prefs.DevMode && Prefs.LogVerbose) { Log.Message("Psychology :: Registered " + string.Join(", ", registered.ToArray())); } /* * Now to enjoy the benefits of having made a popular mod! * This will be our little secret. */ Traverse.Create(child).Field("bodyTypeMale").SetValue("Male"); Traverse.Create(child).Field("bodyTypeFemale").SetValue("Female"); child.slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood; child.SetTitle("Child soldier", "Child soldier"); child.SetTitleShort("Scout", "Scout"); child.baseDesc = "[PAWN_nameDef] was born into a dictatorial outlander society on a nearby rimworld. Their chief export was war, and [PAWN_pronoun] was conscripted at a young age into the military to serve as a scout due to [PAWN_possessive] runner's build. [PAWN_pronoun] learned how to use a gun, patch wounds on the battlefield, and communicate with [PAWN_possessive] squad. It was there [PAWN_pronoun] earned [PAWN_possessive] nickname."; Traverse.Create(child).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Shooting", 4); Traverse.Create(child).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Medicine", 2); Traverse.Create(child).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Social", 1); child.requiredWorkTags = WorkTags.Violent; child.shuffleable = false; child.PostLoad(); child.ResolveReferences(); Backstory adultMale = new Backstory(); Traverse.Create(adultMale).Field("bodyTypeMale").SetValue("Male"); Traverse.Create(adultMale).Field("bodyTypeFemale").SetValue("Female"); adultMale.slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood; adultMale.SetTitle("Missing in action", "Missing in action"); adultMale.SetTitleShort("Ex-P.O.W.", "Ex-P.O.W."); adultMale.baseDesc = "Eventually, [PAWN_pronoun] was captured on a mission by one of [PAWN_possessive] faction's many enemies. [PAWN_pronoun] was tortured for information, the techniques of which [PAWN_pronoun] never forgot. When they could get no more out of [PAWN_objective], [PAWN_pronoun] was sent to a prison camp, where [PAWN_pronoun] worked for years before staging an escape and fleeing into civilization."; Traverse.Create(adultMale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Crafting", 4); Traverse.Create(adultMale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Construction", 3); Traverse.Create(adultMale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Mining", 2); Traverse.Create(adultMale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Social", 1); adultMale.spawnCategories = new List <string>(); adultMale.spawnCategories.AddRange(new string[] { "Civil", "Raider", "Slave", "Trader", "Traveler" }); adultMale.shuffleable = false; adultMale.PostLoad(); adultMale.ResolveReferences(); Backstory adultFemale = new Backstory(); Traverse.Create(adultFemale).Field("bodyTypeMale").SetValue("Male"); Traverse.Create(adultFemale).Field("bodyTypeFemale").SetValue("Female"); adultFemale.slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood; adultFemale.SetTitle("Battlefield medic", "Battlefield medic"); adultFemale.SetTitleShort("Medic", "Medic"); adultFemale.baseDesc = "[PAWN_pronoun] continued to serve in the military, being promoted through the ranks as [PAWN_possessive] skill increased. [PAWN_pronoun] learned how to treat more serious wounds as [PAWN_possessive] role slowly transitioned from scout to medic, as well as how to make good use of army rations. [PAWN_pronoun] built good rapport with [PAWN_possessive] squad as a result."; Traverse.Create(adultFemale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Shooting", 4); Traverse.Create(adultFemale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Medicine", 3); Traverse.Create(adultFemale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Cooking", 2); Traverse.Create(adultFemale).Field("skillGains").GetValue <Dictionary <string, int> >().Add("Social", 1); adultFemale.spawnCategories = new List <string>(); adultFemale.spawnCategories.AddRange(new string[] { "Civil", "Raider", "Slave", "Trader", "Traveler" }); adultFemale.shuffleable = false; adultFemale.PostLoad(); adultFemale.ResolveReferences(); PawnBio male = new PawnBio(); male.childhood = child; male.adulthood = adultMale; male.gender = GenderPossibility.Male; = NameTriple.FromString("Jason 'Jackal' Tarai"); male.PostLoad(); SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(male); PawnBio female = new PawnBio(); female.childhood = child; female.adulthood = adultFemale; female.gender = GenderPossibility.Female; = NameTriple.FromString("Elizabeth 'Eagle' Tarai"); female.PostLoad(); SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(female); BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(child); BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(adultMale); BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(adultFemale); } }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { // Set fail conditions this.EndOnDespawnedOrNull(TargetIndex.A, JobCondition.Incompletable); // Reference the tick manager so Find isn't constantly called TickManager tickMan = Find.TickManager; // Go to the bench yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoCell(BenchInd, PathEndMode.OnCell)); // Set up the toil JobDef joyJob = DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamed("ZEN_SitAtScenicBench"); Toil sitAtBench = new Toil() { socialMode = RandomSocialMode.Normal, initAction = () => { surroundingBeauty = BeautyUtility.AverageBeautyPerceptible(pawn.Position, Map); }, tickAction = () => { * 0.000144f, joyJob.joyKind); / 2f, 0.3f), 2.5f) * 0.000144f, joyJob.joyKind); // Gain comfort from sitting on the bench pawn.GainComfortFromCellIfPossible(); // Occasionally look in a different direction, observing the surroundings if (tickMan.TicksGame % 250 == 0) { pawn.rotationTracker.FaceCell(GenAdj.RandomAdjacentCellCardinal(pawn.Position)); } // End this job once the pawn has maxed out their joy if ( > 0.9999f) {; } }, defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay, defaultDuration = job.def.joyDuration }; sitAtBench.AddFinishAction(() => { Thought_Memory memory; // If the scenery was very beautiful, give a better memory, if (surroundingBeauty > 5f) { memory = (Thought_Memory)ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(ThoughtDef.Named("ZEN_EnjoyedBeautifulScenery")); } // or if the scenery was okay, give a normal memory, else if (surroundingBeauty > 0) { memory = (Thought_Memory)ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(ThoughtDef.Named("ZEN_EnjoyedScenery")); } // otherwise, give a bad memory else { memory = (Thought_Memory)ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(ThoughtDef.Named("ZEN_DidNotEnjoyScenery")); } pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(memory); }); // Sit at the bench, enjoying the scenery yield return(sitAtBench); }
public static Comparison <Thing> GetBMixComparer(Thing billGiver, IntVec3 rootCell, Bill bill, out bool rnd) { rnd = false; string BMixMode = "DIS"; bool BMixDebugBench = false; if (IsValidForComp(billGiver)) { CompBestMix compBM = billGiver.TryGetComp <CompBestMix>(); if (compBM != null) { //BMixMode = compBM.CurMode; BMixMode = BMBillUtility.UseBMixMode(compBM, billGiver, bill); BMixDebugBench = compBM.BMixDebug; } } Comparison <Thing> comparison = null; switch (BMixMode) { case "DIS": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (t1.Position - rootCell).LengthHorizontalSquared; float value = (t2.Position - rootCell).LengthHorizontalSquared; return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "DTR": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float maxdtr = 72000000; float t1dtr = maxdtr; CompRottable t1comp = t1.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (t1comp != null) { t1dtr = t1comp.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp; } float t2dtr = maxdtr; CompRottable t2comp = t2.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (t2comp != null) { t2dtr = t2comp.