public void VisitDeclaration(DeclarationNode node) { _variables.Add(node, _currentOffset); IType type = ((TypeSpecifierNode)node.Type).Type; _currentOffset += _typeSizeManager.GetSize(type); }
public FullScreenQuadVS() { Name = "FullScreenQuadVS"; Type = ShaderType.Vertex; FeatureLevel = FeatureLevel.VS_4_0_Level_9_1; KeyPart = new TechniqueKey(vs: VertexShaderFlags.Position | VertexShaderFlags.TextureUV | VertexShaderFlags.Normal); EnableSeparators = true; InputStruct = Struct.VertexPositionNormalTexture; OutputStruct = SpriteVS.VSOut; Structs.ConstantBuffer cbStatic = SpriteVS.CBStatic; Add(cbStatic); DeclarationNode nClip = ClipSpaceTransformNode.FullScreenNode(InputStruct, cbStatic[Param.Vectors.ViewportSize]); CustomOutputNode outputNode = new CustomOutputNode() { Output = OutputStruct }; outputNode.RegisterField(Vector.ClipPosition, nClip, Shaders.Type.Float4); outputNode.RegisterField(Vector.TextureUV, new ReferenceNode { Value = InputStruct[Param.SemanticVariables.Texture] }, Shaders.Type.Float2); Result = outputNode; }
private static void EnsureDeclarationNode(DeclarationNode declarationNode, RulesetNode ruleSetNode, MediaNode mediaQueryNode, StyleSheetNode actualCss) { var rules = actualCss.StyleSheetRules.ToArray(); var expectedMediaQuery = string.Empty; if (mediaQueryNode != null) { expectedMediaQuery = mediaQueryNode.PrintSelector(); rules = rules.OfType <MediaNode>().Where(r => r.PrintSelector().Equals(expectedMediaQuery)).SelectMany(mq => mq.Rulesets).ToArray(); } var expectedRule = ruleSetNode.PrintSelector(); var declarations = rules .OfType <RulesetNode>() .Where(rsn => rsn.PrintSelector().Equals(expectedRule)) .SelectMany(r => r.Declarations).ToArray(); var expectedproperty = declarationNode.Property; var declarationValues = declarations.Where(d => d.Property.Equals(expectedproperty)).ToArray(); var expectedValue = declarationNode.ExprNode.TermNode.MinifyPrint(); if (!declarationValues.Any(d => d.ExprNode.TermNode.MinifyPrint().Equals(expectedValue))) { Assert.Fail("Could not find [{0}] --> [{1}] --> {2}: {3}; ".InvariantFormat(expectedMediaQuery, expectedRule, expectedproperty, expectedValue)); } }
public override void Visit(DeclarationNode node) { foreach (var i in node.IdentList) { i.Visit(this); } }
public void VisitDeclaration(DeclarationNode node) { // Don't insert unreachable code if (!_builder.InsertBlock.IsValid) { return; } node.Assignment.AcceptExpressionVisitor(this); if (!_visitedValue.IsValid) { return; } Metadata dbgLocation = SetCurrentDebugLocation(node); _function.VariableValues.TryGetValue(node, out Value varStorage); if (_genContext.DebugInfo) { _genContext.TryGetNodeSymbol(node, out Symbol varRange); Metadata varType = _genContext.LookupDiType(node.Type) !.Value; Metadata varMetadata = _genContext.DiBuilder.CreateAutoVariable(_lexicalScope, node.Name, _genContext.DiFile, varRange.LLVMLine, varType, true, LLVMDIFlags.LLVMDIFlagZero, varType.GetTypeAlignInBits()); _genContext.DiBuilder.InsertDeclareAtEnd(varStorage, varMetadata, _genContext.DiBuilder.CreateExpression(), dbgLocation, _builder.InsertBlock); } _visitedValue = _builder.BuildStore(_visitedValue, varStorage); }
public ForNode(DeclarationNode declaration, IExpressionNode condition, IExpressionNode update, BodyNode body) { Declaration = declaration; Condition = condition; Update = update; Body = body; }
public void VisitFunctionCall(FunctionCallNode node) { node.LHS.ReturnType.AcceptSyntaxTreeVisitor(_delegator); for (int i = 0, ilen = node.Arguments.Count; i < ilen; ++i) { DeclarationNode parameter = node.LHS.Parameters[i]; IExpressionNode argument = node.Arguments[i]; // TypeSpecifiers should be resolved at this point. TypeSpecifierNode typeSpecifier = (TypeSpecifierNode)parameter.Type; IType parameterType = typeSpecifier.Type; IType argumentType = GetExpressionType(argument); if (parameterType != argumentType) { string message = $"Type mismatch between parameter and positional argument {i}.\n" + $" Parameter: {parameterType.Represent()}\n" + $" Argument: {argumentType.Represent()}"; _errors.AddError(message, node); } } SetAndCacheType(node, Type); }
