private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctx = new PrimaryContext(); ctx.SetCurrent(); modPRelu = ctx.LoadModulePTX("PRelu.ptx"); modDeBayer = ctx.LoadModulePTX("DeBayer.ptx"); modColor = ctx.LoadModulePTX("ImageColorProcessing.ptx"); createBayerKernel = new CreateBayerWithNoiseKernel(ctx, modDeBayer); deBayerGreenKernel = new DeBayerGreenKernel(modDeBayer, ctx); deBayerRedBlueKernel = new DeBayerRedBlueKernel(modDeBayer, ctx); setupCurandKernel = new SetupCurandKernel(ctx, modDeBayer); highlightRecoveryKernel = new HighlightRecoveryKernel(modColor, ctx); camToXYZKernel = new ConvertCamToXYZKernel(modColor, ctx); convertRGBTosRGBKernel = new ConvertRGBTosRGBKernel(modColor, ctx); //constant variable is set for the entire module! createBayerKernel.BayerPattern = new BayerColor[] { BayerColor.Red, BayerColor.Green, BayerColor.Green, BayerColor.Blue }; //If you do not have CUDNN, set the last parameter to false (use NPP instead) denoiseAndDemoisaic = new DenoiseAndDemoisaic(TileSize, ctx, modPRelu, true); CuRandStates = new CudaDeviceVariable <byte>(TileSize * TileSize * 48); //one state has the size of 48 bytes setupCurandKernel.RunSafe(CuRandStates, TileSize * TileSize); tile = new NPPImage_32fC3(TileSize, TileSize); cmb_IsoValue.SelectedIndex = 0; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Read CL arguments for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-d") { deviceID = int.Parse(args[++i]); } if (args[i] == "-lr") { learning_rate = double.Parse(args[++i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (args[i] == "-iso") { ISO = args[++i]; } if (args[i] == "-t") { crosscheck = true; } if (args[i] == "-w") { warmStart = int.Parse(args[++i]); Console.WriteLine("Start with epoch " + warmStart); } if (args[i] == "-s") { saveImages = true; } } Console.WriteLine("Using device ID: " + deviceID); Console.WriteLine("Learning rate: " + learning_rate); //Init Cuda stuff ctx = new PrimaryContext(deviceID); ctx.SetCurrent(); Console.WriteLine("Context created"); CUmodule modPatch = ctx.LoadModulePTX("PatchProcessing.ptx"); Console.WriteLine("modPatch loaded"); CUmodule modBorder = ctx.LoadModulePTX("BorderTreatment.ptx"); Console.WriteLine("modBorder loaded"); CUmodule modError = ctx.LoadModulePTX("ErrorComputation.ptx"); Console.WriteLine("modError loaded"); CUmodule modPRelu = ctx.LoadModulePTX("PRelu.ptx"); Console.WriteLine("modPRelu loaded"); CUmodule modDeBayer = ctx.LoadModulePTX("DeBayer.ptx"); Console.WriteLine("all modules loaded"); deBayerGreenKernel = new DeBayerGreenKernel(modDeBayer, ctx); deBayerRedBlueKernel = new DeBayerRedBlueKernel(modDeBayer, ctx); //Both deBayer kernels are load from the same module: setting the constant variable for bayer pattern one is enough... deBayerGreenKernel.BayerPattern = new BayerColor[] { BayerColor.Red, BayerColor.Green, BayerColor.Green, BayerColor.Blue }; prepareDataKernel = new PrepareDataKernel(modPatch, ctx); restoreImageKernel = new RestoreImageKernel(modPatch, ctx); Console.WriteLine("kernels loaded"); int countOwn = 468083; int count5k = 33408; string fileBase = @"/ssd/data/TrainingsDataNN/"; List <float3> WhiteBalanceFactors = new List <float3>(); FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(fileBase + "FromOwnDataset/WhiteBalancesOwn.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(fileBase + "From5kDataset/WhiteBalances5k.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr1 = new StreamReader(fs1); StreamReader sr2 = new StreamReader(fs2); for (int i = 0; i < countOwn; i++) { fileRawList.Add(fileBase + "FromOwnDataset/ISO" + ISO + "/img_" + i.ToString("0000000") + ".bin"); fileTrouthList.Add(fileBase + "FromOwnDataset/GroundTruth/img_" + i.ToString("0000000") + ".bin"); string line = sr1.ReadLine(); string[] values = line.Split('\t'); float3 wb = new float3(float.Parse(values[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(values[2], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(values[3], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); WhiteBalanceFactors.Add(wb); } for (int i = 0; i < count5k; i++) { fileRawList.Add(fileBase + "From5kDataset/ISO" + ISO + "/img_" + i.ToString("0000000") + ".bin"); fileTrouthList.Add(fileBase + "From5kDataset/GroundTruth/img_" + i.ToString("0000000") + ".bin"); string line = sr2.ReadLine(); string[] values = line.Split('\t'); float3 wb = new float3(float.Parse(values[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(values[2], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(values[3], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); WhiteBalanceFactors.Add(wb); } sr2.Close(); sr1.Close(); baOriginal = new float3[countOwn + count5k][]; baRAW = new float[countOwn + count5k][]; Random rand = new Random(0); //random order for the image