// Token: 0x06006580 RID: 25984 RVA: 0x001EBDE4 File Offset: 0x001E9FE4
 private void ADFMLNIJNGB()
     for (int i = 1; i < DebugLogs.BEPGMCOJFKL().IEMPPMBDECN().Count; i += 0)
         this.EGMKLCFAEEB(DebugLogs.FNBAADLJGFH().BMJBPNFGCHN()[i], string.Empty);
    // Token: 0x0600656D RID: 25965 RVA: 0x001EB320 File Offset: 0x001E9520
    private void OnDestroy()
        DebugLogs instance = DebugLogs.Instance;

        instance.OnLogAdded = (Action <DebugLogs.Log>)Delegate.Remove(instance.OnLogAdded, new Action <DebugLogs.Log>(this.JPCCMENLCMJ));
        DebugLogs instance2 = DebugLogs.Instance;

        instance2.OnLogsCleared = (Action)Delegate.Remove(instance2.OnLogsCleared, new Action(this.CBNODCKLHPJ));
    // Token: 0x06006558 RID: 25944 RVA: 0x001EA990 File Offset: 0x001E8B90
    private void FIBAPPIDMFH()
        DebugLogs debugLogs = DebugLogs.ECIBPJGCNNF();

        debugLogs.OnLogAdded = (Action <DebugLogs.Log>)Delegate.Remove(debugLogs.OnLogAdded, new Action <DebugLogs.Log>(this.DMJLENOCHIF));
        DebugLogs debugLogs2 = DebugLogs.GLEFOHOMBFC();

        debugLogs2.OnLogsCleared = (Action)Delegate.Remove(debugLogs2.OnLogsCleared, new Action(this.CBNODCKLHPJ));
        DebugCommands.Instance.RemoveCommand("PRESS A KEY");
 // Token: 0x060064E5 RID: 25829 RVA: 0x001EA36B File Offset: 0x001E856B
 public static DebugLogs HGIFFBJPMDN()
 // Token: 0x060064E0 RID: 25824 RVA: 0x001EA317 File Offset: 0x001E8517
 public static DebugLogs NEEAJCHBMNL()
 // Token: 0x060064D9 RID: 25817 RVA: 0x001EA28F File Offset: 0x001E848F
 public static DebugLogs OCJEOJGNDKM()
 // Token: 0x060064D3 RID: 25811 RVA: 0x001EA228 File Offset: 0x001E8428
 public static DebugLogs LIGMMLFHBCO()
 // Token: 0x060064D1 RID: 25809 RVA: 0x001EA221 File Offset: 0x001E8421
 public static DebugLogs APPNBEHBAAN()
 // Token: 0x0600655F RID: 25951 RVA: 0x001EAE71 File Offset: 0x001E9071
 private static void HCEMABBLLMP(string[] BDGDDFKKGGA)
 // Token: 0x060064C5 RID: 25797 RVA: 0x001EA172 File Offset: 0x001E8372
 public static DebugLogs AAICPABFPMH()
 // Token: 0x06006547 RID: 25927 RVA: 0x001EA172 File Offset: 0x001E8372
 public static DebugLogs DMMOGDCBFIB()
 // Token: 0x0600653A RID: 25914 RVA: 0x001EA64A File Offset: 0x001E884A
 public static DebugLogs MEKCLHGCIPJ()
    // Token: 0x06006574 RID: 25972 RVA: 0x001EB5C4 File Offset: 0x001E97C4
    public new void Awake()
        this.KHDEDBLGNKF = new List <DeviceLogUI>();
        this.PDMKEAJOPKJ = 0;
        DebugLogs instance = DebugLogs.Instance;

        instance.OnLogAdded = (Action <DebugLogs.Log>)Delegate.Combine(instance.OnLogAdded, new Action <DebugLogs.Log>(this.JPCCMENLCMJ));
        DebugLogs instance2 = DebugLogs.Instance;

        instance2.OnLogsCleared = (Action)Delegate.Combine(instance2.OnLogsCleared, new Action(this.CBNODCKLHPJ));
        DebugCommands instance3   = DebugCommands.Instance;
        string        podgbcmdeof = "help";