private string CreateParameters(DeclarationNode procedureDeclaration, ScopedSymbolTable symbols) { string param = ""; for (var index = 0; index < procedureDeclaration.Parameters.Count; index++) { var p = procedureDeclaration.Parameters[index]; var name = p.Declaration.VarNode.VariableName; var matches = symbols.LookupSymbols <Symbol>(name, true); if (matches.Count > 1) { name = current.AddAlias(name); } param += $"{typesConverter.GetTypeName(p.Declaration.TypeNode.TypeValue)} {name}"; if (index != procedureDeclaration.Parameters.Count - 1) { param += ","; } } return(param); }
private void ParseMethodParameters(List <Token> tokens, ref int index, MethodNode method) { int count = 0; do { if (index >= tokens.Count) { throw new ParserException(tokens.Last(), ParserException.Kind.EndOfStream); } if (count > 0) { ExpectDelimiter(tokens, ref index, ","); } var arg = new ParameterNode(method); var decl = new DeclarationNode(arg); var typeText = ExpectIdentifier(tokens, ref index, true); decl.type = GetTypeFromToken(method, typeText); if (decl.type == null) { throw new ParserException(tokens.Last(), ParserException.Kind.ExpectedType); } decl.identifier = ExpectIdentifier(tokens, ref index, false); count++; } while (tokens[index].text != ")"); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the Background class /// Example: /// #selector /// { /// background: url(../../i/02/3118D8F3781159C8341246BBF2B4CA.gif) no-repeat -10px -200px; /// }</summary> /// <param name="declarationAstNode">The background declaration node</param> /// <param name="outputUnit">The output unit.</param> /// <param name="outputUnitFactor">The output unit factor.</param> internal Background(DeclarationNode declarationAstNode, string outputUnit, double outputUnitFactor) { Contract.Requires(declarationAstNode != null); this.DeclarationAstNode = declarationAstNode; this.BackgroundImage = new BackgroundImage(); this.BackgroundPosition = new BackgroundPosition(outputUnit, outputUnitFactor); this.BackgroundRepeat = new BackgroundRepeat(); var expr = declarationAstNode.ExprNode; var termNode = expr.TermNode; // Parse term this.BackgroundImage.ParseTerm(termNode); this.BackgroundPosition.ParseTerm(termNode); this.BackgroundRepeat.ParseTerm(termNode); // Parse term with operator expr.TermsWithOperators.ForEach(termWithOperator => { this.BackgroundImage.ParseTermWithOperator(termWithOperator); this.BackgroundPosition.ParseTermWithOperator(termWithOperator); this.BackgroundRepeat.ParseTermWithOperator(termWithOperator); }); }
public void Visit(DeclarationNode node) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue; Console.Write(Indent + "DeclarationNode: " + node.Type + " " + node.Identifier + " "); node.RightHandSide.Accept(this); Console.Write("\n"); Console.ResetColor(); }
/// <summary>Updates declaration based on property keys/values. If property has a key or a value that contains /// "Excluded", then such a property will be excluded from the updated declaration.</summary> /// <example>The "background-image" will be excluded from the following CSS selector: /// #selector /// { /// background-position: -10px -200px; /// background-image: Excluded; /// background-image: url(../../i/02/3118D8F3781159C8341246BBF2B4CA.gif); /// }</example> /// <example>The "Excluded-right" will be excluded from the following CSS selector: /// #selector /// { /// Excluded-right: -10px; /// background-image: url(../../i/02/3118D8F3781159C8341246BBF2B4CA.gif); /// }</example> /// <param name="declarationNode">The declaration node</param> /// <returns>The updated declaration node</returns> public override AstNode VisitDeclarationNode(DeclarationNode declarationNode) { if (declarationNode == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("declarationNode"); } return(declarationNode.MinifyPrint().Contains(ExcludedSubstring) ? null : declarationNode); }
internal Parameter(DeclarationNode node) { DecNode = node; Name = node.NameString; Display = node.AsString; Description = null; UoTypeToken = node.UoTypeToken; Type = UoTypeToken == null /*any*/ ? null : UoTypeToken.Value; }
public override string Visit(DeclarationNode node, CssVisitorParams p) { var property = node.Property.Accept(this, p); var value = node.Value.Accept(this, p); p.RuleBuilder.AddDeclaration(property, value); return(null); }
