Пример #1
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            MultiHashMap.Clear(); // need to be cleared because it is persistent

            // adjust its size to match the current needs
            int entityNumber = _query.CalculateLength();

            if (entityNumber > MultiHashMap.Capacity)
                MultiHashMap.Capacity = entityNumber;

            var setQuadrantDataHashMapJob = new SetQuadrantHashMapDataJob
                NativeMultiHashMap = MultiHashMap.ToConcurrent()

            JobHandle jobHandle = JobForEachExtensions.Schedule(setQuadrantDataHashMapJob, _query);


            // === DEBUG DRAW ===
            // draw quadrants around the player's
            if (Debug.isDebugBuild && GameEngine.Instance.DrawCollisionQuadrants)
                float posX = GameEngine.SpaceshipInstance.transform.position.x;
                float posY = GameEngine.SpaceshipInstance.transform.position.y;
                for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                    for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                        DebugDrawMethods.DebugDrawQuadrant(posX + i * QuadrantCellSize, posY + y * QuadrantCellSize, Color.yellow);

                Debug.Log(GetEntityCountInHashMap(MultiHashMap, GetPositionHashMapKey(Utils.GetMouseWorldPosition())));
Пример #2
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            .WithAllReadOnly <Translation, CollisionTypeData>()
            .WithNone <TimeToRespawnData>()
            .ForEach((Entity entity, ref Translation translation, ref CollisionTypeData collisionType) =>
                int hashMapKey = QuadrantSystem.GetPositionHashMapKey(translation.Value);

                // check in this quadrant
                if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, hashMapKey))

                // this will be used for the diagonal checks
                bool left = false, right = false, top = false, bottom = false;

                // check in neighboring quadrant if necessary
                QuadrantSystem.RetrieveComponentsFromHashMapKey(hashMapKey, out int xComponent, out int yComponent);

                float leftBorder = xComponent * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantCellSize;
                if (Mathf.Abs(translation.Value.x - leftBorder) < GetEntityRadius(collisionType.CollisionObjectType))
                    left = true;
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent - 1 + yComponent * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                float rightBorder = (xComponent + 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantCellSize;
                if (Mathf.Abs(translation.Value.x - rightBorder) < GetEntityRadius(collisionType.CollisionObjectType))
                    right = true;
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent + 1 + yComponent * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                float topBorder = (yComponent + 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantCellSize;
                if (Mathf.Abs(translation.Value.y - topBorder) < GetEntityRadius(collisionType.CollisionObjectType))
                    top = true;
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent + (yComponent + 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                float bottomBorder = yComponent * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantCellSize;
                if (Mathf.Abs(translation.Value.y - bottomBorder) < GetEntityRadius(collisionType.CollisionObjectType))
                    bottom = true;
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent + (yComponent - 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                // check diagonal possibilities
                if (top && left)
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent - 1 + (yComponent + 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                if (top && right)
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent + 1 + (yComponent + 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                if (bottom && left)
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent - 1 + (yComponent - 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                if (bottom && right)
                    if (CheckInQuadrant(ref entity, translation, collisionType, xComponent + 1 + (yComponent - 1) * QuadrantSystem.QuadrantMultiplier))

                // === DEBUG DRAW ===
                // draw sphere around entities around the player's
                // surprisingly there is no way to draw a circle but sphere will do
                // is DebugBuild can only be called from the main thread as well as Gizmo.DrawSpheare
                if (Debug.isDebugBuild && GameEngine.Instance.DrawEntityCollisionBorders)
                    DebugDrawMethods.DebugDrawCircle(translation.Value.x, translation.Value.y, GetEntityRadius(collisionType.CollisionObjectType), Color.red);