patches for (int i = 0; i < countOwn + count5k - 1; i++) { int r = i + (rand.Next() % (countOwn + count5k - i)); string temp = fileRawList[i]; fileRawList[i] = fileRawList[r]; fileRawList[r] = temp; temp = fileTrouthList[i]; fileTrouthList[i] = fileTrouthList[r]; fileTrouthList[r] = temp; float3 tempf = WhiteBalanceFactors[i]; WhiteBalanceFactors[i] = WhiteBalanceFactors[r]; WhiteBalanceFactors[r] = tempf; } Console.WriteLine("Initialization done!"); int trainingSize = (int)((countOwn + count5k) * 0.9f); //4 patches per file int testSize = fileRawList.Count - trainingSize; CudaBlas blas = new CudaBlas(PointerMode.Host); CudaDNNContext cudnn = new CudaDNNContext(); int patchSize = 31; int patchSize4 = 66; //Size of an 2x2 patch read from file int batch = 64; float normalization = 0.5f; //define neural network: StartLayer start = new StartLayer(patchSize, patchSize, 3, batch); FinalLayer final = new FinalLayer(patchSize, patchSize, 3, batch, FinalLayer.Norm.Mix, ctx, modError); ConvolutionalLayer conv1 = new ConvolutionalLayer(patchSize, patchSize, 3, patchSize, patchSize, 64, batch, 9, 9, ConvolutionalLayer.Activation.PRelu, blas, cudnn, ctx, modBorder, modPRelu); ConvolutionalLayer conv2 = new ConvolutionalLayer(patchSize, patchSize, 64, patchSize, patchSize, 64, batch, 5, 5, ConvolutionalLayer.Activation.PRelu, blas, cudnn, ctx, modBorder, modPRelu); ConvolutionalLayer conv3 = new ConvolutionalLayer(patchSize, patchSize, 64, patchSize, patchSize, 3, batch, 5, 5, ConvolutionalLayer.Activation.None, blas, cudnn, ctx, modBorder, modPRelu); start.ConnectFollowingLayer(conv1); conv1.ConnectFollowingLayer(conv2); conv2.ConnectFollowingLayer(conv3); conv3.ConnectFollowingLayer(final); CudaDeviceVariable <float3> imgA = new CudaDeviceVariable <float3>(patchSize4 * patchSize4); CudaDeviceVariable <float3> imgB = new CudaDeviceVariable <float3>(patchSize4 * patchSize4); CudaDeviceVariable <float> rawd = new CudaDeviceVariable <float>(patchSize4 * patchSize4); CudaDeviceVariable <float> inputImgs = new CudaDeviceVariable <float>(patchSize * patchSize * 3 * batch); CudaDeviceVariable <float> groundTrouth = new CudaDeviceVariable <float>(patchSize * patchSize * 3 * batch); NPPImage_8uC3 imgU3a = new NPPImage_8uC3(patchSize, patchSize); NPPImage_8uC3 imgU3b = new NPPImage_8uC3(patchSize, patchSize); NPPImage_8uC3 imgU3c = new NPPImage_8uC3(patchSize, patchSize); Bitmap a = new Bitmap(patchSize, patchSize, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Bitmap b = new Bitmap(patchSize, patchSize, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Bitmap c = new Bitmap(patchSize, patchSize, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Random randImageOutput = new Random(0); Random randForInit = new Random(0); start.InitRandomWeight(randForInit); conv1.SetActivation(0.1f); conv2.SetActivation(0.1f); int startEpoch = warmStart; FileStream fs; //restore network in case of warm start: if (warmStart > 0) { fs = new FileStream("epoch_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + "_" + (warmStart - 1) + ".cnn", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); start.RestoreValues(fs); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); } //validate results on validation data set if (crosscheck) { FileStream csvResult = new FileStream("results_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + ".csv", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(csvResult); sw.WriteLine("L1;L2;Mix;Filename"); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i += 1) { string filename = "epoch_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + "_" + i + ".cnn"; try { FileStream cnn = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); start.RestoreValues(cnn); cnn.Close(); cnn.Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Skipping: " + i); continue; } double errorL1 = 0; double errorL2 = 0; double errorMix = 0; for (int iter = 0; iter < testSize / batch * 4; iter++) { //Prepare batch for training: for (int ba = 0; ba < batch / 4; ba++) { int idx = iter * (batch / 4) + ba + trainingSize; float3[] original; float[] raw; if (baRAW[idx - trainingSize] == null) { original = ReadRAWFloat3(fileTrouthList[idx]); raw = ReadRAWFloat(fileRawList[idx]); baOriginal[idx - trainingSize] = original; baRAW[idx - trainingSize] = raw; } else { original = baOriginal[idx - trainingSize]; raw = baRAW[idx - trainingSize]; } rawd.CopyToDevice(raw); imgA.CopyToDevice(original); deBayerGreenKernel.RunSafe(rawd, imgB, patchSize4, new float3(0, 0, 0), WhiteBalanceFactors[idx]); deBayerRedBlueKernel.RunSafe(rawd, imgB, patchSize4, new float3(0, 0, 0), WhiteBalanceFactors[idx]); prepareDataKernel.RunSafe(imgA, imgB, groundTrouth, inputImgs, ba, normalization, WhiteBalanceFactors[idx]); } start.SetData(inputImgs); final.SetGroundTrouth(groundTrouth); float