public void VisitDeclaration(DeclarationNode node) { node.Assignment.AcceptExpressionVisitor(this); int resultSize = GetExpressionResultSize(node.Assignment); int addr = _functionBuilder.AddInstruction(OpCode.WRITE, _layout.Variables[node], resultSize); _functionBuilder.AddInstruction(OpCode.POP, 0, resultSize); _functionBuilder.AddDebugSymbol(addr, node); }
public void Visit_DeclarationWithNewName_LogsNoError() { // Arrange DeclarationNode declarationNode = new DeclarationNode(StandardTypes.Int, new IdentifierNode("myInt", DummySrcPos), DummySrcPos); // Act Checker.Visit(declarationNode); // Assert Assert.IsTrue(ErrorLogger.Errors.Count == 0); }
public void Visit_DeclarationWithAlreadyDeclaredName_LogsVariableAlreadyDeclaredError() { // Arrange DeclarationNode declarationNode = new DeclarationNode(StandardTypes.Player, new IdentifierNode("player", DummySrcPos), DummySrcPos); // Act Checker.Visit(declarationNode); // Assert Assert.IsTrue(ErrorLogger.Errors.Count == 1 && ErrorLogger.Errors.First() is VariableAlreadyDeclaredError); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the BackgroundRepeat class</summary> /// <param name="declarationNode">The declaration node</param> internal BackgroundRepeat(DeclarationNode declarationNode) { if (declarationNode == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("declarationNode"); } var expr = declarationNode.ExprNode; this.ParseTerm(expr.TermNode); expr.TermsWithOperators.ForEach(this.ParseTermWithOperator); }
public void DeclarationNodeHasCorrectTypeAndId() { // AstNode astMads = astRoot.GetChildren(2); Assert.That(astMads, Is.TypeOf <DeclarationNode>()); DeclarationNode dclMads = astMads as DeclarationNode; Assert.That(dclMads.Identifier, Is.EqualTo("mads")); Assert.That(dclMads.Type, Is.EqualTo(LanguageType.Int)); }
/// <summary>The <see cref="DeclarationNode"/> visit implementation</summary> /// <param name="declarationNode">The declaration AST node</param> /// <returns>The modified AST node if modified otherwise the original node</returns> public override AstNode VisitDeclarationNode(DeclarationNode declarationNode) { if (declarationNode == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("declarationNode"); } // Validate the property for lower case ValidateForLowerCase(declarationNode.Property); return(declarationNode); }
/// <summary>The <see cref="Ast.DeclarationNode"/> visit implementation</summary> /// <param name="declarationNode">The declaration AST node</param> /// <returns>The modified AST node if modified otherwise the original node</returns> public override AstNode VisitDeclarationNode(DeclarationNode declarationNode) { if (HasTokens(declarationNode.Property)) { return(new DeclarationNode( ReplaceTokens(declarationNode.Property, this.resources), declarationNode.ExprNode.Accept(this) as ExprNode, declarationNode.Prio, declarationNode.ImportantComments)); } return(base.VisitDeclarationNode(declarationNode)); }
/// <summary>Creates a declaration node from list of term with operator nodes</summary> /// <param name="declarationNode">The original declaration node</param> /// <param name="termWithOperatorNodes">The list of term with operator nodes</param> /// <returns>The new declaration node</returns> internal static DeclarationNode CreateDeclarationNode(this DeclarationNode declarationNode, List <TermWithOperatorNode> termWithOperatorNodes) { if (declarationNode == null || termWithOperatorNodes == null || termWithOperatorNodes.Count <= 0) { return(declarationNode); } var primaryTerm = termWithOperatorNodes[0].TermNode; termWithOperatorNodes.RemoveAt(0); return(new DeclarationNode(declarationNode.Property, new ExprNode(primaryTerm, termWithOperatorNodes.AsReadOnly(), null), declarationNode.Prio, declarationNode.ImportantComments)); }