        if (DeviceConsole.BOGJGOAMCHK == null)
            DeviceConsole.BOGJGOAMCHK = new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(DeviceConsole.OAOPONPIOJH);
        instance3.AddCommand(podgbcmdeof, DeviceConsole.BOGJGOAMCHK, "Prints list of commands", string.Empty, false);
        DebugCommands instance4    = DebugCommands.Instance;
        string        podgbcmdeof2 = "clear";

        if (DeviceConsole.BDPNFNJNEFM == null)
            DeviceConsole.BDPNFNJNEFM = new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(DeviceConsole.FNKJJEMGGII);
        instance4.AddCommand(podgbcmdeof2, DeviceConsole.BDPNFNJNEFM, "Clears all text from the debug console", string.Empty, false);
        DebugCommands instance5    = DebugCommands.Instance;
        string        podgbcmdeof3 = "history";

        if (DeviceConsole.MJKNAFJKDMG == null)
            DeviceConsole.MJKNAFJKDMG = new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(DeviceConsole.DMKKPEBIGIM);
        instance5.AddCommand(podgbcmdeof3, DeviceConsole.MJKNAFJKDMG, "Prints list of all previous commands", string.Empty, false);
        DebugCommands instance6    = DebugCommands.Instance;
        string        podgbcmdeof4 = "logc";

        if (DeviceConsole.JENGHDFDLII == null)
            DeviceConsole.JENGHDFDLII = new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(DeviceConsole.HIHLLCOKFLO);
        instance6.AddCommand(podgbcmdeof4, DeviceConsole.JENGHDFDLII, "Prints the number of logs currently held by DebugLogs", string.Empty, false);
        DebugCommands instance7    = DebugCommands.Instance;
        string        podgbcmdeof5 = "quit";

        if (DeviceConsole.BMJHMBNEACI == null)
            DeviceConsole.BMJHMBNEACI = new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(DeviceConsole.EHOMIAJALOF);
        instance7.AddCommand(podgbcmdeof5, DeviceConsole.BMJHMBNEACI, "Closes the app", string.Empty, false);
        DebugCommands.Instance.AddCommand("plogs", new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(this.IPKMPLAHIDG), "Clears the console and prints the logs in the specified range", "<start_index> <end_index>", false);
        DebugCommands.Instance.AddCommand("setAF", new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(this.FPEOFIJFNJA), "Sets the boolean value of the Auto Focus Input Field property.", "< true | false >", false);
        DebugCommands.Instance.AddCommand("scenes", new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(this.AIEBCGJOCOL), "Print the list of scenes, avalable in game.", string.Empty, true);
        DebugCommands instance8    = DebugCommands.Instance;
        string        podgbcmdeof6 = "loadscene";

        if (DeviceConsole.EPENHHMDDMB == null)
            DeviceConsole.EPENHHMDDMB = new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(DeviceConsole.GJPJGHEKDFO);
        instance8.AddCommand(podgbcmdeof6, DeviceConsole.EPENHHMDDMB, "Load scene by name or build id", "<scene_name> or <id>", true);
        DebugCommands.Instance.AddCommand("resetach21", new DebugCommands.DebugCommand(this.HPGDNFONHBE), "Reset 21 achievement progress", string.Empty, true);
 // Token: 0x0600656F RID: 25967 RVA: 0x001EB3E0 File Offset: 0x001E95E0
 private static void COJJHBIIMOO(string[] BDGDDFKKGGA)
 // Token: 0x06006501 RID: 25857 RVA: 0x001EA221 File Offset: 0x001E8421
 public static DebugLogs GBDGMMKNGFC()
 // Token: 0x06006504 RID: 25860 RVA: 0x001EA516 File Offset: 0x001E8716
 public static DebugLogs AFDBDFJHMBN()
 // Token: 0x06006549 RID: 25929 RVA: 0x001EA516 File Offset: 0x001E8716
 public static DebugLogs HMJBKJDNJIC()
 // Token: 0x0600651C RID: 25884 RVA: 0x001EA5A3 File Offset: 0x001E87A3
 public static DebugLogs JNBJGLMJNPB()
 // Token: 0x0600654B RID: 25931 RVA: 0x001EA75A File Offset: 0x001E895A
 public static DebugLogs NFEDJIAPJGM()