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp; } float num = (t1dtr); float value = (t2dtr); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "HPT": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = 0f; if (t2.def.useHitPoints) { num = (((float)(t2.MaxHitPoints - t2.HitPoints)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, t2.MaxHitPoints)))); } float value = 0f; if (t1.def.useHitPoints) { value = (((float)(t1.MaxHitPoints - t1.HitPoints)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, t1.MaxHitPoints)))); } return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "RHP": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = 0f; if (t2.def.useHitPoints) { num = (((float)(t2.HitPoints)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, t2.MaxHitPoints)))); } float value = 0f; if (t1.def.useHitPoints) { value = (((float)(t1.HitPoints)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, t1.MaxHitPoints)))); } return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "VLC": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (0f - t2.MarketValue); float value = (0f - t1.MarketValue); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "VLE": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.MarketValue; float value = t1.MarketValue; return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "TMP": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.AmbientTemperature; float value = t1.AmbientTemperature; return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "FRZ": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (0f - t2.AmbientTemperature); float value = (0f - t1.AmbientTemperature); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "BIT": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (((float)(t2.def.stackLimit)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, t2.stackCount)))); float value = (((float)(t1.def.stackLimit)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, t1.stackCount)))); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "MST": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = GetStockAmount(t2, billGiver, rootCell, bill); float value = GetStockAmount(t1, billGiver, rootCell, bill); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "LST": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = GetStockAmount(t1, billGiver, rootCell, bill); float value = GetStockAmount(t2, billGiver, rootCell, bill); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "RND": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = RNDFloat(); float value = RNDFloat(); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; rnd = true; break; case "BTY": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty)); if ((t2.def?.stuffProps != null) && (t2.def?.stuffProps?.statOffsets != null)) { if (t2.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.StatListContains(StatDefOf.Beauty)) { num += t2.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.GetStatOffsetFromList(StatDefOf.Beauty); } } float value = (t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty)); if ((t1.def?.stuffProps != null) && (t1.def?.stuffProps?.statOffsets != null)) { if (t1.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.StatListContains(StatDefOf.Beauty)) { value += t1.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.GetStatOffsetFromList(StatDefOf.Beauty); } } return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "UGY": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (0f - (t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty))); if ((t2.def?.stuffProps != null) && (t2.def?.stuffProps?.statOffsets != null)) { if (t2.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.StatListContains(StatDefOf.Beauty)) { num -= t2.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.GetStatOffsetFromList(StatDefOf.Beauty); } } float value = (0f - (t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty))); if ((t1.def?.stuffProps != null) && (t1.def?.stuffProps?.statOffsets != null)) { if (t1.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.StatListContains(StatDefOf.Beauty)) { value -= t1.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.GetStatOffsetFromList(StatDefOf.Beauty); } } return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "HVY": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "LGT": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (0f - t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass)); float value = (0f - t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass)); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "FLM": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Flammability); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Flammability); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "PTB": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Blunt); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Blunt); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "PTS": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Sharp); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Sharp); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "PTH": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Heat); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Heat); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "PTE": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = 0f; float value = 0f; StatDef protElectric = DefDatabase <StatDef> .GetNamed(ProtElectricStat, false); if (protElectric != null) { num = t2.GetStatValue(protElectric); value = t1.GetStatValue(protElectric); } return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "INH": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Insulation_Heat); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Insulation_Heat); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "INC": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Insulation_Cold); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Insulation_Cold); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "WSP": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.SharpDamageMultiplier); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.SharpDamageMultiplier); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; case "WBT": comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = t2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.BluntDamageMultiplier); float value = t1.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.BluntDamageMultiplier); return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; default: comparison = delegate(Thing t1, Thing t2) { float num = (t1.Position - rootCell).LengthHorizontalSquared; float value = (t2.Position - rootCell).LengthHorizontalSquared; return(num.CompareTo(value)); }; break; } return(comparison); }
public static string MakeDebugString(int indx, Thing thing, Thing billGiver, IntVec3 rootCell, Bill bill, string BMixMode) { float stat = 0f; switch (BMixMode) { case "DIS": stat = (thing.Position - rootCell).LengthHorizontalSquared; break; case "DTR": float maxdtr = 72000000; float thingdtr = maxdtr; CompRottable thingcomp = thing.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (thingcomp != null) { thingdtr = thingcomp.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp; } stat = (maxdtr - thingdtr); break; case "HPT": stat = 0f; if (thing.def.useHitPoints) { stat = (((float)(thing.MaxHitPoints - thing.HitPoints)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, thing.MaxHitPoints)))); } break; case "RHP": stat = 0f; if (thing.def.useHitPoints) { stat = (((float)(thing.HitPoints)) / ((float)(Math.Max(1, thing.MaxHitPoints)))); } break; case "VLC": stat = (0f - thing.MarketValue); break; case "VLE": stat = thing.MarketValue; break; case "TMP": stat = thing.AmbientTemperature; break; case "FRZ": stat = (0f - thing.AmbientTemperature); break; case "BIT": stat = ((float)thing.def.stackLimit / (float)(Math.Max(1, thing.stackCount))); break; case "MST": stat = GetStockAmount(thing, billGiver, rootCell, bill); break; case "LST": stat = (0f - GetStockAmount(thing, billGiver, rootCell, bill)); break; case "RND": stat = RNDFloat(); break; case "BTY": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty); if ((thing.def?.stuffProps != null) && (thing.def?.stuffProps?.statOffsets != null)) { if (thing.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.StatListContains(StatDefOf.Beauty)) { stat += thing.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.GetStatOffsetFromList(StatDefOf.Beauty); } } break; case "UGY": stat = (0f - (thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty))); if ((thing.def?.stuffProps != null) && (thing.def?.stuffProps?.statOffsets != null)) { if (thing.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.StatListContains(StatDefOf.Beauty)) { stat -= thing.def.stuffProps.statOffsets.GetStatOffsetFromList(StatDefOf.Beauty); } } ; break; case "HVY": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass); break; case "LGT": stat = (0f - thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass)); break; case "FLM": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Flammability); break; case "PTB": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Blunt); break; case "PTS": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Sharp); break; case "PTH": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Armor_Heat); break; case "PTE": StatDef protElectric = DefDatabase <StatDef> .GetNamed(ProtElectricStat, false); if (protElectric != null) { stat = thing.GetStatValue(protElectric); } break; case "INH": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Insulation_Heat); break; case "INC": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.StuffPower_Insulation_Cold); break; case "WSP": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.SharpDamageMultiplier); break; case "WBT": stat = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.BluntDamageMultiplier); break; default: stat = 0f; break; } string debugPos = "(" + thing.Position.x.ToString() + ", " + thing.Position.z.ToString() + ")"; string debugMsg = "Debug " + BMixMode + " " + indx.ToString() + " " + billGiver.ThingID + " " + thing.LabelShort + " " + debugPos + " " + stat.ToString("F2"); return(debugMsg); }