private Type EnsureStructRecursive(StructNode structNode, HashSet <StructNode> closedSet) { // Check if struct has already been created Type?llvmStructType = Context.LookupStructType(structNode.Name); if (llvmStructType != null) { return(llvmStructType.Value); } // Add this node to closed set to avoid cycles if (closedSet.Contains(structNode)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cyclic struct member detected: {structNode.Name}"); } closedSet.Add(structNode); // Head recursion is necessary to resolve non-forward-declared struct types Type[] memberTypes = new Type[structNode.Members.Count]; for (int i = 0, ilen = structNode.Members.Count; i < ilen; ++i) { DeclarationNode member = structNode.Members[i]; IType tp = ((TypeSpecifierNode)member.Type).Type; Type? llvmTp = LookupType(tp); if (llvmTp != null) { memberTypes[i] = llvmTp.Value; } else if (tp is StructType structType) { memberTypes[i] = EnsureStructRecursive(structType.Struct, closedSet); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to ensure type recursively"); } } // Actually create the LLVM type here Type newStructType = Context.CreateStruct(structNode.Name, memberTypes); ulong sizeInBits = TargetDataLayout.SizeOfTypeInBits(newStructType); uint alignInBits = TargetDataLayout.PreferredAlignmentOfType(newStructType); List <Metadata> diMemberTypes = structNode.Members.ConvertAll(d => LookupDiType(((TypeSpecifierNode)d.Type).Type) !.Value); // TODO: resolve declaration file and line DiBuilder.CreateStruct(structNode.Name, DiFile, 0, sizeInBits, alignInBits, diMemberTypes.ToArray()); return(newStructType); }
public override void Visit(DeclarationNode node) { WriteIndent(); ProgramBuilder.Append(node.Type.ToString().ToLower()); AddSpace(); for (int i = 0; i < node.IdentList.Count - 1; ++i) { node.IdentList[i].Visit(this); ProgramBuilder.Append(", "); } node.IdentList[node.IdentList.Count - 1].Visit(this); ProgramBuilder.Append(';'); NewLine(); }
public void Visit_DeclarationNode_EmitsCorrectCode() { // Arrange DeclarationNode declarationNode = new DeclarationNode(new IntTypeNode(0, DummySrcPos), new IdentifierNode("myInt", DummySrcPos), DummySrcPos); string expectedResult = "int myInt = 0;\n"; // Act string actualResult = CodeGenerator.Visit(declarationNode); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult, actualResult); }
public LanguageType Visit(DeclarationNode node) { if (node.RightHandSide != null) { var exprType = node.RightHandSide.Accept(this); if (exprType != node.Type) { throw new AlangExeption(node, $"declared type {node.Type.ToLower()} cannot be used with type {exprType.ToLower()}"); } } return(node.Type); }
public void InvalidConstVarCopyDeclarationTest() { string script = @"int i = 0; float j = i;"; Parser p = ParserTestHelper.GetParserInstanceForScript(script); p.Execute(); //peek last DeclarationNode jDeclaration = p.Tree.TreeRoot.Childrens[1] as DeclarationNode; //int jValue = (int)jDeclaration.Variable.Value; }
public bool Covers(LValue other) { for (int i = 0, ilen = Math.Min(_path.Length, other._path.Length); i < ilen; ++i) { DeclarationNode a = _path[i]; DeclarationNode b = other._path[i]; if (a != b) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private void Visit(DeclarationNode node) { var typeName = node.TypeNode.Data.Type.ToString(); var typeSymbol = CurrentScope.Lookup(typeName); var varName = node.VariableNode.Data.Value.ToString(); var varSymbol = new VariableSymbol(varName, typeSymbol); if (CurrentScope.Lookup(varName, true) != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Variable {varName} has already been declared."); } CurrentScope.Insert(varSymbol); }
public override void Visit(DeclarationNode node) { Console.Write("local " + node.Type.ToLower() + (node.IsArray ? "[] " : " ")); node.Id.Accept(this); if (node.InitialValue != null) { Console.Write(" = "); node.InitialValue.Accept(this); } Console.Write(";"); PrettyPrintNewLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a list of declarations from the nodes aggregated by a parent. /// </summary> private void BuildDeclarationList(DeclarationNode parent, List<DeclarationNode> declarations) { if (parent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parent"); if (declarations == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("declarations"); // get list of children. IList<IReference> references = parent.Node.References.Find(ReferenceTypeIds.HierarchicalReferences, false, true, m_nodes.TypeTree); foreach (IReference reference in references) { // do not follow sub-type references. if (m_nodes.TypeTree.IsTypeOf(reference.ReferenceTypeId, ReferenceTypeIds.HasSubtype)) { continue; } // find child (ignore children that are not in the node table). ILocalNode child = GetLocalNode(reference.TargetId) as ILocalNode; if (child == null) { continue; } // create the declartion node. DeclarationNode declaration = new DeclarationNode(); declaration.Node = child; declaration.BrowsePath = Utils.Format("{0}.