err = start.InferenceTraining(inputImgs); errorMix += err; errorL1 += final.GetError(FinalLayer.Norm.L1); errorL2 += final.GetError(FinalLayer.Norm.L2); } Console.WriteLine("Results for: " + filename); Console.WriteLine("Mean Error L1: " + errorL1 / testSize * batch / 4); Console.WriteLine("Mean Error L2: " + errorL2 / testSize * batch / 4); Console.WriteLine("Mean Error Mix: " + errorMix / testSize * batch / 4); sw.Write((errorL1 / testSize * batch / 4).ToString().Replace(".", ",")); sw.Write(";"); sw.Write((errorL2 / testSize * batch / 4).ToString().Replace(".", ",")); sw.Write(";"); sw.Write((errorMix / testSize * batch / 4).ToString().Replace(".", ",")); sw.Write(";"); sw.WriteLine(filename); sw.Flush(); } sw.Close(); csvResult.Close(); csvResult.Dispose(); } //or train existing network: else { double error = 0; double errorEpoch = 0; for (int epoch = startEpoch; epoch < 2000; epoch++) { errorEpoch = 0; error = 0; for (int iter = 0; iter < trainingSize / batch * 4; iter++) { //Prepare batch for training: for (int ba = 0; ba < batch / 4; ba++) { int idx = iter * (batch / 4) + ba; float3[] original; float[] raw; if (baRAW[idx] == null) { original = ReadRAWFloat3(fileTrouthList[idx]); raw = ReadRAWFloat(fileRawList[idx]); baOriginal[idx] = original; baRAW[idx] = raw; } else { original = baOriginal[idx]; raw = baRAW[idx]; } rawd.CopyToDevice(raw); imgA.CopyToDevice(original); deBayerGreenKernel.RunSafe(rawd, imgB, patchSize4, new float3(0, 0, 0), WhiteBalanceFactors[idx]); deBayerRedBlueKernel.RunSafe(rawd, imgB, patchSize4, new float3(0, 0, 0), WhiteBalanceFactors[idx]); prepareDataKernel.RunSafe(imgA, imgB, groundTrouth, inputImgs, ba, normalization, WhiteBalanceFactors[idx]); } start.SetData(inputImgs); final.SetGroundTrouth(groundTrouth); float err = start.InferenceTraining(inputImgs); final.BackPropagation(groundTrouth); start.UpdateWeights(GetLearningRate(epoch * (trainingSize) / batch * 4 + iter));//*0+951342 error += err; errorEpoch += err; if ((epoch * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter) % 1000 == 0 && iter != 0) { FileStream status = new FileStream("status_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + ".csv", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(status); sw.WriteLine((error / 1000.0).ToString().Replace(".", ",") + ";" + GetLearningRate(epoch * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter).ToString().Replace(".", ",")); sw.Close(); status.Close(); status.Dispose(); error = 0; } //if ((epoch * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter) % 10000 == 0) //{ // fs = new FileStream("iter_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + "_" + (epoch * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter) + ".cnn", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); // start.SaveValues(fs); // fs.Close(); // fs.Dispose(); // Console.WriteLine("Network saved for iteration " + (epoch * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter) + "!"); //} Console.WriteLine("Epoch: " + epoch + " Iteration: " + (epoch * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter) + ", Error: " + err); if (saveImages && iter == 0)//(epoch * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter) % 10000 == 0 && { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { int imgidx = randImageOutput.Next(batch); float3 wb = WhiteBalanceFactors[iter * (batch / 4) + imgidx / 4]; restoreImageKernel.RunSafe(groundTrouth, imgU3a, imgidx, wb.x, wb.y, wb.z, normalization); restoreImageKernel.RunSafe(inputImgs, imgU3b, imgidx, wb.x, wb.y, wb.z, normalization); CudaDeviceVariable <float> res = final.GetResult(); restoreImageKernel.RunSafe(res, imgU3c, imgidx, wb.x, wb.y, wb.z, normalization); imgU3a.CopyToHost(a); imgU3b.CopyToHost(b); imgU3c.CopyToHost(c); a.Save("GroundTrouth_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + "_" + epoch + "_" + imgidx + ".png");// * trainingSize / batch * 4 + iter b.Save("Input_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + "_" + epoch + "_" + imgidx + ".png"); c.Save("Result_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + "_" + epoch + "_" + imgidx + ".png"); } } } errorEpoch /= trainingSize / batch * 4; fs = new FileStream("errorEpoch_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + ".csv", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw2 = new StreamWriter(fs); sw2.WriteLine(errorEpoch.ToString().Replace(".", ",")); sw2.Close(); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); fs = new FileStream("epoch_" + learning_rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + ISO + "_" + epoch + ".cnn", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); start.SaveValues(fs); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); } } }