public override IEnumerable <StatDrawEntry> SpecialDisplayStats(StatRequest req) { foreach (StatDrawEntry s in base.SpecialDisplayStats(req)) { yield return(s); } if (DeepStorageCategory == null) { DeepStorageCategory = DefDatabase <StatCategoryDef> .GetNamed("LWM_DS_Stats"); if (DeepStorageCategory == null) { Log.Warning("LWM.DeepStorage: Stat Category FAILED to load."); yield break; } } yield return(new StatDrawEntry(DeepStorageCategory, "LWM_DS_maxNumStacks".Translate().ToString(), (size > 1? "LWM_DS_TotalAndPerCell".Translate(maxNumberStacks * size, maxNumberStacks).ToString() :maxNumberStacks.ToString()), "LWM_DS_maxNumStacksDesc".Translate(), 11 /*display priority*/)); if (minNumberStacks > 2) { yield return(new StatDrawEntry(DeepStorageCategory, "LWM_DS_minNumStacks".Translate(), size > 1? "LWM_DS_TotalAndPerCell".Translate(minNumberStacks * size, minNumberStacks).ToString() :minNumberStacks.ToString(), "LWM_DS_minNumStacksDesc".Translate(minNumberStacks * size), 10 /*display priority*/));//todo: more info here would be good! } if (maxTotalMass > 0f) { yield return(new StatDrawEntry(DeepStorageCategory, "LWM_DS_maxTotalMass".Translate(), size > 1? "LWM_DS_TotalAndPerCell".Translate(kg(maxTotalMass * size), kg(maxTotalMass)).ToString() :kg(maxTotalMass), "LWM_DS_maxTotalMassDesc".Translate(), 9)); } if (maxMassOfStoredItem > 0f) { yield return(new StatDrawEntry(DeepStorageCategory, "LWM_DS_maxMassOfStoredItem".Translate(), kg(maxMassOfStoredItem), "LWM_DS_maxMassOfStoredItemDesc".Translate(), 8)); } if (AllowedCategoriesString != "") { yield return(new StatDrawEntry(DeepStorageCategory, "LWM_DS_allowedCategories".Translate(), AllowedCategoriesString, "LWM_DS_allowedCategoriesDesc".Translate(), 7)); } if (AllowedDefsString != "") { yield return(new StatDrawEntry(DeepStorageCategory, "LWM_DS_allowedDefs".Translate(), AllowedDefsString, "LWM_DS_allowedDefsDesc".Translate(), 6)); } if (DisallowedString != "") { yield return(new StatDrawEntry(DeepStorageCategory, "LWM_DS_disallowedStuff".Translate(), DisallowedString, "LWM_DS_disallowedStuffDesc".Translate(), 5)); } // if (parent?.building?.fixedStorageSettings?.filter yield break; }
public static bool AddSimpleIncidentCaravan(InterceptedIncident incident, int DelayTick, int revealTick, bool InitialDetected = false) { TravelingIncidentCaravan_Simple travalingCaravan = (TravelingIncidentCaravan_Simple)WorldObjectMaker.MakeWorldObject(DefDatabase <WorldObjectDef> .GetNamed("PES_RaidingCaravan_Simple", true)); travalingCaravan.Tile = 0; travalingCaravan.remainingTick = DelayTick; travalingCaravan.RemainingRevealTick = revealTick; travalingCaravan.incident = incident; travalingCaravan.detected = false; incident.parentCaravan = travalingCaravan; if (InitialDetected) { travalingCaravan.detected = true; } Find.WorldObjects.Add(travalingCaravan); return(true); }
public static bool AddNewIncidentCaravan(InterceptedIncident incident) { TravelingIncidentCaravan travalingCaravan = (TravelingIncidentCaravan)WorldObjectMaker.MakeWorldObject(DefDatabase <WorldObjectDef> .GetNamed("PES_RaidingCaravan", true)); if (!TryFindTile(, out int sourceTile)) { Log.Error("Fail to create incident caravan: no available tile found"); return(false); } travalingCaravan.Tile = sourceTile; //travalingCaravan.SetFaction(incident.parms.faction); travalingCaravan.destinationTile =; int approxTileDist = Mathf.CeilToInt(Find.WorldGrid.ApproxDistanceInTiles(travalingCaravan.Tile, travalingCaravan.destinationTile)); travalingCaravan.remainingTick = Mod.PES_Settings.TickForIncidentCaravanCoverOneTile * approxTileDist; travalingCaravan.incident = incident; incident.parentCaravan = travalingCaravan; Find.WorldObjects.Add(travalingCaravan); return(true); }
private Thing MakeThingFromItemTile(ItemTile itemTile, bool enableLogging = false) { try { if (enableLogging) { //Debug.Message("Trying to create new inner item {0}", itemTile.defName); } if (itemTile.defName.ToLower() == "pawn") { //Debug.Message("Now need to instantiate pawn"); return(MakePawnWithRawXml(itemTile.itemXml)); } if (itemTile.defName.ToLower() == "corpse") { if (itemTile.innerItems != null) { //Debug.Message("Creating corpse"); Pawn p = (Pawn)MakeThingFromItemTile(itemTile.innerItems.First()); Corpse corpse = null; if (p.Corpse != null) { corpse = p.Corpse; } else { corpse = (Corpse)ThingMaker.MakeThing(p.RaceProps.corpseDef); corpse.InnerPawn = p; } corpse.timeOfDeath = (int)(itemTile.corpseDeathTime + (ticksInYear * blueprint.dateShift)); CompRottable rottable = corpse.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (rottable != null) { rottable.RotProgress = ticksInYear * (-blueprint.dateShift); } return(corpse); } return(null); } if (itemTile.defName.ToLower().Contains("corpse") || itemTile.defName.ToLower().Contains("minified")) //should bypass older minified things and corpses { if ((!itemTile.innerItems?.Any()) ?? true) { return(null); } } if (itemTile.defName == "Hive") { return(null); //Ignore hives, probably should add more comprehensive ignore list here. } ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(itemTile.defName, false); //here thingDef is definitely not null because it was checked earlier if (thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Ethereal) { return(null); //don't spawn ethereals like drop pod landing sites and so on } ThingDef stuffDef = null; //but stuff can still be null, or can be missing, so we have to check and use default just in case. if (itemTile.stuffDef != null && thingDef.MadeFromStuff) //some mods may alter thing and add stuff parameter to it. this will result in a bug on a vanilla, so need to double-check here { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(itemTile.stuffDef, false); } if (stuffDef == null) { if (itemTile.isWall && thingDef.MadeFromStuff) { stuffDef = ThingDefOf.BlocksGranite; //walls from modded materials becomes granite walls. } else { stuffDef = GenStuff.DefaultStuffFor(thingDef); } } Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(thingDef, stuffDef); if (thing != null) { if (itemTile.innerItems != null && thing is IThingHolder) { //Debug.Message("Found inners"); foreach (ItemTile innerTile in itemTile.innerItems) { Thing innerThing = MakeThingFromItemTile(innerTile, true); if (innerThing != null) { ((IThingHolder)thing).GetDirectlyHeldThings().TryAdd(innerThing); } } if (thing.GetInnerIfMinified() == null) { return(null); } } if (thingDef.CanHaveFaction) { thing.SetFaction(rp.faction); } //Check quality and attach art CompQuality q = thing.TryGetComp <CompQuality>(); if (q != null) { byte category = (byte)Math.Abs(Math.Round(Rand.Gaussian(0, 2))); if ( != null) { if (category > 6) { category = 6; } q.SetQuality((QualityCategory)category, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider); //setquality resets art, so it should go before actual setting art thing.TryGetComp <CompArt>()?.InitializeArt(,,; } else { if (category > 6) { category = 6; } q.SetQuality((QualityCategory)category, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider); } } if (itemTile.stackCount > 1) { thing.stackCount = itemTile.stackCount; //Spoil things that can be spoiled. You shouldn't find a fresh meat an the old ruins. CompRottable rottable = thing.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (rottable != null) { //if deterioration degree is > 0.5 you definitely won't find any food. //anyway, there is a chance that you also won't get any food even if deterioriation is relatively low. animalr, raiders, you know. if (options.canHaveFood) { rottable.RotProgress = (Rand.Value * 0.5f + options.deteriorationMultiplier) * (rottable.PropsRot.TicksToRotStart); } else { rottable.RotProgress = rottable.PropsRot.TicksToRotStart + 1; } } } if (itemTile.attachedText != null && thing is ThingWithComps) { ThingWithComps thingWithComps = thing as ThingWithComps; Type CompTextClass = Type.GetType("SaM.CompText, Signs_and_Memorials"); if (CompTextClass != null) { System.Object textComp = null; for (int i = 0; i < thingWithComps.AllComps.Count; i++) { var val = thingWithComps.AllComps[i]; if (val.GetType() == CompTextClass) { textComp = val; } } //var textComp = Activator.CreateInstance(CompTextClass); if (textComp != null) { textComp?.GetType()?.GetField("text").SetValue(textComp, itemTile.attachedText); } //thingWithComps. } } if (thing is UnfinishedThing) { ((UnfinishedThing)thing).workLeft = 10000; ((UnfinishedThing)thing).Creator = Find.WorldPawns.AllPawnsAliveOrDead.RandomElement(); } //Substract some hit points. Most lilkely below 400 (to make really strudy structures stay almost untouched. No more 1% beta poly walls) var maxDeltaHP = 0; if (!options.forceFullHitPoints) { maxDeltaHP = Math.Min(thing.MaxHitPoints - 1, (int)Math.Abs(Rand.Gaussian(0, 200))); } thing.HitPoints = thing.MaxHitPoints - Rand.Range(0, maxDeltaHP); //Forbid haulable stuff if (thing.def.EverHaulable) { thing.SetForbidden(true, false); } if (thing is Building_Storage) { ((Building_Storage)thing).settings.Priority = StoragePriority.Unstored; } } return(thing); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to spawn item {0} because of {1}", itemTile.defName, e); return(null); } }