{1}", parent.BrowsePath, child.BrowseName); declarations.Add(declaration); // recursively include aggregated children. NodeId modellingRule = child.ModellingRule; if (modellingRule == Objects.ModellingRule_Mandatory || modellingRule == Objects.ModellingRule_Optional) { BuildDeclarationList(declaration, declarations); } } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the list of declaration nodes for a type definition. /// </summary> private void BuildDeclarationList(ILocalNode typeDefinition, List<DeclarationNode> declarations) { if (typeDefinition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("typeDefinition"); if (declarations == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("declarations"); // guard against loops (i.e. common grandparents). for (int ii = 0; ii < declarations.Count; ii++) { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(declarations[ii].Node, typeDefinition)) { return; } } // create the root declaration for the type. DeclarationNode declaration = new DeclarationNode(); declaration.Node = typeDefinition; declaration.BrowsePath = String.Empty; declarations.Add(declaration); // follow references to supertypes first. foreach (IReference reference in typeDefinition.References.Find(ReferenceTypeIds.HasSubtype, true, false, null)) { ILocalNode supertype = GetLocalNode(reference.TargetId) as ILocalNode; if (supertype == null) { continue; } BuildDeclarationList(supertype, declarations); } // add children of type. BuildDeclarationList(declaration, declarations); }
public void ApplyModellingRules( ILocalNode instance, ILocalNode typeDefinition, ILocalNode templateDeclaration, ushort namespaceIndex) { if (instance == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); if (typeDefinition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("typeDefinition"); // check existing type definition. UpdateTypeDefinition(instance, typeDefinition.NodeId); // create list of declarations for the type definition (recursively collects definitions from supertypes). List<DeclarationNode> declarations = new List<DeclarationNode>(); BuildDeclarationList(typeDefinition, declarations); // add instance declaration if provided. if (templateDeclaration != null) { DeclarationNode declaration = new DeclarationNode(); declaration.Node = templateDeclaration; declaration.BrowsePath = String.Empty; declarations.Add(declaration); BuildDeclarationList(templateDeclaration, declarations); } // build list of instances to create. List<ILocalNode> typeDefinitions = new List<ILocalNode>(); SortedDictionary<string,ILocalNode> instanceDeclarations = new SortedDictionary<string,ILocalNode>(); SortedDictionary<NodeId,ILocalNode> possibleTargets = new SortedDictionary<NodeId,ILocalNode>(); // create instances from declarations. // subtypes appear in list last so traversing the list backwards find the overridden nodes first. for (int ii = declarations.Count-1; ii >= 0; ii--) { DeclarationNode declaration = declarations[ii]; // update type definition list. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(declaration.BrowsePath)) { typeDefinitions.Add(declaration.Node); continue; } // skip declaration if instance already exists. // (i.e. the declaration was overridden). if (instanceDeclarations.ContainsKey(declaration.BrowsePath)) { continue; } // update instance declaration list. instanceDeclarations[declaration.BrowsePath] = declaration.Node; // save the node as a possible target of references. possibleTargets[declaration.Node.NodeId] = declaration.Node; } // build list of instances that already exist. SortedDictionary<string,ILocalNode> existingInstances = new