// Architect Menu: public static void ArchitectMenu_ChangeLocation(string newDefName, bool loadingOnStartup = false) { // Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "SettingsChanged()"); var prevDesignationCatDef = loadingOnStartup ? DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef) : DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(architectMenuDesigCatDef, false); // If switching to default, put default into def database. if (newDefName == architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef) { ArchitectMenu_Show(); } // Compatibility Logic: // If certain mods are loaded and all storage units are to go in one menu, // maybe we want to remove the other menu? Or maybe we want to use that // one by default: // For Deep Storage, if the player also has Quantum Storage, use their menu insead: if (architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems && !architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory && newDefName == architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef && ModLister.GetActiveModWithIdentifier("Cheetah.QuantumStorageRedux") != null) { newDefName = "QSRStorage"; } var newDesignationCatDef = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(newDefName); if (newDesignationCatDef == null) { Log.Warning("LWM.DeepStorage: Failed to find menu category " + newDefName + " - reverting to default"); newDefName = architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef; ArchitectMenu_Show(); newDesignationCatDef = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(newDefName); } // Architect Menu: Specify all your buildings/etc: // var allMyBuildings=DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(x=>x.HasComp(etc))); var itemsToMove = allDeepStorageUnits; Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Moving these units to 'Storage' menu: " + string.Join(", ", itemsToMove)); // We can move ALL the storage buildings! If the player wants. I do. if (architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems) { // Log.Error("Trying to mvoe everythign:"); var desigProduction = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed("Production"); // Interesting detail: apparently it IS possible to have thingDefs with null thingClass... weird. itemsToMove = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(x => x?.thingClass != null && (x.thingClass == typeof(Building_Storage) || x.thingClass.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Building_Storage))) && x.designationCategory != desigProduction); // testing: // itemsToMove.AddRange(DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(x=>x.defName.Contains("MURWallLight"))); } var _resolvedDesignatorsField = typeof(DesignationCategoryDef) .GetField("resolvedDesignators", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (var d in itemsToMove.Where(d => d.designationCategory != null)) { // Log.Error("Moving item "+d.defName+" (category: "+(d.designationCategory!=null?d.designationCategory.ToString():"NONE")); if (_resolvedDesignatorsField != null) { var resolvedDesignators = (List <Designator>)_resolvedDesignatorsField.GetValue(d.designationCategory); if (d.designatorDropdown == null) { // Log.Message("No dropdown"); // easy case: // Log.Message(" Removed this many entries in "+d.designationCategory+": "+ resolvedDesignators.RemoveAll(x => x is Designator_Build && ((Designator_Build)x).PlacingDef == d); // ); // Now do new: resolvedDesignators = (List <Designator>)_resolvedDesignatorsField.GetValue(newDesignationCatDef); // To make sure there are no duplicates: resolvedDesignators.RemoveAll(x => x is Designator_Build && ((Designator_Build)x).PlacingDef == d); resolvedDesignators.Add(new Designator_Build(d)); } else { // Log.Warning("LWM.DeepStorage: ThingDef "+d.defName+" has a dropdown Designator."); // Hard case: Designator_Dropdowns! var dd = (Designator_Dropdown)resolvedDesignators.Find(x => x is Designator_Dropdown && ((Designator_Dropdown)x).Elements .Find(y => y is Designator_Build && ((Designator_Build)y).PlacingDef == d) != null); if (dd != null) { // Log.Message("Found dropdown designator for "+d.defName); resolvedDesignators.Remove(dd); // Switch to new category: resolvedDesignators = (List <Designator>)_resolvedDesignatorsField.GetValue(newDesignationCatDef); if (!resolvedDesignators.Contains(dd)) // Log.Message(" Adding to new category "+newDesignationCatDef); { resolvedDesignators.Add(dd); } // } else { //debug // Log.Message(" ThingDef "+d.defName+" has designator_dropdown "+d.designatorDropdown.defName+ // ", but cannot find it in "+d.designationCategory+" - this is okay if something else added it."); } } } d.designationCategory = newDesignationCatDef; } // Flush designation category defs:.....dammit // foreach (var x in DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.AllDefs) { // x.ResolveReferences(); // } // prevDesignationCatDef?.ResolveReferences(); // newDesignationCatDef.ResolveReferences(); //ArchitectMenu_ClearCache(); // we do this later one way or another // To remove the mod's DesignationCategoryDef from Architect menu: // remove it from RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect's desPanelsCached. // To do that, we remove it from the DefDatabase and then rebuild the cache. // Removing only the desPanelsCached entry does work: the entry is // recreated when a new game is started. So if the options are changed // and then a new game started...the change gets lost. // So we have to update the DefsDatabase. // This is potentially difficult: the .index can get changed, and that // can cause problems. But nothing seems to use the .index for any // DesignationCategoryDef except for the menu, so manually adjusting // the DefsDatabase is safe enough: if (!architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory && newDefName != architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef) { ArchitectMenu_Hide(); } // ArchitectMenu_ClearCache(); //hide flushes cache // if (tmp.AllResolvedDesignators.Count <= tmp.specialDesignatorClasses.Count) // isCategoryEmpty=false; /* * // Log.Message("Removing old menu!"); * // DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.Remove(tmp); * if (!tmp.AllResolvedDesignators.NullOrEmpty()) { * foreach (var d in tmp.AllResolvedDesignators) { * if (!tmp.specialDesignatorClasses.Contains(d)) { * isCategoryEmpty=false; * break; * } * } * } */ // if (isCategoryEmpty) else // Simply flush cache: { ArchitectMenu_ClearCache(); } // Note that this is not perfect: if the default menu was already open, it will still be open (and // empty) when the settings windows are closed. Whatever. // Oh, and actually change the setting that's stored: architectMenuDesigCatDef = newDefName; /* List<ArchitectCategoryTab> archMenu=(List<ArchitectCategoryTab>)Harmony.AccessTools * .Field(typeof(RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect), "desPanelsCached") * .GetValue((MainTabWindow_Architect)MainButtonDefOf.Architect.TabWindow); * archMenu.RemoveAll(t=>t.def.defName==architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef); * * archMenu.Add(new ArchitectCategoryTab(newDesignationCatDef)); * archMenu.Sort((a,b)=>a.def.order.CompareTo(b.def.order)); * archMenu.SortBy(a=>a.def.order, b=>b.def.order); // May need (type of var a)=>... * */ /* Harmony.AccessTools.Method(typeof(RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect), "CacheDesPanels") * .Invoke(((MainTabWindow_Architect)MainButtonDefOf.Architect.TabWindow), null);*/ /* * * if (architectMenuDesignationCatDefDefName=="LWM_DS_Storage") { // default * if (DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamedSilentFail("LWM_DS_Storage") == null) { * Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings,"Adding 'Storage' to the architect menu."); * DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.Add(architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef); * } else { * Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "No need to add 'Storage' to the architect menu."); * } * architectCurrentDesignationCatDef=architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef; * } else { * // remove our "Storage" from the architect menu: * Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings,"Removing 'Storage' from the architect menu."); * DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.AllDefsListForReading.Remove(architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef); * if (DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamedSilentFail("LWM_DS_Storage") != null) { * Log.Error("Failed to remove LWM_DS_Storage :("+DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamedSilentFail("LWM_DS_Storage")); * } * * architectCurrentDesignationCatDef=DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamed(architectMenuDesignationCatDefDefName); * } * prevDesignationCatDef?.ResolveReferences(); * architectCurrentDesignationCatDef.ResolveReferences(); * * Harmony.AccessTools.Method(typeof(RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Architect), "CacheDesPanels") * .Invoke((), null); */ Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Settings changed architect menu"); }
public void RemoveIncompatibleItems() { //Each item should be checked if it can be placed or not. This should help preventing situations when simulated scavenging removes things which anyway won't be placed. //For each placed item it's cost should be calculated if (blueprint.roofMap == null) { Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Trying to process blueprint with empty roof map"); } if (map == null) { Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Trying to process blueprint but map is still null"); } try { int totalItems = 0; int removedItems = 0; for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.width; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < blueprint.height; z++) { Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Starting cell {0} {1}...", x, z); if (blueprint.itemsMap[x, z] == null) { blueprint.itemsMap[x, z] = new List <ItemTile>(); } //to make thngs easier add empty list to every cell IntVec3 mapLocation = new IntVec3(x + mapOriginX, 0, z + mapOriginZ); if (!mapLocation.InBounds(map)) { continue; } List <ItemTile> items = blueprint.itemsMap[x, z]; TerrainTile terrain = blueprint.terrainMap[x, z]; TerrainDef terrainDef = null; if (terrain != null) { terrainDef = DefDatabase <TerrainDef> .GetNamed(terrain.defName, false); if (terrainDef == null) { blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] = null; //no terrain def means terrain can't be generated. terrain = null; } } TerrainDef existingTerrain = map.terrainGrid?.TerrainAt(mapLocation); if (existingTerrain != null && terrainDef != null && existingTerrain.affordances != null && terrainDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded != null && !existingTerrain.affordances.Contains(terrainDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded)) { terrainDef = null; blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] = null; //erase terrain if underlying terrain can't support it. blueprint.roofMap[x, z] = false; //removing roof as well just in case } Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Preprocessed cell {0} {1}, moving to items...", x, z); List <ItemTile> itemsToRemove = new List <ItemTile>(); foreach (ItemTile item in items) { totalItems++; ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(item.defName, false); if (thingDef == null) { itemsToRemove.Add(item); continue; } Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Making thorough check for thing {0}", item.defName); if (!options.overwritesEverything && thingDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded != null) { if (thingDef.EverTransmitsPower && options.shouldKeepDefencesAndPower) { continue; //ignore affordances for power transmitters if we need to keep defence systems } if (terrainDef != null && terrainDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded != null && existingTerrain.affordances.Contains(terrainDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded)) { if (!terrainDef.affordances.Contains(thingDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded)) //if new terrain can be placed over existing terrain, checking if an item can be placed over a new terrain { itemsToRemove.Add(item); blueprint.roofMap[x, z] = false; } } else { if (!(existingTerrain.affordances?.Contains(thingDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded) ?? true)) //otherwise checking if the item can be placed over the existing terrain. { itemsToRemove.Add(item); blueprint.roofMap[x, z] = false; } } } } foreach (ItemTile item in itemsToRemove) { if (item.isWall || item.isDoor) { blueprint.RemoveWall(item.location.x, item.location.z); } items.Remove(item); removedItems++; } } } Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Finished check, recalculating stats"); blueprint.UpdateBlueprintStats(true); Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Blueprint transfer utility did remove {0}/{1} incompatible items. New cost: {2}", removedItems, totalItems, blueprint.totalCost); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Error(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Exception while trying to cleanup blueprint details. This should not normally happen, so please report this case: {0}", e.ToString()); } }
private static Rect viewRect = new Rect(0, 0, 100f, 10000f); // OMG OMG OMG I got scrollView in Listing_Standard to work! public static void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect) { var outerRect = inRect.ContractedBy(10f); Widgets.DrawHighlight(outerRect); var l = new Listing_Standard(GameFont.Medium); // my tiny high-resolution monitor :p l.BeginScrollView(outerRect, ref scrollPosition, ref viewRect); //l.GapLine(); // Who can haul to Deep Storage (robots, animals, etc) l.CheckboxLabeled("LWMDSrobotsCanUse".Translate(), ref robotsCanUse, "LWMDSrobotsCanUseDesc".Translate()); string[] intLabels = { "LWM_DS_Int_Animal".Translate(), "LWM_DS_Int_ToolUser".Translate(), "LWM_DS_Int_Humanlike".Translate() }; // Setting to allow bionic racoons to haul to Deep Storage: l.EnumRadioButton(ref Patch_IsGoodStoreCell.NecessaryIntelligenceToUseDeepStorage, "LWM_DS_IntTitle".Translate(), "LWM_DS_IntDesc".Translate(), false, intLabels); l.GapLine(); //Storing Delay Settings l.Label("LWMDSstoringDelaySettings".Translate()); l.CheckboxLabeled("LWMDSstoringTakesTimeLabel".Translate(), ref storingTakesTime, "LWMDSstoringTakesTimeDesc".Translate()); l.Label("LWMDSstoringGlobalScale".Translate((storingGlobalScale * 100f).ToString("0."))); storingGlobalScale = l.Slider(storingGlobalScale, 0f, 2f); l.CheckboxLabeled("LWMDSstoringTimeConsidersStackSize".Translate(), ref storingTimeConsidersStackSize, "LWMDSstoringTimeConsidersStackSizeDesc".Translate()); // Reset storing delay settings to defaults if (l.ButtonText("LWMDSstoringDelaySettings".Translate() + ": " + "ResetBinding".Translate() /*Reset to Default*/)) { storingTakesTime = true; storingGlobalScale = 1f; storingTimeConsidersStackSize = true; } l.GapLine(); // default Storing Priority if (l.ButtonTextLabeled("LWM_DS_defaultStoragePriority".Translate(), defaultStoragePriority.Label())) { var mlist = (from StoragePriority p in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StoragePriority)) select new FloatMenuOption(p.Label(), delegate { defaultStoragePriority = p; foreach (var d in allDeepStorageUnits) { d.building.defaultStorageSettings.Priority = p; } })).ToList(); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(mlist)); } l.GapLine(); l.Label("LWM_DS_userInterface".Translate()); l.CheckboxLabeled("LWM_DS_useDSRightClick".Translate(), ref useDeepStorageRightClickLogic, "LWM_DS_useDSRightClickDesc".Translate()); l.Gap(); // TODO: WIP l.CheckboxLabeled("LWM_DS_useNewRightClick".Translate(), ref useDeepStorageNewRightClick, "LWM_DS_useNewRightClickDesc".Translate()); if (useDeepStorageNewRightClick) { l.TextFieldNumericLabeled("LWM_DS_newNRC_IconScaling".Translate(), ref newNRC_IconScaling, ref newNRC_IconScalingBuff, 0.1f); l.TextFieldNumericLabeled("LWM_DS_newNRC_BoxHeight".Translate(), ref newNRC_BoxHeight, ref newNRC_BoxHeightBuff, 10f); } // Architect Menu: l.GapLine(); //Architect Menu location /* * // string archLabel= * // if (archLabel==n * // l.Label("LWMDSarchitectMenuSettings".Translate()); * if (architectMenuDesigCatDef==architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef) { * // if (architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef==null) { * // Log.Error("LWM.DeepStorage: architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef was null; this should never happen."); * // tmp="ERROR"; * // } else { * // tmp=architectCurrentDesignationCatDef.LabelCap; // todo: (default) * // } * archLabel+=" ("+ * } else { * var x=DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamed(architectMenuDesignationCatDefDefName, false); * if (x==null) { * // TODO * } * tmp=x.LabelCap; // todo: (<menuname>) * }*/ if (l.ButtonTextLabeled((architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef + "_ArchitectMenuSettings").Translate(), // Label // value of dropdown button: DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed(architectMenuDesigCatDef)?.LabelCap ?? "--ERROR--")) { // error display text // , DefDatabase<DesigarchitectMenuDesigCatDef) ) { // Float menu for architect Menu choice: var alist = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); var arl = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .AllDefsListForReading; //all reading list //oops: // alist.Add(new FloatMenuOption(DefDatabase<DesignationCategoryDef>.GetNamed(architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef).LabelCap alist.Add(new FloatMenuOption(architectMenuActualDef.LabelCap + " (" + "default".Translate() + " - " + architectMenuActualDef.defName + ")", delegate { Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Architect Menu placement set to default Storage"); ArchitectMenu_ChangeLocation(architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef); // architectCurrentDesignationCatDef=architectLWM_DS_Storage_DesignationCatDef; // architectMenuDesignationCatDefDefName="LWM_DS_Storage"; // // SettingsChanged(); })); // Architect Menu: You may remove the "Furniture" references