SortedDictionary<string,ILocalNode>(); BuildInstanceList(instance, String.Empty, existingInstances); // maps the instance declaration onto an instance node. Dictionary<NodeId,ILocalNode> instancesToCreate = new Dictionary<NodeId,ILocalNode>(); // apply modelling rules to instance declarations. foreach (KeyValuePair<string,ILocalNode> current in instanceDeclarations) { string browsePath = current.Key; ILocalNode instanceDeclaration = current.Value; // check if the same instance has multiple browse paths to it. ILocalNode newInstance = null; if (instancesToCreate.TryGetValue(instanceDeclaration.NodeId, out newInstance)) { continue; } // check for an existing instance. if (existingInstances.TryGetValue(browsePath, out newInstance)) { continue; } // apply modelling rule to determine whether to create a new instance. NodeId modellingRule = instanceDeclaration.ModellingRule; // always create a new instance if one does not already exist. if (modellingRule == Objects.ModellingRule_Mandatory) { if (newInstance == null) { newInstance = instanceDeclaration.CreateCopy(CreateUniqueNodeId()); AddNode(newInstance); } } // ignore optional instances unless one has been specified in the existing tree. else if (modellingRule == Objects.ModellingRule_Optional) { if (newInstance == null) { continue; } } // always use the declaration node. else if (modellingRule == Objects.ModellingRule_MandatoryShared) { newInstance = instanceDeclaration; } // ignore any unknown modelling rules. else { continue; } // save the mapping between the instance declaration and the new instance. instancesToCreate[instanceDeclaration.NodeId] = newInstance; } // add references from type definitions to top level. foreach (ILocalNode type in typeDefinitions) { foreach (IReference reference in type.References) { // ignore external references from type. if (reference.TargetId.IsAbsolute) { continue; } // ignore subtype references. if (m_nodes.TypeTree.IsTypeOf(reference.ReferenceTypeId, ReferenceTypeIds.HasSubtype)) { continue; } // ignore targets that are not in the instance tree. ILocalNode target = null; if (!instancesToCreate.TryGetValue((NodeId)reference.TargetId, out target)) { continue; } // add forward and backward reference. AddReference(instance, reference.ReferenceTypeId, reference.IsInverse, target, true); } } // add references between instance declarations. foreach (ILocalNode instanceDeclaration in instanceDeclarations.Values) { // find the source for the references. ILocalNode source = null; if (!instancesToCreate.TryGetValue(instanceDeclaration.NodeId, out source)) { continue; } // check if the source is a shared node. bool sharedNode = Object.ReferenceEquals(instanceDeclaration, source); foreach (IReference reference in instanceDeclaration.References) { // add external reference. if (reference.TargetId.IsAbsolute) { if (!sharedNode) { AddReference(source, reference.ReferenceTypeId, reference.IsInverse, reference.TargetId); } continue; } // check for modelling rule. if (reference.ReferenceTypeId == ReferenceTypeIds.HasModellingRule) { if (!source.References.Exists(ReferenceTypeIds.HasModellingRule, false, reference.TargetId, false, null)) { AddReference(source, reference.ReferenceTypeId, false, reference.TargetId); } continue; } // check for type definition. if (reference.ReferenceTypeId == ReferenceTypeIds.HasTypeDefinition) { if (!sharedNode) { UpdateTypeDefinition(source, instanceDeclaration.TypeDefinitionId); } continue; } // add targets that are not in the instance tree. ILocalNode target = null; if (!instancesToCreate.TryGetValue((NodeId)reference.TargetId, out target)) { // don't update shared nodes because the reference should already exist. if (sharedNode) { continue; } // top level references to the type definition node were already added. if (reference.TargetId == typeDefinition.NodeId) { continue; } // see if a reference is allowed. if (!IsExternalReferenceAllowed(reference.ReferenceTypeId)) { continue; } // add one way reference. source.References.Add(reference.ReferenceTypeId, reference.IsInverse, reference.TargetId); continue; } // add forward and backward reference. AddReference(source, reference.ReferenceTypeId, reference.IsInverse, target, true); } } }