here if you wish alist.Add(new FloatMenuOption(DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .GetNamed("Furniture").LabelCap + " (Furniture)", // I know what this one's defName is! delegate { Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Architect Menu placement set to Furniture."); ArchitectMenu_ChangeLocation("Furniture"); })); alist.AddRange(from adcd in arl where adcd.defName != architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef && adcd.defName != "Furniture" select new FloatMenuOption(adcd.LabelCap + " (" + adcd.defName + ")", delegate { Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Architect Menu placement set to " + adcd); ArchitectMenu_ChangeLocation(adcd.defName); })); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(alist)); } l.CheckboxLabeled((architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef + "_ArchitectMenuAlwaysShowCategory").Translate(), ref architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory, (architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef + "_ArchitectMenuAlwaysShowDesc").Translate()); // Do we always display? If so, display: if (architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory != architectMenuAlwaysShowTmp) { if (architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory) { ArchitectMenu_Show(); } else if (architectMenuDesigCatDef != architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef) { ArchitectMenu_Hide(); } architectMenuAlwaysShowTmp = architectMenuAlwaysShowCategory; } l.CheckboxLabeled((architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef + "_ArchitectMenuMoveALL").Translate(), ref architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems, (architectMenuDefaultDesigCatDef + "_ArchitectMenuMoveALLDesc").Translate()); if (architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems != architectMenuMoveALLTmp) { // If turning off "all things in Storage", make sure to // dump all the items into Furniture, to make sure they // can at least be found somewhere. var ctmp = architectMenuDesigCatDef; if (architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems == false) { architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems = true; ArchitectMenu_ChangeLocation("Furniture"); architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems = false; } ArchitectMenu_ChangeLocation(ctmp); architectMenuMoveALLTmp = architectMenuMoveALLStorageItems; } // finished drawing settings for Architect Menu // ------------------- // Allow player to turn of Over-Capacity check. // Turn it off automatically for Project RimFactory and Extended Storage // Note: should turn it off automatically for any other storage mods, too l.GapLine(); var origColor = GUI.color; // make option gray if ignored var tmpMod = ModLister.GetActiveModWithIdentifier("spdskatr.projectrimfactory"); if (tmpMod != null) { GUI.color = Color.gray; // This setting is disabled due to mod Extended Storage l.Label("LWMDSignoredDueTo".Translate(tmpMod.Name)); } if ((tmpMod = ModLister.GetActiveModWithIdentifier("Skullywag.ExtendedStorage")) != null) { GUI.color = Color.gray; l.Label("LWMDSignoredDueTo".Translate(tmpMod.Name)); } l.CheckboxLabeled("LWMDSoverCapacityCheck".Translate(), ref checkOverCapacity, "LWMDSoverCapacityCheckDesc".Translate()); GUI.color = origColor; // Per DSU settings - let players change them around... l.GapLine(); if (allowPerDSUSettings) { if (l.ButtonText("LWMDSperDSUSettings".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DS_Settings()); } } else { l.CheckboxLabeled("LWMDSperDSUturnOn".Translate(), ref allowPerDSUSettings, "LWMDSperDSUturnOnDesc".Translate()); } l.GapLine(); // End. Finis. Looks pretty having a line at the end. l.EndScrollView(ref viewRect); }
public static FactionDef Named(string defName) { return(DefDatabase <FactionDef> .GetNamed(defName, true)); }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Settings.DebugString("== Enter IncidentWorker_Paranoia =="); var rand = Rand.Value; if (rand < 0.25f) { /* * Mass Paranoia * * Every colonist will experience a range of sanity loss, * ranging from minor to severe. * 10% chance that two colonists will trigger a social fight. * */ Settings.DebugString("Mass Paranoia"); if ( is not Map map || map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsAndPrisoners is not IEnumerable <Pawn> pawns || !pawns.Any()) { return(true); } var difficultyCalc = DIFFICULTYMODIFIER * Find.Storyteller.difficulty.threatScale; SanityLossReport.ApplySanityLossAndShowReport(new List <Pawn>(pawns), SANITYLOSSRANGE, difficultyCalc); //bool socialFightStarted = false; //foreach (Pawn pawn in pawns) //{ // if (pawn?.story?.traits?.GetTrait(TraitDefOf.Nerves) is Trait nerves && nerves.Degree > 0) // { // continue; // } // Cthulhu.Utility.ApplySanityLoss(pawn, Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f), 1); // if (!socialFightStarted && !pawn.IsPrisoner && Rand.Value > 0.9f && pawn?.mindState?.mentalStateHandler is MentalStateHandler mentalStateHandler) // { // socialFightStarted = true; // var otherPawn = pawns.FirstOrDefault(x => x != pawn && !x.IsPrisoner); // if (otherPawn != null && otherPawn?.mindState?.mentalStateHandler is MentalStateHandler otherMind) // { // mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(MentalStateDefOf.SocialFighting, "ROM_OmenParanaoiaResult".Translate(), false, false, otherPawn); // otherMind.TryStartMentalState(MentalStateDefOf.SocialFighting, "ROM_OmenParanaoiaResult".Translate(), false, false, pawn); // } // } //} } else if (rand < 0.5f) { /* * Single Paranoia * * A single colonist will experience severe sanity loss. * 80% chance of the character wandering in a psychotic state. * If it's a prisoner, enter the berserk state. * */ Settings.DebugString("Single Paranoia"); if ( is not Map map || map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsAndPrisoners is not IEnumerable <Pawn> pawns || !pawns.Any() || pawns.RandomElement() is not { } pawn) { return(true); } var difficultyCalc = DIFFICULTYMODIFIER * Find.Storyteller.difficulty.threatScale; SanityLossReport.ApplySanityLossAndShowReport(new List <Pawn> { pawn }, SANITYLOSSRANGE, difficultyCalc); //if (pawn?.story?.traits?.GetTrait(TraitDefOf.Nerves) is Trait nerves && nerves.Degree > 0) //{ // flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenParanaoiaDesc2b".Translate(pawn); //} //else //{ // Cthulhu.Utility.ApplySanityLoss(pawn, Rand.Range(0.7f, 0.9f), 1); // if (Rand.Value > 0.2f && pawn?.mindState?.mentalStateHandler is MentalStateHandler mentalStateHandler) // { // if (pawn.IsPrisoner) mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(MentalStateDefOf.Berserk, "ROM_OmenParanaoiaResult".Translate()); // else mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(MentalStateDefOf.Wander_Psychotic, "ROM_OmenParanaoiaResult".Translate()); // } // flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenParanaoiaDesc2".Translate(pawn); //} } else if (rand < 0.75f) { /* * Visions * * A single colonist will experience minor sanity loss. * 90% chance of the character wandering in their own room. * */ Settings.DebugString("Visions"); if ( is not Map map || map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsAndPrisoners is not IEnumerable <Pawn> pawns || !pawns.Any() || pawns.RandomElement() is not { } pawn) { return(true); } var difficultyCalc = DIFFICULTYMODIFIER * Find.Storyteller.difficulty.threatScale; SanityLossReport.ApplySanityLossAndShowReport(new List <Pawn> { pawn }, SANITYLOSSRANGE, difficultyCalc, "HPLovecraft_Vision"); if (Rand.Value > 0.1f && pawns.Count() > 3 && pawn.mindState?.mentalStateHandler is { } mentalStateHandler) { mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(DefDatabase <MentalStateDef> .GetNamed("WanderOwnRoom"), "ROM_OmenParanaoiaResult".Translate()); } } else { /* * Plagued Senses * * A single colonist's eye, ear, nose, or mouth becomes "disoriented." * */ Settings.DebugString("Plagued Senses"); if ( is not Map map || map.mapPawns.FreeColonists is not IEnumerable <Pawn> pawns || !pawns.Any() || pawns.RandomElement() is not { } pawn || is not { } parts) { return(true); } Utility.ApplySanityLoss(pawn, Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.5f)); var unused = Rand.Value; var disorientedHediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamed("ROM_Disoriented"), pawn); var senseParts = new List <BodyPartRecord> { Utility.GetEar(parts), Utility.GetEye(parts), Utility.GetNose(parts), Utility.GetMouth(parts) }; disorientedHediff.Part = parts.GetNotMissingParts().FirstOrDefault(x => senseParts.Contains(x)); disorientedHediff.Severity = Rand.Range(0.7f, 0.9f); parts.AddDirect(disorientedHediff); string flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenParanaoiaDesc4".Translate(pawn); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(def.label.CapitalizeFirst(), flavorDesc, DefDatabase <LetterDef> .GetNamed("ROM_Omen"), new GlobalTargetInfo(pawn)); } return(true); }
public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { return(new Job(DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamed("RB_TakeThingsOutOfBeehouseJob", true), t)); }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Settings.DebugString("== Enter IncidentWorker_Crows =="); var flavorDesc = ""; Thing crow = null; var rand = Rand.Value; var target = new GlobalTargetInfo(); if (rand < 0.25f) { /* * Dead Crow * * One dead crow appears. * */ Settings.DebugString("Dead Crow"); RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out var loc, (Map), CellFinder.EdgeRoadChance_Animal); var newThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CrowKind); crow = GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, loc, (Map); ((Pawn)crow).Kill(null); flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenCatDesc1".Translate(); target = new GlobalTargetInfo(loc, (Map); } else if (rand < 0.5f) { /* * Murder of Crows * * A group of crows appears outside your colony. * One crow is dead in the center. * */ Settings.DebugString("Murder of Crows"); RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out var loc, (Map), CellFinder.EdgeRoadChance_Animal); var newThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CrowKind); crow = GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, loc, (Map); var crows = new List <Thing>(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var newCrow = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CrowKind); crows.Add(GenSpawn.Spawn(newCrow, loc, (Map); } crows.Add(crow); crow.Kill(); flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenCrowDesc1".Translate(); target = new GlobalTargetInfo(crows.FirstOrDefault(x => x is Pawn y && !y.Dead)); } else if (rand < 0.75f) { /* * Flock of Crows * * A group of crows spawn outside the colony. * */ Settings.DebugString("Flock of Crows"); RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out var loc, (Map), CellFinder.EdgeRoadChance_Animal); var newThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CrowKind); crow = GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, loc, (Map); var crows = new List <Thing>(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var newCrow = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CrowKind); crows.Add(GenSpawn.Spawn(newCrow, loc, (Map); } crows.Add(crow); flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenCrowDesc2".Translate(); target = new GlobalTargetInfo(crow); } else { /* * Solitary Crow * * A single crow watches the colony. * */ Settings.DebugString("Solitary Crow"); RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out var loc, (Map), CellFinder.EdgeRoadChance_Animal); var newThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CrowKind); crow = GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, loc, (Map); flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenCrowDesc3".Translate(); target = new GlobalTargetInfo(crow); } Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(def.label.CapitalizeFirst(), flavorDesc, DefDatabase <LetterDef> .GetNamed("ROM_Omen"), target); return(true); }
public void TryStartReload() { if (!hasMagazine) { return; } IntVec3 position; if (wielder == null) { if (turret == null) { return; } turret.isReloading = true; position = turret.Position; } else { position = wielder.Position; } if (useAmmo) { // Add remaining ammo back to inventory if (curMagCountInt > 0) { Thing ammoThing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(currentAmmoInt); ammoThing.stackCount = curMagCountInt; curMagCountInt = 0; if (compInventory != null) { compInventory.container.TryAdd(ammoThing, ammoThing.stackCount); } else { Thing outThing; GenThing.TryDropAndSetForbidden(ammoThing, position, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out outThing, turret.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer); } } // Check for ammo if (wielder != null && !hasAmmo) { this.DoOutOfAmmoAction(); return; } } // Throw mote if (Props.throwMote) { MoteThrower.ThrowText(position.ToVector3Shifted(), "CR_ReloadingMote".Translate()); } // Issue reload job if (wielder != null) { var reloadJob = new Job(DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamed("ReloadWeapon"), wielder, parent) { playerForced = true }; // Store the current job so we can reassign it later if (this.wielder.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && this.wielder.CurJob != null && (this.wielder.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.AttackStatic || this.wielder.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.Goto || wielder.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.Hunt)) { this.storedTarget = this.wielder.CurJob.targetA.HasThing ? new TargetInfo(this.wielder.CurJob.targetA.Thing) : new TargetInfo(this.wielder.CurJob.targetA.Cell); this.storedJobDef = this.wielder.CurJob.def; } else { storedTarget = null; storedJobDef = null; } this.AssignJobToWielder(reloadJob); } }
public static BiomeDef Named(string defName) { return(DefDatabase <BiomeDef> .GetNamed(defName, true)); }
public static bool IsChunk(this Thing thing) { return(thing != null && (thing.def.thingCategories.Contains(DefDatabase <ThingCategoryDef> .GetNamed("StoneChunks")) || thing.def.thingCategories.Contains(DefDatabase <ThingCategoryDef> .GetNamed("Chunks")))); }
private void CentaurAlphaShipPostProcess(Map spaceMap) { spaceMap.fogGrid.ClearAllFog(); /*foreach (Letter letter in Find.LetterStack.LettersListForReading) * { * Find.LetterStack.RemoveLetter(letter); * }*/ List <Thing> things = spaceMap.listerThings.AllThings; Thing targetTorpedo = null; IntVec3 torpedoToLocation = new IntVec3(0, 0, 0); IntVec3? sunLampLocation = null; foreach (Thing thing in things) { try { if (thing.def == ThingDefOf.MinifiedThing) { Thing thingInside = ((MinifiedThing)thing).InnerThing; if (thingInside.TryGetComp <CompPowerBattery>() != null) { thingInside?.TryGetComp <CompPowerBattery>()?.AddEnergy(float.PositiveInfinity); } } if (sunLampLocation == null && thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("SunLamp")) { sunLampLocation = thing.Position; } if (thing?.TryGetComp <CompForbiddable>() != null) { thing.TryGetComp <CompForbiddable>().Forbidden = false; } if (thing?.TryGetComp <CompQuality>() != null) { thing.TryGetComp <CompQuality>().SetQuality(QualityCategory.Legendary, ArtGenerationContext.Colony); } if (thing?.TryGetComp <CompArt>() != null) { thing.TryGetComp <CompArt>().JustCreatedBy(spaceMap.mapPawns.AllPawns.RandomElement()); } if (thing?.TryGetComp <CompRefuelable>() != null) { //thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("Ship_Engine_Small") || //thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("Ship_Engine") || //thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("Ship_Engine_Large") CompRefuelable fuelTarget = thing?.TryGetComp <CompRefuelable>(); fuelTarget?.Refuel(fuelTarget.Props.fuelCapacity); } if (thing?.TryGetComp <CompTempControl>() != null) { thing.TryGetComp <CompTempControl>().targetTemperature = 19f; } if (thing?.TryGetComp <CompBreakdownable>() != null) { } if (thing?.TryGetComp <CompPower>() != null) { } if ( thing?.def?.building?.buildingTags?.Contains("Production") == true && thing?.TryGetComp <CompFlickable>() != null && thing.def != DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("HydroponicsBasin") ) { thing.TryGetComp <CompFlickable>().SwitchIsOn = false; } if (thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("HydroponicsBasin")) { ((Building_PlantGrower)thing)?.SetPlantDefToGrow(ThingDefOf.Plant_Potato); thing.TryGetComp <CompForbiddable>().Forbidden = true; } if (thing.def == ThingDefOf.Blight) { ((Blight)thing).Severity = 0.05f; } if (thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ShipCombatShieldGenerator")) { thing.TryGetComp <CompFlickable>().SwitchIsOn = false; thing.TryGetComp <CompBreakdownable>()?.DoBreakdown(); } if (thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ShipTurret_Laser")) { ((Building_ShipTurret)thing).PointDefenseMode = true; } if (thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("Plant_Potato")) { ((Plant)thing).Growth = 0.85f; } /*if (thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("ShipTorpedoOne")) * { * foreach (Thing thingInside in ((Building_ShipTurretTorpedo)thing).Contents.innerContainer) * { * if (thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("ShipTorpedo_HighExplosive")) * { * thing.def = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("ShipTorpedo_EMP"); * } * } * }*/ if ( thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ComponentIndustrial") || thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ShipTorpedo_HighExplosive") || thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ShipTorpedo_EMP") || thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("Chemfuel") || thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ShuttleFuelPods") || thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("WoodLog") || thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("Shell_EMP") ) { //Log.Message("[Explorite]Patching stack."); thing.stackCount = thing.def.stackLimit; foreach (Thing thingInGrid in spaceMap.thingGrid.ThingsAt(thing.Position)) { if (thingInGrid.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("Shelf")) { ((Building_Storage)thingInGrid).settings.filter.SetDisallowAll(); ((Building_Storage)thingInGrid).settings.filter.SetAllow(thing.def, true); } } } /*if (thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("ShipTorpedo_HighExplosive")) * { * //Log.Message("[Explorite]Patching HE."); * thing.stackCount = 1; * //thing.def = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("ShipTorpedo_EMP"); * }*/ if (thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("Shelf")) { torpedoToLocation.z = Math.Max(thing.Position.z, torpedoToLocation.z); } if (thing.def == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ShipTorpedo_HighExplosive")) { torpedoToLocation.x = Math.Max(thing.Position.x, torpedoToLocation.x); if (targetTorpedo == null) { targetTorpedo = thing; } else if (thing.Position.z > targetTorpedo.Position.z) { targetTorpedo = thing; } } for (int i = -4; i < 5; i++) { for (int j = -4; j < 5; j++) { spaceMap.areaManager.Home[new IntVec3(i, 0, j) + thing.Position] = true; } } } catch { } } targetTorpedo.Position = torpedoToLocation; /* * Thing InterplanetaryEngineL = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Ship_Engine_Interplanetary")); * InterplanetaryEngineL.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); * GenSpawn.Spawn(InterplanetaryEngineL, new IntVec3(-18,0,-28), spaceMap); * Thing InterplanetaryEngineR = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Ship_Engine_Interplanetary")); * InterplanetaryEngineR.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); * GenSpawn.Spawn(InterplanetaryEngineR, new IntVec3(18,0,-28), spaceMap); * //((Blueprint_Build)InterplanetaryEngineL).; */ if (false && sunLampLocation.HasValue) { IntVec3 leftEngine = new IntVec3(sunLampLocation.Value.ToVector3()); leftEngine.x -= 18; leftEngine.z -= 17; IntVec3 rightEngine = new IntVec3(sunLampLocation.Value.ToVector3()); leftEngine.x += 18; rightEngine.z -= 17; Thing InterplanetaryEngineL = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Blueprint_Ship_Engine_Interplanetary")); InterplanetaryEngineL.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); GenSpawn.Spawn(InterplanetaryEngineL, leftEngine, spaceMap); Thing InterplanetaryEngineR = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Blueprint_Ship_Engine_Interplanetary")); InterplanetaryEngineR.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); GenSpawn.Spawn(InterplanetaryEngineR, rightEngine, spaceMap); } /* * List<Building> thingsRocket = spaceMap.listerBuildings.allBuildingsColonist; * foreach (Building thing in thingsBatteryIn) * { * try * { * if ( * thing?.TryGetComp<CompRefuelable>() != null * //thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("Ship_Engine_Small") || * //thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("Ship_Engine") || * //thing.def == DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("Ship_Engine_Large") * ) * { * CompRefuelable fuelTarget = thing?.TryGetComp<CompRefuelable>(); * fuelTarget.ConsumeFuel( * fuelTarget.Fuel - * fuelTarget.Props.fuelCapacity * ); * } * } * catch { } * }*/ }
public ThingDef GetHybridBee() { Building_HybridizationChamber buildinghybridizationchamber = (Building_HybridizationChamber)this.job.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing; return(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("RB_Bee_" + buildinghybridizationchamber.hybridizedBee + "_Queen", true)); }
public override void PostGameStart() { if (SoS2Reflection.inaccessible) { return; } if (WorldSwitchUtility.SelectiveWorldGenFlag) { return; } ShipCombatManager.CanSalvageEnemyShip = false; ShipCombatManager.ShouldSalvageEnemyShip = false; ShipCombatManager.InCombat = false; ShipCombatManager.InEncounter = false; List <Pawn> startingPawns = Find.CurrentMap.mapPawns.PawnsInFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); int newTile = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 420; i++) { if (!Find.World.worldObjects.AnyMapParentAt(i)) { newTile = i; break; } } Map spaceMap = GetOrGenerateMapUtility.GetOrGenerateMap(newTile, DefDatabase <WorldObjectDef> .GetNamed("ShipOrbiting")); ((WorldObjectOrbitingShip)spaceMap.Parent).radius = 150; ((WorldObjectOrbitingShip)spaceMap.Parent).theta = 2.75f; //Building core = null; Current.ProgramState = ProgramState.MapInitializing; SoS2Reflection.GenerateShip(DefDatabase <EnemyShipDef> .GetNamed("CentaursScenarioRetroCruise"), spaceMap, null, Faction.OfPlayer, null, out _); Current.ProgramState = ProgramState.Playing; IntVec2 secs = (IntVec2)typeof(MapDrawer).GetProperty("SectionCount", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(spaceMap.mapDrawer); Section[,] secArray = new Section[secs.x, secs.z]; typeof(MapDrawer).GetField("sections", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(spaceMap.mapDrawer, secArray); for (int i = 0; i < secs.x; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < secs.z; j++) { if (secArray[i, j] == null) { secArray[i, j] = new Section(new IntVec3(i, 0, j), spaceMap); } } } List <IntVec3> cryptoPos = GetAllCryptoCells(spaceMap); foreach (Pawn p in startingPawns) { if (p.InContainerEnclosed) { p.ParentHolder.GetDirectlyHeldThings().Remove(p); } else { p.DeSpawn(); p.SpawnSetup(spaceMap, true); } } List <List <Thing> > list = new List <List <Thing> >(); foreach (Pawn startingAndOptionalPawn in Find.GameInitData.startingAndOptionalPawns) { List <Thing> list2 = new List <Thing> { startingAndOptionalPawn }; list.Add(list2); } List <Thing> list3 = new List <Thing>(); foreach (ScenPart allPart in Find.Scenario.AllParts) { list3.AddRange(allPart.PlayerStartingThings()); } int num = 0; foreach (Thing item in list3) { if (!(item is Pawn)) { if (item.def.CanHaveFaction) { item.SetFactionDirect(Faction.OfPlayer); } list[num].Add(item); num++; if (num >= list.Count) { num = 0; } } } foreach (List <Thing> thingies in list) { IntVec3 casketPos = cryptoPos.RandomElement(); cryptoPos.Remove(casketPos); if (cryptoPos.Count() == 0) { cryptoPos = GetAllCryptoCells(spaceMap); //Out of caskets, time to start double-dipping } foreach (Thing thingy in thingies) { thingy.SetForbidden(true, false); GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thingy, casketPos, spaceMap, ThingPlaceMode.Near); } FloodFillerFog.FloodUnfog(casketPos, spaceMap); } Find.CurrentMap.Parent.Destroy(); CameraJumper.TryJump(spaceMap.Center, spaceMap); spaceMap.weatherManager.curWeather = WeatherDef.Named("OuterSpaceWeather"); spaceMap.weatherManager.lastWeather = WeatherDef.Named("OuterSpaceWeather"); H_Vacuum_PathFinder.ResetMap(spaceMap); Find.MapUI.Notify_SwitchedMap(); CentaurAlphaShipPostProcess(spaceMap); }
public void Hatch() { try { PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(this.Props.hatcherPawn, this.hatcheeFaction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, false, true, false, false, true, false, 1f, false, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, 0f, null, 1f, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < this.parent.stackCount; i++) { Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); if (PawnUtility.TrySpawnHatchedOrBornPawn(pawn, this.parent)) { if (pawn != null) { if (this.hatcheeParent != null) { if (pawn.playerSettings != null && this.hatcheeParent.playerSettings != null && this.hatcheeParent.Faction == this.hatcheeFaction) { pawn.playerSettings.AreaRestriction = this.hatcheeParent.playerSettings.AreaRestriction; } if (pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh) { pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Parent, this.hatcheeParent); } } if (this.otherParent != null && (this.hatcheeParent == null || this.hatcheeParent.gender != this.otherParent.gender) && pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh) { pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Parent, this.otherParent); } if (parent.Map != null) { List <Thing> ignoredThings = new List <Thing>(); List <Pawn> allPawnsSpawned = pawn.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned; for (int k = 0; k < allPawnsSpawned.Count; k++) { if (allPawnsSpawned[k] != null && allPawnsSpawned[k].def.defName == pawn.def.defName) { ignoredThings.Add(allPawnsSpawned[k]); } } Thing pawnThing = pawn as Thing; ignoredThings.Add(pawnThing); // Log.Message(DefDatabase<DamageDef>.GetNamed(Props.damageDef).defName); GenExplosion.DoExplosion(parent.Position, parent.Map, Props.range, DefDatabase <DamageDef> .GetNamed(Props.damageDef), parent, Props.damage, -1, SoundDef.Named(Props.soundDef), null, null, null, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0, false, null, ignoredThings); } } if (this.parent.Spawned) { FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(this.parent.Position, this.parent.Map, ThingDefOf.Filth_AmnioticFluid, 1, FilthSourceFlags.None); } } else { Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(pawn, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Discard); } } } finally { this.parent.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } }
public bool isThereAConstructionSiteHere() { return(Find.WorldObjects.AnyWorldObjectOfDefAt(DefDatabase <WorldObjectDef> .GetNamed("RoadConstructionSite", true), GetCaravan().Tile)); }